Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2019-08-15 | 2019-08-17 →
feedbot: << The Tar Pit -- Hunchentoot: taskmaster code review
spyked: hi asciilifeform, welcome to castle #spyked!
spyked: !S uptime
spykedbot: Up for 1d 6h 36m 3s
spyked: ^ ftr, this is an instance of ircbot sans the "pinger" thread and handling pings coming from the server. seems to be working fine (tho, in all fairness, so does feedbot for now)
asciilifeform: ty spyked . i tuned in mainly to see that the bot actually joined ( currently the 'did actually join?' detector not yet implemented )
spyked: ah! yes, the channel is mostly silent for now, mostly msgs from feedbot. snsabot has been working great so far
spyked bbl
fdbtestes: << Qntra -- NYC Subway Station Temporarily Shuttered Over Presence Of Pressure Cookers
feedbot: << Qntra -- NYC Subway Station Temporarily Shuttered Over Presence Of Pressure Cookers
fdbtestes: << Trilema -- Usta Swingers Club (ul. Jzefa Strusia 5), in Warsaw, Poland ; and other things.
feedbot: << Trilema -- Usta Swingers Club (ul. Jzefa Strusia 5), in Warsaw, Poland ; and other things.
fdbtestes: << Qntra -- Impotent USG Unseals "Warrant" For Liberated Iranian Tanker
feedbot: << Qntra -- Impotent USG Unseals "Warrant" For Liberated Iranian Tanker
← 2019-08-15 | 2019-08-17 →