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ascii_butugychag: the other outputs also other things
ascii_butugychag: what's she output?
ascii_butugychag: (note that the proofs don't need to be about a commonlisp program per se, but anything that can be expressed as one)
ascii_butugychag: back in the day.
ascii_butugychag: apparently amd actually started proving their alu with acl2, in reaction to the intel fdiv scandal
ascii_butugychag: my 'midas touch'...
ascii_butugychag: i think it just now choked
ascii_butugychag: ben_vulpes, adlai, phf, gabriel_laddel, et al ^
ascii_butugychag: << unrelated, but very nifty.
ascii_butugychag: at least ~i~ don't
ascii_butugychag: fortunately we don't need the other senses for anything
ascii_butugychag: it is a thing in the sense that 'enemy' is a thing
ascii_butugychag: ;;google roboclaus
ascii_butugychag: !s roboclaus
ascii_butugychag: 'first ecstacy - then laundry.' -- also al
ascii_butugychag: modern enforcers do not, and need not
ascii_butugychag: the 1960s enviro-whiners who started the current wave, also had 'passion'
ascii_butugychag: (and not, as often supposed, medieval theology - as it did not have totalitarian apparatus attached)
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: arguably same process as lysenko
ascii_butugychag: !s eotvos
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: this was the eotvos thing
ascii_butugychag: which is why, e.g., syringe needles, are drawn
ascii_butugychag: this is well-known
ascii_butugychag: i was given it as a small child
ascii_butugychag: 'suddenly the inventor appeared' is the only actually worthwhile book on heuristics i know of.
ascii_butugychag: thing had whole chapter on inversions
ascii_butugychag: !s suddenly the inventor
ascii_butugychag: i once sent al a scan, he appreciated.
ascii_butugychag: its straight out of altshuller's book
ascii_butugychag: and yes, it shall pass, and with it shall pass the last folks who know how to generate a microdispersion of sodium diaminodihydroxyarsenobenzenemethanesulfonate...
ascii_butugychag: i was sorta on the cusp of this.
ascii_butugychag: old timers are especially allergic to real-time anything
ascii_butugychag: as, possibly, taleb, et al
ascii_butugychag: a problem i had when first showed up, like, i suspect, many folk
ascii_butugychag: i think he took a look at the logs and was not able to readily distinguish us from the chirp of the frogs.
ascii_butugychag: << he eventually wrote back, promised to generate pgp key, when finds the time...
ascii_butugychag: 'advent' even !
ascii_butugychag always thought adventure games oughta work like this.
ascii_butugychag: very spiffy
ascii_butugychag: so the thing gracefully degrades to a text MUD? neato.
ascii_butugychag: but do you ?
ascii_butugychag: with the quaternionic gpu
ascii_butugychag: and eulora
ascii_butugychag: jurov: if this were actually so, and he were consistent about 'in wot', would have to avoid, e.g., aircraft with computerized autopilot
ascii_butugychag: see the horrors in for instance
ascii_butugychag: actually english speakers are so habituated to this that they have problems with ANY attempt at 'english-parsing machine'
ascii_butugychag: i thought this was known to all.
ascii_butugychag: incidentally, english does NOT guarantee you a sane (disambiguated) AST.
ascii_butugychag: but somehow this turned into 'let's do maths as euclid did, with WORDZ!111'
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: i did say many times that a canonical representation of whatever is, rightfully, sexpr
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: iirc 'mplayer' does, aha
ascii_butugychag: does it convey the complete 'meaning of starwars' ?
ascii_butugychag: for some reason i wonder if mircea_popescu has watched 'ascii starwars'
ascii_butugychag: depends what means 'gracefully'
ascii_butugychag: what's wrong with programmatic fonts ?
ascii_butugychag: why does it 'need expansions' ?
ascii_butugychag: specifies plans for a building using words, like kind solomon
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu prolly writes his electrical schematics as netlists every time, etc
ascii_butugychag: jurov: my understanding is that mircea_popescu is so allergic to 'visual thinker'-ism that he barfs just thinking about any such thing being intrinsic to some aspect of whatever discipline
ascii_butugychag: with the difference that i don't have to catch stroustrup and hang him upside-down and soldering iron to get new mathematical notation when i need it...
ascii_butugychag: just that i operate using an idea of meaning that lets me make things happen, occasionally, rather than having to stay in bed because we have not actually discovered REAL MEANING yet
ascii_butugychag: quite examined.
ascii_butugychag: you gotta know some letters, what multiplication is, etc
ascii_butugychag: it does not stand alone in an empty universe, no
ascii_butugychag: it is most certainly ~not~ meaningless
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: kindly 'unbrokenize' for me ?
ascii_butugychag: but it beats FUCKING WORDS
ascii_butugychag: it is imperfect
ascii_butugychag: i am keeping my legs AND my head tyvm
ascii_butugychag: procrustean lunacy
ascii_butugychag: and the 'pdf must die and not replaced with anything like it' thing
ascii_butugychag: jurov: it was originally about 'whether maths require a graphics terminal'
ascii_butugychag: trinque: and your tracker is all-ascii, and runs on 'do, ra, mi' in paragraph form ?
ascii_butugychag: as in, preferred format for manipulation.
ascii_butugychag: the thread concerned THINKING
ascii_butugychag: can write in morse if you like
ascii_butugychag: might represent, e.g., pixels ?
ascii_butugychag: that they are rows? of an inherently spatial thing ?
ascii_butugychag: verbalize this for me. and explain why anyone outside of a mental asylum would want to manipulate the thing in that form.
ascii_butugychag: << lulzy shitgnomade re: the fortinet thing
ascii_butugychag: Run Moar Closed Turdware !11111
ascii_butugychag: 'Councilman Clinton J. Olivier... ...asked Dyer a simple question: “Could you run my threat level now?” Dyer agreed. The scan returned Olivier as a green, but his home came back as a yellow, possibly because of someone who previously lived at his address, a police official said.'
ascii_butugychag: who remembers the film 'brazil' ?
ascii_butugychag: 'The Fresno City Council called a hearing on Beware in November after constituents raised concerns. Once council member referred to a local media report saying that a woman’s threat level was elevated because she was tweeting about a card game titled “Rage,” which could be a keyword in Beware’s assessment of social media.'
ascii_butugychag: l0ltr0n1c
ascii_butugychag: 'Exactly how Beware calculates threat scores is something that its maker, Intrado, considers a trade secret, so it is unclear how much weight is given to a misdemeanor, felony or threatening comment on Facebook. '
ascii_butugychag: 'As officers respond to calls, Beware automatically runs the address. The searches return the names of residents and scans them against a range of publicly available data to generate a color-coded threat level for each person or address: green, yellow or red.'
ascii_butugychag: 'Привет тебе, судьбы моей рычаг...'
ascii_butugychag: l0l if only
ascii_butugychag: (old cars had carpet)
ascii_butugychag: complete with barfproof floor
ascii_butugychag: kawasaki.
ascii_butugychag: the new train cars in this town are...
ascii_butugychag: i've something that beats mircea_popescu's huqsvarna motorcycle
ascii_butugychag: speaking of chainsaw
ascii_butugychag: (e.g., some of the police choppers where i live. i was shown one up close at a public expo, tiny thing)
ascii_butugychag: incidentally, many of the small helis on the market today are turbojet
ascii_butugychag: eagle in the air intake ?
ascii_butugychag: only on the ground do you get stability (mostly) for free
ascii_butugychag: discussing braking in a machine that can go into, e.g., spins, is lulzy
ascii_butugychag: PeterL: yeah but the remaining folk all have dirigibles
ascii_butugychag: ever fly a toy heli ?
ascii_butugychag: mno. ground effect.
ascii_butugychag: or traffic.
ascii_butugychag: if yours is the only one in town - sure
ascii_butugychag: what's the point ? rooftop escapes ?
ascii_butugychag: deltaplan, not boeing.
ascii_butugychag: cl is not, e.g., haskell, does not attempt mechanical type inference
ascii_butugychag: << the sole purpose of 'proclaim' is to hand-optimize where the compiler cannot SAFELY do it
ascii_butugychag: never need to kill anybody, just wait for'em to die
ascii_butugychag: must be great being an immortal demigod
ascii_butugychag: at least tesla had an idea of what this has to be
ascii_butugychag: shoot down usg fighters with pure mind rays ?
ascii_butugychag: yes, but ~with what~ do you intend to fuck him
ascii_butugychag: 'sovereignty is the ability to manufacture airplane in large numbers'
ascii_butugychag: it follows from orwell's theorem
ascii_butugychag: the megastate didn't end up with air superiority because of the gods' whim, though
ascii_butugychag: fuck boeing << what does mircea_popescu fly on ? a Junkers ?
ascii_butugychag: if mircea_popescu imagines that his gateway to the bowels of hell will be dug by six dudes with shovels, he is smoking something strong.
ascii_butugychag: whereas imagine, caterpillar is dead, and now we have only shovels.
ascii_butugychag: if you like.
ascii_butugychag: caterpillar.
ascii_butugychag: (example)
ascii_butugychag: hence - varian.
ascii_butugychag: they were heavy industrial equipment.
ascii_butugychag: thing is, these were not pc
ascii_butugychag: it wanted to be.... varian.
ascii_butugychag: << mno. for one thing, microshit was not yet itself
ascii_butugychag: iirc we had a few tarver threadz
ascii_butugychag: !s tarver
ascii_butugychag: and this is tarver
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: not a maths piece
ascii_butugychag: snout already protrudes from the pot
ascii_butugychag: hey my pig is growing by the hour!111
ascii_butugychag: (psychopathology of foss, etc)
ascii_butugychag: ^ as described here.
ascii_butugychag: !s bipolar lisp
ascii_butugychag: ^ works!111
ascii_butugychag: ;;google olin shivers sre
ascii_butugychag: adlai: mega-classic
ascii_butugychag: do they need to live ?
ascii_butugychag: double-spend?
ascii_butugychag: how would that work?
ascii_butugychag: betcha the pool would instantly fill with trb folk
ascii_butugychag: why not preferentially mine the high-S ?
ascii_butugychag: 'softfork'ism
ascii_butugychag: bowing to the enemy
ascii_butugychag: and surrendering on the declaration
ascii_butugychag: it costs patching
ascii_butugychag: or what, some time next year ?
ascii_butugychag: when i issue a tx, 50% chance it never gets in a block
ascii_butugychag: i mean, the present situation is icky
ascii_butugychag: but would conveniently drive an additional nail into the enemy's skull
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: speaking of crackpot ideas, re: your pool: how about ~preferring~ high-S ?
ascii_butugychag: thestringpuller: the vultures will clean up.
ascii_butugychag: mats: i hear they give priority to applicants who give a shit
ascii_butugychag: mats: didja get in line for jail yet ?
ascii_butugychag: adlai: ask mircea_popescu to write one up for you, if you need this
ascii_butugychag: !s protocol promise
ascii_butugychag: the arbitrage thing
ascii_butugychag: good luck finding buyers.
ascii_butugychag: psztorc: you can market shares in own farts, if you feel like it
ascii_butugychag: psztorc: before the split, the alt does not exist in any sense
ascii_butugychag: what's one more.
ascii_butugychag: adlai: there is no shortage of places to trade crackpot alts
ascii_butugychag: (see the 'missile' essay)
ascii_butugychag: folks who want to convert their btc into a usg-alt that mircea_popescu will sell 1,000,000 of for a penny each the day of the phork, can go ahead any time...
ascii_butugychag: не шагу назад (тм) (р)
ascii_butugychag: psztorc: 'dramatic' is not when the rockets go up, but when they come down.
ascii_butugychag: play own arse, fart
ascii_butugychag: play in the air.
ascii_butugychag: who needs the piano
ascii_butugychag: or simply derping about, prescribing tools for folks who actually ~do~, as if proposing stalls for cattle ?
ascii_butugychag: << adlai is a concert musician ? plays music from a score every day of the week ?
ascii_butugychag: (he has the virtue of not building towers of own shit, like farm swine, but that's the beginning and end of it)
ascii_butugychag: wild boar builds nothing.
ascii_butugychag: no amount of 'will!11111', virility, non-pencildickery, counts for ~shit~ if you have no soul. beasts of the motherfucking field, the lot of'em.
ascii_butugychag: << wai wut?! srsly? just like that, public confession ?
ascii_butugychag: no pubkey? no soul.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: l0l!11
ascii_butugychag: << li poly batt. has no memory effect. but what it does have is rapid cycle wear (and evens shelf rot)
ascii_butugychag: << i would much like to attend a concert hall directed by mircea_popescu. understand, just to watch the faces of the musicians when they open their scores and discover, instead of musical notation, 'do re mi.....' x 100,001 !1
ascii_butugychag: the folks writing those, are not doing it on the train to/from day job.
ascii_butugychag: betcha there will be 1,001 usg gossipd.
ascii_butugychag: ahahahaha
ascii_butugychag: 'For private sharing, Scuttlebot uses libsodium to encrypt confidential log-entries.'
ascii_butugychag: they actually called me up last month..
ascii_butugychag: mit is so that smart kidz dont tmsr.
ascii_butugychag: and to prevent ghaddafis
ascii_butugychag: usg 'fought' to churn inventory and guarantee lockheed et al earmarks.
ascii_butugychag: this is, i know, sad.
ascii_butugychag: incl. drill bits.
ascii_butugychag: actually like most folks living in usa who do any machine work, i own two sets of everything.
ascii_butugychag: usually the latter
ascii_butugychag: and circus acrobats know some spiffy tricks.
ascii_butugychag: walking on your hands is also... possible
ascii_butugychag: !s befunge
ascii_butugychag: many things are ~possible~
ascii_butugychag: when mircea_popescu calculates for own reckoning, does he use roman notation? if not, why not?
ascii_butugychag: tell this to the room-temp iq folks.
ascii_butugychag: in the right hands, yes
ascii_butugychag: 'notation is worth +80 iq'
ascii_butugychag: i'm entirely with iverson on this one.
ascii_butugychag: (on my own desk, it is more than an idea, but this is not official yet)
ascii_butugychag: but since it was referred to, i assumed mircea_popescu was thinking of the idea.
ascii_butugychag: but more like what i wanted out of the net to begin with.
ascii_butugychag: it isnt an oxcart
ascii_butugychag: not 'save some time.' but ABLE TO DEAL IN CONCEPTS of the level i deal in, AT ALL
ascii_butugychag: if all of the railroads are in the hands of hitler, it does not follow that i ought to take an interest in travel by oxcart.
ascii_butugychag: just an unfortunate fact of thermodynamic loss
ascii_butugychag: nah she exists for the same reason electrical wires running to my house are warm
ascii_butugychag: i thought it was because it was solid brick with no flotational volume ?
ascii_butugychag: and yeah we have titanic dormitories full of these here
ascii_butugychag: snorefest!
ascii_butugychag: but in either case, a liver largely consisting of scar tissue is not an argument against having had a liver in the first place.
ascii_butugychag: (the climatologists and 'economics' - perhaps are)
ascii_butugychag: and i notice they aren't abusing integral signs
ascii_butugychag: and macsyma is mega-spiffy, using it as we speak even
ascii_butugychag: but so is 'plain language.'
ascii_butugychag: << notation is very often a tool for pseudointellectual flimflammery, yes
ascii_butugychag: also has its crippling limitations.
