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asciilifeform: *attempt
asciilifeform: Framedragger: i unfortunately cannot recommend it any longer, because it is guaranteed to be incompatible with any attemp at 'tmsr dns' or similar
asciilifeform: lel re oldtimerz reappearing in ruins of #b-a and kako 'helpfully informing' them 'mpex is dead, mp ran with the money'
asciilifeform: death by difficulty-bumping is different item from death by bugatronics
asciilifeform: naturally, this crud is simple smoke screen around the mot et al multi-year effort to permissionize btc.
asciilifeform: '“I don’t want to energize the group. I’m not looking to energize them. I don’t want to energize the group, and I disavow the group,” Trump said ...'
asciilifeform: 'When the economy collapses, hard-drinking people everywhere find all the more reason to get drunk, but much less wherewithal with which to procure drink. In Russia, innovative market-based solutions were quickly improvised, which it was my privilege to observe. ' << orlov's megaclassic,
asciilifeform initially assumed 'early april fool joke' but the thing shows symptoms of actually existing...
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'pgpdump' will extract handily.
asciilifeform: and earlier by fleanode nick. because it imported the broken concepts of the empire.
asciilifeform: i will carefully work out example:
asciilifeform: naggum had some imho interesting detail re 'magic numbers', and how they are not born from empty space, but are gangrenously oozed eternally by pathologically misdesigned systems where operator is FORCED to lie about foreknowledge of field sizes, types, etc.
asciilifeform: in other ( ) lulz, 'When you take a look at the implementation of /dev/random in [freebsd] 11.0 you will notice that with the support of the new random algorithms (fortuna has replaced yarrow), there is also support to feed the entropy with a write call to /dev/random. The 10.x releases do not support this write call. The man page previously said for 10.3 that writes will be silently ignored and in the 11.0 m
asciilifeform: shinohai: 'wall' was a catch-all name for the (economically impossible) notion of bringing back 1952
asciilifeform: 'People in the myriad “alt-right” communities that have flourished online in recent years are also expressing their displeasure that Trump appears to have abandoned the most extreme of his policies – at least for now – such as building a wall and prosecuting Hillary Clinton.'
asciilifeform: lel re how they stuffed entire comp into the 'nand'
asciilifeform: re 'proof of cunt', one inescapably wonders why this important organ escaped the 'biometrics' craze
asciilifeform: the 'fake newz', 'this site MAY HARM YOUR COMPUTER!1111', etc. are simply part of the inexorable march to .
asciilifeform: ''He did tell me what he thought were the biggest problems, in particular one problem," Trump says. Won't say what that was.' << mega-lul
asciilifeform: 'When Mr. Trump was asked whether he condemned an alt-right conference over the weekend in Washington, where some attendees raised their arms in a Hitler-like salute, he said, “I disavow and condemn them.”'
asciilifeform: 'Mr. Trump denied that his campaign had energized the so-called alt-right movement, saying he disavowed it. “It’s not a group I want to energize,” he said. “And if they are energized, I want to look into it and find out why.”'
asciilifeform: (in one variant; always; in another - whenever they feel like serving up slightly different js to the chump)
asciilifeform: '"These people aren't kooks. They're a dangerous, racist, anti-Semitic group of people who are attacking the core values of America... [Trump] has an obligation to all Americans to stand up and denounce this group."'
asciilifeform: meanwhile in the circus, >> 'While President-elect Donald Trump has yet to denounce the alt-right by name, CNN's Chris Cuomo says he should. "It's about being a leader," Cuomo said on "New Day" Tuesday. "You denounce things that are wrong. That's what leaders do."'
asciilifeform: RANDOM sample, aha
asciilifeform: 'There are reasons for concern. According to the director of national intelligence, the leaked emails ... .... [buncha claptrap snipped] ... Russian hackers attacked ... A full manual recount of the paper records would be definitive, but that’s unnecessarily difficult, expensive and time-consuming ... There’s an easier way: an audit that manually examines a random sample of the ballots'
asciilifeform: 'At no point lower in the automatic update process is a cryptographic signature verified. The update server is trusted explicitly and implicitly by every WordPress website online ... They are aware of this issue, and have been for years...'
asciilifeform: using what patch ? standard trb dun have import..
asciilifeform misread as 'mp-complete'
asciilifeform: now, when they make installing winblowz (or for that matter 'africa', and crapple) on a crown comp a punishable offense -- Then! news.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: as far as i can see, the old idiocies 'xt' and 'classic' were simply renamed
asciilifeform: and american-style liberasty is simply the indignation of one set of redditors that the other is paid, while they - not
asciilifeform: btw the same folx who spat on eulora coin -- happily jumped through 1,001 hoops to participate in pyramids on tardstalk etc. because, i suspect, they are not actually stupid, and pyramid offers the dull an opportunity to ~scan next level down~. whereas they could not see where greater fool is to come from at eulora.
asciilifeform: notice how 'civilians' (reddit folk etc) still react in disbelief when they read about mpex having worked as-described ? they will sooner believe in telekinesis, ufo proctologists abducting 50yo d00dz, divine healings, etc.
asciilifeform: << 'min wage' as found in usa and elsewhere is a complex and long-term parasitic relationship, not a d00d who throws a penny at a bootblack and expects something other than derisive smirk
asciilifeform: (needless to say, wiener's b00k has 0 to do with computer or any similar mechanism from today)
asciilifeform: there are really 2 'trumpreichs', the imaginary, spherical one, which is friend of tmsr, sound money, etc. and the physical one, that is (to borrow from lenin) 'we smashed the old shithouse and now gotta build new one using the bricks of the old'
asciilifeform: (actual p2p chat between kons000mer d00dz behind NATs was impractical then just as now)
asciilifeform: in 2003 i bought a massive hp pa-risc box (complete with emp shielding grates, power supply on wheeled rails, etc) and it turned out to have been an old aol 'messenger' server !
asciilifeform: shinohai: 'slack' is simply today's 'aol messenger', 'icq', same '90s centralized chatroom item. sufficiently similar, on surface, to irc, that i'd imagine folks would be used to the concept ?
asciilifeform: (we had how many, few dozen? 'fromphuctor' folk. and 1, 2, spoke ?)
asciilifeform: !!up frompeanutgaller
asciilifeform: physically it ~can~ dump ram, research proj i led at the time investigated how to coax it to do this, among other things
asciilifeform: i had occasion to install such a machine a few yrs ago, somewhere, it came with 'kvm chipset', but this feature was not advertised. the advertised feature is just that, kvm, where you get a tty prompt.)
asciilifeform: btw werker uses db for approx. 40 seconds of a run, to dump keys, which subsequently all load into memory.
asciilifeform: and, to continue to rain on the parade, if every www site has to be run like mpex, it will cost. and the range of things that can be provided 'for the public', 'for phreeee', will correspondingly shrink.
asciilifeform: (and , for folks with poor reading comprehension, i will repeat - entire box is ~unreachable, trb node, ssh, 80, etc )
asciilifeform: << i have, as you can surmise, own comp, that still works
asciilifeform: the folx whose chumpnet we blew open, with the debian boxes, i suspect -- trying to make their displeasure known.
asciilifeform: Framedragger: probably thing to do will be periodic dumps
asciilifeform: << in other lulz. 'The tax agency sent a broad request on Thursday to Coinbase, the largest Bitcoin exchange in the United States, asking for the records of all customers who bought virtual currency from the company from 2013 to 2015.'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: most above-board 'generic pharma' in usa is imported from india.
asciilifeform: 'The Bitcoin community and, especially, miners, now face the most important decision in Bitcoin’s existence. They are to choose between two fundamentally different visions for bitcoin’s future. Segwit, a centralized capacity increase from 1MB to around 1.7MB, or Bitcoin Unlimited, a decentralized mechanism for on-chain scalability decision making. ' << sanity not, according to this thing, on the table ..?
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel: what was your sample size ?
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel: as i gather, you are trying to follow the example of mircea_popescu , who - famously - has never worked for pay, etc. but afaik mircea_popescu never had any problems receiving mail or having own comp.
asciilifeform: and i live on ground 0 of i dun even want to contemplate what.
asciilifeform will never again say that a program he writes is 'x % complete', it is a mistake
asciilifeform: or 'can block cipher be put on a scientific footing re min-complexity'
asciilifeform: my take on 'fiverr' et al: ~stupid people are not a resource for the republic~. live'em to wander the world, live and die, to possibly birth less stupid folx, mine uranium for dying empires, etc., see also .
asciilifeform: if every attempt at solving particular problem leads to a d00d who takes to kakodrink and wander off muttering nonsense for the rest of his days, and never anything resembling a solution appears, possibly problem was ill-posed...
asciilifeform: '"Y'all over here shooting dogs now?" a city employee asked a DPD officer in the aftermath of the raid, according to the lawsuit. "Nah, it committed suicide," the officer allegedly replied.'
asciilifeform: 'A group of protesters has stormed the lobby of the Washington DC building where President-elect Donald Trump's transition team is preparing for the start of his presidential term. Photos and videos have emerged of activists gathered inside and outside the General Services Administration (GSA) building in a protest organized by the American Jewish activist group IfNotNow.'
asciilifeform: btw everyone probably remembers this from the golden olden debian days, but these chumps tend to also have remote ssh login with debianized keyz
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: it was a very simple experiment, took about 35 min. to set up while dinner was cooking.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: yes, you would. and this is thought to be impractical, but not impossible (see the atomic jet of the '50s, for instance.)
asciilifeform: the extended contemplation of ~using~ that thing in some future edifice here has got to be a running joke, which asciilifeform isn't in on..
asciilifeform: (vs simple neglect)
asciilifeform: i do not necessarily go with 'EVERYTHING must be made of blockchaintronium!111' thing. (if you recall this was actually subj of 1st conversation between mircea_popescu &amp; asciilifeform , on the former's www, back in the day...) but i also dun see why to create a 'throne' if there is a simple means of not creating a throne and solving the problem.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: for asciilifeform's enlightenment, describe plox why coin should not be made of the same 'lead' (simple scheme -- there are N coins at 'sunrise', and, e.g., mircea_popescu can move coin no. 1,555 to ben_vulpes by signing 'coin 1,555 now belongs to [key of ben_vulpes] at time T' etc
asciilifeform: but 'central servers' implies that i might also rely on mircea_popescu to say where, e.g., ben_vulpes's site, lives
asciilifeform: (not speaking of marvels like 'the big soviet encyclopaedia', which famously in '30s had 'updates' mailed in to subscribers, complete with razor blade to cut out undesirables)
asciilifeform: copy the structure of the empire -- become the empire.
asciilifeform: how is the 'able to' mechanically implemented ? because it is, or at least appears to be, promisetronic
asciilifeform: and here we are speaking non-standardized commercial pidgin from long-dead empire, and it mostly worx..
asciilifeform: Framedragger: fact is, central table of anything at all, is a throne, i simply do not see the 'win' from retaining the throne.
asciilifeform: (and transport link where nsa can flip any bit or drop any packet with impunity etc)
asciilifeform: the one problem, shared with every other piece like this that i know of, is that it omits the obvious cure, which is not simply to thermonuke the crud, but to kill the horse it rode in on, and the rider, and to burn the field that it fed on, and salt it.
asciilifeform: promisetronic 'verifications' are an eternal plague among the stupid. consider even the timestamp in gpg (to make the phuctor sig from last night's qntra, i used ordinary gpg 1.4, with patch). what business does a userland proggy have asking for the wall clock time without permission? if i want it to have a time, i will pipe 'date' to it...
asciilifeform: (they, as everyone probably already guessed, get db queried one-at-a-time. to do anything else would result in a 50x more complicated phuctor.)
asciilifeform: (the remainder - also can, with manufacturer's backdoor pw, which i simply do not happen to know)
asciilifeform: at least the rotgut from BingoBoingo's 'night train' article, is cheap road to complete catatonia
asciilifeform: and they hate, yes, even music, in so far as it pertains to the non-beetles, rather how proverbial vampire hates the crucifix
asciilifeform: 'The attacker just have to press and keep pressing the [Enter] key at the LUKS password prompt until a shell appears, which occurs after 70 seconds approx.'
asciilifeform: but ended up 'cult object' for complicated cultural reasonz
asciilifeform: and, importantly, ~with what~ this gem was produced.
asciilifeform: so now 'apple' is very small and consists of 1 unemployed ex-ceo d00d, or..
asciilifeform: this is not plug-compatible with fiat reich.
asciilifeform: now i have nfi how much of the 'super' industry is geared for jet fighter, and how much - for plastic pumpkins and ipnohe.
asciilifeform: is it possible that there are 'two chinas', one healthy, that makes gear for self - pencils, jet fighters, et al, and one diseased, that is in any possible light really part of the american chumpatronic system, that uses up valuable resourced &amp; labour to make plastic orange pumpking for halloween decorations in usa, ipnohe, etc. ?
asciilifeform: i still do not fully grasp the intricate chumpatron that is chinese trade with usa
asciilifeform: while it is not afaik impossible for a 70 y.o. d00d to climb out of 'presidential' cockpit, where most of the knobs are not connected to anything, and into 'fuhrer' cockpit, where they are...
asciilifeform: thus far mr t's list is most reminiscent imho of jimmy carter's campaign plank, where he promised to 'show the aliens'
asciilifeform: (a week ago it was full to the brim with items like 'how america almost made the trump mistake' etc.)
asciilifeform: 'Trump masks sold out in Japan… but why?'
asciilifeform: where the chumps actually thought that you get something for the two or three extra zeroes on the price tag vs the konsoomer version
asciilifeform: dns imho is simply evil, and should not be put on life support, but properly shot.
asciilifeform: the_scourge: it is simply what the tradition of shooting a man in the head second time for good measure is called on other side of the atlantic.
asciilifeform: 'how america almost made the trump mistake' etc.
asciilifeform: i thought he lived in an old broken clay amphora!
asciilifeform: dunno that it is such a bad deal, escapee slave can jump ordinary barbed wire with leather coats, tarps, etc., but not so easily spikes.
asciilifeform: but the fact asciilifeform finds more interesting is that they have, apparently, a complete electronic manufacturing vertical there.
asciilifeform:;hl=en&amp;ll=33.80916597520113%2C-116.8815388597464&amp;z=12 << considerably larger, and, by all accounts, more lavish, than, e.g., camp david, or nsa hq, or, or.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: church of s is probably the most interesting item in usa, from tmsr perspective. think, they - apparently - run a complete northkr ~inside~ usa, with palaces, factories, gulags, fuck knows, possibly complete with rockets. and ~0 newspaper whine.
asciilifeform: the 'competitive' dnstrons -- do.
asciilifeform: it doesn't 'price competitively' because it doesn't (last i saw) sell customers to spammers, plaster self with pestilential ads, 'park' linkfarms on paying customer domains, etc
asciilifeform: in other noose, 'The afternoon rally came a day after fliers appeared in bathrooms across campus warning of pro-Trump "vigilante squads." The fliers contained a picture of men clad in camouflage holding rifles and said the squads would “arrest and torture those deviant university leaders spouting off all this diversity garbage.” University police were investigating the source of the fliers.'
asciilifeform: '“While demeaning, insulting, and ridiculing minorities, immigrants, and the physically/mentally disabled worked for Mr. Trump, I want to be clear that this behavior -- and these views -- have no place at Grubhub,” Maloney explained. Adding, if it were up to him, Trump would have been fired a long time ago. "Had he worked here, many of his comments would have resulted in his immediate termination.”'
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: no particular timestamp, but in the shorter segments, with the walking
asciilifeform: it is spoken in such a way that implies that if 'policymakers' made 'policy' to this effect, electrons would cease to spin in their orbits
asciilifeform: it worked on asciilifeform and bunch of other chumps
asciilifeform: javascript does not exemplify anything -- other than the consequences of letting idiot 'esl' teenagers create infrastructure.
asciilifeform: going to mars -- is doable. but not by simply jumping vigorously.
asciilifeform: isn't this kinda how mircea_popescu proposes to solve the problem of isp compulsion by meat sovereigns ? 'pretend not problem'
asciilifeform: one component that would vastly simplify the job is gossip net.
asciilifeform: 'spam isp' is an actual thing, they live, die. my (nonexpert) impression is that the business model is only barely +ev. sorta resembles (btc) mine.
asciilifeform: in other lulz, >> 'President-Elect Donald Trump’s advisers are considering JPMorgan Chase &amp; Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon for Treasury secretary, CNBC reported, citing two people familiar with the matter. Dimon isn’t interested, one of the people told CNBC.'
asciilifeform: nobody said that all appetites were compatible with reality.
asciilifeform: and had to march in the gurl to prove she had not been impaled..
asciilifeform: who filmed the 'impalement' scene
asciilifeform: this was not the implication in the original piece tho.
asciilifeform: that is, if the aim is 'educational', rather than simple pest control.
asciilifeform: ifornia is "blue" because electoral votes are an all-or-nothing thing. In reality, Donald Trump got about 3 million of the 9 million votes cast for president in California. Those votes for Trump don't matter, though. '
asciilifeform: hence the babylon example. picture chix with 0 hollywood exposure.
asciilifeform: it is also substantial noise component.
asciilifeform: how did greeks implement wail-suppression system ?
asciilifeform: 2nd gen - sinks into the swamp.
asciilifeform: and yes usa is where europe et al dumps folx to get deculturated and 'eaten by wolves' and converted to 'modern demoocracy' participants.
asciilifeform: i was stumped, but pet explained 'pussy'
asciilifeform: (from some first-hand familiarity) it is not clear to me that they were in any sense eaten, they are still here. marching round with picket signs , e.g., 'PROTECT MY [picture of cat] FROM TRUMP'
asciilifeform: it was a quite overt surrender of territory, the idiot rulers of the time saw it as 'temporary' strategic retreat
asciilifeform: 'Donald Trump, go away! Sexist, racist, anti-gay!'
asciilifeform: 'Vigils and protests swell across U.S. in wake of Trump victory'
asciilifeform: films are in (yes) crapple format, it plays on mplayer and probably whatever else.
asciilifeform: derps started at white house and then had 'march' to trumpularium (old wash d.c. post office, yes the one with the bell tower, that herr tritler converted to mega-hotel last yr)
asciilifeform: now next to the dc trumpularium
asciilifeform: i'm not wholly convinced that anybody cancelled it. if industrial era of complicated machinery runs through, it'll be back to blood, soil, castles.
asciilifeform: there is ocean of this nonsense, above is sample preserved here in amber for entomological purposes.
asciilifeform: as a boy i was quite impressed with the stories about peter I and his beheadings, his men had to work in shifts to decap all of the derps, and he personally helped, even chopped during parties
asciilifeform: << not only lultron, but complete with... blue PA
asciilifeform: >> 'Will Trump’s Rule of Law Be Our Rule of Law? The fate of the entire legal apparatus of government is in the balance.' << ooohnoez!111111
asciilifeform: if i knew how to fly airplanes, i would easily be in empty field in some kansas even now.
asciilifeform: i was actually considering the flying death-capsule for my own arse. because my physical presence in the swamp is called for maybe once or twice in a month, and with many days of warning.
asciilifeform: go trumplincton.
asciilifeform: aah i laboured under the impression that pete_dushenski is one of those odd folk who enjoys operating weird vehicle.
asciilifeform: 'Donald Trump's campaign moved to contest the election results of battleground Nevada, claiming the registrar of Democratic-heavy Clark County kept an early voting location open two extra hours to help boost Democratic turnout. The complaint alleges a polling location in a heavily Latino part of the county stayed open past its 8 p.m. closing time, allowing people to line up and vote until 10 p.m. The Republican poll watcher said the
asciilifeform: mempool really belongs chopped cleanly out of trb.
asciilifeform: mine is simply fed shit all day, by virtually all connecters, to slow it.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: << plenty of 'reporting'. complete with the hardcoded clitler.
asciilifeform: f July 5. Defense counsel received the discovery in a SCIF on June 13, 2016. This includes, however, a disc of emails that cannot currently be reviewed, as a secure computer has not yet been provided, as well as the files of the case agents, which are also classified and were not previously available to counsel..'
asciilifeform: e.g., 'This case is complex because it involves classified discovery that requires a top secret clearance to review. In order to make use of the classified discovery at trial, counsel will have to engage in CIPA litigation. This requires that defense counsel be able to review the discovery, determine a trial strategy and decide what discovery and evidence will be necessaryfor trial, in advance of the currentlyscheduled hearing date o
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: rubbish infrastructure because they dun actually ~count~ them ballots, and annoyed when too many chumps show up to fill the useless bin
asciilifeform: they simply did not see any reason to install >1
asciilifeform: a bit more complicated, where i went to school we had ~both~ types, on one campus
asciilifeform still does not fully grasp why the 'real americans' won't build concentration camps and put the folks who did this to them, inside.
asciilifeform: simply so as to squeeze out a small +ev with which to make anything next.
asciilifeform: was ~last gasp of 'you buy a comp, and it comes with the correct os for it, made by same people' thing.
asciilifeform: more nuanced : it is not the 'fps' that matters, but how long it takes to swap framebuffers. the usb dongle gave ~7 fps in practice, but 0 tearing because it had simple doublebuffer, where it took a while to draw the hidden buffer, but flipping took a msec or so.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i've built winblows kernel drivers, for example, without a winblows box or any microshit software (yes, incl. the rsa signature)
asciilifeform: rat, imho, is better company than roach. (incidentally, i was walking in a 'posh' neighbourhood in washington, and saw -- what no one will believe, THOUSANDS of rats, not even around a rubbish pile, but in hedges, right in the earth, SWARMING)
asciilifeform: the way i pictured bitcoin is that it is attempt at experimentally testing the hypothesis that some men are -- men, others -- roaches who were dropped into wrong bin by mistake
asciilifeform: ( the other prong of the front is the attempt to make trb difficult to use reliably by preventing effective quarantine of derp nodes and their tx)
asciilifeform: (summary: usg's most recent attempt to pound in the cock 'halfway', 'segwit', consists of prb churning out txen that result in 'anyone can spend' from trb pov, but miners are to 'agree never to process counter-softforkian tx', a la 'timelock' etc)
asciilifeform: competent engineer is pure cost, for sv derp, and 0 win
asciilifeform: same reason they don't hire competent, e.g., jet pilot, for sv startup
asciilifeform: well, an old trabant-engine powered empire, cannot win against spherical frictionless gossipd, no.
asciilifeform: (on account of being different types of animal, rather than simply happening upon bags of different types of dollar)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it is not clear to me that this is the most parsimonious model -- chumpatronicity is not as such a property of individual dollars, any more than ZIL-buying ability was a property of particular rubles in 1980. it is more that the actual coin of the realm - is something else
asciilifeform: so it is not as if this particular batch of monopoly money were somehow ~more~ chumpatronic than the usual.
asciilifeform: here's one local example from the nowhere company town where asciilifeform lives. at one time uni of md was on cost-cutting spree (as usual, quite selectively, but see below) and merged ~all~ of the sciences into 1 mega-department - chemistry, microbiology, physics, etc. all under 1 roof;
asciilifeform: (originally word implied berserker/kamikaze mission, but in modern times often refers to anyone who is expected to fight to the death or at least set off 'shaheed belt' as last hurrah)
asciilifeform: 'Every person in Bitcoin failed. We are looking at 100% failure rate. I could go on and on about my involvement but the fact of the matter is, I'm rich and everyone else is poor. Rant aside, every one of my projects has magically disappeared - I'm talking about full stacks in every market. Why? Every project I did, Peercover, Providence, Simple Exchange, Simple Stocks, Omega Interpreter, Webmata - massively sued legal entities out as
asciilifeform: and what, he wins, sends nyt, wsj, etc. 'cathedral' to börgemoor work camp ? can dream.
asciilifeform: incidentally, wright airplane steered by bending wings, this is another item that could be reintroduced in small flying machines that keep popping up in threads here, 'because we now have computer', but afaik has not been.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: how to properly separate layers, for instance. how to boil without 'bumping'. various things that sound braindamagedly simple but many folks fuck up somehow.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: trainers don't simply hand 'patient' a book..
asciilifeform: PeterL: it compared poorly with ordinary luger.
asciilifeform: where the jets were simply angularly-drilled openings.
asciilifeform: i once encountered an entire monograph on the drilling, rifling, and tempering of barrels made specifically from old truck axles.
asciilifeform: and afaik nobody has seriously considered attempting to write it.
asciilifeform: where one might conceivably employ another riotously -ev but simple crackpottery, laser separator
asciilifeform: (you could do it simply with what is in your room where you sit right now)
asciilifeform: and q is not even whether complicated, but whether feasible from commonplace materials.
asciilifeform: the way it even came out publicly was a case where idiot chick with 3rd trimester jumped on.
asciilifeform: chair jumps up 8 or so metres.
asciilifeform: incidentally you can make this out of CURRENT trb simply by putting it on a box without a nic
asciilifeform: after slicing apart mempool-node from blockchain-node, building 'dioded node' becomes trivial exercise.
asciilifeform: incidentally, a more general observation re 'serial diodes', is that, quite like '' and similar, they are a valuable detector of folks attempting to monkey with history.
asciilifeform: and as phf points out, it leaves you open to attack where the craftmachine is pwned and gives you a wallet-emptier to happily carry to the bunker and sign..
asciilifeform: tangentially relatedly, did prb ever get around to ordering mempool tx by fee ?
asciilifeform: also include the possible cut between mempool and 'blockpool'
asciilifeform: and pretty much everyone who has attempted to fire a tx using trb prior to mod6's 'S' patch, now has a supply of such 'evil' coin with which to test this hypothesis, if he wants.
asciilifeform: that goes without saying. but does it really need to also be a miniature node ? or can wallet simply do the one essential thing, sign payloads with privkeys
asciilifeform: (possibly because they haven't own brains, are simply an anal wart on usa now.)
asciilifeform: i suppose 1 interesting example of exquisitely mircea_popescutronic arrangement might be yakuza
asciilifeform: note, implication wasn't 'we will be forced to fellate preet'
asciilifeform: from the pov of the imperial papershuffle.
asciilifeform: i am not expert on satmar, but i did once research the mormons, who also carried on imperium in imperio vs usg for a good long time.
asciilifeform: and in re last thread also, i know of 0 examples of anybody pulling this kind of thing off using strictly volunteers having no blood relation.
asciilifeform: (according to him, they have a very effective, 'chechen', orcish style of organization, complete with omerta and folks sittin' in prison for one another, etc)
asciilifeform: whether it 'ought to give in', so the koreans can have levi jeans and wriggleys chewing gum, or continue to work 100 hr weeks semi-starved so that they can carry on the parallel civilization experiment and not turn into 59th shit state of usa, keeping company with puerto rico, is a ~value~ call
asciilifeform: trinque: ever see olympic gymnasts ?
asciilifeform: north kr is simply a large-scale version of the thing wonderful civilized americans like to do to prisoners, chain'em up to a post until shits himself.
asciilifeform: but to appreciate it, you'd have to actually think re subj and not simply swallow south kr (usg) nonsense
asciilifeform: whaddayado when you get wholly incompatible value systems ?
asciilifeform: hence the impression i walked out with.
asciilifeform: particular groups of people, at particular times - quite temporarily - rise above the shitboard.
asciilifeform: don't ask gandhi about brit empire, or jurov - about su
asciilifeform: phf: bbbbbbbbut imported JEANS!!1111
asciilifeform: to answer the q in the earlier thread, su was a superior culture (vs the anglos, of any time after isambard brunel died) simply because their cult was culturally superior in effect. su pharaoh orders n1 rocket for his pyramidal glorification. anglo pharaoh orders 1,000,000,001 fupas to be fattened.
asciilifeform: the 15th c. china of zheng he, had yet other cult object, the mega-fleet (with wooden sailing ships quite comparable in size to today's maersk monsters! )
asciilifeform: british empire has yet other cult objects: massive (and riotously -ev) railroads in india, say.
asciilifeform: trinque: consider: a 'saturn' and the maersk cargo fleet cost similarly. but they are unlike: 'saturn' is a cult/religious object (in the sense where nobody seriously attempts to calculate its roi) , rather more like the great pyramids.
asciilifeform: impressed ?
asciilifeform: you cannot have handmade ic and compete with anything whatsoever.
asciilifeform: trinque: humour me -- why does bugati exist while bugati-comp - not ..?
asciilifeform: stead of employing one guy for a few days, the budget will get chopped up to a half dozen people, it will take months instead of days, and I won’t get what I want anyway. Sure, they can build things now that they couldn’t have before, but there is something missing in the food chain: the guy who can screw around in the machine shop and build something that works from a pencil sketch. There are guys who want to do that, who are ca
asciilifeform: bbbbut 'bitcoin compatible!1111'
asciilifeform: eventually thing implodes, 'genius' ceo moves to next sinking ship..
asciilifeform: 'As of 2016, the independently-funded company is staffed by a team of seven, all of whom joined with a security background, with the majority of that experience coming from the US Dept. of Defense.' << i'ma die of lulz nao
asciilifeform: pile up layers, with poor impedance match, and you get 'a clim'
asciilifeform: (at no point do i give a fuck what is in mempool, unless i put it there)
asciilifeform: mempool is a can of worms that deserves own thread
asciilifeform: and if you cannot do 'which block' because impatient and gotta have txid IMMEDIATELY, then 'top block at time of baking' at least
asciilifeform: and my (few, and brief, admittedly) excursions into the code, did not end with walking away impressed with the workmanship or engineering quality of the edifice.
asciilifeform: what i ~do~ have a strongly developed allergy to is attempts to redefine minimal expectations using 'new realities'
asciilifeform: the implicit claim was that i am somehow 'unreasonably' expecting realtime interaction with comp.
asciilifeform: because i USED realtime comp.
asciilifeform: but i also do not know if he has any experience with fast comp.
asciilifeform: who the hell knows, until at least one pwned chump digs up the backorifice and posts.
asciilifeform: aha some don't walk. there was a photo leaked of a radar base, where they had one of the few completed elbrus. in the corner desk there was what looked like winblows. nfi, could be hangout, perhaps the 'indigenous base' happened, strictly in ru meta-nsa.
asciilifeform: because, today just as in 1980, it is very difficult to 'compete with 3111111117 w4r3z
asciilifeform: poor sods will have to go on spamforum and spend another hundy to buy new chumpnet.
asciilifeform: ' @GCHQ @Belgacom TheShadowBrokers is making special effort not to using foul language, bigotry, or making any funny. Be seeing if NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX is making stories about now? Maybe political hacks is being more important? '
asciilifeform: it is one thing if the proggy's job is to compute molecular dynamics of protein in solvent.
asciilifeform: but in many ways the move to multiuser os on home comp was a bait-and-switch scam
asciilifeform: trinque: i asked that you compare to a very factual 'yesterday', rather than imagined futures
asciilifeform: the example earlier, 'word perfect on msdos 5', has ~0 perceptible delays. and this was on the junkiest hardware ~ever sold as a comp.
asciilifeform: i'm comparing it to motherfucking 'word perfect' on msdos 5.
asciilifeform: '... just over a week before the presidential election, top Democrats are demanding that he level the playing field and disclose what the FBI knows about Republican nominee Donald Trump’s possible ties to the Russian government.'
asciilifeform: 'Throughout the 15 months he’s been running for president, Donald Trump’s campaign has paid private security contractors at least $432,201' << this seems cheap
asciilifeform: when i learned that mircea_popescu watches his pr0n on an ibm t40, i could not picture it as with anything but mplayer
asciilifeform: mplayer still worx.
asciilifeform: 'As someone that been on HN for 9 years, pushing back on these kinds of comments is my business. This is my opinion on the value of you coming to Hacker News to complain about the author's writing style, and secondarily aimed at other commenters here. Your style of just summarily shitting on how the author wrote this piece adds no value to the discussion. Clearly lots of other people like it, this has been the #1 piece on HN for hour
asciilifeform: on recent mac, i found that emacs is simply not usable at all unless in fullscreen mode, the contents become cga-like soup
asciilifeform: if you import gtkism or whatnot - impossible to freeze meaningfully.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: imho a correct gossipd simply emulates irc server on the user end.
asciilifeform: it simply doesn't happen on any box of mine.
