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hanbot_abroad: sure sure, run it as they please, but don't call it something it's not. plenty of grottenbahnschlossen scattered around not calling themselves Serious Businesses.
hanbot_abroad: unfortunately also --> no regrets, which means no change, and meanwhile i walk away from reading that convo with the sole conclusion people oughta lose a toe at the start of discussions.
mp_en_viaje: implicitly what i aimed to resolve with my structured summary in the introduction. but, self-evidently, if no hirarchy -> no meaning -> no possible introduction etc.
hanbot_abroad: howdy. voiced to say you make time for what's important; nothing's important in a system devoid of meaning because everything from god to a cheeseburger has the same weight and emotional relevancy and etc.
mp_en_viaje: o hai there hanbot_abroad
mp_en_viaje: but i don't deem the people with no time as having a life. because wtf life is that, circumvectamur amore.
diana_coman: that much though is true for anyone; ie either they make time for x or they..don't have it ; and yes, they can eat and drink until they die (though as the line goes, that'll come quickly)
mp_en_viaje: but i have time to read shaw's deeply inept attempt, like i have time to all sorta things. not because "there's nothing else on tv" anyway, wtf, there was literal parade of sluts, came naked through hotel to see maybe i have time for kitty ? as it happens i didn't. will, later, defo. what can you do.
mp_en_viaje: cuz, elementarily, if i didn't make it, i wouldn't have it. i can certainly eat, drink and make merry back to back for the remainder of my days wut.
diana_coman: well, some lines in the sand are perhaps even sane to have; but there doesn't seem to be any re-evaluation or anything, extremely rigid in weird places.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, the fissure axis seems to be "who's in charge". came here tarabostes wasn't about to walk away knight. reminds me of douchebag dood also
diana_coman: what boggles the mind though is that he'd go to the trouble of coming here for 1 hour or even more if asked; but he would turn down several colo boxes rather than set a guy to do !!withdraw
mp_en_viaje: or if not, because internet age has dawned this solispsistc, single-player-WoWoW thing, "we shall make some statements and proclaiments and expect THE WHOLE WORLD to submit".
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 21:25:55 asciilifeform: lobbes: afaik the only promising parking atm.
mp_en_viaje: << maybe. nfi why people are so married to their ad-hocisms, but as a factual matter -- they are.
maxim_mivo: Is there anything more i can help you with ?
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, specifically what i'm asking is if you'll do it here rather than have me load some website.
maxim_mivo: When paying the invoice, you'll see a BTC address where you have to transfer the payment.
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: yes, it does; you can withdraw the funds to any btc address; ie you receive it in your own deedbot wallet and then you can !!withdraw to anywhere
maxim_mivo: Does your wallet support to transfer funds to a BTC address ? (i saw on the link you provided it transfers to nicknames).
mp_en_viaje: << i see the problem now. your browser prolly hangs on this diana_coman ; i have ly set to just ignore
diana_coman: so then it's only me, ok.
diana_coman: that one yes; the help though not.
diana_coman: ofc the help page is on that seems also down, ugh.
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: deedbot does more than just voice in chan; specifically here, it provides a wallet service for people in the wot; ie you can deposit/withdraw bitcoin from/to any address you want + you can invoice & pay invoices between wallets directly for any amount.
mp_en_viaje: never thought i'd live to see the day speaking romanian's a bar to anything o.O
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, wouldn't be remote, he'd move there. speaks english an' spanish.
maxim_mivo: 1. We can host them. You'll have to send them to our business address (i'll provide it), declare the customs price and pay the taxes for our customs. The colo price includes 100mbps internet with unlimited bandwidth.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, will you want the boxes shipped over to you first to inspect seals and so on ?
mp_en_viaje: 3. will you be able to invoice me via deedbot's sytem ? do you understand what the wot is and how it works etc ?
mp_en_viaje: 2. do you want another employee ? he's hardworking and learns fast if not particularly well versed right now ; some kind of apprenticeship is probably on the table.
mp_en_viaje: 1. boxes take ~250W peak iirc, and are 1U form. there's prolly gonna be 3-4 to start with. can you host these, how do you need to receive them (fedex to whom/where specifically ?), what sorta pipe can you plug into them and for what costs.
mp_en_viaje: now, for the sake of saving time, let's dump questions :
maxim_mivo: OK, got it, we can colocate them.
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: the fg is a hardware rng and it can be connected to any USB port but for colocated machines it will most likely be inside already ie not an external thing
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, all sorta thing, there's a mmorpg game server, there's a bunch of complciated math machines (ever heard of phuctor ?), there's blogs, irc loggers,
mp_en_viaje: nsa, short for No Such lAbs, is the republic's electronic mfg.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo there's at least the pic lol
mp_en_viaje: it's a hardware rng. i'd link you the specsheet / pics etc but atm its site is down
mp_en_viaje: so let's get to them in order : we have specific boxes configurations, including custom-made hardware such as the fg. i understand you can actually colocate these ?
mp_en_viaje: so the questions to you will come on three lines. 1 as to colocation and related ; 2 as to human resources and related, and 3 as to interoperation with republican systems and practices.
mp_en_viaje: as it happens the republic ran an isp out of a datacenter in uruguay, which recently imploded. this means we have a bunch of boxes that need a new home, and some people who possibly need a new job.
mp_en_viaje: this is its forum, the people-who-matter meet here to discuss things-that-matter. like say the parliament of romania.
mp_en_viaje: the top node is the most serene republic, which is a sovereign. like say the country of romania.
mp_en_viaje: alight, let's make it short then.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: kind of how it goes, ~always; there's more actual history accumulated, after all.
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, i mean, you're here. where is "here" ? you're talking to some people. who are they ? that sort of thing.
diana_coman would really rather not talk data centre stuff in Latin
maxim_mivo: FIY: i speak romanian, but if other people read this, it's ok to continue in english.
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: do they have any separate net pipes? or is it basically the same if I get a server in Iasi or in Chisinau?
diana_coman: ok; so you have the infrastructure in Chisinau only; correct?
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: but do you have infrastructure there ?
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: you can !!up with deedbot yourself and then it's permanent rather than in 30min slots
diana_coman: email sent, will continue reading the logs
diana_coman is still eating the logs
diana_coman: - I'll fire him an email in a bit; thing is I'll be at console some 10 minutes past the austrian-10am
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: At least you don't have the children burden that seems to have claimed so many.
lobbes: there we go
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: fwiw piz was to be also asciilifeform's escape tunnel, but dug not even 1% of it, so is the smallest loss.
asciilifeform: the big ortho cathedral in timis had a proper pauperty. oddly, no paupers tho.
BingoBoingo: Have yet to encounter a distinctly orthodox presenting church in the city.
BingoBoingo: Here they have Catholic, Anglican, Several different kinds of jew, Mormon, the "Christ Scientists" have a giant one...
asciilifeform: the churchgoers were expected to put coin into designated paupers.
BingoBoingo: Of the the places in Uruguay that could draw urban campers... Churchfronts tend not to.
asciilifeform: apparently false cognate tho, the eng is from the latin.
BingoBoingo: Or on a church the stoople
BingoBoingo: The stoop
asciilifeform: паперть is the roofed spot in front of church.
BingoBoingo: Back when england was a thing they tried to keep those from accumulating.
asciilifeform: y'know, the designated spot where a pauper paups.
asciilifeform: how the fuck do i even say pauperty in eng
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: cuz i cannot in good conscience try to peddle a chunk of a colo to which some derp has the keys and i'm 10,000km away.
asciilifeform: imho castle mpstein would be a proper home for the remaining FG's, asciilifeform does not know how long has 'until sepsis' .
asciilifeform: snsa bought its share of piz for FG crate + 2 boxen ( the very smg boxen in fact ) , perhaps mp will accept these back .
lobbes: interesting. I would entertain the idea of buying the rk I am renting (depending on cost of course)
asciilifeform: nuffin should be left to the orcs if it can be helped.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-08 01:46:08 BingoBoingo: << S.MG was to buy the two machines through payment of machines in kind
asciilifeform: << if neither mod6 nor mp ( the other shareholders ) disagree , i'd like all of the piz irons to be sold for modest cost to the current tenants, who can then use .
asciilifeform: the specific flavour of x86 boxen asciilifeform is partial to, has become a rarity, and imho worth to recover all of it for reuse.
asciilifeform: fwiw i still have the transportation gear, the sacks, paddings, etc.
BingoBoingo: That I guessed from the logs.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i'ma come if it somehow turns out to be impossible to send the irons as freight, but otherwise must pass.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: If you do make it back to the Oriental Republic, however... I am willing to drop everything to make a potroast.
asciilifeform: but there's orcbux in reserve for this. as was sworn.
asciilifeform: ( what to do there, is separate q, if i knew i'd buy for self also ! )
BingoBoingo: I am inclined to make somewhere in Latin America, even if not Uruguay work. Bingoboingo the journalist loves this country. Bingoboingo the retarded datacenter tech/mongoloid startup manager hates this country.
lobbes: well, as diana_coman once told me *sustainable* growth is the key. From my chair at least, it doesn't seem like taking time to regroup is a necessarily a bad thing
BingoBoingo: She's been working on getting some English language, but ripping her out of the Spanish language space and bringing her to eastern Europe and Slavic languages to get colocated with me near another datacenter... When the necessity of spreading seems to have been one of the lessons... It seems a bit much.
BingoBoingo: I don't in this moment feel as portable as I did in 2017 because now there's the Peruana. I'm rather fond of her, but she loves me.
BingoBoingo: To put together another Pizarro from nothing, Even with the past two years there are other hard edges I have not mastered that I know would be necessary, and the tissue paper pipe problem can happen again.
BingoBoingo: To put together a Qntra I might read five to ten takes from raw sources before I can collapse the story into condensed, journalistic text.
lobbes: on the bright side, tho, now you have real world experience for someone else that starts an endeavor of the sort. It is expensive to get that experience, and you own it in a way no one else does
lobbes: this is true about the accretions of failure. A lesson for all of us, I reckon. Makes me take a hard look at my own failures I may be missing
BingoBoingo: lobbes: Leaping over the wire was the easy part. Letting ritual complexity explode early by not objecting to the GPG note passing thing was a failure. The big failure was marketing, not having a private message churner or selling anyone on the idea of getting one together for Pizarro and fast. The thing about failures is that over time their consequences accrete. Over time these accretions build up and generate inertia. It is like a
lobbes: Not sure what I'm trying to say exactly, other than perhaps "there's many ways to make a mark in history". Idk, I'ma shut up as my inspirational speeches seem to have a history of turning people off rather than inspiring
lobbes: it is easy to look at, say MP, and go "well I'll never even be close to doing the things he does", but to me BingoBoingo's story is uniquely inspirational in that folx like myself can go "well, he made the jump into uncharted waters. He built *something* even if the resistance of the medium won in the end. Why couldn't I also build something?"
lobbes: BingoBoingo: fwiw, I think you did better at this venture than I imagine I ever would have. It took balls to take that initial leap over the wire and bootstrap the thing.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: plox to use the echatronic loggers
BingoBoingo: << S.MG was to buy the two machines through payment of machines in kind
asciilifeform: they're inexpensive .
asciilifeform will miss the golden time of when could put a box in a locking cage where only l1 human , rather than dirty paws of heathens, will lay on it
asciilifeform: lobbes, diana_coman , can take the piz banners off yer log www's, they dun go anywhere no moar...
lobbes: and neato re: patch. I still need to apply the detect_disconnect patch as well. Will do that tonight before bed
asciilifeform: lobbes: i was sadly unable to mirror your patches, as they lived in piz. when you find new home for your www, i will mirror. (otherwise feel free to paste as comments, and i'ma try and parse'em out)
asciilifeform: then only had from friends, all of whom incidentally still here .
asciilifeform: did not want to deal with the 'btc komoyooniti', found it repulsive.
asciilifeform: lobbes: i mined (yes) 1st, on the pile of junkyard fpga i happened to have surrounded self with at the time .
lobbes: I bought my first coin for ~$20 back in 2013 or abouts, then hung onto it for dear life. Almost lost it in a tardstalk scam, but luckily read hanbot's ancient writings; found this place in time
asciilifeform: ~100% of the coin asciilifeform ever had, in fact came from the people here.
asciilifeform: lobbes: i had enuff for maybe 1 moar refuel of piz and then fat zero.
asciilifeform: not 1 of the fucktards i abortively talked to in '17 was willing to eat btc.
lobbes: I may look into getting another box from them myself; gonna need another home for blog / auctionbot and would rather not hang everything on my usg hoster
asciilifeform: ( iirc diana_coman took a leased stock machine rather than colo )
asciilifeform: lobbes: afaik the only promising parking atm.
asciilifeform: lobbes: i expect there'll be a where-to-park then.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 13:06:49 lobbes: << The 'first chunk' which spits lines into the mpwp db should be complete by the end of this month (as in patched and ready to go). That's a conservative estimate as well; hopefully sooner.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-07 21:34:35 mp_en_viaje: << i meant the whole thing, when you're ready to make delivery and i hafta have a server ready for you to do this on.
lobbes: << at my current rate of developing the thing, I will give a tentative estimate of Jan 1st 2020 as delivery date of whole enchilada. I will update this deadline quickly if I see it threatening to be pushed
mp_en_viaje: in my case it's more a case of "oh, remember when the old shcmucks srsly thought they stand a chance ?"
asciilifeform: 'we were younger then'(tm)(r)
asciilifeform: all times eventually remembered as 'good times', is how the meat worx
asciilifeform actually followed the last convulsions of bbet, and the end of era1, on hidden terminal in a snakepit fulla unspeakable usg stooges
mp_en_viaje: lol, remember the 1k btc berkshire bet ?
asciilifeform: was in the last days of bitbet.
asciilifeform: was also when lost good % of net worth in the alphago thing.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-08 00:11:07 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, from experience, all possibly imploding salt mines are in fact imploding. Mocky_ 's experience is iirc in the logs as current-most-recent.
mp_en_viaje: but ultimately, the reason experience's so painfully expensive, is that nobody takes so much from it ever.
mp_en_viaje: i daresay most of the benefit of pizarro was in training you inept tards to some (probably minuscule) degree.
asciilifeform: lobbes: nao time for the young heroes.
asciilifeform: put full throttle since late may into piz & logger. nao have neither.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, from experience, all possibly imploding salt mines are in fact imploding. Mocky_ 's experience is iirc in the logs as current-most-recent.
mp_en_viaje: piling everything together, "my car got a flat tire, and come to think of it my wife is annoying also" is a great way to find suicide appealing and naught much else. not exactly rational review.
asciilifeform: to others, goes the torch of logotron .
asciilifeform: was actually why asciilifeform took an interest in the moldavia fella. was thinking 'can finally put asciilifeform's blog'
asciilifeform: i'm ok that it goes to random mp_en_viaje page . ( can't point at own www yet, it's still on that heathen random-ip-of-the-week thing )
mp_en_viaje: well i mean, it was lulzy on friday. by the time sunday rolled into monday which is now solidly tuesday as i write this... hypocalcemic syncope is one thing, but if she's not back on her feet by next week...
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i'ma point '' at yer www again, like during last exile in the desert, if you dun object. (plox to say if ok w/ this and then which ip prefer)
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: if pipe is in fact restored, will make easier for folx to backup. but other than that i think is curtain call.
asciilifeform not invoiced BingoBoingo for the 16 , or their chassis/etc
asciilifeform: ( what do do with the 6 at piz, will be for the shareholders to ponder )
asciilifeform: as stands, noad needs at least 2GB dedicated ram, and tb of ssd is known to live for >2y . (not counting fill, which will fill in ~4y guaranteed as the chain marches)
mp_en_viaje: i guess ima put a node on the new trilemabot machine too, why not.
mod6: I'd like to see the whole box backed up, but really, (iirc) the /var partition holds the website data. The node chain is less important.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: fact of the matter is, the nearest restaurant is across atlantic, will take time to get to it in any case.
mod6: Ah, ok. I can't be certain it is a 3ware. Maybe BB can check inside the box.
mp_en_viaje: be that as it may, "ima try to start isp while these people are waiting to get plugged back in" is like "ima try to build restaurant in front of queue of hungry people". the correct way is to build first and then queue.
asciilifeform: possibly -- chairs all the way down.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: remains , imho, to be seen, whether 'floors' even exist.
mod6: asciilifeform: The tbf box in the rack would be nice to be backed up -- I believe, from memory, this is a raid configuration in there. If the drives are pulled and not numbered correctly, probably can't re-create.
asciilifeform would like to give BingoBoingo room to try maneuvers involving 'the other dc' or whatnot, but at his option, and in consultation w/ subscribers .
mp_en_viaje: don't tell me "the exact day before ispdos started" ?
mp_en_viaje: when is your month end with them ?
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: mno, there was a security deposit, + remnant of month afaik.
asciilifeform: ( secondarily, the remnant of the acct balance at latech, but i honestly dun expect to see it again 'like own ears w/out mirror'(tm) )
mp_en_viaje: well then that's what it is.
mp_en_viaje: i have not what to argue with this ; nor any reaso nto argue. seems to me the one remaining thing to protect is the physical machines.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 15:28:43 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: understand that waiting will accomplish nothing. even supposing the mario & luigi derps come back and 'we fixed pipe, promise it won't happen again' it WILL happen again. week, month, year, later, and whole story will repeat.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 15:31:05 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: At this point, based on the previous conversation, there seems to be in no person at Latecho or Dedicado who can get us pipe. I am inclined to begin auditioning commercial litigation folk this afternoon.
asciilifeform: it ~could~ come back on. but this won't fix structural problem imho. ~might~ give time to negotiate a straight-from-antel, in theory.
mp_en_viaje: i thought consensus among you two was that pipe's not coming back on. he said "nobody there can turn it back on" and you said "even if they did, i wouldn't trust it"
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: so, let's put on record properly, evacuation officially on ? BingoBoingo to send word to latech to stop charging for pipe, they've breached contract ? or are we to hold out for some unlikely concession
mp_en_viaje: when i landed in chisinev, mid 90s, it had just came out as law or somesuch apparently that all cunts must wear miniskirts with pantyhose. dedicated sellers of pantyhose on all street corners and not a single warm blooded xx humanoid in any other garb.
asciilifeform: if BB becomes new rezident, can enjoy the gurlz (tho prolly oughta leave the wines)
asciilifeform: what we won't have, in moldavia, is obv. (unless he in fact does go there) a BingoBoingo to swap disks, inspect seals, move hoses around in <1hr on request, and such nice things. but what can do.
mp_en_viaje: nfi, haven't been there in 20+ years
asciilifeform: afaik they've a nicely deadlocked gov, too, with a putin prime minister and a usg parliament.
asciilifeform in fact speaks both of the langs spoken in moldavia...
mp_en_viaje: "hi mr. we want to colo these boxes and this son"
asciilifeform: so far the moldavian is looking good.
asciilifeform: ( this is also where was the snsa logger . )
asciilifeform: ea. of these is equipped w/ 2 FG btw.
mp_en_viaje: well, why not, can send the smg there then i guess.
asciilifeform: i was actually preparing a modest box to go there
mp_en_viaje: i'd say "call him over here", but the problem is i'm traveling, can't keep this always on and watched.
mp_en_viaje: but i suppose this is not entirely without merit -- diana_coman see next you talk to that guy whether he also colos boxes ?
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: we're all still stuck with a different set of 'rathers' .
mp_en_viaje: well muh dear space-admiral & mars mission commandant... it dun seem to be so much a question of what i'd rather. does it.
asciilifeform: orc customs is an 'in' problem rather than 'out' afaik.
asciilifeform: and to smg i'd also recommend to use the same, but is decision not for me but for mp_en_viaje & co, if they'd rather host on intel w/ ipmi and intel rng, is not my biz
mp_en_viaje: ah, so you rather want them back /
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i can't speak for others, but anyffing i touch will be hosted on this same type of opteron, and with same raid, and w/ same FG .
mp_en_viaje: anyway, i imagine most iron is headed for the local reseller, used hw prolly not worth shipping OUT of orcistan
mp_en_viaje: well, if they're not, we'll sue.
asciilifeform: incidentally, mp_en_viaje , all the irons that asciilifeform personally worked on, have his seals on'em, and these should still be intact.
mp_en_viaje: it's all in the logs, not going anywheres anyway
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: the primary smg machine is still owned by smg.
mp_en_viaje: << was it snsa owned a machine and smg another one, and renting a 3rd ? i thought we had mostly sold all iron to piz, will have to look through all these.
asciilifeform: ( the other connection, naturally, is -- per the snowden dox -- usg never throws away botnet, when finds, but uses always . )
asciilifeform: the only step to 'p2p'ism that has become moar common, is the use of 'randomly generated domain using time of day where to look for command' ('dga') but even this not universal.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i also had trouble believing, before working as pro exterminator for these in '12-15. (possible that sumthing has changed since, but from what i presently know -- has not.)
asciilifeform: mno. the current crop.
mp_en_viaje: maybe "people" who key in stuff they read on cca 2002 edition of slashdot /
mp_en_viaje: the confiscated machines. what, is the idea they cc'd the whole thing ?
mp_en_viaje: do we by "the defense" mean not giving a shit, or do we by "the defense" mean nullrooting ips ?
asciilifeform: that ddos of almost arbitrary size is comparatively cheap, vs the defense.
asciilifeform: point is that there's no actual limit to these
asciilifeform: it is impossible, from the shit drippings coming from latech, to say
mp_en_viaje: then why not 1pb/s ?
mp_en_viaje: is the idea pizarro boxes were hit with 1tb/s for a while ?
asciilifeform: lesse whether mp_en_viaje still holds this pos, when there's >1 tmsr box in that moldavia and it gets 1tb/s sustained.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, it's deeply unlikely, seeing how... by the same logic your fuckbot was also targetted by same net.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: it's unproven, but imho not baseless, theory, that both were targeted using same net
mp_en_viaje: << it's incomprehensible to me why you compare these two as such. it almost reads as if you imagine some dude in moldavia somehow captured packets on YOUR interface in uruguay at diana's request and then misrepresented it to her as her own. wtf ?!
mp_en_viaje: anyway, to set a matter of record straight : it is not ~necessarily~ the case oscar is lying re "dedicado"->centurylink. that's why man on the ground / contacts beats remote in these things. there's half a dozen way the peering data can be fudged into unreliability
mp_en_viaje: understand the weakness in these "still be there" : a month ago, you were complaining pizarro pipe is too stable. these things are always fine until not anymore, and never before.
mp_en_viaje: and how much for the pipe ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 14:34:01 BingoBoingo: They were pressed several times on the BGP question and Antel's listing as their major peer. They denied Antel and instead repeatedly claimed they hired our pipe out to "Dedicado" (Local firm mostly sells radio point to point IP connections in areas without Antel) and that Dedicado's upsteam CENTURYLINK!!! was not being very helpful in responding to Dedicado or their requests. They declared "Century Link is the Biggest Global ISP, the
asciilifeform: << funnily , 1 of the places asciilifeform wanted to try parking dulap in '17 , was a (largely empty) telco exchange 2km from house. reputedly, gives a locking rebar cage for <1.5k/m . and in the heart of the beast. the thing, i suspect if had done this, it'd still be there, working..
BingoBoingo: Aite, back to the dungeon.
mp_en_viaje: you know, the WARMERS
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> i dun recall seeing arrowslits reserved for konsoomer window ac in there << Consumer standup portable A/C
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 15:39:30 asciilifeform: ( after he's done w/ the current session of 'both of you have arse for a head and i oughta have thrown you into sea like two-headed kittens long ago' but expect will have what to add )
mp_en_viaje: << i dunno why this is so dramatique all the time. not like we didn't know you two have no fucking clue what you're doing going in.
asciilifeform: i dun recall seeing arrowslits reserved for konsoomer window ac in there
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It looks like they exhausted to the parking garage
mp_en_viaje: hit it then.
asciilifeform: straight back into the hall ?!
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-07 21:51:46 BingoBoingo: asciiilifeform: The packaged FUCKGOATS are out of the cage. They managed to restore air conditioning though a few consumer model personal air conditioners were chained together in a gang occupying a portion of the front hallway. The normal airconditioners were indeed operational.
asciilifeform: << i was aboutta ask !! holyshit, where did they put the hot exhaust ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I would like to wait for customer instructions on how they would like their drives handled before pulling everything.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 15:38:37 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Last night the machines were cool and accessible locally on the switch. Today they are probably still hot and angry.
mp_en_viaje: << the ganged ac thing was a lulzy epic story
asciilifeform: drives imho oughta be evacuated (1st to BingoBoingo's flat, then, at option of customers, fedex) prior to and posted separately from machines per se.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: shut down dulap & pocket the drives.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: plox to plug a ssd into dulap when yer done. grab in the morning. ( would like a fresh copy if possible )
mp_en_viaje: why limited ? you could indicate which local houses to burn down from the flamethrowing helisub.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the stock of spare ssds should suffice to grab errything.
mp_en_viaje: from your story everyone too busy doing the plumbing with own hands.
mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, who the fuck's gonna notice, receptionist girly ?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: go then, to backup.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> mp_en_viaje: any reason not to physically evacuate all of the iron stock, and not simply back up ? << Because it tips the hand. If you want to litigate...
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Aite, tonight I will grab user data and databases off of the shared server.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo seems already bought the wheelbarrow.
asciilifeform does , but cannot speak for others
mp_en_viaje: do you have some offsite backup scheme in place, asks mp, fully dreading the obvious "um...." answer.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: any reason not to physically evacuate all of the iron stock, and not simply back up ?
asciilifeform: which they owe .
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: not to mention iirc there was a security deposit
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Last bolus went to them early september
asciilifeform: if they simply closed down, would then match this description. but instead started delivering milk that's 50% baccilae
mp_en_viaje: or for any other reason -- dead horse will trot no miles.
mp_en_viaje: either because indeed, some ustard bought them out, thinking to cut down 90% of expense ie personnel and keep 50% of income by moving away from dc business to netflix cache
mp_en_viaje: anyway, the reason i mentioned that yest was as a pressure tactic, not as a revenue generator.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: there's a lulzy era1 thread where asciilifeform had to, for salt mine reasons, lease a bank box, and read the contract..
asciilifeform: well in usa, matters even moar simple , dun even need to read that the fella with the weightier bank balance is 'innocent' and the 1 with the lighter -- 'liable', ~100% of the time
mp_en_viaje: notwithstanding its their fucking safe for the express purpose etcetera.
mp_en_viaje: if fire in hotel burns down my stashes of euros in the hotel safe, they're not liable.
mp_en_viaje: no argument, if you know all the tricks of the trade six months down the road yo ucan sit down to a juicy aged angus steak out of their money.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: to picture for a moment that the action were in 'civilized' rather than orcistani court -- if warehouse springs leak, and rain pours through it for week, and five customer's worth of wheat dissolves, i expect > 'month' would be owed.
