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| Results 251 ... 253 found in asciilifeform for 'rng'

asciilifeform: mats: you understand, i need for own needs rng. and i , like rube, signed an idiot agreement that allowed 100% of personal inventory to get repossessed .
asciilifeform: PeterL: see, per the new mp-cosmography, asciilifeform ~hypnotized~ mp et al into using v, trng, gentoo, ..., etc. ( this is quite a compliment , imho, 'hypnotized world's greatest hypnotist' , but i dun particularly care for compliments )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: it'll be a while before will have rng in these, tho. (unless you want to colo 1 of yours.) mp wants his back, and takes coupla months for asciilifeform to commission moar. (which i'ma do, and mp not in million yrs will do, even w/ schematics it requires hands that grow from torso.)
