Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2023-01-16 | 2023-01-18 →
vex: it's becoming increasingly difficult to absorb the pest (dev) logs without hands on experience
vex: pretty useless observation, but there you have it
vex: in other useless observations, asciilifeform, ur gui shares a name with moxies' boat from his film
vex: and here's mp from the same era, possibly discussing the merits of a wool coat compared to a leather coat.
vex: colin hay, cunt got sued coz a `men at work' song sounded like an australian nursery rhyme. some bastard seppo bought the rights to the old piano sheet music written by some lovely duck at the country womens' association. all your kookaburras are belong to us.
vex goes to reread the logs re: pest coinage. i know it's been considered asciilifeform.
asciilifeform: vex: prolly there are over9000 similarly named items of whatever kind.
← 2023-01-16 | 2023-01-18 →