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← 2024-06-26 | 2024-07-01 →
Vex: neato, can it warn me 6 months before I need a new membrane, pump, whatever
dulapbot: (pest) 2024-06-27 asciilifeform: bought the solenoids, controller, etc but not gotten around to writing the proggy just yet
Vex: prolly ought to full up the tanks when power's plentiful too. adding more computer control to ro is a great idea.
Vex: idk how to measure a membrane as known good aside from makes good water
Vex sets bullshit to max, for science
Vex puts on safetey glasses
Vex: adlai! light!
Vex: musk took half a semester of industrial design, and he'll mine the first asteroid
Vex: people are gonna go halfway out, and they'll need water
Vex: what i was gonna say is you could sell your system to yachties, and island owners, aaa+ california growers
Vex: but you'd need a dutch industrial designer to make it look as expensive as it is. noone want's second best
Vex: prolly ought to look into membranes too
Vex: that's going in the notebook. how to make a ro membrane. right alongside is liz hurley still hot
Vex: sounds like my notebook is full of clickbait. fml
Vex: we're done talking unless you've got eny resin or cloth to part with. dude had the ro sorted
Vex: i love hearing gregor over on pest. he's mfg adjacent
Vex: noone knows so many proverbs
Vex: he could say one thing to a factory boss
Vex: most of em won't know
Vex: i'll save on alf's filters for now.
← 2024-06-26 | 2024-07-01 →