Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2021-06-19 | 2021-06-21 →
BingoBoingo: Missing the entire 3.5 years I've been in Uruguay as well. Including the first couple where an effort to build a republic was being made
gregorynyssa: my "ratbox" server is running now. here is my connection-stanza:
gregorynyssa: here is the signature of that file:
gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: trinque: please let me know what else I need to do.
gregorynyssa: thestringpuller: the log is a merger of the messages upon Freenode and upon asciilifeform's own IRC network.
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: loox like you beat me to the finish. but you will need to make a new set of pw, and do this again: you put it up in plaintext...
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: notice, trinque asked for 'GPG signed-and-encrypted comment'
gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: ohhh.. sign AND encrypt. clever!!
asciilifeform bbl, meat chores for most of day
gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: trinque: this should be my connection-stanza, encrypted and signed:
gregorynyssa: the link above was encrypted for trinque.
gregorynyssa: this one is for asciilifeform:
signpost: << it doesn't appear that my server can connect to yours, though I can connect to yours via weechat. anything in serverlog on your end that indicates why?
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-06-20 09:49:47 gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: trinque: this should be my connection-stanza, encrypted and signed:
signpost: you might need to bump up the max_number setting in class "server"
signpost: asciilifeform: yeah, docs are a bit lacking. looks like various maintainers provided init scripts for particular distros.
signpost: I tend to put processes I want supervised in runit
signpost bbl, taming yard
gregorynyssa: oh I did not realize that you were trinque.
gregorynyssa: my configuration-file seems to be incorrect. do I need to add the connection-stanza (which I gave to you) to my own configuration-file, with the passwords reversed?
gregorynyssa: and with the host replaced with your IP?
gregorynyssa: Hello again.
gregorynyssa: Testing.
gregorynyssa: signpost: I made some revisions to the configuration-file. please try again.
signpost: << yeah, it needs a corresponding section in your config with the passwords reversed
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-06-20 16:42:15 gregorynyssa: signpost: I made some revisions to the configuration-file. please try again.
signpost: still appears to be timing out. maybe you can hop on asciilifeform's current net and we can solve in realtime.
gregorynyssa: which "net" are you referring to?
gregorynyssa: I am going to sleep soon (I am in Europe).
gregorynyssa: I would be glad to try the connection again tomorrow or on Tuesday. I will also send the log over.
vex: hey tsp
thestringpuller: still trying to set up IRCd relay, but tedious
vex: what's your blog again?
thestringpuller: - i haven't updated it in 4 years tho. too busy being addicted to television.
vex: really? what are you watching?
thestringpuller: should have really kept a journal of all the shows I binged. guess current fave is "The Expanse"; considered most realistic sci fi show
vex: I'd like to test some user knobs here on dulap, but I know the 9mm alf keeps isn't for show
vex: btw alf neato net
vex: 1995 vex never heard of freenode
← 2021-06-19 | 2021-06-21 →