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ascii_butugychag: now this is so.
ascii_butugychag: and there are always more, more, more... of them.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu, i suppose, is a natural-born exterminator. whereas i see crushing, poisoning vermin as hard thankless work
ascii_butugychag: yes, there is a figure, from a distance. wax doll.
ascii_butugychag: the whole shebang is approx. as alive as... lenin
ascii_butugychag has been trying to detect 'signs of intelligent life' in the cryptological world, a very depressing exercise
ascii_butugychag: !s feeling of power
ascii_butugychag: or, for that matter, of euclid
ascii_butugychag: of course not
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: i had never even heard of it prior
ascii_butugychag: for ~2 days now.
ascii_butugychag: << that'd be 9 but seems like bucephalus is blackholed
ascii_butugychag: bahahawat
ascii_butugychag: is there somewhere, i wonder, a perl script, that pastes this pediwikian claptrap in
ascii_butugychag: l0ltr0n1c
ascii_butugychag: Proving hardness is something you do for asymmetrical ciphers, but asymmetrical ciphers are way too slow to be useful for actual messages.'
ascii_butugychag: 'Also, he awards bonus points for proofs of hardness. No one has managed to prove hardness for any existing block cipher. Block ciphers are simply ways to jumble the plaintext up in a reversible fashion. They are not based on difficult mathematical problems.
ascii_butugychag: i'll pass.
ascii_butugychag: 20+ years of vintage to choose from.
ascii_butugychag: buy all the 'power' arch boxen you want.
ascii_butugychag: if you want this - straight to ebay
ascii_butugychag: also gotta love the 'free, open workstation' where the sole component supplier is ibm
ascii_butugychag: (ibm certainly doesn't)
ascii_butugychag: but no mention of who makes it, or where
ascii_butugychag: ' utilizes open-toolchain FPGAs' << this, i'd like to see
ascii_butugychag: (~we~, i think, know how - but does the peanut gallery?)
ascii_butugychag: i'm a bit surprised that nobody whined re: the most obvious boojum of mircea_popescu's contest - how will it be judged.
ascii_butugychag: 'to the cow, farmer is a large cow' or how did it go
ascii_butugychag: << the obligatory mircea_popescuphobiacs come out from their holes
ascii_butugychag: BingoBoingo: qntra ^ ?
ascii_butugychag: (wtf is anyone still using dh ??)
ascii_butugychag: 'A post to a technical forum discovered that the non-prime parameter was introduced more than a year ago. A note in the commit indicates that Socat was not working in FIPS mode because it requires a 1024 Diffie-Hellman prime, and added that a developer named Zhiang Wang provided a patch with the new prime. The poster revealed that Wang works at Oracle and contributes to Socat.'
ascii_butugychag: ^ mega-l0l
ascii_butugychag: '“I cannot for sure rule out the possibility of a backdoor,” said Gerhard Rieger, a Socat maintainer. “But personally I do not believe that the contributor has a backdoor because he uses an email address at a well known and reputated company, and if someone wants to install such a backdoor he would not use a parameter that can easily be proven as non prime.”'
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu et al ^ ?
ascii_butugychag: unrelatedly,
ascii_butugychag: punkman: the one with bernstein's proposed enhancements - possibly.
ascii_butugychag: somebody tell microshit
ascii_butugychag: i tried, and failed, to make sense of that piece.
ascii_butugychag: perhaps he smoked dope ?
ascii_butugychag: write to him, ask ?
ascii_butugychag: srsly, nfi
ascii_butugychag: which is notably not the case in, e.g., rsa.
ascii_butugychag: it means that decryption of arbitary input doesn't leak key bits
ascii_butugychag: i even like the (beefed up) mceliece
ascii_butugychag: i like shoup.
ascii_butugychag: ben_vulpes: wut
ascii_butugychag: on account of arsebook's 'business edition' launching, no doubt
ascii_butugychag: ;;later tell mircea_popescu << in elisp, no less
ascii_butugychag: holy shit is that thing massive.
ascii_butugychag: the 'holy grail' appeal of unbreakable usgtronics everywhere is irresistible to hitler.
ascii_butugychag: see linked thread re: why.
ascii_butugychag: punkman: see logs re: homomorphic crypto
ascii_butugychag: ^ from my multi-year attempt to find out something definitive re: the strength of mceliece
ascii_butugychag: and most of it, in better shape than ~ever~ - precisely then.
ascii_butugychag: pretty much everything i give half a shit about was in better shape in 1900 than today.
ascii_butugychag: to say 'in the past' is as sane now as it would be after a nuclear war.
ascii_butugychag: not indifferent.
ascii_butugychag: use of precise definitions, rigorous proofs, and formal reasoning in any field.'
ascii_butugychag: '...y, I have never been able to understand why any mathematician would discourage the
ascii_butugychag: or better still
ascii_butugychag: having proofs in the first place.'
ascii_butugychag: with more frequency then we might like. But this surely does not eradicate the importance of
ascii_butugychag: Problems” of the Clay Mathematics Institute) is settled. Do mistakes happen? Occasionally, and
ascii_butugychag: this has also been shown to be inherent until the P vs. NP question (one of the seven “Millennium
ascii_butugychag: scheme may be deployed.) Are most (but not all!) results in cryptography conditional? Yes, but
ascii_butugychag: security; a given definition is not necessarily appropriate for all possible environments in which a
ascii_butugychag: invalidate the proof. (A proof of security is always given with respect to a particular definition of
ascii_butugychag: a scheme that has been proven secure still succumb to a real-world attack? Yes, but this does not
ascii_butugychag: proofs in modern cryptography are as meaningful as proofs in any other area of mathematics. Can
ascii_butugychag: (which I will be happy to do upon request of the editors), let me assure those readers that
ascii_butugychag: 'Without dissecting Koblitz’s arguments point-bypoint
ascii_butugychag: ahahah this is just too good
ascii_butugychag: i know this is hard to see from the dirigible.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: the folks in question are the 'unique brand of stupid' because this is ~MANDATORY~ if you want to make a living doing what they do.
ascii_butugychag: heroes hang when traitors triumph (tm) (r)
ascii_butugychag: see tarver's 'mozard vanishes'
ascii_butugychag: pgp key returns 404...
ascii_butugychag: and l0l, seem like he still works there
ascii_butugychag: looks like some intro to crypto uni course
ascii_butugychag: wats this
ascii_butugychag: or the idiot pgp revocation cert sense
ascii_butugychag: dead key notice in the human sense ?
ascii_butugychag: and the man he apprenticed under, and so on
ascii_butugychag: e.g., brin the elder, is in there
ascii_butugychag: pretty complete re: modern folk
ascii_butugychag: 'ugly chick'
ascii_butugychag: just that it was sitting there.
ascii_butugychag: i did not say it was good !
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: the thing is only as good as the record
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: it's their try at... vtronics
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: nonono
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: there is not a single unified 'playing field', no. what there is, is a torch carried by maybe 3-5 people at a time. ever.
ascii_butugychag: !s speak with one voice
ascii_butugychag: guess who !
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: they are scar tissue.
ascii_butugychag: can ignore pissants, but cannot conjure a honest research community into existence.
ascii_butugychag: does mircea_popescu recall the eotvos thread ?
ascii_butugychag: lysenko - won, here.
ascii_butugychag: and they aren't wrong about this.
ascii_butugychag: they are saying: 'fuck you, WE ARE the field'
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: the lulz are circa '07
ascii_butugychag: or, more correctly speaking, the prevention thereof.
ascii_butugychag: the one usg is playing is about asymmetric crypto, mainly
ascii_butugychag: which game ?
ascii_butugychag: usg is really getting desperate to get folks off rsa
ascii_butugychag: incidentally the nist turd linked earlier was pure gold
ascii_butugychag: ^ glorious
ascii_butugychag: then again, his last post was dated '07
ascii_butugychag: i'm kinda surprised they never had him shot
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: the lawsuit crackpot linked earlier was, imho, pure gold. he was genuinely convinced that rule-of-law was a thing! and kept picking, picking at the cracks in it, utterly mystified that every single judge 'lost' his papers, etc
ascii_butugychag: mats: she doesn't have to. ~you~ will carry her pack.
ascii_butugychag: hell, more often by own side.
ascii_butugychag: whole platoon ?
ascii_butugychag: how many died to save her
ascii_butugychag: mats: aha
ascii_butugychag: what was that wheelchair chick's name, i forget.
ascii_butugychag: so yes, mats gets to die gallantly so a butch lesbian can captain a carrier
ascii_butugychag: and right now aspiring brass have problems securing promotion because 'no combat experience'
ascii_butugychag: see, modern us army is, among other things, a machine for making female brass
ascii_butugychag: (and not vice-versa)
ascii_butugychag: how many us folk realize that usa was mega-power in mid-20th ~because~ it was a place where folks like ulam wanted to live ?
ascii_butugychag: minor digression, but speaking of ulam,
ascii_butugychag: consider posting
ascii_butugychag: << whaddayaknow, it has a www.
ascii_butugychag: ever do the ulam spiral ?
ascii_butugychag: for some reason, i came to associate him with lisp programming in my head.
ascii_butugychag: that very same.
ascii_butugychag: (he, iirc, was choking on something)
ascii_butugychag: the one hitler has, which emerges at the press of a button, when suction is required ?
ascii_butugychag: remember the 'desk elephant' ?
ascii_butugychag: thestringpuller: ever see film 'fifth element' ?
ascii_butugychag: danielpbarron was a cryptographer ?
ascii_butugychag: aha, hindbrain learns.
ascii_butugychag: like the legendary nazi electric shock typing tutor.
ascii_butugychag: but fair point, i'ma add three arms to it.
ascii_butugychag: virtually 0 downtime.
ascii_butugychag: also will nitpick, not idle, hosting the #1 trbtron since day 1.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: took me about that long last time iirc
ascii_butugychag: the imbecilatronics will continue exactly as now until physically unplugged, i suspect
ascii_butugychag: yes but what precisely is the point of a block cipher that is slower ~and~ bulkier than abused-rsa.
ascii_butugychag: (simply keep both keys secret)
ascii_butugychag: can abuse public key crypto
ascii_butugychag: block ciphers are not actually necessary if we discard the speed requirement
ascii_butugychag: re: earlier thread:
ascii_butugychag: ^ aha, pre-dmca.
ascii_butugychag: or, more plausibly, the last pgptron gave up its smoke after being used in hand-to-hand combat
ascii_butugychag: and now what.
ascii_butugychag: except that odoacer III meanwhile broke rsa and collided sha512
ascii_butugychag: nah, the trouble is always same, 'wtf did it all mean'
ascii_butugychag: even v users will get in trouble if we get 200 year gap where no v and no perl, etc
ascii_butugychag: !s looms destroyed
ascii_butugychag: phf: do you recall mircea_popescu's top hat ?
ascii_butugychag: the problem is that no such plans exist for ~anything~ except as part of the engineering context of their time
ascii_butugychag: (details of metallurgy, fabrication, etc)
ascii_butugychag: actual total plans for something include intermediates
ascii_butugychag: thestringpuller: this is a very 'hollywood' conception of 'blueprints'
ascii_butugychag: !s fogbank
ascii_butugychag: learn ru.
ascii_butugychag: it is on the net
ascii_butugychag: why would it vanish?
ascii_butugychag: -- because it maxed out in 1960s.
ascii_butugychag: thestringpuller: it is a dead field for different reason entirely.
ascii_butugychag: sorta how i'm being paid, through a pyramid of derpatronic intermediaries, 'not to tmsr' for 8h/d
ascii_butugychag: usg is doing a decent job of paying most qualified folks ~not~ to crypto.
ascii_butugychag: anyway, poor people shoot, rich - bribe.
ascii_butugychag: the champs of recent history re: both-at-once was prolly israel. hence a dead gerald bull.
ascii_butugychag: in su - first-class reptilian wetwork, dogvomit manage
ascii_butugychag: dogvomit execution, reptilian management
ascii_butugychag: sorta funny how us is rather like an inverse su in this respect
ascii_butugychag: so stuck with the meat circus.
ascii_butugychag: pet sayeth, i simply haven't merited my bullet yet
ascii_butugychag: or the one who came by my old office disguised as 'friendly neighbour, retired blahblahblah'
ascii_butugychag: (that's right)
ascii_butugychag: or the derp who called me on the disconnected phone?
ascii_butugychag: hey which stalin should i phone re: ninjashotgun?
ascii_butugychag: a wild cryptographer is as tolerable to usg as a wild nuke designer.
ascii_butugychag: and for all i know - that is where he lives now!11
ascii_butugychag: he was being pushed into the corral.
ascii_butugychag: the successes - we don't see.
ascii_butugychag: only happens when 1,001 other conveyor steps ~failed~ catastrophically
ascii_butugychag: the legal skullduggery is sorta like wetwork
ascii_butugychag: what about it
ascii_butugychag: cannot otherwise have a skin, without it
ascii_butugychag: but realize, there is ~also~ the snake
ascii_butugychag: and its shit
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu is seeing the skin of the snake
ascii_butugychag: c) change of profession d) drinik.
ascii_butugychag: for a degreed mathematician, or even talented amateur, the life choices are generally a) web dev b) usg.
ascii_butugychag: it is one of the few fields where usg pays Moar and provides better working conditions than actual industry
ascii_butugychag: but cryptographers, on the other hand...
ascii_butugychag: it has to compete for those with what remains of private industry
ascii_butugychag: the thing about airplanes is that usg does not have so many captive welders, metallurgists, etc.
ascii_butugychag: subcontracts.
ascii_butugychag: e.g., 'compute bbp algo in silico'
ascii_butugychag: usg does perfectly fine with well-specified, mechanical edifice
ascii_butugychag: captive geologists, at spearpoint - yes.
ascii_butugychag: aboriginal - no
ascii_butugychag happens to know that this is, unfortunately, not so
ascii_butugychag: he can bake a whatever-tronic cpu.
ascii_butugychag: also i will add that preferring 'weird' operations, vs. simple arithmetic, costs us more than it costs the enemy.
ascii_butugychag: i'd add 'probabilistic' to the requirements, but this might be just aesthetic
ascii_butugychag: cipher designers have a severe occupational disease, of confusing own ignorance for actual intractability
ascii_butugychag: sorta why i wanted to start with something we ~do~ know...
ascii_butugychag: 'fuck you, my public key is m * the next mersenne prime'
ascii_butugychag: alternatively you put'em in the blockchain
ascii_butugychag: (cheap for you)
ascii_butugychag: you offer him a fresh one.
ascii_butugychag: !s hashcash
ascii_butugychag: and the idea is, i think, old
ascii_butugychag: i did this in one application.
ascii_butugychag: sender would have to crack the turd.
ascii_butugychag: btw you could achieve this right now, by handing out (disposable) crypted turds containing public key (also single-use) that you would then insist on receiving on.
ascii_butugychag: if parallelizes.
ascii_butugychag: a 1-baud ciphertron is not very helpful in most situations.
ascii_butugychag: to a point.
ascii_butugychag: e.g., travelling salesman
ascii_butugychag: this is sort of why i'd like to take the opposite approach, rather than take a 'this looks confusing!111' item like transcendental digits, take a proven-nphard problem and 'cryptoify' it somehow
ascii_butugychag: the danger of using transcendentals for crypto is that it opens you up to clever analogue (!) attacks
ascii_butugychag just read mircea_popescu's thing
