Results 1 ... 7 found in asciilifeform for 'rsatron'
asciilifeform: hypothetically there may exist undiscovered algos (for that matter, even ones that'd nail rsa, lol. then can go back and say that entire class of rsatrons -- 'defective', straight to stoke furnace then)
asciilifeform: and so happens that i've already posted world's simplest rsatron. which, also happens, beats koch's speedwise even w/out bvt's asmism patches.
asciilifeform: my ffa plan includes eventual port to that machine, for pocket-sized rsatronics.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-04-27 13:51:41 asciilifeform: afaik all old rsatrons used euclid's algo for the m-even case. i.e. with division. which cannot be constant-timespaced .
asciilifeform: afaik all old rsatrons used euclid's algo for the m-even case. i.e. with division. which cannot be constant-timespaced .
asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: the likely reason you haven't heard of it, is that most traditional rsatrons use montgomery's. which dun work on even #s, and this is considered acceptable usually in single-purpose rsa proggy. but doesn't cut in in general-purpose numeric system .
asciilifeform: ( an iron rsatron , in pci card, ~might~, but they'll have one some time after they have mars colony )