Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2021-05-15 | 2021-05-17 →
thimbronion: !ticker xbtusd
lekythion: Kraken XBTUSD: 45197.80000
thimbronion: billymg: any way to get more detailed error info out of mp-wp than: "Error establishing a database connection"?
billymg: thimbronion: not sure, it's been a while since i've debugged anything in there. is this a first time run?
thimbronion: billymg: yeah. I think the username and pw are correct, so need to get some more detailed info.
thimbronion: Afaik there are no logs anywhere written by php
billymg: have you checked that mysql is actually running?
thimbronion: yeah it's running
billymg: there might be details in the mysql logs. otherwise i'm not sure and don't have the mp-wp code in front of me at the moment, but i can check later
billymg: there are also some settings in wp-config.php towards the bottom that control error logging / debug output
billymg: enabling some of those might help get a better error message out of php/wordpress
thimbronion: billymg: cool thx. Nothing showing up in the mysql logs. Will keep digging.
thimbronion: lol php "we don't need no fucking logs!"
billymg: lol
billymg: curious to know what it ends up being
← 2021-05-15 | 2021-05-17 →