Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2023-12-18 | 2023-12-23 →
Vex: Lars Barstad say yay to escorts, but we're going around.
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-12-18 16:20:03 mats: woops,
Vex: The prudent mariner
Vex: ship's watching the radar just like the escort. with what to shoot a hootie incoming?
Vex: oil moves oil
Vex: wsj is well aware
Vex: meanwhile, tictac operators can centrifuge anything.
Vex: with fresh breath
Vex: can't really move oil with uranium. disallowed
Vex: i get it. oil failure makes greasy penguins, nuke failure, pump hot water into the pacific. allanis morriset thinks it's ironic
Vex: ie. .jp got bombed, then tried to be careful as fuck
Vex: canadian even does 10000 hours of something. doesn't excpect kudos for bing awsomeat it
Vex: 'nubbins doesn't get a blackbelt. there's not enough ribbon
Vex: that's a fat joke and an etsy joke
Vex: `nubs can afford fancy ribbon
Vex: increase your salad intake sir. you're needed on earth,
Vex: avacanasprats
← 2023-12-18 | 2023-12-23 →