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← 2022-09-15 | 2022-09-17 →
jonsykkel: copypaste: bruh
jonsykkel: its a message containing pestkey encripted for u using ur gpgkey found here http://wot.deedbot.org/6f12ec72a82abca35235063a10ddc983901aa183.html
jonsykkel: (pestnet using symetric keys so cannot simply baste it 2 u)
asciilifeform: copypaste: see here re wat-do with jonsykkel's peering info ( you want PEER jonsykkel , then, KEY jonsykkel thekeyhegaveyou , then, AT jonsykkel theaddrinfohegaveyou )
copypaste: oh lol ok sorry i will figure it out soonish , that old gpg key is somewhere in my archive
← 2022-09-15 | 2022-09-17 →