Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2013-12-03 | 2013-12-05 →
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 62 @ 0.00315 = 0.1953 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 45 @ 0.002899 = 0.1305 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4100 @ 0.00081379 = 3.3365 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 155 @ 0.0028999 = 0.4495 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.00327958 = 0.164 BTC [+] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 76 @ 0.0029 = 0.2204 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.1501275 = 0.6005 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 198 @ 0.00289999 = 0.5742 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 344 @ 0.0029 = 0.9976 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34883791 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.34883941 = 1.3954 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.34883993 = 0.6977 BTC [+]
Namworld: Can anyone remind me why I have to run after people to pay them hundreds or thousands of dollars? or even 10000s for a few people?
BingoBoingo: Namworld: Because your worth as a person is only worth the reputation attached to your Public keys?
Namworld: I must be really dirty then
BingoBoingo: Namworld: Maybe?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.00289999 = 0.145 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: It may have been prudent to write a contract before starting these things limiting your responsibility so you aren't pursuing this Sisyphean task until death?
Namworld: 1KyzwMAYUcUGwF8rs3CZdwgmVcDZ543U7x
Namworld: arf, damn it.
Namworld: Not the right paste
BingoBoingo: If we are just pasting addresses 1LvCuntsJyFFQsLuJhBXBPokbQa7SAyMr4
Namworld: Nah, didn't want to paste that.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5000 @ 0.00010121 = 0.5061 BTC [-]
benkay: oh hey wouldja lookit that mircea_popescu fixed the footnotes on trilema
benkay: oh no jokes my bad there's totally character coding shit still in there and etc
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 76 @ 0.00289999 = 0.2204 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 5000 @ 0.000158 = 0.79 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 345 @ 0.0029 = 1.0005 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 344 @ 0.0029 = 0.9976 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.348425 = 2.7874 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1500 @ 0.00048786 = 0.7318 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 250 @ 0.0029 = 0.725 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.0029 = 0.29 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 363 @ 0.00048789 = 0.1771 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 51 @ 0.0029 = 0.1479 BTC [+]
KRS|gotyawallet: Namworld: I'll do it for you for 10% of their payment. np.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 170 @ 0.00288 = 0.4896 BTC [-]
KRS|gotyawallet: Mark it down as brokerage fee services on their tab.
BingoBoingo: KRS|gotyawallet: Ever drink an incredible hulk?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 344 @ 0.0029 = 0.9976 BTC [+]
KRS|gotyawallet: no? i think i've heard of Jaegermeister in it?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.34883993 = 0.6977 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2700 @ 0.00081258 = 2.194 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2450 @ 0.00081379 = 1.9938 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 687 @ 0.0029 = 1.9923 BTC [+]
Vexual: my ghetto mining rig now cooks eggs
Vexual: any way youy like
Vexual: enthalpy and entropy
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5500 @ 0.00081379 = 4.4758 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.34 = 0.68 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 39 @ 0.0029 = 0.1131 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 494 @ 0.00046001 = 0.2272 BTC [-]
Vexual: Australia really is a US petri dish
Vexual: This article from two hours ago, from our supossedly, yet state funded press...
ozbot: Would spying on East Timor by the Australian Secret Intelligence Service be illegal? - Fact Check -
Vexual: the fact check logo is new
Vexual: it may be an oversight, but the real story is that this ASIS agent, and his lawyer, preparing to appear in a hauge court where they have been summoned, have been relieved of all their documents by other agents on PNG soil.
BingoBoingo: Vexual: Only soil I recognize is GPG soil
Vexual: true dat
BingoBoingo: If only there were a "Nation of Bitcoin" tattoo
Vexual: i think the signals directorate has our press
Vexual: lots of antarctica is still up for grabs
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3655 @ 0.00081141 = 2.9657 BTC [-]
Vexual: stealing 3 billion of gas per annum is just business
Vexual: but trying to cover it up to protect the way the info was obtained is an exercise in futility, fact check or no
Vexual: you can't force nayone to use gpg, but you can sign your kids up for a jungle war easily enough
ozbot: BTC raise to US$ 1800 can happen this week !! - JDBIF - The Bitcoin Investment Fund.
Vexual: id take some of that 10000 2014 bet
Vexual: but im far more interested in the exchange rate bedoming irrelevant
KRS|gotyawallet: Vexual: whats up slut
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1597 @ 0.00010121 = 0.1616 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: sooo... some sr contender nobody heard of had ~100k btc in its wallets ?
KRS|gotyawallet: wallet? where?
mircea_popescu: ;;google bitcoin sheep markety
mircea_popescu: bbc has it at 5mn (ie, 5k btc, which seems reasonable)
mircea_popescu: verge, computerworld and the rest of the trade rags quite 100mn
ozbot: SkyJack - autonomous drone hacking
mircea_popescu: true to form the usual tard brigade took the bait, gmax and phantomcircuit << lawl.
mircea_popescu: dub i suppose someone should tell them my henchman snackman was jus' trolling them
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla : check it out, all lines by KRS|gotyawallet are blank.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo lol that got her well fuming. apparently it's some scammy thing that is trying to pretend like they're less scammy because they're associated with credible people, by the procedure of giving those people free shares they never asked for.
kakobrekla: blank?
kakobrekla: can you link to a particular blank line
mircea_popescu: ytes, and his name is misquoted
KRS|gotyawallet: can you describe the blank line, sir.
mircea_popescu: i misread a blank line because your name is so long it bumps the table
ozbot: #bitcoin-assets log
kakobrekla: works?
dub: did they get piped to yr wallet
mircea_popescu: dub who ?
KRS|gotyawallet: the magic behind my method is teh pipe
mircea_popescu: lol. i kept reading KRS : blabla, gotyawallet: blank line
KRS|gotyawallet: and I have a big pipe.
kakobrekla: hm it breaks at | eh
kakobrekla: stupid |.
pankkake: there are some css options for tables to avoid it IIRC
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform actually, the application where you generate all bitcoin addresses whose private key is an ascii string
mircea_popescu: is probably going to make someone a few bitcoin down the road.
mircea_popescu: bonus points for firing acetone charged magnets at the sun to generate extra gamma particles <<< bwhaahahajh omfg
mircea_popescu: ;;rated dub
gribble: You rated user dub on Wed Dec 19 17:11:23 2012, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: he's been around a while..
mircea_popescu: well i ain't changing that, but you should start your own troll school./
KRS|gotyawallet: i lost my gpg key..should have known better than to create it on a company computer =/
mircea_popescu: never create on company computers
mircea_popescu: they're paying you not to.
KRS|gotyawallet: you'd think i'd know better being in IT 14+ years..did it on my laptop..just too lazy.
pankkake: can you change your OTC GPG key?
mircea_popescu: not really.
KRS|gotyawallet: i dont work any more..i just do this stuff now..ty btc
pankkake: that sucks
mircea_popescu: no it doesn't.
mircea_popescu: suppose i show up one day to find my gpg key was helpfully changed.
pankkake: actually, you can. changekey command
KRS|gotyawallet: i've got 20 btc on a hard drive around here somewhere but i'm just too lazy to find it.. meh
pankkake: I'm thinking of changing mine to a stronger one
mircea_popescu: ;;changekey
gribble: (changekey <keyid>) -- Changes your GPG registered key to <keyid>. <keyid> is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a random passphrase to clearsign with your key, and submit to the bot with the 'verify' command. You must be authenticated in order to use this command.
mircea_popescu: well ya but this presumes you have the old one.
KRS|gotyawallet: oh kickass
pankkake: of course
mircea_popescu: a nm then
mircea_popescu: i was thinking fo the other case.
mircea_popescu: as he had said he lost his.
pankkake: yeah…
pankkake: didn't save a revocation stuff either?
KRS|gotyawallet: i quit and told them they could keep their fucking laptop..think they'll let me get my shit off it?
mircea_popescu: ask nicely the chick in hr with the big boobs
KRS|gotyawallet: she's more petite and has braces..Mmmm..
gribble: The operation succeeded.
jamespeerless: micea_popescu: continuing discussion from yesterday.. since you have a new address per user per bet, don't you end up with a ton of addresses with a tiny amount of coin in them? what do you do with them once the bet is over?
mircea_popescu: jamespeerless not moreso than the average site taking bitcoin
mircea_popescu: if you look at the stats, Confirmed bets: 7123 Confirmed total: 9,728 BTC
mircea_popescu: that means the avg bet is > 1btc
jamespeerless: good point
mircea_popescu: bitpay wishes it could say the same thing
mircea_popescu: what are you gonna do, you know ? consolidate them.
mircea_popescu: there is some discussion on this topic over at
mircea_popescu: ;;google bitcoind not ready for prime time
mircea_popescu: meh no gribs ?
gribble: Western Union Says Bitcoin Not Ready For Primetime – Bitcoin ...: <>; Bitcoin's New All-time High: Exploring the Latest Bubble – Bitcoin ...: <>; Western Union Says Bitcoin Not Ready For Primetime - Kitco (1 more message)
Duffer1: has bitcoin already surpassed western union in terms of value transmitted?
ozbot: Bitcoind : not quite ready for prime time pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: Duffer1 it's impossible to accurately calculate the value bitcoin transmits
jamespeerless: wow just sad that
jamespeerless: sounds pretty crappy
mircea_popescu: well... it's a prototype.
mircea_popescu: not intended to be put into production.
jamespeerless: so because of these limitations sounds like you need to do some manual work to resolve payouts
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 344 @ 0.0029 = 0.9976 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: well 1. payouts are done with a lot of human supervision anyway ;
mircea_popescu: 2. i doubt anyone uses unpatched bitcoin code anymore.
mircea_popescu: as best as i can determine everyone is on some trunk from .4 to .6 with a bunch of in house patches
mircea_popescu: it's possible that a significant chunk of users (by headcount) are on .7/.8 or w/e
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 500 @ 0.0029 = 1.45 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: however, wallets made by those versions won't see a significant chunk of actual bitcoins... likely ever.
jamespeerless: by the newer versions? why not?
mircea_popescu: cause the credibility of the dev team is somewhere between nil and epsilon
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 300 @ 0.0029 = 0.87 BTC [+] {2}
jamespeerless: so your outlook on the future of bit coin protocol is bleak?
mircea_popescu: im not sure what you're asking.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, rather than have you shoot in the dark, here's the story :
jamespeerless: if you're saying the current dev's contributing to bit coin are no good and its clear bit coin will require more work to be 'production ready' then without some change the future is bleak
jamespeerless: is what i meant
mircea_popescu: 1. bitcoin was released as a prototype. that means something specific, and what it means doesn't include "to be used for any actual purpose". prototypes are there to test.
mircea_popescu: 2. people started using it anyway, because it was there. this is how things usually work.
mircea_popescu: 3. once satoshi left the dev team never recovered. it's roughly what the linux dev team would be if linus left.
mircea_popescu: basically a collection of people with poor iq and worse skills, hanging on because they perceive this as sexy, and imagine hanging on makes them somehow important.
mircea_popescu: 4. at the right time (ie 2012) i pointed out to them that their only chance to maintain any semblance of relevance is to fully specify the code.
mircea_popescu: this, obviously, is a very hard task. they, aware of their intellectual limitations, eschewed this task.
mircea_popescu: 5. the situation has evolved in the exact direction i was expecting : absent a specification everyone is using their own in house concoctions.
ThickAsThieves: i smell a blog post coming on
mircea_popescu: this will aggravate over time, with miners and large merchants all pushing on the code,
jamespeerless: how can it work if everyone is using their own in-house modified version yet they all need to communicate together
mircea_popescu: and with "the network accepts it" as pretty much the only measure of good or evil.
mircea_popescu: well that's just it, the network blindly decides.
mircea_popescu: this will be a major resource black hole in the coming years, but it does not threaten the system itself.
mircea_popescu: if anything, it makes the system stronger.
KRS|gotyawallet: the anatomy of a blog post
mircea_popescu: it DOES however threaten any one actor, and ESPECIALLY actors acting on deluded presumptions,
mircea_popescu: such as the snackman kid.
jamespeerless: doesn't this lend itself to a couple big corps from releasing their own widely adopted forks.. similar to os x and the 5000 flavors of linux?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13545 @ 0.00081026 = 10.975 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: because, again, bitcoin is about money.
mircea_popescu: as long as those big corps don't actually have big btc, they aren't big corps
mircea_popescu: they just thing themselves big.
ThickAsThieves: how does one "release" a "widely adopted" fork?
mircea_popescu: exactly.
mircea_popescu: 0.8 is a widely adopted fork.
pankkake: see web browsers and web servers
mircea_popescu: i've had people spend 1000s of hours modelling this point, as it's the one most important point in all bitcoin
jamespeerless: yeah guess as long as they don't have any way to make money off of it, it won't happen
mircea_popescu: i'm not seeing anything particularly worrisome
pankkake: or, in p2p, the most popular networks: ed2k and bittorrent
pankkake: so many implementations talking to each other
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves i suppose i should put this up ion trilema too, even out the chances of teh populous a little.
ThickAsThieves: plus you need to have any new predictions in published record :)
ThickAsThieves: so i can scowl with happiness at you in the future
mircea_popescu: lol this is more like predictions of the past
ThickAsThieves: yes, but you can apply your thought to the current state of things, allowing for new more appropriate predictions
ThickAsThieves: like the disbandment of the dev team maybe?
ThickAsThieves: i suppose theyll claim the title long afte rthey cease work
mircea_popescu: why should they be disbanded ? let the kids have fun.
mircea_popescu: foundations, conferences, is how discoveries are made in sciences too neh ?
ThickAsThieves: well if you count "outreach" maybe
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 150 @ 0.0029 = 0.435 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 1191.00001, Best ask: 1198.0, Bid-ask spread: 6.99999, Last trade: 1191.0, 24 hour volume: 17070.52954069, 24 hour low: 1105.0, 24 hour high: 1209.989, 24 hour vwap: 1157.24439
ThickAsThieves: ;;nethash
gribble: 6400549.04237
ThickAsThieves: that hasnt moved in like a day or two
ThickAsThieves: like, exactly the same number
ThickAsThieves: seems broken
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker --bitstamp
gribble: (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market <market>|all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Mtgox. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure (1 more message)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.33318358 = 0.6664 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker --market bitstamp
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 1095.66, Best ask: 1097.0, Bid-ask spread: 1.34000, Last trade: 1097.0, 24 hour volume: 10080.51725385, 24 hour low: 1037.5, 24 hour high: 1100.0, 24 hour vwap: 1065.90371392
ozbot: 707408283.05150 | Next Diff in 1153 blocks | Estimated Change: 23.7524% in 6d 2h 27m 16s
ThickAsThieves: ;;estimate
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 200 @ 0.0029 = 0.58 BTC [+]
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | None based on data since last change | 894132728.373 based on data for last three days
ThickAsThieves: if you have to ask
ThickAsThieves: then you know the answer
KRS|gotyawallet: haha come on one must question almost everything in bitcoin
KRS|gotyawallet: f'n sharks out there
KRS|gotyawallet: in here..everywhere.
ThickAsThieves: you missed my point
ThickAsThieves: i'll rephrase
KRS|gotyawallet: oh because there isnt enough to find out out which is making me ask
ThickAsThieves: if they have no rep, how could you trust them
KRS|gotyawallet: right..gotcha.
KRS|gotyawallet: thanks dude
ozbot: The future in the past pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
pankkake: that's a lazy one… and you made me pay a few satoshi for it!
mircea_popescu: totally.
mircea_popescu: if you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin'.
ozbot: Bitcoin Alternative Quark (QRK) Increases In Value 500% In The Last Week - Yahoo Finance
ThickAsThieves: so basically altcoins make ponzis legal'
ThickAsThieves: we'll have altcoins sponsoring football teams n shit
ThickAsThieves: celebrity "endorsements" etc
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 500 @ 0.00048971 = 0.2449 BTC [+]
pankkake: most of that "increase" is already gone
pankkake: welcome to the endless pump and dump
pankkake: same for this infinitecoin actually
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 177 @ 0.0029 = 0.5133 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: lol yahoo nao pumping altchains ?
ozbot: Why Regulate Bitcoin? : The New Yorker
ThickAsThieves: "There may, however, be good cause for regulation. There have been several high-profile thefts of bitcoins recently, including a hacker attack last week on a Czech exchange called that emptied four thousand digital wallets belonging to customers. Also this month, an eighteen-year-old man in Australia who was running a Bitcoin “bank” announced that more than four thousand
ThickAsThieves: bitcoins had been stolen from his Web site, most of them belonging to users. In any industry, one of the strongest arguments in favor of regulation is the need for consumer protection—something bitcoin currently lacks."
ThickAsThieves: lol so US regulation will also help the Czech and Aus?
mircea_popescu: if one of the strongest arguments in favour of regulation really is the perceived need for consumer protection,
pankkake: I wasn't aware regulation prevented stealing
mircea_popescu: regulation has very poor chances.
ThickAsThieves: regulation can protect the whole internet guys
mircea_popescu: adding to the amusement in romanian that verb basically means "to fuck"
mircea_popescu: a polite way of saying it, as "he set her straight, sexually speaking" would be in english
pankkake: un bon coup de bite
ThickAsThieves: i still worry that eventually the only answer will be scary loss of net neutrality
ThickAsThieves: but maybe that will spur better internets
pankkake: many new censorship laws lately :/
pankkake: and without much protest either
pankkake: france wants to censor "tax evasion" next
pankkake: before that it was unregistered gambling
ozbot: Ministers will order ISPs to block terrorist and extremist websites | UK news | The Guardian
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 125 @ 0.00288 = 0.36 BTC [-]
Duffer1: not getting robbed would be nice, but i fail to see how regulation would prevent that in any way
Duffer1: first exchange to offer insurance wins
pankkake: I believe services could escrow a part of their funds
pankkake: (i.e. like delivery bets but more generic)
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves amusingly, bitcoin resolves definitively the issue of net neutrality.
pankkake: and namecoin!
mircea_popescu: whatever anyone could possibly throw at hte problem, bitcoin has billions soon to be trillions of vested interest.
mircea_popescu: nobody can fight that and win.
Duffer1: not necessarily mp
mircea_popescu: i guess we shall see.
Duffer1: at least in america the net neutrality issue also involves isp bandwidth limiting and paywalling
Duffer1: pay x more to access premium sites like x,y,z
mircea_popescu: any isp is free to issue you whatever contract they want, and you don't have to take it.
mircea_popescu: as long as there's ppl holding bitcoins, there will be a market to provide them with internet.
Duffer1: i don't see that happening in america, major monopolies are protected state to state
Duffer1: startups are sued into the ground or bought outright
Duffer1: exclusivity contracts are the norm
mircea_popescu: well conversely, i don't see the us as much of a point of interest anyway, it's on its last legs as is.
Duffer1: i agree, i just hate to see it happening
mircea_popescu: i mean a similar argument could be brought that in somalia internet access is difficult, what with all the armed bandits
mircea_popescu: nevertheless...
mircea_popescu: on the brighter side, from what i hear in the larger cities you can already get point to point internet
mircea_popescu: what with all the wireless everywhere
ozbot: Telecom Firms Thrive in Somalia -
Duffer1: all provided by at&t, comcast, or time warner
KRS|gotyawallet: Whats that got to do with Serbia
mircea_popescu: the other somalia
KRS|gotyawallet: oh right
pankkake: amateur (in the good sense) wireless networking is easy in a city. but how do you go further?
mircea_popescu: you can get satellite links anywhere.
pankkake: so we just need spacex to accept bitcoins!
mircea_popescu: the virgin thing already does
truffles: why is it america has such good internet connections
truffles: europe sucks with this!I!
mircea_popescu: for that matter, we'll probably be launching our own satellites before there's any serious challenge to net neutrality.
Duffer1: i'll miss my mmos if i'm forced to satellite :( hehe
mircea_popescu: truffles are you kidding ?
pankkake: most of europe is pretty well served
mircea_popescu: actually that's what i'd like to ipo : a telecom satellite launcher corp.
mircea_popescu: it can't be THAT hard.
Apocalyptic: mircea, I thought you had him on ignore
truffles: i feel like its intermittent or something
ozbot: Britain facing 'high risk of blackouts over next 5 years' | Mail Online
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> actually that's what i'd like to ipo : a telecom satellite launcher corp. <<< I'm so in
Duffer1: no doubt
Duffer1: need cable grade ping time or better though
ThickAsThieves: just put the internet in the blockchain
ThickAsThieves: bitcoin solves everything!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 414 @ 0.0029 = 1.2006 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 597 @ 0.00288 = 1.7194 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: If anyone is interest Danny Brewster, Neo, is tweeting from the Cyprus Investor Show, lotsa pics, including the POS unit
ThickAsThieves: interested*
kakobrekla: shiny black fetish bags
kakobrekla: GIMMESUM!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34865856 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.153 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34867853 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: An estimated 70 percent of the nearly 11,000 silent films produced in the US have been lost, according to a landmark study from the Library of Congress.
ozbot: Twitter / BtcDanny: I'm famous now
truffles: just read that one
truffles: he's a brit?
ThickAsThieves: originally, yes
truffles: hairstyle/face combo is typical
truffles: colors and bags look nice
ThickAsThieves: it's an interesting choice of brand colors
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 12 @ 0.02591675 = 0.311 BTC [-] {2}
ThickAsThieves: black and yellow
ThickAsThieves: not very common
ozbot: Wiz Khalifa - Black And Yellow [Official Music Video] - YouTube
ThickAsThieves: i hat ethat song so much
truffles: hahaha
truffles: never watched vid before
ThickAsThieves: i do like a few Wiz songs tho
ThickAsThieves: that chorus though
truffles: song feels like its 20mins long..
ThickAsThieves: Jay Z & Beyonce have gone vegan
truffles: for 22 days
ThickAsThieves: thats all it takes
jcpham: faulty pens
truffles: lmao
truffles: massive cocks
ThickAsThieves: the comments on that youtube page kinda show that google's switch to using google+ to clean comments didnt work
jcpham: my pens never do that
ThickAsThieves: "i don't know wtf this black cunt is singing"
truffles: google just keeps making utube worse..
ThickAsThieves: "Alex Robinson you are a nigga lover. and you trying to make me just like you. shame that."
truffles: oh i didnt even look at comments this time
truffles: i often do, i blame google
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.3486 BTC [-]
truffles: saw at least 3 women in that phot, 1 guy looks arab, 1 black guy hmm
ozbot: Twitter / BtcDanny: Good turnout
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 81 @ 0.0029 = 0.2349 BTC [+]
truffles: it wasnt a black guy nm
thestringpuller: truffles has to be french
thestringpuller: that's the only place they grow
truffles: i just ate the last one
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves hate's Wiz Khalifa too.
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves have you heard the Kanye-Sway interview?!?!?
thestringpuller: YOU AIN'T GOT THE ANSWERS ThickAsThieves YOU AIN'T GOT THE ANSWERS!!!!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 46 @ 0.00330215 = 0.1519 BTC [+] {4}
pankkake: "Despite many assuming the song is a reference to the colors of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania's NFL team, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the song is actually about Khalifa's black-and-yellow striped car"
pankkake: and here I thought that would be an interracial love song
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 55 @ 0.00337039 = 0.1854 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: i don't think Wiz has the capacity to write a love song, or music at all...
thestringpuller: He plagarized Chrono Trigger!
pankkake: so skinny
truffles: i was going to say he wasnt wearing enough yellow in song
ThickAsThieves: lol at that soundcloud song
truffles: omg never been part 2?
truffles: there was a part 1
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1002 @ 0.00294304 = 2.9489 BTC [+] {5}
thestringpuller: ;;bc,24hprc
gribble: Error: Failed to retrieve data. Try again later.
thestringpuller: ;;calc (108 - 50) / 108
gribble: 0.537037037037
thestringpuller: oh man whoever wrote those options is over exposed
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.343 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.3439 BTC [+]
nubbins`: morning
truffles: good evening
davout: afternoon
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6500 @ 0.00081266 = 5.2823 BTC [+]
pankkake: being "real" is having an address and people behind it?
pankkake: how about delivering
pankkake: who cares if they are aliens from the moon
jborkl: well, I was reading how the Ravi is/might be a escort
jborkl: very interesting - I will be back in 20 minutes to tell you if they are at work in suite 303
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.34384666 = 1.0315 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.00294943 = 0.2949 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.00294988 = 0.1475 BTC [+]
mod6: screen in a screen, ho ho!
mod6: now maybe i can lurk on the dl. hehe.
pankkake: screen in a screen is the norm for me
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 872 @ 0.00294988 = 2.5723 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 10 @ 0.02591 = 0.2591 BTC [-]
nubbins`: do any of you guys bake bread?
nubbins`: trying to troubleshoot a loaf
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 333 @ 0.00294999 = 0.9823 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34541456 BTC [+]
jborkl: Well, they are there
jborkl: in suite 303
nubbins`: great
davout: nubbins`: yup
nubbins`: ah, re: bread?
nubbins`: so i'm making sourdough
nubbins`: the dough rises in the bowl and again in the pan, but when i place the loaves in the oven, they don't rise any further
jborkl: ah, I thought you were having trouble taking a dump
nubbins`: HAHA
nubbins`: no trouble there ;(
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34541456 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 115 @ 0.00294998 = 0.3392 BTC [+] {2}
ThickAsThieves: neumann studio monitor system ... heaven
ThickAsThieves: breaking them in with Fuckin' Problems - ASAP/Drake/Kdot :)
ThickAsThieves: thestringpuller might preciate that
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 198 @ 0.00290002 = 0.5742 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3184 @ 0.00081379 = 2.5911 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4830 @ 0.00081614 = 3.942 BTC [+]
davout: nubbins`: i'm not sure they're supposed to rise a lot anyway in the oven
nubbins`: i mean, i know traditional loaves should
nubbins`: just not sure about sourdough
davout: nubbins`: hm, i'll confess complete ignorance
nubbins`: i also don't add any store-bought yeast
nubbins`: only sourdough starter
davout: nubbins`: you know, we french people, we just bake bread, it's in our blood xD
davout: i do it with store-bought yeast
nubbins`: j'aime le pain!
davout: le pain c'est bien
nubbins`: yeah, i'm stubborn
nubbins`: i birthed this sourdough starter last september
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34541456 BTC [+]
nubbins`: have been baking with it for over a year now
davout: gross mental image
nubbins`: shouldn't use "birthed" for yeast colonies
nubbins`: i created this sourdough starter last september
nubbins`: anyway, the bread is fucking delicious, which is what matters, i guess
davout: haha, yeah. you designed it man, you engineered it
nubbins`: anyway, gonna go eat a bunch
davout: bon appétit
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 200 @ 0.00290002 = 0.58 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4086 @ 0.00081785 = 3.3417 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34878471 BTC [+]
stephengandel: Hi. I am a reporter trying to understand bitcoin futures. Anyone willing to help?
jurov`: hello stephengandel, you mailed to coinbr support yesterday?
ThickAsThieves: Ask questions openly, answers will come
Azelphur: stephengandel: best way is to ask in the channel. It's the cultural norm on IRC, and you'll get the best possible answers as others can correct inaccuracies.
ozbot: This Is the MIT Surveillance Video That Undid Aaron Swartz | Threat Level |
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 4 @ 0.05799996 = 0.232 BTC [+]
stephengandel: jurov, yes.
stephengandel: azelphur, what do you mean by ask the channel?
Azelphur: stephengandel: this is the channel, so just ask questions in here
Azelphur: they don't need to be aimed at anyone specific
ThickAsThieves: there are several competent and experienced people here that may be able to answer different questions best
stephengandel: OK. On ICBIT there is a BTC/USC 12.13 contract that has a range of prices all above the current price of a bitcoin to USD. So I am guessing these are the strike prices? I was told that a contract costs $10. But that can't be the same for all the strike prices. I am trying to figure out what it costs to sell futures contract.
ThickAsThieves: ah, one thing I can tell you is you will find more ICBIT users in #bitcoin-analysis
ThickAsThieves: it is not trusted by some in here
stephengandel: OK, Can I find the same info for coinbr?
ThickAsThieves: youre in the right room for coinbr
ThickAsThieves: jurov runs it
jurov`: stephengandel: i'm the owner of coinbr
ThickAsThieves: and mircea_popescu runs MPEx, the exchange it brokers with
jurov`: All options are priced in bitcoins, and the prices are publisjed on
stephengandel: OK. On MPEx, what does it mean that the price of o.usd.co50T is 0.785
stephengandel: sorry, 0.0785?
stephengandel: Is that of a bitcoin?
jurov`: it's call to buy 0.1btc for $50
jurov`: (that means price per 1BTC would be $500)
jurov`: and on exercise, you will get (in bitcoins) the difference between intrinsic value and current 24h weighed price
jurov`: or nothing, if price is <=500
stephengandel: intrinsic value is 500 for this contract.
stephengandel: And that'
stephengandel: that's if I buy.
stephengandel: what if I sell the contract?
ThickAsThieves: you can sell it for any price you like
ThickAsThieves: if you are trying to write and sell options that's a bit different
stephengandel: Yes. Trying to bet on a drop in the price of bitcoins.
ThickAsThieves: you might need to talk to Mircea
Apocalyptic: then you would buy put contracts
Apocalyptic: not calls
ThickAsThieves: not sure if jurov facilitates writing via coinbr
stephengandel: or sell calls?
ozbot: Call option calculation - Bitcoin Forum - The Unofficial Bitcoin Forum
stephengandel: Is it the same if I go through coinbr as MPEx?
ThickAsThieves: I think you would need an MPEx account, and to negotiate margin with mircea_popescu
ThickAsThieves: he might even have details in the FAQ
jurov`: stephengandel: yes it's the same, unless you get margin form mircea_popescu
ThickAsThieves: an MPEx account is 30btc, or 25btc with referral
jurov`: but even then, you'll be doing the saem MKOP/SPPLIT requests with loaned funds
ThickAsThieves: if you join you should probly connect with jurov for the referral, since he got you here :)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.00294 = 0.294 BTC [+]
stephengandel: So to do this on coinbr. I would have to open an account for 30 BTC, $30,000?
jurov`: No
jurov`: 30BTC is account directly on MPEx.
stephengandel: I don't understand.
jurov`: CoinBr offers account for free, only with small monthly fees
jurov`: because it's a broker that enables users to use one shared mpex account
ThickAsThieves: wouldnt mircea require a direct account for margin users?
jurov`: Yes, if you insist on margin, it's probably best to talk to mircea_popescu directly.
stephengandel: Can you do this without margin?
ozbot: Bitrated
jcpham: arbitration escrow
ThickAsThieves: write options? No
jcpham: m-of-n
ThickAsThieves: buy options? Yes
jurov`: You can write option only when you provide the collateral yourself.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 146 @ 0.00294 = 0.4292 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1379 @ 0.00294999 = 4.068 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: stephengandel, when will bitcoin crash, do you think?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 331 @ 0.00294999 = 0.9764 BTC [+]
jurov`: that's okay, it will crash, burn, whatever
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 390 @ 0.00048971 = 0.191 BTC [+]
jurov`: there's much deeper misunderstanding at work
ThickAsThieves: do i have someone on ignore?
jurov`: people like him want to speculate on btc without being exposed at all
jurov`: and that's the piece that aint gonna work
jurov`: because loaning bitcoins is too risky
Apocalyptic: jcpham, why are you promotting this ill-conceived service ?
stephengandel: No idea. Just trying to find out if it is possible to bet against it. But really don't know. Doing math now.
ThickAsThieves: I love that MPEx costs $35k now
ThickAsThieves: well if you want to "bet" against it
ThickAsThieves: that's much easier
ThickAsThieves: you can join existing bets or make your own
ThickAsThieves: better link
jcpham: Apocalyptic i'm not sure copying and pasting a link is promotion
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 187 @ 0.00294999 = 0.5516 BTC [+]
jcpham: it's also run by someone
jcpham: rumor is plans to tie into -otc gpg keys
ThickAsThieves: just make sure you read the BitBet FAQ fully
stephengandel: OK. But if I bought a put on the 0.USD.C050T on coinbr, I would have to put up .44 of a BTC as collateral?
jurov`: They have recently changed the lot to 0.1BTC, so it should be 0.044
jurov`: $avg
mpexbot: jurov`: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
stephengandel: why no?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 102 @ 0.00294999 = 0.3009 BTC [+]
jurov`: ;;calc 50/1097.74
gribble: 0.0455481261501
stephengandel: why 50, and not 500?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 125 @ 0.00295 = 0.3688 BTC [+]
jurov`: because it's for 0.1btc
ThickAsThieves: well also you dont need collateral to buy puts
jurov`: no, buying puts/calls goes normally
stephengandel: and the current price of that contract is 0.07919108 BTCs.
nubbins`: hm, re: bitrated
jurov`: yes, hefty risk preminum
stephengandel: what do you mean by that?
stephengandel: that was the price to sell a call. Is it the same to buy a put?
nubbins`: see how the site modified all the double-dashes into hyphens?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 875 @ 0.00295 = 2.5813 BTC [+]
stephengandel: where can I see the price of a put? Or am I not understanding this correctly.
jurov`: for buying or selling you either match the orders published by MPOE
jurov`: they are on
jurov`: puts as O.USD.P***
ThickAsThieves: you can only sell options two ways: If you write them (margin), or if you buy them and resell them
jurov`: or you place the buy/sell order at another price and it will also get published at
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1540 @ 0.00299693 = 4.6153 BTC [+] {3}
stephengandel: OK. spread on the p050 contract appears to be huge
ThickAsThieves: that's because a bot algo manages constant orders
ThickAsThieves: currently the risk is high
ThickAsThieves: and thus so is the spread and premium
jurov`: yes. all these 1000's are MPOE offers. but anyone can make their own offers.
jurov`: !t m ^OIX
assbot: [MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / 112.71463735 / 112.71463735 (3170 shares, 119.21 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC)
Apocalyptic: <stephengandel> OK. spread on the p050 contract appears to be huge // market makers make money from spread
stephengandel: So for the p080 contract, it would cost me roughly $1.70 to but the contract., with bitcoins at a current 1100. What would I make if bitcoins go down to 1000 or 900?
ThickAsThieves: you would lose money
stephengandel: But I bought a put?
ThickAsThieves: last i checked all the options require extreme price movement to profit
ThickAsThieves: 10-15% wont even be close
stephengandel: Do bitcoins have to go down to 800 for the p080 contract to be worth something, or below 800?
ThickAsThieves: they have to offset your premium
stephengandel: Is it different if I was selling a call vs. buying a put?
ThickAsThieves: Namworld, is your calculator still functional?
stephengandel: Seems like selling a call I could make money even if they went down a little bit?
stephengandel: But then I would need margin? Correct?
jurov`: *If* anyne buys it
ThickAsThieves: well the bot might
ThickAsThieves: but the price would still need to move a decent amount
ThickAsThieves: and you'd be shaving small %
jurov`: yes, if you sell to bot, you need large price movement
stephengandel: And also I have the problem that all of this would be settled in bitcoins, so any money I made on the futures bet against bitcoins would be offset by the fact that I own bitcoins, which would be worth less in dollars.
stephengandel: Just trying to figure out the calculation. Anyway you could run me through the transaction?
ThickAsThieves: well you'd be buying the bitcoins at a lower price than the current value if you surpass your premium
ThickAsThieves: so you could then sell them at a profit
stephengandel: what if bought a p110, which is essentially where the price is now right? It would cost me $6.19 a contract. Is that right?
jurov`: ;;calc 0.04537758*1079
gribble: 48.96240882
stephengandel: So if the price of a bitcoin went down to 1000 when the contract settled, I would make $10 minus the cost of the contract, or $3.80
jurov`: ^ it's $49
ThickAsThieves: juriv is showing you that you have your cost wrong
stephengandel: but that's the price to sell. I am buying a put.
stephengandel: So I have to pay the selling price to buy a put?
ThickAsThieves: there are puts for sale with their own prices
ThickAsThieves: of course
jurov`: SELL QTY means mpex is selling to you
mike_c: ThickAsThieves: you don't need margin to write/sell options on mpex. you just put up btc as collateral.
jurov`: hence, price 0.0453775 applies
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 735 @ 0.00299944 = 2.2046 BTC [+] {3}
stephengandel: OK so it would cost me $49, and if a bitcoin drops to 1000, then I lose $39. For me to start making bitcoins have to drop to $610. Is that right?
ThickAsThieves: sounds right
jurov`: yes
stephengandel: And then I have the problem that I have to convert that back to dollars, and in doing that I will have lost money on my bitcoins because they will have dropped in value.
jurov`: no you will get the $49 back in bitcoins at current rate
jurov`: so you'll be even
stephengandel: Not at the rate on the day the contract settles?
jurov`: they are american, so you can exercise them anytime
stephengandel: even in bitcoins, but not in dollars?
jurov`: and current rate at exercise time applies
jurov`: what do you mean?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 84 @ 0.003 = 0.252 BTC [+] {4}
mike_c: no, even in dollars, that's the point. It's a hedge against bitcoin dropping
ThickAsThieves: hence Buying the Put
ThickAsThieves: rather than selling it
mike_c: thestringpuller:oh man whoever wrote those options is over exposed << not if they aren't speculating. if it is a miner hedging, then they aren't over-exposed.
stephengandel: from the beginning, I buy my 0.1 bitcoin to open the account, which currently costs $110. Then I buy the put for $49, or 0.04537758 of a bitcoin, and then I have 0.05468842 left in my account. Let say the price of a bit coin drops to $500, and I exercise the option. I will get 0.12 bit coins when I exersize.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 286 @ 0.0031181 = 0.8918 BTC [+] {2}
ThickAsThieves: gogogo NEOBEE!
stephengandel: add that to what I had left in my account, and I will have a total of 0.17468842 BTCs.
jurov`: ;;calc (110-50)/50
gribble: 1.2
ThickAsThieves: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 1201.00001, Best ask: 1207.0, Bid-ask spread: 5.99999, Last trade: 1200.75001, 24 hour volume: 15003.00562735, 24 hour low: 1131.72718, 24 hour high: 1219.94333, 24 hour vwap: 1172.45435
jurov`: yes, $60 will be 0.12 btc then
stephengandel: Now when I convert that back to dollars at the now btc rate of $1/500 BTCs, I would get $87. Meaning I still lost money!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 11 @ 0.33150768 = 3.6466 BTC [-] {5}
pankkake: can't you buy neobees for 0.003 direct from lmb holdings?
nubbins`: hey, wow
nubbins`: that's the firt time neobee has been > ipo for a while, i think?
nubbins`: *first
pankkake: yeah. because IPO was never finished before that
stephengandel: jurov, is that right?
stephengandel: Something I am missing?
ThickAsThieves: pankkake, yes, but the investor site is not fully functional it seems
ThickAsThieves: so some shares are locked but not purchased
pankkake: I wonder if this is a "must have shares now" or not knowing
ThickAsThieves: i dont even know how many are actually sold now :/
ThickAsThieves: waiting for access
jurov`: stephengandel: you buy the option for $49 and exercise them to get $60 back
jurov`: don't mix the bticoin you are holding long into there
stephengandel: I know but I will get it back in bitcoins, not dollars, correct?
ThickAsThieves: why does that matter
ThickAsThieves: sell them
jurov`: you will bet B0.12 *500 = $60
jurov`: *get
ThickAsThieves: obv you need to be doing higher volume than one option to make money anyway, so exchange fees wont be an issue
stephengandel: what are the exchange fees?
ThickAsThieves: check your exchange
stephengandel: on coinbr?
ThickAsThieves: coinbr is not an exchange
jurov`: coinbr does not touch fiat
stephengandel: ok on mpeX
ThickAsThieves: them either
mike_c: Buy 0.1 BTC for $110. Buy two P110T for 0.09 BTC. price drops to 500. Excercise for .24 btc. total btc is now 0.25 btc worth $125. go party with $15 gain.
jurov`: mpex either
ThickAsThieves: you want coinbase or campbx or mtgox or bitstamp
jurov`: you neex fiat-to-bitcoin exchange, like mtgox
stephengandel: yes, that's my point. since all of this will be done in bitcoins, when I exchange back, won't I lose money, but maybe I have this wrong?
Namworld: Is it me or is the breakeven on calls in the 15000+ USD/BTC?
mike_c: see my example.
mike_c: you make $15
ThickAsThieves: do it 100 times and you make $1500 :)
ThickAsThieves: less exchange fees
ThickAsThieves: typically in the 1% range
jurov`: yes. in your example you will get *$60 worth of bitcoins*
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 45 @ 0.00322253 = 0.145 BTC [+] {3}
ThickAsThieves: gotta say though, be careful shorting bitcoin...
jurov`: such small amount is best to sell to colleague or so
jurov`: and buying too, jusr meet some bitcoin anthusiast and buy by cash
jurov`: *enthusiast.. kbd fail
mike_c: agree with ThickAsThieves. while we had this conversation it went up another 1% :)
thestringpuller: hey jurov` you get the pm?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 230 @ 0.00323999 = 0.7452 BTC [+] {2}
jurov`: thestringpuller: a bit of patience, maybe>
thestringpuller: no the link i sent last night
stephengandel: But mike
iamnot_: whatever happened to XBOND? I don´t see it on Havelock anymore...
pankkake: iamnot_: recalled :(
mike_c: scam!
mike_c: (j/k)
stephengandel: mike_c, if I just do one contract. I lose money, right? Because I was sitting with bitcoins, or because of the leverage? Maybe both?
mike_c: right, if you are shorting you want to only buy as many bitcoins as it takes to buy the number of options you want
mike_c: otherwise you are exposed with the leftover btc
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 47 @ 0.00323999 = 0.1523 BTC [+] {2}
iamnot_: pankkake: ´recalled´ sounds bad. does that mean TAT bought back everyone´s bonds?
jurov`: so, fund the account just to buy 3 options. problem solved
jurov`: you will invest 3*$49 equivalent, you will get back (if $500) 3*$60 equivalent
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.33000024 = 1.98 BTC [-] {3}
pankkake: iamnot_: yes. but it's not bad, anyone buying it at ip(v)o benifited heavily from divs + early 105% recall
stephengandel: And if I buy two contracts and instead the price goes up by 54% or to $1694, then I lose what?
stephengandel: Just what it cost me to buy the puts or more?
jurov`: everything. the option becomes worthless.
mike_c: your options expire worthless, so you just lose what you paid.
iamnot_: pankkake: hmm i see. yes, i miss daily dividends. hopefully something else will come along.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.33 BTC [-]
stephengandel: I guess that's the advantage of buying a put rather than selling a call. Because if I sold a call I could lose an unlimited amount.
jurov`: no, you will at most lose the collateral
mike_c: right, selling has higher risk profile.
pankkake: I hope so; I have not invested elsewhere really
jurov`: if you wrote the option
stephengandel: But again, to sell a call I would have to open a MPEx account?
stephengandel: is wrote an option the same as selling a call?
jurov`: stephengandel: no, coinbr allows you to write options under the same conditions as mpex
mike_c: jurov`: is that true? i would expect that if the loss was higher than collateral the difference would come out of your mpex account.
jurov`: only thing we won't do, is to provide margin
jurov`: you understand the difference between collateral and margin?
stephengandel: Not really. How much collateral would I have to put up?
stephengandel: strike / spot BTCUSD + some MPEx-proprietary padding
jurov`: yes
jurov`: if the exercise requires more, that's up for MPEx to pay
ThickAsThieves: <iamnot_> pankkake: hmm i see. yes, i miss daily dividends. hopefully something else will come along. <<<< Don't hold your breath, no one serious and not scammy enjoys providing daily divs
jurov`: but that would also mean bitcoin falling catastctphically
jurov`: so it isn't hard for mpex to buy more of them
stephengandel: is this what you guys use for the spot price:
ozbot: Bitcoin Charts / Markets
jurov`: 24h price is used
mpexbot: ThickAsThieves: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
ThickAsThieves: whats the other way to pull it?
mike_c: ;;bc,24hprc
gribble: Error: Failed to retrieve data. Try again later.
thestringpuller: okay we need another cross exchange
thestringpuller: cause the bot isn't even quoting...
nubbins`: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD last: 1210.0, vol: 15442.99754919 | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1150.01, vol: 12582.57372365 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1059.9, vol: 11463.51851 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1150.01, vol: 2621.40917063 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 975.55, vol: 94.01568371 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 1126.0836, vol: 49103.04600000 | Volume-weighted last average: 1135.7963542
assbot: 123!
nubbins`: 796!
assbot: 123!
pankkake: ;;ticker --market btcavg
gribble: BitcoinAverage BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 1146.52, Best ask: 1150.44, Bid-ask spread: 3.92000, Last trade: 1145.43, 24 hour volume: 42611.77, 24 hour low: None, 24 hour high: None, 24 hour vwap: 1094.27
ThickAsThieves: I'll IPO an indexing website
ThickAsThieves: at 750000btc valuation
thestringpuller: how would that even bring in revenue?
ThickAsThieves: you guys in?
ThickAsThieves: from the IPO
thestringpuller: i'm in lets do it
nubbins`: good buy, can i pre-purchase all the shares?
mike_c: jurov`: I don't see anywhere that you are at risk for max of collateral. not to nag, but what's your confidence on that?
thestringpuller: IPO it on btctco
pankkake: I'd just make the IPO on a BTC address
pankkake: tell them it's colored coins
ThickAsThieves: yep, itll be dutch style
jurov`: mike_c just do the maths. you write one P100
ThickAsThieves: send me coins, you get your proportion
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 260 @ 0.00292551 = 0.7606 BTC [-] {2}
jurov`: mpex asks , say, 0.91 btc collateral for it
jurov`: then bitcoin falls to $10
mike_c: derp. got it.
jurov`: and you exercise, getting 90 BTC
stephengandel: prices appear to have disappeared on mpex
thestringpuller: stephengandel: bot isn't quoting due to broken pipes
ThickAsThieves: the data source for the spot price is down
ThickAsThieves: so the bot pulled its orders
thestringpuller: the weightedprice is going up tho so good time for calls
mike_c: ThickAsThieves: sentiment is moving against you.
ThickAsThieves: ;;nethash
gribble: 6400549.04237
ThickAsThieves: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 872182330.638 based on data since last change | 894132728.373 based on data for last three days
ThickAsThieves: ;;bcstats
pankkake: don't worry, BFL will save you!
gribble: Current Blocks: 273061 | Current Difficulty: 7.074082830514966E8 | Next Difficulty At Block: 274175 | Next Difficulty In: 1114 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 5 hours, 21 minutes, and 47 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 872182330.638 | Estimated Percent Change: 23.29264
thestringpuller: wow one more 23% change and it's on
ThickAsThieves: well the next change might only need to be 13%
iamnot_: ThickAsThieves: Graet and Ukyo loans paid daily dividends. Do you know if those are still around in the form of direct shares?
pankkake: they are kinda defaulting
zoinky: are they?
pankkake: well, not sure yet
ThickAsThieves: well was largely debt consolidation
pankkake: but for sure you can't redeem right now
ThickAsThieves: so good luck with that one
ThickAsThieves: and is in limbo
iamnot_: thanks for the heads up. i will read up on them.
ThickAsThieves: for about a month+
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves is the only one to have large debt repaid
zoinky: havent been keeping up to date with them
zoinky: since i walked away
thestringpuller: well and namworld
pankkake: Namworld too
ThickAsThieves: Namworld is not fully paid
zoinky: nuts
ThickAsThieves: if the next diff is 89, then that means about 830 more TH will push me to lose
ThickAsThieves: well mor ethan that
ThickAsThieves: depends on depeloyment rate
ThickAsThieves: deployment*
ThickAsThieves: about 1400TH was added so far in this diff period
mike_c: how many erupters is that?
ThickAsThieves: usb erupters?
ThickAsThieves: I think the AM cubes are like 30GH?
mike_c: wow, 1400t this period. crazy.
ThickAsThieves: they have about 3000 left to sell i think
thestringpuller: damn son
ThickAsThieves: so not even a dent
Ukyo: [12:34] <Ukyo> due to the situation with weex, i stopped issueing dividends on the loan for now. I am setting up a seperate claim/management system where users will either a. begin to get daily divs again, or b. be able to get all missed divs with payoff
nubbins`: weex 4 prez
ThickAsThieves: i assume back divs are paid in either case
thestringpuller: So Ukyo isn't defaulting....
ThickAsThieves: oh, they are locked in Weex
ThickAsThieves: the repayment rate is unknown though
ThickAsThieves: wasnt meant to be a joke
ThickAsThieves: just a factor
mike_c: ^ hah! awesome
pankkake: you should be ashamed to have that first link in purple though
ThickAsThieves: I get one of these per month: "I have been studying your website and funds but I don't see information on how to invest in those funds. Is there information posted that tells how to invest in the funds?"
ThickAsThieves: so you were viewing Havelock
ThickAsThieves: and couldnt figure out what to do?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 3 @ 0.05699979 = 0.171 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 2 @ 0.05699979 = 0.114 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 597 @ 0.00302999 = 1.8089 BTC [-] {3}
thestringpuller: lemme guess from the forums?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 4 @ 0.05699979 = 0.228 BTC [-] {3}
nubbins`: STEVIE
ThickAsThieves: no thats email
mod6: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 273064 | Current Difficulty: 7.074082830514966E8 | Next Difficulty At Block: 274175 | Next Difficulty In: 1111 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 3 hours, 18 minutes, and 53 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 873500484.877 | Estimated Percent Change: 23.47897
nubbins`: we printed some nice garment tags on some linen the other day
ozbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
pankkake: that looks like an inverted black cock?
thestringpuller: nubbins`: that's my name don't wear it out :P
pankkake: dumb me, it's named black hen
nubbins`: to both of you
ThickAsThieves: neat, have you ever worked with dye-sublimation?
nubbins`: nope, not set up for that atm
ThickAsThieves: I used to run and maintain ESTAT machines
ThickAsThieves: then moved to Mimaki
ThickAsThieves: and solvent too
nubbins`: we don't have the ventilation for solvent inks 8)
nubbins`: some day
ThickAsThieves: i still prefer screen-printed stuff anyway
ThickAsThieves: it's the teen punk in me
nubbins`: you can get additives for printing on polyester
nubbins`: so the ink doesn't migrate
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves: grinds every rail ever
ThickAsThieves: i never skated
ThickAsThieves: i was too cool for that shit
nubbins`: bet you were pretty good at tony hawk, tho
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.00302 = 0.151 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: nope, mario kart
jamespeerless: anyone know how my bet weight works if I bet multiple times on same bet?
nubbins`: heh, i've been playing lots of mario kart wii lately
nubbins`: couple weeks ago my wife and i ate a bunch of acid and played it for hours
ThickAsThieves: i was too busy rocking out to skate anyway
nubbins`: really intense
pankkake: jamespeerless: it will have a new, lower weight
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 331 @ 0.00302 = 0.9996 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: jamespeerless new bets will appear seperatley
kakobrekla: payout is merged
kakobrekla: in a single tx
nubbins`: ThickAsThieves: ever listened to Metz? you might like em
jamespeerless: so they're basically independent? and then it just adds the payouts together
ThickAsThieves: i havent nubbins, will check em out
kakobrekla: they are independed bets yes , but if you win you will get 1 tx only
kakobrekla: to account for all of them
ozbot: METZ - Wet Blanket [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 134 @ 0.0030225 = 0.405 BTC [+] {2}
jurov`: ;;market sell 1000
gribble: A market order to sell 1000 bitcoins right now would net 1200802.9202 USD and would take the last price down to 1200.0200 USD, resulting in an average price of 1200.8029 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0629 seconds
pankkake: isn't it named misinformation-blog?
jurov`: KRS|gotyawallet: ^ here is the answer
jurov`: and it won't be much different at $10k
nubbins`: he seems to be operating under the assumption that exchanges aren't a place where buyers and sellers meet
chaang-noi: ch0000 ch0000!
nubbins`: i mean, in order to convert x btc into $50m, other users have to put that $50m into the exchange
jurov`: ;;market sell 10000
gribble: A market order to sell 10000 bitcoins right now would net 10975877.1390 USD and would take the last price down to 960.6000 USD, resulting in an average price of 1097.5877 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 98.6026 seconds
nubbins`: because if they don't, the seller doesn't have any buyers
nubbins`: or am i missing something
KRS|gotyawallet: thats the main point of the article, i read it
nubbins`: this guy seems to think that each time you buy 1 btc, it's the exchange that had them and is selling to you
KRS|gotyawallet: more like ;;market sell 140000
ThickAsThieves: that seems to have trouble forming coherent sentences and concepts
KRS|gotyawallet: ;;market sell 140000
gribble: A market order to sell 140000 bitcoins right now would net 36115590.7219 USD and would take the last price down to 8.9066 USD, resulting in an average price of 257.9685 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 171.1354 seconds
nubbins`: "Where would the exchanges ... get 10 million dollars?"
nubbins`: from the people buying the btc
nubbins`: what a fuckin dummy
nubbins`: haha, first comment.
pankkake: he must think bitcoins are "backed" by things
ThickAsThieves: I thought he was gonna make a decent point,
pankkake: gold bug? not that there's anything wrong with that
ThickAsThieves: that in the regulated world such providers must have a lot of their own capital
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 126 @ 0.0030225 = 0.3808 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: this would help with losses caused by the exhcnage
ThickAsThieves: errors, hacks, etc
nubbins`: luckily, here in btc-land, exchanges don't need to cover shit, because fuck it
pankkake: history of bitcoin tells us you can lose up to 90% of your bitcoins a year and still be a winner!
nubbins`: it's true, i lost my shirt twice and i'm still laughing
pankkake: you just printed it again
KRS|gotyawallet: point #1, big chunks of btc are moving around after being dormant since apr 2013 (our last all time high), point #2 one of these "chunks" of btc could market-sell 140,000 btc down to $8.
pankkake: yeah, but for how long?
nubbins`: okay, but why would you chase the price all the way down to $8?
nubbins`: rather than cashing out slowly to maximize profit
nubbins`: i mean, i know we're all irrational actors
nubbins`: but there are limits to the insanity
KRS|gotyawallet: or give up your position alltogether?
KRS|gotyawallet: if YOU have the btc, OTHERS dont
benkay: ;;market sell 140000
gribble: A market order to sell 140000 bitcoins right now would net 36138416.0754 USD and would take the last price down to 8.9066 USD, resulting in an average price of 258.1315 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 187.7440 seconds
pankkake: that's only on mtgox too
pankkake: but I'm sure many people would come to get those bitcoins
KRS|gotyawallet: the article questions..why are these big chunks moving at all? maybe because people are realizing they are there and to shuffle them around a bit? idk
nubbins`: when you win the lotto, you can get a lump sum payment of much lesser value, or you can get yearly/monthly payments that total a greater amount
nubbins`: this is similar to a whale cashing out btc
nubbins`: he can take all at once
nubbins`: and get much less
nubbins`: or he can spread it over months/years
nubbins`: and get much more
KRS|gotyawallet: I think so too..the most positive article I read is how countries like china and countries in africa will be hoarding them because they are a perfect financial vessle for financial freedom
nubbins`: heh, thought you said "countries like africa" for a moment
KRS|gotyawallet: haha a lot of people do
benkay: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 1216.0, Best ask: 1222.0, Bid-ask spread: 6.00000, Last trade: 1215.99001, 24 hour volume: 15013.43553127, 24 hour low: 1131.72718, 24 hour high: 1225.0, 24 hour vwap: 1177.82055
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 260 @ 0.00293127 = 0.7621 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 430 @ 0.00293005 = 1.2599 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 172 @ 0.00292658 = 0.5034 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: nubbins, try a hotter oven re:sourdough
KRS|gotyawallet: This was the most positive article about bitcoin I think I ever read, and it just came out
ozbot: What Is Beijing's Rationale For Promoting Bitcoin? - Forbes
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2466 @ 0.00291761 = 7.1948 BTC [-] {6}
ThickAsThieves: "China’s economy is too slanted"
Vexual: thats racist
ThickAsThieves: he's Chinese, it's ok
pankkake: > referring to countries by their capital
Namworld: America is a country apparently. Black people are African-american. Then Africa must be a country too!
Namworld: re nubbins/KRS
Vexual: what about "China does tech, it's what they do."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 249 @ 0.00300909 = 0.7493 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 25 @ 0.34634842 = 8.6587 BTC [+] {11}
KRS|gotyawallet: right, but they need financial freedom and btc gives them that
KRS|gotyawallet: Namworld I didnt think of that. I should tell my black friend he too must be a country..hmm.
nubbins`: Vexual: it's already at 450, :(
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 118 @ 0.003 = 0.354 BTC [-]
nubbins`: Namworld: America isn't a country
nubbins`: you must mean the united states of america
Namworld: I know...
KRS|gotyawallet: What about Somalia
kakobrekla: i hear dat.
nubbins`: anyway, i think "african-american" is a silly phrase
nubbins`: nobody says "african-canadian" here
jurov`: stfu, you have french-canadians
KRS|gotyawallet: America needed something to divert attention from the word Nigger which worked fine for me..Worked fine for them so why not.
Vexual: nubbins, perhaps less fisting b4 the first rise?
nubbins`: jurov`: they speak french!
jurov`: oui?
nubbins`: Vexual: i was worried about not kneading enough
Vexual: you can push it past that peak eleasticity
nubbins`: french-canadians = french-speaking canadians
nubbins`: you can be goddamn sure that they're not identifying with the country of france
jurov`: but it's a term
nubbins`: i knead for about 10 minutes, bowl and cover, punch down and form loaves after 4-6 hours, proof in the pans for another 4-6 hours, then bake
jurov`: i'm not implying that afroamericans speak african
nubbins`: sure
nubbins`: it's just a silly term
jurov`: maybe you don't kned hard/long anough?
Vexual: got a doughmixer?
nubbins`: no mixer
nubbins`: all hand work
jurov`: it needs to start resisting
nubbins`: see, it rises fine, just not in the oven
Vexual: try a batch of smaller laves with different kneads to troubleshoot
nubbins`: hmm, yeah
nubbins`: i tried adding a bit more water this time, no difference
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 106 @ 0.0030091 = 0.319 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.34878314 = 1.0463 BTC [+] {2}
nubbins`: although the crumb *is* a bit nicer
nubbins`: jurov`: maybe it's just me, but i think it's a bit silly to call yourself african-anything if you were born in north america
nubbins`: like
Vexual: you could cheat and chuck some more yeast in
nubbins`: i'm not irish-canadian or british-canadian
nubbins`: i was born here
nubbins`: i'm just canadian
jurov`: nope, you're eurocanadian
jurov`: :DDDD
nubbins`: european-canadian
Vexual: trasheh?
nubbins`: Vexual: i can't bring myself to add store yeast
nubbins`: the flavor is just too good as it is
jurov`: what about bitbetting the meeeelion?
jurov`: would you?
nubbins`: srsly, today's loaves are SO GODDAMN SOUR
KRS|gotyawallet: We should all meet in Prague for food and feast..Prague has the women and leet secks too.
nubbins`: i just had a tuna sandwich
nubbins`: and i was in ecstasy
nubbins`: honestly, i'm more than a bit surprised that i haven't managed to kill my starter yet
Vexual: The party is going after corruption among Chinese officials. Even though the party needs to clean up, it needs to give its own members an exit plan, as too much prosecution would make the people think that the party is completely corrupt.
Vexual: Not chinese, just very stoned
jurov`: The reason Hendry doesn't own Bitcoin is because it's not available on a regular exchange, the report said.
jurov`: roflol
nubbins`: "showing everyone that the party is completely corrupt would make people think the party is completely corrupt"
nubbins`: i can see why the party wouldn't want that
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 25 @ 0.15017479 = 3.7544 BTC [-] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.34878472 = 0.6976 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 4 @ 0.02592 = 0.1037 BTC [+]
stephengandel: Hi. Had to leave for a bit. Do the prices on mpex go down a lot?
stephengandel: jurov, you still here?
Vexual: basement; ladies underwear
ThickAsThieves: if you are referring to options, they premium has been generally very high since last Summer
stephengandel: Sorry, not go down as in price, but not available, as in right now?
ThickAsThieves: of course the rise from 150 to 1200 cerrtainly presented opportunity to profit
ozbot: Bitcoin becoming a standard part of lawsuit discovery requests | Jeff Steinport
ThickAsThieves: yes it does
stephengandel: And the collateral I would have to post to sell a $500 call would be .45 of a bitcoin?
ThickAsThieves: Vexual, bitcoin will be great for divorces
stephengandel: strike / spot BTCUSD + some MPEx-proprietary padding.
stephengandel: or $495
ThickAsThieves: i dont know that one, i assume the collateral is the full value
ThickAsThieves: but you need to ask someone else for sure
asciilifeform: simple test of your security arrangements. if your PC were to fall into enemy hands, would he know how much BTC you have? (or where.)
jurov`: stephengandel: the info on the forum is obsolete, as the lot changed from 1BTC into 0.1BTC
asciilifeform: if the answer is yes, consider it to already belong to the enemy.
jurov`: so just divide the collateral by 10
asciilifeform: why do you suppose the 'legit' exchanges want your government id? precisely to simplify confiscation.
asciilifeform: 'aha, you bought 100btc. where is it now? we have this here soldering iron, and you have an arse...'
stephengandel: OK. So only 0.045 of a bitcoing. And it says the last price on a call for 050 is 0.05232243. So that's what someone would pay me if I could write a call?
Vexual: TAT, there might be a market for some satoshi dust for petty jilted lovers
jurov`: oh and people, i'm still searching a decent writer to put the stuff together.. there really isn't anyone who can make the time for some btc?
jurov`: stephengandel: if you actually sell that for 0.05m, you'll be damned lucky
Vexual: tehcneciel riting? i canod et
stephengandel: OK. but the collateral piece is right. Only 0.045. That seems doable.
jurov`: it needs not be technical.. just that poor fortune redactor can inderstand it
stephengandel: You're trying to pay freelance writers in bitcoins. Is that what you are saying?
stephengandel: If I took that contract I would have to hedge, right?
stephengandel: How do I do that? Just kidding.
jurov`: hedge what?
Vexual: tounge in cheek? eds and sics?
nubbins`: asciilifeform: the real rub is that the soldering iron can create new arses
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.003 = 0.15 BTC [-]
nubbins`: the obvious defence is to say you lost it all on asicminer shares.
stephengandel: I could open a bitcoin account on coinbr for 0.1 and then if I could get someone to take it write a call option. Right? Sounds like 0.1 is enough collateral.
jurov`: yes, should be (also depending on which option you want)
stephengandel: Do you have any idea how much I would make if I sold a call and bitcoins went to $500. I don't know how to do that math.
nubbins`: at the risk of being cheeky, you might wish to learn the math before you start moving money around :)
nubbins`: although i guess that's one of the reasons why you're here, hey?
stephengandel: Yes. Call option pricing more than just regular math
ThickAsThieves: to add to the cheekiness, are suuuuure you wanna bet on BTC falling that much?
ThickAsThieves: and then who's gonna buy your call?
nubbins`: i don't bet anymore, or even invest
nubbins`: i just hold
stephengandel: But was able to figure out put price so half way there.
stephengandel: Is that the same with the put, or do you think I would find someone that would sell me a put with 1100 strike price
nubbins`: #bitcoin-assets: cheekier than an ass calendar
stephengandel: If I wanted to buy that contract. I think so, right seems like I would be paying a lot for it
jurov`: stephengandel: what about if i sell you P110Ts at 0.0033 per?
jurov`: you can buy 3 of them for 0.1
jurov`: and once on coinbr account, you'll be free to odo with them as you please
jurov`: *er.. fix: 0.033
stephengandel: so you are saying I could get a better price than the 0.045 we were talking about before?
jurov`: yes. instead of the bot, i will write the options and sell to you
stephengandel: So the prices on mpex aren't real?
jurov`: there's a bot a marketmaker, and her prices are real
jurov`: but anyone can offer other price
jurov`: also real
stephengandel: And I could get a better price from you?
kakobrekla: is this real life?
stephengandel: What's the price if I wanted to sell the 050 call?
stephengandel: I guess what would you pay me?
stephengandel: Still don't understand how to figure out what that would be worth if the price of a bitcoin drops
ThickAsThieves: kakobrekla, no this is IRC
ThickAsThieves: just take the value you want it to settle at
ThickAsThieves: and subract your premium
jurov`: current intrinsic value of C050 is about $650 = B0.565
jurov`: oh sry that would be for 10 of them
jurov`: one is B0.0565
jurov`: mhm...i'd pay 0.06. i'm not so sure it will go up so much.
pankkake: IRC is real life to me. the world outside is useless and boring
pankkake: "and then who's gonna buy your call?" ghostbusters?
jurov`: no i'll exercise it
Vexual: megabyte blocks everywhere
pankkake: scammers mixing coins!
jurov`: mircea_popescu mia or just lurking and having fun?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 126 @ 0.00282733 = 0.3562 BTC [-] {7}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 95 @ 0.00260466 = 0.2474 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1098 @ 0.00011989 = 0.1316 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 14 @ 0.02590714 = 0.3627 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 11 @ 0.02580909 = 0.2839 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 24 @ 0.02289291 = 0.5494 BTC [-] {6}
Namworld: wanted to buy that contract. I think so, right seems like I would be paying a lot for it
Namworld: [15:03] <jurov`> stephengandel: what about if i sell you P110Ts at 0.0033 per?
Namworld: [15:03] <jurov`> you can buy 3 of them for 0.1
Namworld: [15:03] <jurov`> and once on coinbr account, you'll be free to odo with them as you please
Namworld: [15:04] <ThickAsThieves> nice
Namworld: [15:04] <jurov`> *er.. fix: 0.033
Namworld: what?
stephengandel: hey, jurov, the fee for buying a put is 1%. Is that for buying and sell?
Namworld: Arg, stupid mIRC
stephengandel: Meaning I would pay 1% of my 0.1 when I buy and 1% of what it is worth when I exercize the contract if I do.
Namworld: this not be right at all. Why did it put that in the clipboard
stephengandel: Or is it just the 1% when I buy the put
Namworld: darn
TomServo: Namworld: I assume you're aware highlighting copies to clipboard?
Namworld: I don't think I ever highlighted that part
Namworld: Obviously
Namworld: Human errors > computer errors by quite a large margin.
Namworld: Sometimes I miscopy something and paste an old clipboard item instead. mIRC sends all lines at once when pasting...
Namworld: I've just changed my settings so it ask before sending multiple lines
Namworld: That way I should be able to review
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.101 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 49 @ 0.002681 = 0.1314 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 208 @ 0.002681 = 0.5576 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 51 @ 0.00289985 = 0.1479 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 444 @ 0.00299728 = 1.3308 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.0029975 = 0.1499 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 131 @ 0.0029975 = 0.3927 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 83 @ 0.0029975 = 0.2488 BTC [+]
jurov`: <stephengandel> hey, jurov, the fee for buying a put is 1%. Is that for buying and sell?
jurov`: ^^ from where you got this?
jurov`: CoinBr has 0.5% both for buying and selling
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.00299 = 0.1495 BTC [-]
stephengandel: hi, does anyone remember if we were talking before about buying puts contracts with a strike price of 65 or 80. Thanks.
stephengandel: i lost the feed from earlier
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.349499 BTC [+]
stephengandel: no wait. I remember it was 1100. never mind. Thanks.
nubbins`: stephengandel: just search via
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 45 @ 0.0033 = 0.1485 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] [PAID] 27.55189305 BTC to 13`849 shares, 198945 satoshi per share
stephengandel: how do I do that?
stephengandel: the search?
nubbins`: yeah, it's a website, just ctrl-f :)
nubbins`: or command-f, even
dub: no dont command-f
dub: thats for lames
nubbins`: mildly annoying, X11 apps require control-f whereas native quartz applications use command-f
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] [PAID] 6.28636680 BTC to 332`612 shares, 1890 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 80 @ 0.0029975 = 0.2398 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 762 @ 0.00300351 = 2.2887 BTC [+] {7}
ThickAsThieves: holy crap
Namworld: 3 days in an air pocket in a sunken boat at the bottom of the atlantic... must feel lonely
Duffer1: o.0
arbon: Lonely? I'm thinking more like terrified
ozbot: Oldest ever human DNA found in Spain, raises new questions about evolution | The Verge
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 25 @ 0.1518 = 3.795 BTC [+]
Apocalyptic: these nigerians are resilient
ThickAsThieves: wow ebay fees are absurd
truffles: haha
ThickAsThieves: i havent sold there in forever
truffles: so u r interested in evoluation TAT
ThickAsThieves: they take like 10%
ThickAsThieves: i evolve every day
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 3 @ 0.05699969 = 0.171 BTC [+]
pankkake: yes, they've been slowly increasing fees over the years
Namworld: Like government increase taxes?
pankkake: well, they aren't preventing anyone to use competitors yet!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34899997 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: so what do people use instead?
ThickAsThieves: craigslist?
pankkake: I still use ebay… it has the most stuff
ThickAsThieves: fukn robbery
pankkake: and the most buyers too
pankkake: craigslist doesn't have a reputation system right?
ThickAsThieves: well i'm a seller in this case
pankkake: I guess it's ok if you sell it face-to-face
deadweasel: ThickAsThieves: what are you slinging now?
deadweasel: i'll take 3
deadweasel: does it mine?
ThickAsThieves: heh i thought i invented nunya just now
ThickAsThieves: apparently not
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 150 @ 0.00301699 = 0.4525 BTC [+] {2}
ThickAsThieves: ;;ud nunya
gribble: | 2. nunya. A response to a rude question where someone is asking for personal information they are not ... Nunya is part of a burn to follow such a rude inquiry.
ozbot: Urban Dictionary: nunya
pankkake: I can sell you an abacus. It mines.
ozbot: New stock on Havelock: 7C (Games on the 7th continent)
pankkake: I don't know, it's a MMORPG?
ThickAsThieves: i thought it was an mmorpg?
pankkake: with bitcoin economy in it? well, it seems similar enough to me
ThickAsThieves: now that you frame it that way i guess it is the same
ThickAsThieves: but better
ThickAsThieves: cuz you can slay monsters
pankkake: oh, right. second life is just boring
pankkake: actually, people who are into second life are really weird… not that there is anything wrong with that, but certainly not the WoW people
ThickAsThieves: they are mor elike Sims players
ThickAsThieves: which also painfully boring
pankkake: sims is manipulating people, second life is being someone else
pankkake: (usually a transexual furry slave)
truffles: what do u play?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 777 @ 0.003017 = 2.3442 BTC [+]
pankkake: I tried SL a few years ago, played a girl with big boobs, got naked in public, and then got bored
pankkake: but I don't really like MMORPGs either
truffles: "got bored" playing a woman hmmm
dub: its pretty boring
dub: you can grind out real money from 'playing' sl though
truffles: never played
pankkake: yeah, kill something for <30min, that's my idea of a video game :D
Namworld: "Playing" doesn't pay. Design skins and objects for the game, sell them.
dub: you can get payed for just being in an area
ThickAsThieves: probly something Eulora will also be better at
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.15 BTC [-]
Namworld: I don't work for 0.1 cent an hour.
dub: since area populatrity is self fulfulling, if you have people in your area other people will come and check it out
ozbot: Economy of Second Life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Namworld: Then sell the SLL on virwox for BTC!
dub: so people pay other people to be in their areas, but yeah bored housewives grinding out pennies for kink is probably 90% of hte userbase
dub: I went and checked out their in-world presence, you can buy btc inside the game too
pankkake: I thought they banned exchanges or something
Namworld: You can? Weird
dub: this was a couple of years ago I guess
dub: theres some good trolling lulz to be had in SL
jurov`: stephengandel: i'm going off, email to coinbr support when you make up your mind, or have questions
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 40 @ 0.0030173 = 0.1207 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: "Okene was strapped into diving equipment, then led to a diving bell which took him to the surface, where he spent two days in a decompression chamber. "
ThickAsThieves: guy had to confined 2 more days!
deadweasel: best two days of his life
deadweasel: anticipation of life
truffles: or death
ozbot: Hugh Hendry Bitcoin Could Hit 1 Million - Business Insider
pankkake: "If I could own Bitcoin, I would" what
pankkake: I'll sell you one for $10000 Hugh, don't worry
deadweasel: that means he does.
pankkake: clever!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 500 @ 0.0030173 = 1.5087 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.34899998 = 1.047 BTC [+]
Apocalyptic: "The reason Hendry doesn't own Bitcoin is because it's not available on a regular exchange
Apocalyptic: ", rofl
deadweasel: a lot of effort into that excuse.
deadweasel: this Riddick 3 hdcam is awesome.
deadweasel: total formula flick, but good
ozbot: Lamborghini Newport Beach Blog: We just sold our very first vehicle with Bitcoin as legal tender
pankkake: as legal tender?
kakobrekla: dunno
kakobrekla: havent read it
ThickAsThieves: it's Bugpowder!
ozbot: Twitter / Wu_Tang_Finance: I WAS A TERROR SINCE THE BUSINESS ...
kakobrekla: i bet it went for less than my Golf
pankkake: makes no sense to buy a car with bitcoin, just take a fiat loan
pankkake: fiat, hehe!
kakobrekla: dont buy Fiat!
ThickAsThieves: buy a Fiat with bitcoin
dub: dont buy vw either, jesus
pankkake: buy a silver fiat panda
kakobrekla: well, twas only 500 btc ya know
pankkake: at least it wasn't a pizza…
Apocalyptic: still a pretty expensive golf
ThickAsThieves: 1 pizza costs 20 Teslas
ThickAsThieves: wacky world
kakobrekla: yes one of the worst deals i have done :)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.3489 BTC [-]
dub: doesnt matter how much you pay, ending up owning a golf is bad deal
kakobrekla: lol ok w/e
dub: purchase price $1, yearly maintenance bill $1000000
kakobrekla: not here
kakobrekla: here is one of the cheapest cars to run
kakobrekla: and it breaks down very little
kakobrekla: and you can go to bosnia and back and still come back with a car in 1 piece :)
dub: facts be damned by golf was a peice of shit
kakobrekla: why the hate, did golf kill your family and rape your butt?
dub: vr6 rice racer model, runs hotter than the sun, every fucking part needed importing
kakobrekla: i think you must be stuck in some alternate reality
dub: burns oil faster than petrol
Apocalyptic: hate oil burners..
dub: I am stuck very fucking far from yurup which didn thelp
kakobrekla: doenst make them a shit car if you are in fuckin usa
dub: yes it DOES
kakobrekla: just makes you in a bad position :)
dub: FU
kakobrekla: dub got all pissy
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.0030173 = 0.1509 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: do not ever again metion golf
pankkake: it's funny how there are almost no american cars in yurop
kakobrekla: words of wisdom
kakobrekla: pankkake cause they are retarded
truffles: when did it become a yurop thing..
pankkake: I doubt asians buy any either yeah
pankkake: but everyone buys their cars
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2975 @ 0.00301829 = 8.9794 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1000 @ 0.000451 = 0.451 BTC [-]
pankkake: so, all current black markets are closing/closed now. we'll see if bitcoin is about drugs
dub: because they they make the best cars
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1140 @ 0.0030184 = 3.441 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 350 @ 0.0030184 = 1.0564 BTC [+]
truffles: pankkake was there a major crack down?
pankkake: no, BMR shuts down because "they have no competition"
truffles: isnt that a good thing
pankkake: too much users to handle
pankkake: (and owner is probably rich enough to retire)
ozbot: BMR Is Shutting Down | Deep Dot Web
truffles: where r all the addicts gonna turn now
pankkake: BMR was guns, too
Apocalyptic: <pankkake> no, BMR shuts down because "they have no competition" // first time i hear that justification for shutting down
pankkake: "This puts BMR in the edge of the blade, Tor can’t support any site to be too big"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 200 @ 0.00301 = 0.602 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.00301 = 0.301 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.14110003 = 0.2822 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 11 @ 0.02499727 = 0.275 BTC [+] {3}
dub: its the gox doctrine
dub: 'we suck because we're so popular'
dub: was looking for this earlier, probably the greatest moment in second life
truffles: "inappropriate for some users"
dub: cocks everywhere
kakobrekla: i dont see how some random dicks running around is funny
truffles: predators find it funny
kakobrekla: i mean, its nothing new.
kakobrekla: dicks.
dub: this was like the first live-to-reality interview with the richest secondlifer
dub: I guess it needs context
kakobrekla: who is the richest secondlifer
dub: but then I guess you should have lurked moar amirite?
truffles: ya cuz im not signed in
dub: anshe chung
kakobrekla: that girl?
dub: if you don't know about everything that ever happened on the internet its not my fault
ozbot: Anshe Chung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 50 @ 0.00225002 = 0.1125 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: "Chung currently owns thousands of servers' worth of land, "
kakobrekla: lol ok
pankkake: it's really a girl?
kakobrekla: this second life land, which the creators can print to infinity?
truffles: impressive
kakobrekla: like dollars n stuff
dub: no, they have to buy it off linden labs amd pay rent
dub: but yeah, LL can add as much 'land' as they like to a point
kakobrekla: ok but linden makes this out of shits and gigles
kakobrekla: great investment
dub: well she made bank
truffles: "With her first Linden dollars she was able to sponsor a boy named Geo from the Philippines through a German church organization."-- pretty cool imo
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 262 @ 0.0029016 = 0.7602 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: that should read 'she sponsored german church with a young boy from philippines'
dub: creating stuff like buildings, vehicles, furniture, genitalia in game takes actual work, she used sweatshops to produce shit and sold it/rented property
kakobrekla: i wonder what they paid her.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 88 @ 0.0029016 = 0.2553 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 0.15 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 790 @ 0.00081324 = 0.6425 BTC [-]
truffles: SL is not for lazi ppl
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 1500 @ 0.000158 = 0.237 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: ;;xau
gribble: Error: "xau" is not a valid command.
kakobrekla: what is
kakobrekla: ;;bc,xau
gribble: 1 XAU = 1239.700000000000 USD = 1.00461913294 BTC
dub: heh
dub: <bbrox> Look you are blinded by BitCoin as is Peter Schiff by Gold and Greenspan by the Dollar. I am saying Trading LiteCoin has Advantage a) and Advantage b). I did my due dilligence and I know
dub: what i found out. There is nothing on earth that is going to convice me otherwise, especially not
dub: you.
dub: ...
dub: <bbrox> dub, and gox by some fat american bastard
dub: nice due dilligence thar
kakobrekla: so ltc is better than btc cause france is in merrica?
dub: yea
kakobrekla: i should defo get sum
Apocalyptic: is just Karpeles french or ne0futur too ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 261 @ 0.0029999 = 0.783 BTC [+]
truffles: dub uve gotten me to watch this sad display of SL omg
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.1493333 = 0.448 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.34879999 = 1.0464 BTC [-]
dub: I didn't think ne0futur worked there, he just hangs of tux' dick
dub: off*
Apocalyptic: dub, i've been told he's gox #2
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.14999996 = 0.3 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.00327769 = 0.2622 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 812 @ 0.000451 = 0.3662 BTC [-]
dub: Apocalyptic: must be a recent thing
Namworld: What happened to the new satoshidice?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.14999997 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6645 @ 0.00080683 = 5.3614 BTC [-]
dub: as recently as a couple of months ago when I challenged him on his rampant gox shilling he claimed to have no attachment beyond fanboy
dub: he did have insider info from tux however
ThickAsThieves: just in case any of you can help, why is firewire service not showing in my new W7 machine?
ThickAsThieves: do new updates remove it or somehting
truffles: dunno what firewire is
ThickAsThieves: it's like USB
ThickAsThieves: but like SCSI
Duffer1: have you tried newest drivers?
ThickAsThieves: but Apple-fied
ThickAsThieves: well all the firewire drivers exist
dub: you are the first person I've ever heard of using firewire
assbot: [MPEX] [O] [O.USD.P095T] 10 @ 0.02 = 0.2 BTC [-]
dub: congrats
Duffer1: oh apple i know not
ThickAsThieves: dub, it's for my sound card
ThickAsThieves: and old one
Duffer1: so apple running win7 w/ fire wire issue?
nubbins`: i've got an old minidv camcorder that does firewire
ThickAsThieves: it actually works fine on the apple w7 setup
ThickAsThieves: this is just a normal w7 setup
ThickAsThieves: i'm worried the mobo cant support it at all or something
Duffer1: ya i was gonna say
truffles: but its brand new pc
truffles: shame
ThickAsThieves: but usually there is a category in Device Manager
ThickAsThieves: for 1394
Duffer1: has it ever worked on that comp?
ThickAsThieves: but it;s not even there
Duffer1: i'm shocked it even has a firewire plugin
ThickAsThieves: it doesnt
Duffer1: sound card?
ThickAsThieves: its a pci-e card
Duffer1: i see
ThickAsThieves: firewire sound cards are external
ThickAsThieves: it connects to the pcie
ThickAsThieves: its actually not a sound "card" at all
ThickAsThieves: its a rackmount unit
Duffer1: if it's pcie it shouldn't have a problem though
Duffer1: sounds like some kind of driver issue, sorry man that's the extent of my suggestions :/
ThickAsThieves: i had the card showing up as a yellow ?
benkay: does anyone have an email for jurov`
truffles: have u tried uninstalling and reinstalling? :D
ThickAsThieves: yeah, since uninstall it doesnt show at all now :/
ThickAsThieves: benkay i do
ThickAsThieves: i hope that helps
Duffer1: tat what's make/model of the unit?
ThickAsThieves: the mobo?
Duffer1: the audio equipment
benkay: thankee kindly, sir.
ThickAsThieves: thats not the issue
ThickAsThieves: w7 doesnt even see the pcie card
Duffer1: have you tried a different pci-e slot?
ThickAsThieves: the pcie card and the sound card are two diff products
Duffer1: so the pci-e is firewire specific?
ThickAsThieves: it is a firewire card
Duffer1: ohhh ok
ThickAsThieves: oh well, back to the frustration
truffles: if its broken before u even got to use it, tough times ahead
nubbins`: honey shreddies
Duffer1: thickasthieves scroll down to afzal taher's reply where he has you swap to legacy drivers
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34879999 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: nope, changing the pcie slot worked!
Duffer1: ah right on :)
truffles: gj Duffer1
Duffer1: mobo hardware fault on the first slot was actually my least likely scenario, but you gotta cover the bases anyways in pc troubleshooting
Duffer1: still might not even be a hardware fault hehe
dub: a lot of boards have shit like shared bus for the first pcie x1 and x16 slots
dub: so its one or the other, or bios switchable
Duffer1: or irq conflict
dub: two at x4 or one at x16 etc
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.3401 = 1.0203 BTC [-]
dub: don't assume its faulty before reading mobo spec anyway
ThickAsThieves: dub, yeah the gpu was the next slot
dub: I had trouble getting 5 pcie slots working that turned out ot be a bios switch, run the 3rd x16 slot at x4 livens up the last x1 slot
dub: crazy taiwanese
ThickAsThieves: i really should have known this already from my gpu mining days
ThickAsThieves: dub did you see my comment earlier today about my new speaker setup?
ThickAsThieves: i recall you being into this stuff
dub: must have mised it
dub: should get back into it actually
dub: made nice setup in new houes for my turnies and shit, havent actually used them
dub: you linking or do I need ot read the whole log :)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 6 @ 0.02231001 = 0.1339 BTC [-] {5}
kakobrekla: you got techicks?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 70 @ 0.003 = 0.21 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: technics*
dub: yessir mark 5s
kakobrekla: yeah i got mk5 too
kakobrekla: teh standard.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8294 @ 0.00080801 = 6.7016 BTC [+] {2}
dub: got SL3 cheap from my homie at serato
kakobrekla: i bought them like 10 years go
dub: same
kakobrekla: what setup you got tat?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 740 @ 0.00044 = 0.3256 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 500 @ 0.000431 = 0.2155 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.00299999 = 0.15 BTC [-]
ozbot: ROCK-HARD-COCK - YouTube
dub: tat gonna be rocking srs bzns
dub: having heard his shit
Duffer1: with that rack he's got, i'm sure he didn't go budget on the monitors, i bet it sounds pretty good :P
thestringpuller: started from the bottom now we're here
thestringpuller: started from the bottom now the whole fuckin' team is here
thestringpuller: uh uh uh I'm drake
ThickAsThieves: sorry, dub ws afk
ThickAsThieves: i got full setup of neumann monitors and woofer
ThickAsThieves: killer killer killer
truffles: dub u could at least appreciate that cock game
dub: truffles: i made the call not to watch that at work
truffles: work pff
dub: don't want teh gays in security thinking I'm down
truffles: haha
truffles: its a game with a "hard" penis just rolling through like mario
truffles: or sonic
truffles: why r u still at work!
truffles: its way past overtime hrs in the east
dub: its december
thestringpuller: dub works the farms
thestringpuller: listening to that wub wub
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 260 @ 0.00043134 = 0.1121 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: dub dub dub wub wub dub wub
dub: and every project has a unique snowflake trying to ram his shit through before brownout
dub: so dubs don't get to sleep
truffles: hope u party it up
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 398 @ 0.00044001 = 0.1751 BTC [+]
dub: I have three weeks in wine country from the 20th
dub: off grid, no cell coverage
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.341 = 1.705 BTC [+]
truffles: i asked a friend why not take cell "just in case" lol
truffles: ofc i get it now
thestringpuller: dub has miles to go before he sleeps
thestringpuller: cause he has promises to keep
thestringpuller: !ticker h am100
assbot: [HAVELOCK:AM100] 1D: 0.00314120 / 0.00326529 / 0.00337880 (637 shares, 2.07999251 BTC), 7D: 0.00102001 / 0.00305895 / 0.00508899 (30802 shares, 94.22169677 BTC), 30D: 0.00102001 / 0.00447466 / 0.00802006 (165935 shares, 742.50348228 BTC)
ozbot: Innomine x Lee Kim - Promise To Keep It - YouTube
thestringpuller: so truffles, i learned the other dy
thestringpuller: that truffles are traded on the black market
thestringpuller: ;;seen pigeons
gribble: pigeons was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 5 days, 11 hours, 29 minutes, and 27 seconds ago: <pigeons> well he was sorry i'm sure
truffles: its just an alias though
ozbot: Bob Marley - Work [05] - YouTube
thestringpuller: lol ozbot lag
dub: thestringpuller++
Duffer1: oh man that makes me miss my record player
thestringpuller: Didn't know there were so many Isley Brothers fans in the house.
nubbins`: every home needs a good turntable
Duffer1: i still have all my old vinyl, no record player though hehe
ozbot: Frankie Paul - Work Hard - YouTube
ThickAsThieves: i have Pharcyde - Labcabcalifornia on my turntable
Vexual: ive got lana del ray
Vexual: dont remember playing that
truffles: think she's good link it
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 275 @ 0.00299998 = 0.825 BTC [-] {2}
ThickAsThieves: lana del ray has like 1 good song
ThickAsThieves: if i recall
truffles: summertime sadness?
Vexual: whole mp sounds nice through a needle
Vexual: *lp
Vexual: :)
ThickAsThieves: i suppose i didnt give her a full chance
ThickAsThieves: but thats cuz her rap xover attempt
ozbot: Fatlip - What's Up Fatlip [VIDEO] - YouTube
truffles: dub listens to rap, shocker
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.14999999 BTC [+]
dub: GANSTA yeard
truffles: yeard = nerd*
Vexual: and the loot
nubbins`: i was listening to OM earlier on my turntable
nubbins`: nice music to get stoned & evolve to
Vexual: what om?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34799999 BTC [+]
nubbins`: live conference
nubbins`: two sides, two tracks :D
mircea_popescu: sooo what's new
nubbins`: that and the live jesus lizard album have both been getting some heavy play
deadweasel: i got a new woman.
Vexual: sounds like attempted sabbath or something
truffles: deadweasel with pics?
nubbins`: ah, a bit more doomy
Vexual: and the neo bee guys seem nice apparently
nubbins`: and with more christian iconography
Vexual: sabbathy floydy?
Vexual: greatfuldeady?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10192 @ 0.0008112 = 8.2678 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: nubbins` smokes the blunts?!?!?
nubbins`: nah, not even
thestringpuller: i would have never guessed
thestringpuller: being an artist and all
nubbins`: thestringpuller: never woulda guessed, hey? ;p
nubbins`: Vexual: ffw to 5:30 if you get bored
Vexual: it's nice, i might wait antil dark to give it a listen, its noon here
nubbins`: yah, night music
nubbins`: ;;bc,xau
gribble: 1 XAU = 1240.000000000000 USD = 1.01556101556 BTC
nubbins`: so close
kakobrekla: i heard it passed
nubbins`: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 1223.31724, Best ask: 1224.98, Bid-ask spread: 1.66276, Last trade: 1221.0, 24 hour volume: 17789.40413775, 24 hour low: 1131.72718, 24 hour high: 1240.0, 24 hour vwap: 1201.99894
ozbot: BitBet - 1 BTC will surpass price of 1 Troy Oz of Gold in USD
mircea_popescu: hasn't passed yet afaik, but they kissed once before
kakobrekla: but but teh commentz sais NO
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 1224.005, Best ask: 1232.0, Bid-ask spread: 7.99500, Last trade: 1232.0, 24 hour volume: 17845.20159732, 24 hour low: 1131.72718, 24 hour high: 1240.0, 24 hour vwap: 1202.10105
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.00081181 = 10.3912 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: i want to see the v v video of um ah danny at this err cornerence
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 119 @ 0.00301 = 0.3582 BTC [+]
Vexual: i shoulkn't joke really, the only public speaking i ever do is when im three sheets to the wind, and i havn't been invited
nubbins`: it's definitely a skill
Vexual: is danny the main guy or the talkie face?
Vexual: there at lease looks like the possiblity of some value in their tech infrastructure already
gribble: (eauth <nick>) -- Initiate authentication for user <nick>. You must have registered a GPG key with the bot for this to work. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes.
mircea_popescu: ;;eauth mircea_popescu
gribble: Request successful for user mircea_popescu, hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu. Get your encrypted OTP from
Vexual: logo on the eftpos and shit
mircea_popescu: ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:fd5b35a2d2c684170319ac0b7d6e11bf98998e51958e5964a401066e
gribble: You are now authenticated for user mircea_popescu with key 8A736F0E2FB7B452
ozbot: Business Time - Flight Of The Conchords (Lyrics) - YouTube
Vexual: i need a business that needs lots of capital so i can ipo like all the cool kids
mircea_popescu: an oil tanker factory.
Vexual: doesnt sound risky enough
mircea_popescu: prolly cost 10 bn to make one.
Duffer1: offer consulting services, fill the prospectus with words like synergize, ipo
Duffer1: risky for who?
asciilifeform: launch satellites. doesn't get much more risky than that.
Vexual: i already do, and my costs are low
asciilifeform: what's the state of the art? 20% failure?
Vexual: that more like it
Vexual: wheres cheapest to launch? im sick of this place
mircea_popescu: seriously, romania launched a fucxking satellite.
mircea_popescu: this shit is not as hard as making asics.
Vexual: nope
Vexual: making a good satellite is harder than getting it up
nubbins`: there's a launch pad in french guyana
nubbins`: nice weather down there
nubbins`: expensive tho
Vexual: a launchpad is just a concrete slab with predictable waether
nubbins`: well i think it's actually a fully-fledged spaceport
nubbins`: whatever that entails
nubbins`: a few vending machines in the lobby, at least
Vexual: google still doing that low orbit free internet for plebs thing?
nubbins`: not sure if joking
Vexual: paid for by the local goat butcher
Vexual: they were planning to have an array across 35deg south or something so they can get africa
Vexual: sending em up with ballons
nubbins`: that's *one song*
nubbins`: 63:35
Vexual: sounds like the soundtrack to the road to the place that wolf creek was based on
Vexual: 1000km north of woomera through the desert
Vexual: no greeting but a donkey with hooves growing through its knees, and no pies
Vexual: flee immediately
nubbins`: no vocals until 8:something
nubbins`: the story here is that this band went to their label
nubbins`: "here's our new album"
nubbins`: a single 63-minute track
nubbins`: label says "no, go fuck yourselves"
Vexual: that was the reply when i enquired about pies
thestringpuller: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 273123 | Current Difficulty: 7.074082830514966E8 | Next Difficulty At Block: 274175 | Next Difficulty In: 1052 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 7 hours, 11 minutes, and 8 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 870647259.088 | Estimated Percent Change: 23.07564
nubbins`: haha
mircea_popescu: so did that stephen guy ever manage to short bitcoin ?
thestringpuller: ;;calc (870647259.088 * .23) + 870647259.088
gribble: 1070896128.68
nubbins`: then it was eventually released on another label chopped into a half dozen tracks
nubbins`: and then 4 years later in its original form
twizt: sup guys
Vexual: you're extra newbie friendly lately mp
nubbins`: ah, stephen didn't seem like he was ready to pull the trigger
nubbins`: hey twizt
mircea_popescu: Vexual i've always been newbie friendly
Duffer1: that gave me a good laugh :P
Duffer1: have you seen your website?
nubbins`: newbs only get confused by shiny things
Vexual: do you still have the wallet of your first transaction mp? remember the date?
twizt: i was curious about something, and was wondering if you guys had any idea. are there legit bitcoin crowdfunding places? like instead of selling shares sell the actual product, like kickstart. i was looking at bitcoin ipos but most of those sites seem to go down fast and they issue shares/bonds with HYIP like returns lol
nubbins`: twizt: i think there's a "bitcoinstarter". usual caveats apply
mircea_popescu: not so far.
nubbins`: nothing i'd feel comfortable sending money to
twizt: im trying to start a hot sauce company
Vexual: what do you wanna fund twista?
Vexual: you havent got $30?
mircea_popescu: mustard and ketchup in the same bottle ?
twizt: lol nah
Duffer1: it's a multi layered barrier because you're dealing with security noobs, securities noobs, crypto currency noobs, and noob traders
twizt: ive actually put serious effort into it
nubbins`: sriracha sauce?!
twizt: nubbins`: better man
mircea_popescu: Duffer1 well i took him to mean verbally.
nubbins`: GOCHUJANG?!?!
twizt: haha
Duffer1: oh ya i agree then
twizt: id rather sell the sauce than shares ;x
mircea_popescu: so put a website together and sell the sauce.
Vexual: u got the sauce all bottled up?
twizt: i did 25 sample batch..
Vexual: thats $125 dollars right there
twizt: @ a co packer in NYC
nubbins`: what size bottle
nubbins`: cost, flavor, etc?
mircea_popescu: nubbins` elk's vomit. specially engineered for the canadian conoisseur.
Vexual: oooh have they been eating fairy mushrooms?
nubbins`: ah, yes. the first peoples call this majestic animal "wapiti"
twizt: nah its legit. you can whois my domain and get a lot of info about me
twizt: lol
nubbins`: never tried the vomit. have eaten the meat
mircea_popescu: twizt so you got a site, is it selling any ?
nubbins`: have also tried the mushrooms
twizt: mircea_popescu: only to friends and fam so far
nubbins`: fun until they're NO FUN
nubbins`: if you get what i mean
twizt: can't sell retail yet, not ready
Vexual: what do you need money for twista? a run of 1million?
twizt: nah not even
nubbins`: twizt: you might have some success just hustling in the forums and on reddit
mircea_popescu: speaking of sriracha,
ozbot: Sriracha hot sauce operations can continue if it doesn’t smell, Irwindale says
twizt: yea it sucks trying to market a product no one has tried before
nubbins`: ah yeah! it was pretty touch-and-go for a while mp
mircea_popescu: twizt practically, search the forum for "mpoe-pr see here"
nubbins`: apparently that's the only factory that still uses fresh chilis
twizt: but people who tried it keep asking for more bottles and i dont have funds to go and make more ;\
twizt: like what would make u guys wanna pay for a hotsauce u never tried before lol
twizt: (market research mode)
Vexual: how old are ya twista?
twizt: 26
Duffer1: oo what kind of sauce
thestringpuller: lol newegg got trolled
thestringpuller: that's awesome
nubbins`: honestly, the flavour and the packaging
thestringpuller: bitcoin bitcoin #bitcoin
Vexual: so i guess the bottles are $10 then?
nubbins`: are what would sway me
twizt: no hold on
nubbins`: twizt: you should get a hundred or so bottles made, and start giving them away to restaurants
Duffer1: twizt hotwings recipe would get me to try it
Vexual: yeah go bulk
nubbins`: huy fong was exclusively a restaurant sauce for years
twizt: i havits about $8 for 16oz jar
nubbins`: and now you see red bottles w/ green caps everywhere
twizt: Duffer1: what do you mean?
nubbins`: 16oz, what's that in real units
nubbins`: ah, 473ml
Vexual: half a kilo
twizt: 16oz mason jars
twizt: its organic ingredients so i get raped in that regard
twizt: if didnt use organic it would be down to about $5 per 16oz
nubbins`: even better, hustle it to vegan restaurants
Duffer1: twizt either part of the packaging or marketing, a good looking recipe would probably move me to buy
twizt: Duffer1: you mean on the sauce itself?
Vexual: i would have thouight inorganic capsicums would be more expensive
Duffer1: ya or website, but i don't even know what kind of sauce we're talking about here
Vexual: benzene aint cheap
twizt: im using vinegar and perservative
asciilifeform: wtf is inorganic capsaicin?
twizt: and shelf life isnt long
twizt: about 30 days
Vexual: semantics
asciilifeform: some equivalent for silicon-based alien life?
twizt: Duffer1: can I PM you and show you my website (i dont want to put it on blast here)
Duffer1: cool i'd like that
nubbins`: if it's got a 30 day shelf life
nubbins`: you don't have NEARLY enough salt in there
nubbins`: hot sauce should be non-perishable
snackman: hey mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know it's been synthetised for like a century.
snackman: why exactly is this necessary:
snackman: "Incoming Bitcoin that doesn't exactly match a quoted sum will be simply kept, reported as profits and distributed to MPEx shareholders."
asciilifeform: synthetic, but still organic
nubbins`: snackman: part of using a communal deposit address
twizt: nubbins`: its more like a hot sauce dip, its heady, not water like
twizt: hardy*
asciilifeform: or was this about the other sense of 'organic'
snackman: nubbins`: but it's kind of dangerous, make a typo and loose a couple grand
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform a that's what you meant. well yeah
nubbins`: snackman: well, ya know.
Vexual: newver trust the chemist at the farmers market
nubbins`: best be careful :)
mircea_popescu: snackman if you're gonna make typos use a broker.
snackman: mircea_popescu: are there btc brokers?
asciilifeform: dry clean shop on my street has a sign, no joke: 'we use /only/ organic solvents!'
nubbins`: organic = made from organs
nubbins`: like haggis
Vexual: lol
Vexual: or acetone, im not sure what happened to your suit sir, its all organic
asciilifeform: i suppose if you want your shirts washed in molten sodium, you'll have to go elsewhere.
snackman: mircea_popescu: also, what's up with my 10btc?
mircea_popescu: lol molten sodium. that'll definitely cost more than the suit.
Vexual: premium unleaded + heat = clean
nubbins`: nothing cleans like VOCs and flame!
snackman: mircea_popescu: ?
twizt: you guys mentioned getting a buzz on reddit, how does one do that without looking like a complete jackass?
nubbins`: pretty hit and miss
Vexual: thats what fucked up graets flow, a trip to japan
nubbins`: it's luck of the draw, really
nubbins`: twizt: you should probably start local
snackman: mircea_popescu: i see somebody got scared of the psychoanalysis ;)
nubbins`: give samples to restaurants, especially hippie ones, and give samples to local food critics too
nubbins`: don't push it on em like a mope, just say hey, i've got this great organic sauce, try it out and let me know what you think
Vexual: catch the indian and thai and fusion cheps about quarter to 5
twizt: lol
nubbins`: ^ this too
mircea_popescu: dude those legs
nubbins`: no joke
Vexual: u been mp?
mircea_popescu: to japan ? nah.
snackman: mircea_popescu: what's up with those legs?
Vexual: you know they have portable computers now right?
nubbins`: they look like kim kardashian's
nubbins`: i visited japan once, very costly
mircea_popescu: i don't care for their crampy lifestyle.
mircea_popescu: i like roofs over 2.5meters.
Vexual: my old master did it on the cheap in 62, sleeping bag on the railway platform
Vexual: searching for jujo dojos
Vexual: you get adopted
snackman: mircea_popescu: serious and unrealted q, mircea_popescu, what's up with the legs?
twizt: whats mpoe-pr mircea_popescu ?
nubbins`: ask krs, he posted the link
mircea_popescu: well exactly what it says on the tin, the pr for mpoe.
Vexual: japan has no answer
nubbins`: koreans HATE the japanese
nubbins`: full-on hate
mircea_popescu: the women too, or just the men ?
nubbins`: all of them
nubbins`: korean women especially hate japanese
ozbot: Hidden Glass Meth Pipe Causes A Bloody Mess | The Smoking Gun
snackman: twizt: mpoe-pr is fucking hot
twizt: i dont even kno what that is, unfortunately
mircea_popescu: twizt listen, bitcoin doesn't work in the way you intend to use it, "i have an idea"
mircea_popescu: nobody cares about your idea, nor does it at all matter.
mircea_popescu: sink the time to learn about bitcoin, which means like a year.
mircea_popescu: then maybe you may have an idea.
snackman: twizt: i would bang the blockchain out of that satochick, if you know what i mean
nubbins`: satochick
nubbins`: groan
snackman: nubbins`: ?
snackman: mircea_popescu: i've been trying to find pictures of mpoe-pr, but failed. could you help a brotha out?
Vexual: got coin?
nubbins`: who needs pictures when you have those fiery words?
nubbins`: i bet she fights when she's drunk
mircea_popescu: hawt sauce.
Vexual: i doubt she dets drunk
Vexual: the faireer sex has a different venacular when delicacies are involved
nubbins`: mircea_popescu: what's a good drunk set you back in romania?
twizt: well its more like a product im trying to market that no one has tried, than an idea. lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13138 @ 0.00080663 = 10.5975 BTC [-] {2}
nubbins`: dollar-wise
snackman: Vexual: ?
snackman: EWWWW
snackman: is that her?
snackman: how the FFF
mircea_popescu: nubbins` i just bought a gallon of tzuika, it's ~110 proof, pure plum juice.
snackman: i DO NOT want to have sexual relationships with that woman
mircea_popescu: it cost me a grand total of,
mircea_popescu: wait for it,
nubbins`: ah, plum booze, +1
mircea_popescu: 3 bitcents
nubbins`: ah, not bad
nubbins`: so essentially you can kill yourself for $10
Vexual: no homo
mircea_popescu: nah, this shit doesn't kill you.
mircea_popescu: but you could get plastered for that, sure.
nubbins`: i dunno, if i drank 500ml of pure ethanol i'd be in sad shape
nubbins`: either way, that's pretty cheap
mircea_popescu: (i did once drink a liter of the stuff in one sitting. walked out)
nubbins`: there's minimum-price legislation here for booze
mircea_popescu: this is quite illegal, bought it from the guy that made it.
mircea_popescu: im sure he didn't pay the excise.
nubbins`: ah, yes indeed
nubbins`: apples are more common for that type of thing here
mircea_popescu: apple stuff is about half price
mircea_popescu: and for good reason
Vexual: can you get good tobacco there?
nubbins`: tastes like boiled down candy
nubbins`: fucks you up
nubbins`: i enjoy drinking large amounts of liquid, so i stick to beer
mircea_popescu: twizt that's fine and all, but you gotta understand, fmcg is a business, the distribution and marketing part is what counts.
mircea_popescu: it never comes down to "who can make the better sauce". it's a business.
nubbins`: i'll likely never taste my favourite sauce
nubbins`: nor hear my favourite band
nubbins`: but im sure they both existed at some point
Vexual: u just got a twista
nubbins`: liquors of the world
nubbins`: i had some homemade lemon gin a couple weeks ago
twizt: yea thats my problem.. gotta give away a few grand of merch to get a following
nubbins`: twizt: what size town/city do you live in?
twizt: lol my marketing plan in a nutshell
twizt: nubbins`: about 130k
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2409 @ 0.00011971 = 0.2884 BTC [-] {3}
nubbins`: honestly, it depends on how many years of your life you plan on spending at this
twizt: nubbins`: my plan is to make another large batch (unemployed atm) and go after grocery store chains
snackman: mircea_popescu:
snackman: this chick should do PR for you
ozbot: Erin Pavlina
nubbins`: suppose a grocery wants 1000 units a month, can you do that?
mircea_popescu: twizt chains will definitely not shelf you. go after restaurants as someone suggested.
mircea_popescu: preferably immigrant run small affairs.
nubbins`: well, grocery chains here often have a small local section
twizt: nah they will, i just need to work with a food scientist for shelf life expansion
nubbins`: granted, never very large
snackman: no, mp is totall not a scammer
snackman: nu-uh
snackman: not at all
twizt: and they want the organic cert (farm to table crap)
mircea_popescu: so they will except they won't. listen, you gotta be "in" to get there.
mircea_popescu: they don't take walkins
nubbins`: read "EskimoBob", stopped reading
nubbins`: srsly
snackman: mircea_popescu:
snackman: you lost in court?
twizt: mircea_popescu: actually ez to get into stores, if you have right packaging, etc.
Vexual: chefs hand at the back door at the start of the night
snackman: i'm soooo sueing your arse!
snackman: BAHAHAHA
twizt: and i havent even invested in packaging
snackman: thanks for the fresh impulse
dexX7: speaking of that
dexX7: i'd love to see ROTA 2
nubbins`: snackman: you forgot your article
Vexual: chefs do they buying
mircea_popescu: dexX7 me too.
snackman: nubbins`: why?
snackman: nubbins`: i didn't sue him *YET*
snackman: him/her/it
nubbins`: snackman: no, before "court"
snackman: apparently mircea_popescu likes the trans*gender crowd
snackman: nubbins`: ?
nubbins`: snackman: you forgot your article before "court"
Vexual: fail claims
mircea_popescu: ;;bc,diff
gribble: Error: "bc,diff" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: ;;bc,stats
snackman: nubbins`: what the actual fuck are you blabbering
gribble: Current Blocks: 273131 | Current Difficulty: 7.074082830514966E8 | Next Difficulty At Block: 274175 | Next Difficulty In: 1044 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 4 hours, 15 minutes, and 37 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 872815197.383 | Estimated Percent Change: 23.3821
nubbins`: snackman: you didn't use an article before the noun
snackman: nubbins`: do you see any article in front of court?
nubbins`: well, no, in that case, the definite article is implied
snackman: pathetic gypsy scum tryina correct my ingrish wtf?
snackman: nubbins`: DUDE are you serious?
nubbins`: leel
nubbins`: the link you posted says he lost in *a* court
snackman: nubbins`: where are you from?
snackman: nubbins`: because this is seriously basic english
nubbins`: the internet!!
ThickAsThieves: hot sauce that expires?!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20100 @ 0.00080516 = 16.1837 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves you know even habaneros mold.
ThickAsThieves: not in vinegar
ThickAsThieves: does it contain bacteria from volcanoes for flavor?
nubbins`: heh, ground pumice
Vexual: ive got some in the boat in a vegemite jar i made, 10 years old, lid hasnt poped yet
nubbins`: that'd provide some heat
mike_c: nubbins speaks canadien
Vexual: wouldnt eat it unless scurvy tho
nubbins`: quite well
nubbins`: although i do drop the occasional 'u'
mircea_popescu: actually... obsydian jars...
ThickAsThieves: ;;nethash
gribble: 6400549.04237
ThickAsThieves: hasnt changed in two days
Vexual: science probability model is broken, everyone knows that
mircea_popescu: it's not going to change as long as the diff isn't changing
Vexual: want an android app to wake you up TAT?
ThickAsThieves: i dont use alarms
Vexual: im teasing
ThickAsThieves: what a horrible way to start your day
Vexual: you lose, you lose
unbalanced: Is the last commentor at right? I know it didn't make it back on the 1st but it looks like they did cross a couple of hours ago.
unbalanced: Time zones and really really bad Kitco charts make it a little hard to tell
Vexual: im close to the dateline, so im not allowed to bet
unbalanced: A moment in history, bitfolk.
mircea_popescu: unbalanced quite possiblty it did cross
unbalanced: snackman there might still be time you should totally go for it
mircea_popescu: prolly have a result tomorrow.
snackman: unbalanced: dudeee i'm so getting in
unbalanced: I believe you
snackman: unbalanced: ok i'm gonna bet no here because the gold value is resistance
snackman: i'm into technical analysis now
Vexual: want me to put it on? i can do it yesterday
unbalanced: Picking up pennies in front of a steamroller
Vexual: but it will take me about 3 weeks to get to fiji, you'll have to pay expoenses
ThickAsThieves: it looks like it did cross
unbalanced: snackman, just in case you're not joking, I was: It. Already. Happened.
snackman: NOOOOO
Vexual: we gon smoke an ounce to this
ozbot: Snoop Doggy Dogg - Gin & Juice. With Lyrics - YouTube
snackman: GUYS
ThickAsThieves: The Chronic by Dr. Dre is seriously overrated. There, I said it.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34001001 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 0.12500001 BTC [-]
ozbot: BitBet - US Federal Minimum Wage will be raised above $7.25 by the end of 2013
nubbins`: ah, what's the us federal minimum wage right now?
snackman: this is getting more and more hilarious by the second
ThickAsThieves: I have no secondary education, well, none that I paid for.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 63 @ 0.00320045 = 0.2016 BTC [-] {4}
nubbins`: don't confuse education with intelligence
Vexual: theyre almost inversly proportional by accepted definitions
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 5 @ 0.02232 = 0.1116 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: I bet against that one too
ozbot: BitBet - US Federal Minimum Wage will be raised above $7.25 by the end of 2013
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 64 @ 0.0030165 = 0.1931 BTC [+]
Vexual: aka meth futures
unbalanced: I don't see it happening before New Year's Eve (min wage)
nubbins`: a rise in min wage is annoying for big companies, dangerous for small companies
mircea_popescu: sooo... -18 F for denver tonight
Vexual: fuck
nubbins`: imagine if your biggest expense went up by 39%!
nubbins`: oh wow, that's cold
ThickAsThieves: thats the only thing shitty about Colorado, the weather can kill you in so many ways
Vexual: i havent seen <+18c for a year
mircea_popescu: nubbins` people who predominantly pay minimum wage mostly use undocumented illegals anyway
snackman: please like my profile
Vexual: so if you fall asleep coming home fromt the pub u die?
ThickAsThieves: and small businesses that only pay minimum wage go out of business eventually anywya
unbalanced: Raising the min wage hurts the least skilled workers... fewer opportunities to work if employers are banned from paying what they're worth.
nubbins`: well, i mean, it's 7.25 now, suppose you're paying everyone 9.25
Vexual: show us something trustless bitcoiner
nubbins`: and the min wage goes up to 10.10
nubbins`: so you either give them a raise to min wage and be an asshole, or raise them to, say, 12.10
ThickAsThieves: so "fair" is the problem?
nubbins`: oh, no
Vexual: id be getting a license and pumping the photo active radiation if i was in america
mircea_popescu: nubbins` you're closing shop anyway, becauyse you can't afford obamacare.
unbalanced: If washing the floors say isn't worth paying someone $10/hr to do, then people won't get hired to do that. (Or far fewer people will as the floors will get washed less often.)
nubbins`: just making the point that a raise in minimum wage generally means a raise in non-minimum wage
unbalanced: agreed
nubbins`: so even if you're not one of these soon-to-be-out-of-business places paying min wage
nubbins`: you're taking the same hit in the pocketbook
Vexual: i jest mp, in a world of masturbators, you innovated
ThickAsThieves: they arent forcing you to give everyone a raise
unbalanced: And it reduces the employement opportunities for the least-skilled workers, the ones it's supposed to help.
nubbins`: mircea_popescu: at 7.25/hr, i'm not sure how anybody's affording anything
mircea_popescu: unbalanced they got robots now.
ThickAsThieves: 7.25 costs the US more than 10
nubbins`: can we underline that?
unbalanced: where "washing the floors" = "insert some min wage job here"
Vexual: so you can buy a house in detroit for about a months labour on minimum wage?
mircea_popescu: Vexual no, but you can buy it for about twenny bjs
Vexual: that place will quickly learn to innovate again
nubbins`: mad max style
Duffer1: hehe
Vexual: thats not a bad idea
unbalanced: nubbins should you save BTC for the 1B difficulty bet though?
nubbins`: well, i mean
Vexual: ratters outta detroit
nubbins`: they've got all the cars
ThickAsThieves: after every unpaid vendor to the city folds and gangs up with Mel Gibson
nubbins`: unbalanced: me personally, or me in general?
nubbins`: sorry, we don't have the words in english ;(
ozbot: my model A roadster hot rod - YouTube
nubbins`: although you hear some people say "ye" for the plural of you
ThickAsThieves: youtube links are like the most unappealing links to me
Vexual: they just need someone who can read the design criteria and provide rice
unbalanced: I mean several bets end around the end ot the month
unbalanced: The diff one pays better than the others
nubbins`: links for me
unbalanced: And ends sooner
mircea_popescu: so ? they're prepaid
Vexual: sorry TAT, i have to authenticate myself somehow
unbalanced: If you're looking at where to put new bets
nubbins`: i'm not ;/
ThickAsThieves: keep betting on Yes so I can take your money
Vexual: get a case of whisky and relex for a few weeks
mircea_popescu: if the diff ends up 9999999666 or some shit,
Vexual: buy some records and a sweet bag of hooter
unbalanced: ThickAsThieves, quoting pancakke's smug Costanza avatar: Do you even mine?
unbalanced: These nailbiters are exciting to watch.
mircea_popescu: he doesn;'t, which is why he's on no. the miners are on yes.
unbalanced: I know, I just wanted to quote that quote, I laugh every time I see it.
Vexual: i think graet and yuko are hocked to the nines, thats why diff stay same
unbalanced: It was a stretch here, sure.
mircea_popescu: anyway, that's all for me. take it ezzy all.
unbalanced: g'night
ThickAsThieves: can anyone answer this,
ThickAsThieves: has ever proven it hashes?
Vexual: no
Vexual: i was on the same thought track
ThickAsThieves: so no one has ever even asked or bitfury if they are connected?
ThickAsThieves: is this not obvious?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 25 @ 0.02498792 = 0.6247 BTC [+] {3}
Vexual: pattern learning
Duffer1: i was under the impression they were some kind of private pool. labcoin used them
dexX7: "CEX.IO works with a private mining pool GHash.IO. It supplies the commodity exchange with GHS from authorised partners, who secure a constant maintenance of GHS. GHash.IO uses the PPLNS payout system, where rewards are distributed among shares in a window, starting with the last share submitted and going backwards up to some number N of shares."
ozbot: ***CEX.IO Cloud mining official page***
Vexual: its more likely that they are real hashes
Vexual: but the separation...
ThickAsThieves: dexx7 wtf does that even say
Vexual: even the price is outrageous
dexX7: i read it as "we at sell the hashrate from"
ThickAsThieves: yeah i still dont see proof
Vexual: well u cant read
dexX7: :D
ThickAsThieves: is run by bitfury, yes?
Vexual: i forget, but i think the guy isnt right in there
Vexual: if its real its a cool sysytem, but you're right, its far from proven
dexX7: cex and ghash share the same logins
Vexual: he can make the market in any case
Vexual: real or no
ThickAsThieves: they are indeed connected
ThickAsThieves: so do we know any reputable people that use ghash?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 10800 @ 0.00010007 = 1.0808 BTC [-] {3}
ThickAsThieves: do they sign blocks
dexX7: afaik no
snackman: i mine with ghash
snackman: why?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.34001 BTC [-]
snackman: i'm dead serious
snackman: i just got a jupiter monday
ThickAsThieves: ;;ud repurable
snackman: what do you want as proof?
gribble: Google found nothing.
ThickAsThieves: ;;ud reputable
gribble: | ... reputable; Reputant · reputate · reputation · Reputation Architect · Reputation Armor · Reputation arsonist · reputation dysmorphia · Reputation Management ...
ozbot: Urban Dictionary: reputable
snackman: ;;ud gypsy
gribble: | Fucking scum of the earth (not the traditional gypsies, but the cunts found all over the United Kingdom.) I used to lodge in a cottage in a small v...
ozbot: Urban Dictionary: gypsy
ozbot: Blocks mined on
Vexual: so they took friedcats catchcry of deployment vectors, and did it better
nubbins`: ;;ud article
gribble: | Articles AR-tuh-kleez n. The Greek god who protects all paper and printed documents stored within the Clouds around Mt. Olympus.
ozbot: Urban Dictionary: article
ThickAsThieves: ok so it's for real then
ThickAsThieves: case closed
ozbot: Bitcoin Address 1CjPR7Z5ZSyWk6WtXvSFgkptmpoi4UM9BC
dexX7: well
dexX7: it's tagged as ghash
dexX7: that's all
snackman: wow, 90mill €
ThickAsThieves: so what angle makes it possibly not legit?
dexX7: but they are responsible for about 25 % of mined blocks
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 10900 @ 0.00009255 = 1.0088 BTC [-] {9}
Vexual: market making TAT
Vexual: they can provide the hashes but they neednt
dexX7: i see no flaw. why are you asking in the first place?
ThickAsThieves: cuz i dont follow bitfury, and thus assumed was a scam when first released
ThickAsThieves: and the topic has come up a few time slately
ThickAsThieves: so i wanted to know for sure
dexX7: ah okayx
Vexual: they keep it on the dlo for sure
Vexual: but fuck if they not smahing blocks
Vexual: people talk about intel and whatnot getting into minging
snackman: ThickAsThieves: you guys need to stop projecting
snackman: just because you are scammers, doesn't mean everybody else is trying to scam as well
Vexual: i don't see it happening
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4000 @ 0.00008155 = 0.3262 BTC [-] {15}
ThickAsThieves: i could see a fringe tech co doing it
ThickAsThieves: like ASUS
Vexual: coint has the skills
Vexual: but im thinking friedcats feb chips might just own shit
Vexual: that cat got a taste of the top
nubbins`: ah, i dunno
Vexual: if theyre amd good, everyone willl buy them
ThickAsThieves: i think mining going more private and centralized will already be happening by then
Vexual: u mean pools owning?
ThickAsThieves: this selling of cubes to Joe SixSatoshi cant last
Vexual: no, cat will have to come with real prices
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 32 @ 0.00320001 = 0.1024 BTC [-]
Vexual: i think he knows that
ThickAsThieves: i mean where the nethash will start violently increasing and we wont even have a clue who it is
Vexual: yeah, i could have a custom chip ouit and you wouldnt know
Vexual: but wouldnt i be seeling them for more than they can ever possibly make?
ThickAsThieves: well you'd be selling chips, yeah
ThickAsThieves: its the next stage
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1890 @ 0.00007407 = 0.14 BTC [-] {7}
ThickAsThieves: first scalp the small guys
Vexual: you affiliated with nay particular pool tat?
Vexual: u thinkl tthat will be a thing?
ThickAsThieves: i just info-mine to make trades
Vexual: yah
Vexual: me too, smaller scale
Vexual: minings always gonna be a thing, even when people forget about the exchange arte
dexX7: forget about the exchange rate?
bloctoc: ;;seen mircea_popescu
gribble: mircea_popescu was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 22 minutes and 23 seconds ago: <mircea_popescu> anyway, that's all for me. take it ezzy all.
ThickAsThieves: when its not volatile anymore
ThickAsThieves: or much less so
ThickAsThieves: btc kissing gold again
ThickAsThieves: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 1228.5, Best ask: 1237.985, Bid-ask spread: 9.48500, Last trade: 1228.01001, 24 hour volume: 17879.86454160, 24 hour low: 1131.72718, 24 hour high: 1240.0, 24 hour vwap: 1206.44566
nubbins`: ;;bc,xau
gribble: 1 XAU = 1240.700000000000 USD = 1.002180937 BTC
dexX7: ah. :D
bloctoc: are there any places to buy options besides mpex? mpex looks empty today
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 34 @ 0.0032 = 0.1088 BTC [-] {4}
ThickAsThieves: none that i'd refer you to
bloctoc: would you refer anyone to mpex?
ThickAsThieves: yes, with a disclaimer about the premium costs
ThickAsThieves: and a disclaimer about MP being no joke when it comes to rules
Vexual: i hate it when busniess men stick to the contract
bloctoc: do you happen to know where the offers went today? I was trying to get some prices together for a model, and everything's alls gone
ThickAsThieves: the data source for spot price is down
unbalanced: When bitcoincharts goes down the quotes can't be calculated.
Vexual: its an iq test
unbalanced: (Is that the source still or am I out of date?)
ThickAsThieves: i think it is
ThickAsThieves: cuz they said they upgraded
bloctoc: ahhh, thanks.
ThickAsThieves: lotta good it did
unbalanced: bloctoc: The 24hr USD VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) on is part of the option valuation math.
bloctoc: cool, I'll go grab a calculator.
ThickAsThieves: well you are missing the bot algo
ThickAsThieves: so good luck
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