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← 2022-09-19 | 2022-09-25 →
vex didn't expect hotwheels to become hotwheels barbie
vex: was unsure if the fervor for deadnaming was ironic or not
vex: i only asked about suicides because he sold his imaheboard
vex: hwad prolly seen some shit
vex: deleted
vex: a man of means
asciilifeform: vex: who?
vex: copypaste
asciilifeform: !q seen-anywhere copypaste
dulapbot: copypaste last seen in #asciilifeform on 2022-09-16 12:55:21: oh lol ok sorry i will figure it out soonish , that old gpg key is somewhere in my archive
vex: extracted himself from da phil by all accounts
vex: we might expect that he had assistance
vex: perhaps it's telling that I coulda pushed a jap onto the tracks on 8ch
asciilifeform not read 8ch, so cannot comment in depth
vex: if only it were lolcats
vex: sysop is gonna find strnage
vex: hotwheelas can't tell if its jurov or mircea
vex: i kinda likr the guy. I'LL INVITE PHF NOT TO FLING IT OFF A CLIFF
vex: terrible accident of capslock
vex: how may dogfuckers did you see copypaste?
vex: ceo business
vex: did you ever sell info?
copypaste: what an idiot
copypaste: can't even idle
copypaste: not worth my time replying if user is such a scrub he can't stick around lmfao
asciilifeform: wb copypaste
asciilifeform: copypaste: didja get chance to try connecting to jonsykkel's pest station ?
copypaste: asciilifeform: not yet. that gpg key might be gone. probably not though. i think it is more l33t to be able to sign w/such old key even tho its not my current one, lol, so i will keep looking for it
copypaste: when i find it though i really should probably sign a revokation haha.
asciilifeform: copypaste: could make new one (and later when find old one sign new w/ old)
asciilifeform: it aint as if n00bs aint welcome and 'folx w/ ancient keys only plz' on pestnet
asciilifeform: pestron revvup is gnarly b/c prototype, rather than 'hate n00bs'
copypaste: that could be but he signed it with my old key so i would like to verify it as i haev been puttng off looking 4 that key
copypaste: i know i have it somewhere
← 2022-09-19 | 2022-09-25 →