Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2020-03-20 | 2020-03-22 →
trinque: ??help
trinque: ??gettrust trinque
drunkbot: L1: 0, L2: 5 by 4 connections.
trinque: ??balance
trinque: ok. wot and wallet are available again.
trinque: ^ testing reconnect improvement, brb
trinque: !!up whaack
deedbot: whaack voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: ??gettrust trinque whaack
drunkbot: L1: 0, L2: 1 by 1 connections.
trinque: ??down whaack
trinque: ??down trinque
trinque: heh!
trinque: ??down
trinque: ??up BingoBoingo
drunkbot: BingoBoingo voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: Thank you for the voice
trinque: seeing if the timeout mechanism works correctly
trinque: but hey, how ya doin!
trinque: (should have multichannel voicing working before long)
BingoBoingo: I'm not doing bad.
BingoBoingo: Uruguay's more pleasant with less Uruguayos visible
BingoBoingo: Even the supermarket hygeine circus here isn't bad when no one's shopping to hold up the lines.
trinque: there we go.
trinque: ??up BingoBoingo
drunkbot: BingoBoingo voiced for 30 minutes.
drunkbot: BingoBoingo voiced for 30 minutes.
drunkbot: BingoBoingo voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: ??up mats
drunkbot: mats voiced for 30 minutes.
drunkbot: mats voiced for 30 minutes.
drunkbot: mats voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: heh, I think I have more of these running than I intend.
trinque: ??up trinque
trinque: ??up lobbes
drunkbot: lobbes voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: ??ratings
trinque: ??up diana_coman
trinque: ??up whaack
drunkbot: whaack voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: great.
trinque: ??up diana_coman
drunkbot: diana_coman voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: that's multichannel wot.
BingoBoingo: Congrats!
trinque: diana_coman: lmk when you'd like me to have deedbot join
trinque: BingoBoingo: ty!
trinque: if you'd like it in yours, you're also welcome to it.
BingoBoingo: trinque: I'll let you know later this weekend. Deedbot would be nice, but I'm not rating the presence of deedbot in my channel an urgent concern.
trinque: ??up asciilifeform
drunkbot: asciilifeform voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: !!down
deedbot: NIL may not $down NIL.
trinque: lol
trinque: !!down trinque
trinque: !!v 09A005CE6E6007FCAE0FA4396089CDD1B3A690E26CFC310B477A8D836AC41E85
deedbot: trinque rated asciilifeform 1
trinque: !!v 0E3C1323D2EEA83B9803A62C226BC5707CFFD68956BC6607555950D4AA8F5E5F
deedbot: trinque updated rating of BingoBoingo from 1 to 1
trinque: !!v E70E662839D602718BA226131341D717C51BD392588206F9A25F66FAFC2BEFB7
deedbot: trinque rated diana_coman 1
trinque: !!v 839FE73E330A4468D4A29F5ABA602492ADAB30E1BB6FA42FE8D0D82B7CFBCF2B
deedbot: trinque rated dorion 1
trinque: !!v 8C3C4BF62E3E43F74D96013545BBAAB7A80A9463AB6050AAAD114DA25EDDC161
deedbot: trinque rated jfw 1
trinque: !!v B68790BF0A29385E0BB6020E7EC81D2B05D1A8B6F086C76831F8E61B3FD64B3D
deedbot: trinque rated mats 1
trinque: !!v C8059257BDA40BE2D8A30063888E17D71B6D4FCA333CB5D59F9DE598336FB6A6
deedbot: trinque rated spyked 1
trinque: !!v 1B24A02E2459F1A3C99EB975D0ABA2658C6FFBA561047E03451E792D3DB25840
deedbot: trinque rated whaack 1
← 2020-03-20 | 2020-03-22 →