Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2023-03-24 | 2023-03-26 →
vex: they never tell you exactly when they write the call. it's a tardstalk tier investment.
vex: sythetix tried oil on buterin box. went away quite quickly with no fanfare
vex: even if they were cooking the books poorly, ubs oughta have cunts who can fiz it write?
vex: i don't even give a fuck, but it must be super embarrassing for switzerland
vex: toblerone is made at jurovs factory now, the watches still don't kepp time, and oh. bankrupt
vex: i know phf doesn't usually read on the a logs...
vex: nevermind. gm it is
vex: although. i go have a raggedy old ford in mind
vex: well go shearing at crt's house
vex: if theres no merinos, we'll push on
vex: i don't think the lux will keep up.
vex: i'll prolly be newted. crtdaydreams, if you can get me back on the highway with some epic skids, that'd be cool
vex: just west. follow ph in that noisy wb
vex: prolly fuelling up at Roma
← 2023-03-24 | 2023-03-26 →