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← 2023-12-09 | 2023-12-12 →
dulapbot: (pest) 2023-12-07 asciilifeform: would be arguably neat imho. 0 electronic connections to anyffin (other than partner unit when generating pad) , watertight.
Vex: especially if it's small that it could be useful under duress
Vex: where fg was learn2rnd this could be learn2otp
Vex: crt, if you want to roll your own fg, the designer has provided low res masks of the layout that you might use in your fave cad software. breadboard indeed
Vex: the mind boggles at possible ALLCAPS snsa nomenclature for siad device. does the real nsa have a team of weirds doing that?
Vex: I say let jonsykkel name it. prolly woulda been a freaker
mats: Hot tbh
← 2023-12-09 | 2023-12-12 →