Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2024-08-07 | 2024-08-11 →
Vex: crtdaydreams, the old barnacle farm need some work. you need to read the syllabus, not hang out with old vex.
Vex: if you become the most desirable study partner in the coolest study group, I'll shine the slut up and float her down
Vex: distinction average
Vex: I also want an option to learn heavy combo
Vex: can u drive prime mover? no i ladyboi
Vex: ie I feel a bit deficient as a man without prime mover skills
Vex: ladybois are cool. no problem
Vex: member when some psycho tranny went after ben for some off hand comment?
Vex: i do
Vex: it's prolly forgotten
Vex: mebbe he did
Vex: ^flight of the conchords. love ya 10
crtdaydreams: vex I can drive a prime mover, can't supervise for another year tho
crtdaydreams: i'll take a pass on the ladybois tho
crtdaydreams: how dafaq do you even quantify being the most desirable study partner in the coolest study group?
crtdaydreams: does she still float?
crtdaydreams: just needa little tlc
← 2024-08-07 | 2024-08-11 →