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Results 1 ... 6 found in asciilifeform for 'f:asc 80col'

asciilifeform working w/ commercial client who doesn't do 80col (or any limit at all) and the coad looks like shit on paper
asciilifeform: cgra: asciilifeform does 80cols where possible. reason being that asciilifeform uses 1) portrait-mode displays 2) printers
asciilifeform: gnat under max-fascism btw sets '>80col is eggog'. as is right an' proper.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: i suppose if yer already using nonstandard character sets for aplism, not much risk of anyone inadvertently reading yer proggy and 'grr, fella won't do 80col..'
asciilifeform: from my pov, folx who think '80col is optional' are roughly similar to those who believe 'washing is optional'
asciilifeform: shinohai: i use an 80col printer for instance. (and emacs calibrated to 80col. and so on.)