feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/05/06/erics-log-may-5th-2020/ << Young Hands Club -- Eric's log: May 5th, 2020
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2020/the-insecure-twits-the-needy-canadians-the-rsr-americans-and-ongoingly-in-this-vein-until-sanity-falls-over-and-also-beyond/ << Trilema -- The insecure twits, the needy canadians, the RSR americans and ongoingly in this vein, until sanity falls over. And also -- beyond.
diana_coman: cruciform: what happened to you?
jfw: huh, IPv4 real estate has been yielding upwards of 40% annually since 2015, per https://ipv4marketgroup.com/ipv4-pricing/ . I wonder if "alternative investment" types are onto this yet; way more fungible than domain names