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ascii_butugychag: no mirror shenanigans.
ascii_butugychag: circa 1994.
ascii_butugychag: for u.s. disa.
ascii_butugychag: ^ this is, best as i can tell, a legit key
ascii_butugychag: somehow we missed this nyoooz item:
ascii_butugychag: ty BingoBoingo
ascii_butugychag: every time.
ascii_butugychag: networkeggog!111111111111
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: sks is the noncooperating thing.
ascii_butugychag: ebcydick lives ?!!!!
ascii_butugychag: using the X509_NAME_oneline() function on EBCDIC systems.'
ascii_butugychag: 'ASN1 Strings that are over 1024 bytes can cause an overread in applications
ascii_butugychag: the one with the rusting junkyard robot.
ascii_butugychag: i forget which. some animated shit.
ascii_butugychag: this was already pictured in some film
ascii_butugychag: thus far the only sore arse is mine afaik.
ascii_butugychag: where is, i'd like to know, the rape ?
ascii_butugychag: ask questions, and 'yer a nutter'
ascii_butugychag: or boston bomb.
ascii_butugychag: it happened just as michael hastings happened.
ascii_butugychag: this is small change.
ascii_butugychag: they disappeared the fucking kaiser.
ascii_butugychag: soon enough.
ascii_butugychag: sks will report what told to report.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: and at any rate 'they planted'em in 2013! who you gonna believe, obamitler or some ru rando'
ascii_butugychag: 'network error'.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: i tried 4 of'em, none work
ascii_butugychag: meuh: not a bug.
ascii_butugychag: (on archive attempt)
ascii_butugychag: 'Error: Network error.'
ascii_butugychag: there is no way to watch for mischief where modulus is lifted WHOLESALE, without also listing a boatload of this rubbish, unfortunately.
ascii_butugychag: and gpg creates dupes when folks sign one another's keys, yes
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: thing is not all that consistent, iirc
ascii_butugychag: and misrepresents.
ascii_butugychag: then someone else takes your modulus, and welds own username string to it
ascii_butugychag: say you, like a n00b might, sign the message 'yes, meet me at midnight on the crossroad'
ascii_butugychag: meuh: do you understand why dupes are listed ?
ascii_butugychag: he appeared in a bug bulletin before ?
ascii_butugychag: so it is only relevant here in the sense described above.
ascii_butugychag: fromphuctor__: know that gnupg never used openssl.
ascii_butugychag: check it out, mircea_popescu .
ascii_butugychag: (Red Hat) and independently by Hanno Böck in April 2015.'
ascii_butugychag: negative zero integers) was reported to OpenSSL by Huzaifa Sidhpurwala
ascii_butugychag: 'The first bug (mishandling of
ascii_butugychag: unknown turd is now hero!11111111
ascii_butugychag: they credibility-sprayed him.
ascii_butugychag: ahahahaha hanno bock
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: the fella who unplugged Dulap-1 every weekened was also rando ru guy.
ascii_butugychag: meuh, mircea_popescu : this happens IF AND ONLY IF the modulus recurrs in its entirety inside another key.
ascii_butugychag: but now see the down-side, aha ?
ascii_butugychag: why are we using some rando's archiver again ?
ascii_butugychag: sks has the idiot new ssl thing
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: i suspect that i know why
ascii_butugychag: this is correct behaviour.
ascii_butugychag: annointed by the light of the holy one !11111
ascii_butugychag: mit, no doubt.
ascii_butugychag: ahaha why not !
ascii_butugychag: and create 'provable' whatever.
ascii_butugychag: i find it strange that they wouldn't go for broke and break the idiot's dsa key for the occasion
ascii_butugychag: trinque: that might be it.
ascii_butugychag: only one possible destination, the stake.
ascii_butugychag: and the man has to be a lunatic, who would sign up for this? it is like signing up as court alchemist in 17th c
ascii_butugychag: what the fuck is the actual point ?
ascii_butugychag: seems like full-bore production
ascii_butugychag: speaking of, i'm told that latest recycled shitoshi is now being paraded on american tv
ascii_butugychag: i suspect i've already been killed and now in a hell of sorts.
ascii_butugychag: woah they're still coming
ascii_butugychag: 'iz zis nazi lande sooo goood ?? we would leeeeeve it, if we could!' -- 'donald duck in naziland'
ascii_butugychag: it is, perhaps, why i'm still alive - if 'accidented', then, e.g., trb, suddenly becomes more interesting to a buncha folk
ascii_butugychag: ~same as a fella who watches 8h of tv a day, i imagine.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: my point was that in nazi land i get ranked as simply a very lazy nazi who spends time on ???? rather than properly drilling with the other ss men
ascii_butugychag: Apocalyptic: because of the 'deniable' sabotage of replacing moduli with random ints
ascii_butugychag: i was hired, for instance, partly on the basis of my ancient shithub acct
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu sometimes forgets that i'm in a jail
ascii_butugychag: the people who control my food and roof ?
ascii_butugychag: and soon hanno ! i bet.
ascii_butugychag: visit, e.g., pediwikia, re rsa factoring, it's all heninger
ascii_butugychag: and then 'they made it all up'.
ascii_butugychag: soon they will be on my disk and yours only.
ascii_butugychag: watch'em vanish from all 'historic' archives of sks etc.
ascii_butugychag: as if it were in doubt.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: the 'consensus shapers' are all working the angle of 'these terrorists planted the keyz'
ascii_butugychag: where is this ?
ascii_butugychag: ^ they F8K3D it all!!1111111
ascii_butugychag: virtually always, they are older than i am
ascii_butugychag: every other year i do end up dragging my arse to uni library solely to excavate forth a paper
ascii_butugychag: ' your ideological battles should not be waged on the backs of readers and authors who dedicate their lives to producing and disseminating good science. But if you want to commit career suicide, no one will stop you.'
ascii_butugychag: (picture a trb box eating blocks via diode, and shitting tx out another diode, when the knife switch is on, strictly)
ascii_butugychag: but there are several 'off label' uses, aha.
ascii_butugychag: the point was actually to hunt for leakz
ascii_butugychag: that you can theoretically maintain an airgapped trb node...
ascii_butugychag: btw this means, in case nobody noticed in the summer,
ascii_butugychag: and can be used even on a nic-less box
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: eatblock is deterministic
ascii_butugychag: it certainly ~is~
ascii_butugychag: but i can't argue that the serial processing is asinine
ascii_butugychag: if they were full.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: it takes ~10-20s on a reasonable box, for a full block
ascii_butugychag: i thought we've been through this 1,001 times.
ascii_butugychag: and nodes haven't any actual hard identity as consequence
ascii_butugychag: because we haven't any crypto
ascii_butugychag: we have no such thing as 'connect to trusted node'
ascii_butugychag: !s orphanage
ascii_butugychag: DID open up.
ascii_butugychag: because it is fucktarded.
ascii_butugychag: i killed this with my own hands
ascii_butugychag: the stock sync mechanism is batshit insane
ascii_butugychag: and transmission of blocks which can't possibly be absorbed at time t
ascii_butugychag: but i/o derpery
ascii_butugychag: and i measured what takes up most of a sync time - it isn't verification
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: actually it would be quite trivial to parallelize, i just haven't the hands presently
ascii_butugychag: PeterL: sign a copy of the blockchain, then push it to new box...
ascii_butugychag: this is, iirc, ~20% bytewise
ascii_butugychag: as it will refuse to relay most tx.
ascii_butugychag: but i must point out that a trb node that isn't synced should not be added to connection lists
ascii_butugychag: congrats shinohai
ascii_butugychag: ^ for educational reading, in case this is not obvious, rather than for battlefield
ascii_butugychag: ;;later tell mircea_popescu << crypto algo zoo
ascii_butugychag: and imho this is not an entirely inconsequential thing, and ought to be remembered.
ascii_butugychag: but even now, folks who get their sets from mod6's mirror, and folks who get theirs from the ml, are on divergent lightcones
ascii_butugychag: light cones will be relevant once we get autonomous bots scouring the universe for v set components...
ascii_butugychag: anyway i can only suggest, if mod6 wants to call his 'bzortl' this is his to make
ascii_butugychag: you press - a set.
ascii_butugychag: your press is what you get from pressing a set.
ascii_butugychag: your lightcone is all of the possible parts you have access to, and know of, at all, that you might build a set with
ascii_butugychag: your 'set' is specifically what you have in a particular v shot, usually this includes your conscious choices for that run
ascii_butugychag: i suppose i should restate
ascii_butugychag: i will half-seriously suggest that we refer to the ~set of patches, seals, keys~ that a particular vtron is aware of at his particular point in spacetime, as... his lightcone
ascii_butugychag: but with possible local variations. sorta like relativistic mechanics.
ascii_butugychag: v supports one time - 'now'
ascii_butugychag: anyone recall mircea_popescu's fable about the trucks ?
ascii_butugychag: also no prizes for this guess, but 100% of the 'power8' will be running poetteringola and drepperism
ascii_butugychag: (nothing else. no nic, bring own dc power to rail)
ascii_butugychag: but i would readily pay 10k for a box with ONLY open fpga
ascii_butugychag: and therefore is weak honeypot sauce.
ascii_butugychag: just that it is unlikely to end up on the desks of the poor 'lone types' mircea_popescu discussed earlier
ascii_butugychag: i don't object to the price, this is quite cheap for a proper computer
ascii_butugychag: here we go.
ascii_butugychag: !s specificity diddling
ascii_butugychag: !s specificity principle
ascii_butugychag: but notice how this is not so.
ascii_butugychag: this being said, if the thing consisted 100% of ~documented~ fpga fabric, i would buy it
ascii_butugychag: but no, 3+k
ascii_butugychag: also the nsa fund for this must've been quite pitiful, one would at least suppose they could have it secretly subsidized so it prices to sell !
ascii_butugychag: BingoBoingo: also gotta love how a single-source, 'monoculture' box built by ibm, as far from wot as can possibly be imagined, is now somehow an appealing thing for 'phree' enthusiasts
ascii_butugychag: i can see how this might come in handy
ascii_butugychag: (the crate has not come in yet)
ascii_butugychag: BingoBoingo: theoretically
ascii_butugychag: (for lulz)
ascii_butugychag: at least i finally hunted down a 'thinkpad x60'
ascii_butugychag: BingoBoingo: i specifically mean his 'follow my example, use this here iron!!111' 'but no there is no place for you to get it, hahahaha'
ascii_butugychag: recall his loongson ?
ascii_butugychag: BingoBoingo: gotta love the unobtainium
ascii_butugychag: (did i even have the filename in there? no matter, this is what we want)
ascii_butugychag: mod6 et al: is it now clear why i had this knob ?
ascii_butugychag: mod6: looks just like what i had, aha
ascii_butugychag: (apparently they almost invariably even piss away 100% of the serious money that is paid to them)
ascii_butugychag: and all sum to 0.
ascii_butugychag: idiot stotting bulls are a dime a dozen.
ascii_butugychag: it is a chunk of stone, but at least it is ~rare~
ascii_butugychag: personally i find the daily life, birth and death of that meteorite linked earlier, more interesting
ascii_butugychag: i really do not grasp why BingoBoingo enthusiastically follows the doings of walking hindbrains, but that's his business
ascii_butugychag: (and likely also the policeman, but that is outside the scope)
ascii_butugychag: the ball player
ascii_butugychag: for this reason.
ascii_butugychag: su police, at least formally, were forbidden to appear anywhere in public except as 2+ man group.
ascii_butugychag: again, what do you expect from a walking hindbrain ?
ascii_butugychag: because idiot bull ?
ascii_butugychag: in other equally-interesting news, somebody somewhere prolly got mauled by a rabid dog today.
ascii_butugychag: this too is part of the 'unequal terms' thing
ascii_butugychag: (vs same done to somebody else)
ascii_butugychag: ianal, but afaik most usa subjurisdictions multiply penalty manyfold for damaging a whole policeman
ascii_butugychag: but the very definition of police is the unequal terms.
ascii_butugychag: BingoBoingo: sport snore
ascii_butugychag: the tone of that article is vomit-inducing
ascii_butugychag: somebody nail their feet to the ground !
ascii_butugychag: nubbins`: oh noez, fleeing serfs !
ascii_butugychag: add moar gurlz, or something
ascii_butugychag: use smart folks
ascii_butugychag: (it was a compendium of writings of a sci.crypt usenet crackpot)
ascii_butugychag: and the timecube linked earlier, was an even better illustration
ascii_butugychag: the one with the caesar ciphers
ascii_butugychag: and i think mircea_popescu had an article specially about this
ascii_butugychag: in the same way as 'don't cut open a man's abdomen if you want him to live' is ~generally~ correct
ascii_butugychag: 'but mustn't do that, schneier told us never to write own crypto'
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: it is almost possible to catalogue the cockroaches typically infesting n00b heads - for instance, having a set of 'too big to contemplate' steps, such as junking 'nacl' et al and writing own libs
ascii_butugychag: godel famously starved because, in his words, he was convinced that he was being poisoned.
ascii_butugychag: and his answer may well be 'i'll die of starvation instead of eating fallout, fuckyou'
ascii_butugychag: which, for the typical usaschwitz 'dissident' - may well be ~true~
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: possibly kid imagines that the company of others leads directly to 'militia', and usg stoolies, and straight into jail
ascii_butugychag: nubbins`: nobody ever cancelled it
ascii_butugychag: 'the spice must flow', the waterfall gotta get refilled
ascii_butugychag: (of 'letting him go')
ascii_butugychag: which was the whole point.
ascii_butugychag: likely, the keyz
ascii_butugychag: and in defense of mircea_popescu , the arithmetical boojum involved was a subtle one, sorta like montyhall
ascii_butugychag: whereas your otp in the field is the one you have.
ascii_butugychag: but with the difference that one might, given a miracle, find more ammo
ascii_butugychag: running out of otp is rather like running out of ammo,
ascii_butugychag: ^ aha! dingdingding correct
ascii_butugychag: i was surprised how nobody reacted to that mega-l0ltr0n
ascii_butugychag: i always found interesting the kind of lice and worms these folks usually walk in with
ascii_butugychag: where did the diode fella who came in from the cold come from ?
ascii_butugychag: i suppose this then is one of those 'salvation of the drowning..' situations.
ascii_butugychag: mega-unsurprise, they don't appear to exist
ascii_butugychag: ;;later tell mircea_popescu do you know of any working implementations of cramer-shoup other than the emacslisp one i linked last week ?
ascii_butugychag: how was the submarine ?
ascii_butugychag: wb nubbins` !
ascii_butugychag: (actually posing the question often produces many little 'bill gates'-en, who famously uttered a hope that one day 'science may discover a means of factoring large primes')
ascii_butugychag: i kinda wonder, how many of the folks barfing, could explain how, e.g., rsa, works, to save own life
ascii_butugychag: or is the magic spoodge of the fuhrer, reward enough.
ascii_butugychag: incidentally, i don't recall usg paying out any prize at all for aes nomination
