Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2020-09-05 | 2020-09-07 →
cruciform: diana_coman, I just wanted to say thanks for your help, attention and advice through Young Hands; thank you!
diana_coman: cruciform: no problem at all; did anything come out of it for you?
cruciform: yes - I got a better understanding of how inadequate, lazy and languorous I am
diana_coman: well, I do hope you dress up for it too then, at least from time to time. All that has its own requirements of attire if nothing else!
cruciform: the tuxedo's been in the closet since pre-plague, so it's not even been a stylish indolence
diana_coman: ah, no, no, it goes back quite a few years before that, more of those times when everyone looked at men's legs rather than women's.
cruciform: how far back are we talking - Georgian?
diana_coman: ah, I suppose george 4th might serve, indeed. My mind went of course across the channel though, there's something to be said for the French in such matters.
cruciform: I suppose it is a bit odd that women tend to be the peacocks, nowadays
diana_coman: what else can they do, you know?
diana_coman: (and for that matter, hm, there's always Italy, that land where women have to work hard to only keep up with men's creams and perfumes and the like, not sure it's any better!)
cruciform: ah, yes - there's a wonderful Italian perfume critic - Luca Turin; has an unreal ability to put scent into words
cruciform: I was wondering - would you consider keeping my Young Hands login active?
trinque: diana_coman: just wanted to pop in and say that I have a great deal of respect for you, and wish you well in the future.
diana_coman: trinque: thank you. I'll always gladly hear from you!
diana_coman: cruciform: I would, if I see a good reason for it. Do you want again to write there?
jfw: diana_coman: in case my own dedication/stubbornness doesn't say it clearly enough already I also offer my thanks for the time & attention given through YH.
cruciform: very much - I've been putting it off again and again
trinque: diana_coman: I'll continue to be a reader of your blog, for sure, and will chime in there sometime.
jfw: cruciform: what stops you from setting up your own blog?
cruciform: jfw, mostly technical know-how
diana_coman: jfw: my pleasure; (and yes, in your case it did say it already clear enough; for that matter you are the one and only member of the club as it were!)
jfw: cruciform: so maybe you have now a reason to pick up some of that? :)
cruciform: jfw, yes!
trinque: also I have to say that as a part-Italian mutt, my bathroom drawer of lotions feels singled out!
trinque: must be in the blood, lol
diana_coman: cruciform: for starters it's as simple as this: if I see a published article there at least 2 times per week, I won't turn off the login of that author.
cruciform: diana_coman, thank you
diana_coman: trinque: who knows, maybe at the time of 2.0 you give a try to eulora too.
trinque: sure, I'll be looking out for it
diana_coman: (and lol @ lotions, I never quite figured out to what degree it was a cultural thing only, for sure!)
trinque: I just don't see how having fine things became "gay"
cruciform: trinque, indeed - I get constantly ribbed by friends/hit on by gays for dressing up
diana_coman: eh, it "became gay" only in that sense of "those not having fine things gathered together and decided that having fine things is bad-for-you"
trinque: fact
diana_coman: cruciform: you know, now you'll have to add at least 1 picture per month to those articles too.
cruciform: diana_coman, lol, deal!
diana_coman: thank you all for popping in today, I'll need to go offline though in a few minutes; as mentioned, I'll still be around from time to time so sooner or later I'll read anything left in here anyway.
lobbes: diana_coman: likewise, I'd like to once again thank you for all your help over the years. I'll certainly be a continued reader of ossasepia and will be keeping an eye on euloran development
lobbes: I'll probably end up mirroring YHC before the end of this month. I'll post a link once that is complete
← 2020-09-05 | 2020-09-07 →