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← 2023-01-18 | 2023-01-20 →
vex: loving the pest logs. so cool to imagine what's in folkzz garages and libraries
vex: I wonder whatd' be theoretically attainable if the resources were pooled.
vex: I reckon new goals would quickly appear, and new resources would be needed
vex: inevitably sone says "if only we had", sonelks pipes up, "oh"
vex: "i've got a g2, still in the plastic. came with the beer fridge"
vex: if all the garages were under one roof.
vex: imagine jonsykkel making use of the floorspace before the machines come in.
vex: ie doing hektik skids
vex: 6 months later and the whole crew is building polaris diffs. dafaq even happened?
vex: hive cave dilemma
vex: OH shit i'm becoming non binary
vex: not like in a chicks with dicks way.
vex: or maybe that's great example
vex goes to imagine some conscript kid on r&r from the war. In Vietnam.
vex: which fella's mother cried more?
vex: I've been in the fride alf
vex: *beer fridge
vex: garage business
vex: so you want this sem or what? it's holding up the record player, I'll trade it for a tabler
vex: i'm joking of course.
vex: it'll cost you a cou[pla bc
asciilifeform not shopping for anyffin substantial atm, esp. not from other continents (lulzily, bought a furniture from eu and it's still stuck in customs 2wks later..) , but ty
vex: real wood eh?
asciilifeform: not even
vex: ah. cool
vex: last thing I bought from os was bitmain stuff. got fucked on customs
asciilifeform: unrelatedly, vex , why aintcha on pestnet ? there's a trivial door right here
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-01-18 18:27:54 unpx: !!peer unpx
vex: trivial to you is not the same for all
vex: truthfully, probaly like mats, I wory about maintaining the machine
asciilifeform: vex: what didja find to be the hard part ?
vex: I haven't tried
vex: I don't mind looking like a dumass, so long as it doesn't affect other people
vex: i never really finished my comsci degree
asciilifeform: pluggin in a pestron aint rocket surgery, but watever
vex: it's easy to get left behind. i think you might underestimate your knowledge base
vex: over a lifetime, we build different skills, i'm sucking pussy and deleting numbers over here
vex: I mean. I prolly could pest...
vex: but truly there's such great discussion there; i'd feel inferior
asciilifeform: exact same sorta discussion that usedto be here
vex: you & phf is pretty good. I like listening quietly
vex: prolly over 9^1 listeners feel the same. yes thats a 1
vex: maybe more.
vex: I don't know too much about anything. even sucking pussy. shinohai prolly has me licked
vex: irc server suits me fine. I'll find the path of least resist
vex: actually, something signpost said, which I wont reference directly got me thinking
vex: How do I appear to another head? shit's vast
vex: the warning signs in my garage are legit
vex: i'd like to invite asciilifeform, but you kinda need to acidentially walk by for garage inspections. pet sure as shit won't cook you anything.
vex: not her forte'
vex: think jurov, think vulpes. we're going to the pub or shit's gonna catch firew
vex: how drunk do you get vex? smoke alarm talks to the gas supply
← 2023-01-18 | 2023-01-20 →