justJanne: Not really.
justJanne: But a governmental monopoly is always better than a private monopoly.
justJanne: If the government rents a train for that (like Hitler did, the companies profited heavily) or if they own them (like the GDR did), changes nothing.
justJanne: That is not a part of the discussion.
justJanne: I don't care if the government owns the trains, as long as they are 100% on time, cheap, and fast.
justJanne: Every. Time.
justJanne: Every. Single. Time. A governmentally owned institution got sold to a US investor they either closed down 2 days later, became shit, or just expensive.
justJanne: Now Deutsche Bahn is slow, never on time, expensive, and not much more profitable either.
justJanne: Then they went to stock market and became a private company.
justJanne: Reminds me of Deutsche Bahn. A large railway company. Everything was fine, perfectly on time, cheap, profitable.
justJanne: But not necessary.
justJanne: It is often true,
justJanne: Not really true, either.
justJanne: And, as you stated, you deserve to be punished for being born here.
justJanne: If you want, you can move to Togo, or Monsanto City, or the Bahamas.
justJanne: danielpbarron: it's not stealing.
justJanne: *50%
justJanne: Because they played before 59% taxes for others.
justJanne: They are.
justJanne: And if you break your leg and can't work for a month, you starve to death.
justJanne: If you want total anarchy, go to somalia, they live it.
justJanne: It's not a childish fantasy of it's the currently best working system.
justJanne: and less welfare.
justJanne: And less free education or healthcare.
justJanne: You have higher taxes,
justJanne: You pay more. And get less.
justJanne: The median German pays less money for health care than the median US person.
justJanne: Yes.
justJanne: Minimum wage doesn't hurt the market.
justJanne: A minimum wage might encourage the company to actually be more efficient.
justJanne: So, it's better to provide straight out subsidies than to have minimum wage?
justJanne: Then why do they still work?
justJanne: and spend their time!
justJanne: they make no more money,
justJanne: it is sad because under your assumptions those people shouldn’t work at all
justJanne: no,
justJanne: sadly, the workers make nothing more than basic income from it
justJanne: yes, they can transport a package for 20$ across the continent over night, and make a profit.
justJanne: parcel and delivery service in Europe
justJanne: in the place where Deutsche Post DHL has its main business:
justJanne: DHL makes most of its profit in one single place.
justJanne: nah, not really.
justJanne: let’s talk about different, benefitial monopolies.
justJanne: I wonder how you’d do without the people taking away your trash, the people putting out the fires, the people cleaning your streets
justJanne: ah, the good old "I can live in a cave" defense
justJanne: and the same way the other way round
justJanne: you can only live, and work, because of the people around you
justJanne: you misuse the word "community"
justJanne: and then you have a highly competitive, almost unrestricted market for the rest
justJanne: the idea is that you have basic life just enough for everyone available,
justJanne: read the nordic model again ;P
justJanne: mats: yes.
justJanne: although, tbh, when watching politicians speak, you ask yourself who is the larger liar
justJanne: yes, ofc.
justJanne: with a combination of free trade (think Quark), and basic life enough for everyone
justJanne: mats: DS9-Star Trek is pretty much real.
justJanne: mats: Star Trek is heaven, and an amazing solution. Although I’m thinking DS9 Star Trek, not TOS Star Trek
justJanne: there are some laws: (a) every insurance has to provide a basic plan for the same price, (b) everyone has to have at least this plan, or more
justJanne: kinda, but not.
justJanne: translation is hard ;P
justJanne: retirement funds, sorry
justJanne: and retirement funds
justJanne: and life savings
justJanne: and that’s including insurance
justJanne: that’s what I’m referring to
justJanne: 44% here right now.
justJanne: please read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_model instead
justJanne: Ah, the english article for "social democracy" is actually wrong
justJanne: because people don’t do that.
justJanne: even the 10yo busses aren’t.
justJanne: danielpbarron: it’s not urine-smelling, lol.
justJanne: trinque: I am talking about "anyone can become politician"
justJanne: my state’s governor uses the same bus as me every morning
justJanne: that’s why politicians are supposed to be normal people.
justJanne: trinque: Google on the search market
justJanne: and rarely monopolies every arise without this
justJanne: which is inherently evil
justJanne: the issue with monopolies is that the companies behind it try to do everything in their mind to avoid competition.
justJanne: monopolies aren’t really "evil", they just develop out of greed
justJanne: only sith deal in absolutes
justJanne: neither side is evil.
justJanne: the current situation is ideal.
justJanne: no.
justJanne: no.
justJanne: mats: your freedom ends where the freedom of the others begins
justJanne: cazalla: you haven’ŧ seen childcare here, I have – I was in it just 13 years ago ;P
justJanne: and they are profitable
justJanne: I get 100/40mbps for 10$ a monht
justJanne: mats: yes. my ISP I use right now is 5 geeks in a basement.
justJanne: mats: yes, but you have to ask the question different.
justJanne: mats: yes.
justJanne: and yes, mats, in my opinion all monopolies or oligopolies are inherently evil
justJanne: and the oligopols lobby corrupt politicians, too
justJanne: the starting cost is extreme.
justJanne: trinque: cost.
justJanne: so, in your minds, the Comcast/ATT/Verizon oligopol is good?
justJanne: it is more profitable, for example, to put criminals into a trade school and let them work again than to put them into a prison
justJanne: danielpbarron: because they have a chance to work later on again?
justJanne: especially when you aren’t responsible
justJanne: but society is there to save you from the consequences of bad decisions ;P
justJanne: yes.
justJanne: danielpbarron: unless you lose it all, and have no money and are starving
justJanne: trinque: you get all those 50% taxes back to you. In free child daycare, free healthcare, etc.
justJanne: and that it is preferable to be safe over having high returns
justJanne: no. they just know that one day they might lose their job,
justJanne: they got less than 4% of the votes last election
justJanne: we have a party that aims for that.
justJanne: the people? that’s why you have (a) elections and (b) public polls on them?
justJanne: essentially a free market, but with 50% taxes and basic income
justJanne: not social democracy
justJanne: social democracy consists of a social market:
justJanne: trinque: that is socialism
justJanne: sadly.
justJanne: we are at a completely different point now
justJanne: not
justJanne: ofc nto.
justJanne: you don’t need to aim for 1 billion users with your 5 people startup to be sustainable
justJanne: yes, that actually works.
justJanne: but aim for slow growth and a sustainable profit.
justJanne: the thing is that most of these don’t aim for a huge profit,
justJanne: not really. There are many startups here, actually.
justJanne: tbh, it’s the only really sustainable way
justJanne: which isn’t really necessary
justJanne: the first system I discuss in scandinavia or central europe is a place where 60% of the companies have existed for centuries, have long term neither profit nor losses, and no growth
justJanne: no.
justJanne: It’s obviously more stable than the economical system plagued of bubble bursts that is existing at Wall Street nowadays
justJanne: the consumer cooperatives operating non-profit chains of grocery stores have also existed since the 1800s
justJanne: the volunteering fire brigade system has existed since the 1400s
justJanne: this system of society has lasted for centuries
justJanne: that’s not the thing.
justJanne: No.
justJanne: all across scandinavia and central europe
justJanne: obviously it works well in the countries with the highest standard of living –
justJanne: everyone?
justJanne: it’s not stupid.
justJanne: just to provide a benefit for everyone
justJanne: then people will work literally for free,
justJanne: the idea is: if society is well enough,
justJanne: because they are volunteers.
justJanne: like 90% of all firemen here, for example, work for free. volunteers. No pay, nothing. They risk their lives for nothing, while still having a normal job at the same time.
justJanne: anyway, it works here.
justJanne: let’s say it like this, not even the literal nazis had such a right-wing idea about society. And they are nazis.
justJanne: then you might want to rethink your life.
justJanne: people still work.
justJanne: nowadays we have basic income here even.
justJanne: no, it doesn’t.
justJanne: do you want to punish people for stuff they didn’t do, choices they didn’t make?
justJanne: because you aren’t responsible
justJanne: just because your parents are poor doesn’t mean you should have worse chances in life
justJanne: because no one should have a disadvantage from choices they didn’t make.
justJanne: because everyone should have equal chances
justJanne: nope. Reducing unemployment money, removing minimum wage, etc is definitely not "good"
justJanne: this guy betrayed everyone who voted for thim, and the rest of Germany, too
justJanne: the day after his time as chancellor ended, he got a job at Gazprom
justJanne: He was a German chancellor in the social democrats party who reduced welfare spending, removed any kind of minimum wage ideas, added laws for some businesses, and changed several laws so that Gazprom could build a pipeline.
justJanne: not that Germany would be better, with people like Gerhard Schröder >_>
justJanne: yeah, it’s not something the population can do anything against. it’s just inevitable with 2 parties that are both quite corrupt
justJanne: and the US is also selling weapons to the saudis directly, which they sold directly to ISIS
justJanne: if the dad still gives you clothes, even though he knows what you’re doing...
justJanne: the US is financing the saudi’s, who sell ISIS weapons, so technically the US is financing ISIS anyway
justJanne: meh.
justJanne: but phone from 2007 is EOL
justJanne: microwave from 1980 still works, TV from '96 as well, PC from '98 is still in use.
justJanne: in the past years, technology got worse
justJanne: trinque: that’s one issue, sadly.
justJanne: trinque: it makes me especially angry when this is combined with programmers who call themselves "engineers", but whose products stop working after just a decade
justJanne: trinque: that is very much true @ the apple-strategy argument
justJanne: mircea_popescu: they aren’t for sale yet, but if you want to get a taste, you can buy an AMD GPU
justJanne: your phone will burn through your clothes. And then ignite everything around it, before becoming a blob of molten lava
justJanne: heat is.
justJanne: mod6: power is not the issue.
justJanne: mkdir -p #bitcoin-assets && cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc a-zA-Z0-9 > #bitcoin-assets/random
justJanne: <insert short rant about ALSA only allowing 44.1kHz and 16-bit audio here>
justJanne: though one day the script wiped the drive itself was on, never found it again
justJanne: helps making sure backups work
justJanne: for some years I had a script that wipes a random harddrive at a random time
justJanne: danielpbarron: I have cheap Sennheiser HD 449 headphones and a normal phone, works well enough
justJanne: danielpbarron: it makes sense to have 1400kbps FLAC, as that’s CD quality
justJanne: nah, spending one year in those chats, 24/7 is something I’ll never get back.
justJanne: I’ve seen the movie 13 times in cinema >_>
justJanne: I know, I spent 1 year in a dozen frozen fan chats
justJanne: I did sketch this, though: http://i.imgur.com/xCr9iTz.png
justJanne: I’m not good at it, k?
justJanne: >_>
justJanne: I didn’t draw them
justJanne: a friend did, but I collected them
justJanne read that as trinique.see() ? someday : sure
justJanne: nah. It’s good enough. And at least streaming illegal movies is legal here
justJanne: where authorized isn’t defined
justJanne: the law literally says "if you access an electronical data computation system unauthorized"
justJanne: we’re talking here about a government where the chancellor has a PhD in Quantum Chemistry – obviously not stupid, but evil.
justJanne: and governments then passing laws that "circumventing client-side access control" becomes a crime
justJanne: you might end up with governmental websites using JS for access control.
justJanne: it’s not just limited to that.
justJanne: if your parents didn’t kill you for the dialup bill, though
justJanne: in 2010 you could throw wget -r on the new york times and get, after a few weeks, half of the web.
justJanne: adlai: yes, but in 2008 you could just curl the web and get it all
justJanne: like that it encourages them to use more functional code
justJanne: JS has some nice parts.
justJanne: when my crawler stopped working due to this,
justJanne: makes the job a lot harder for crawlers
justJanne: JS webapps that do everything in-browser
justJanne: exactly
justJanne: (screenshot from DDG)
justJanne: trinque: one funny example: http://i.imgur.com/k9BZPhT.png
justJanne: people writing in-browser apps that don’t support linking
justJanne: although, there is something new
justJanne: of course not.
justJanne: mircea_popescu: yes?
justJanne: or using *cringe* realplayer
justJanne: I remember the sad days of having to decompile swf objects just to rip a video.
justJanne: Now I can just grep through the JS, find the link to the .mp4, and wget it, and watch it offline
justJanne: trinque: not necessarily.
justJanne: nah.
justJanne: Almost every video service hosts plain video files instead of flash-based players for .flv videos anymore
justJanne: hey, at least nowadays the web is getting better again.
justJanne: oh.
justJanne: still is!
justJanne: ben_vulpes: we’re talking about services that have a chance of mainstream adoption.
justJanne: gnutella has as much chances of mainstream adoption as Gentoo has
justJanne: yeah, still – Tidal is the first service providing CD quality.
justJanne: trinque: lol
justJanne: ben_vulpes: still, compared to all those 9000$ expensive audio cables, or Beats headphones, lossless FLAC has an advantage over 128kbps mp3
justJanne: literally
justJanne: I mean, Beats are just cheap Philips headphones with a bass boost.
justJanne: The difference between Dr Dre and Jay Z? Jay Z’s product actually is something more than marketing speech
justJanne: and the sound quality, tbh, is great. Just not worth 20$ a month
justJanne: I found a way, but now I have a few thousand files encrypted, the corresponding PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 encryption keys, but was too lazy to find the client-side salt for that
justJanne: I wanted a way to scrape them.
justJanne: about 1344kbps quality
justJanne: A music streaming service that streams lossless unedited FLAC files
justJanne: (yes, Tidal uses a native plugin for in-browser DRM)
justJanne: the in-browser DRM is a native binary that is pretty much stripped of any information, actually kinda hard to use, but the Android version of almost everything is stupid
justJanne: but then I discovered they have an unobfuscated android app, so I got lazy and started instead decompiling that one
justJanne: I spent the past days doing the same – actually cracking DRM of Tidal
justJanne: yeah.
justJanne: we did lots of optimizations in the past weeks, homework this week is "you have this blob of binary, find out what it does, circumvent its checks"
justJanne: but it’s too late anyway
justJanne: yes
justJanne: c has no true, nor real false. But it can return 1 or 0
justJanne: (kinda)
justJanne: 0 is false
justJanne: -10000 is true
justJanne: 1 is true.
justJanne: 2 is true.
justJanne: 5 is true.
justJanne: yes
justJanne: so you need to do +1 or !
justJanne: as >> moves the sign
justJanne: it would return 0 or -1