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asciilifeform: << mircea_popescu is posting through a temporal modem from 1870s ? because 'spoils system' in usg civil service is long, long gone. nobody at nsa, usually not even the director (they don't stick around long anyway) worries about which party is in the white house.
asciilifeform: complete with quotas
asciilifeform: so long as the thing you like to do can be done in front of a computer in a converted broom closet - you're in heaven.
asciilifeform: plus the mega-benefits of guaranteed employment for life, fat pensions, health 'insurances', etc.
asciilifeform: mats: lawyer employed as civil servant.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the only thing usg likes more than chump running winblows is a chump who thinks he isn't, but is.
asciilifeform: incidentally, the au thing is more interesting than seems on the surface, because came directly out of 'wassenar agreement', a usg imposition on its entire colonial domain
asciilifeform: overtemp from dead short in drive.
asciilifeform: to roughly compare, this wouldn't be an airplane, just a pogo stick that lets you jump a few metres.
asciilifeform: 'The program performs unsafe 32-bit arithmetic, leading to an invalid size check prior to a memcpy() operation, leading to a heap overflow.' << can we plz haz shitgnomes playing 'underhanded c contest' prior to employment? these old idiocies are getting - well - old.
asciilifeform: mats: iirc that is one of the lulzfarms that attempts to fuck with bitcoin net for usg
ascii_field: 'Why is Perl so F***ing special that it gets its own utility for un-f***ing it every time I need to update my system? Why does gentoo use perl at all for anything? In my sight its a disgusting useless barnacle of a write only language and this dependency stuff just makes me not want to touch it, ever, if I did suffer from temporary dementia and considered using it in one of my projects. We don't need a python-cleaner or
ascii_field: and yes, those are imperial 2.54mm headers soldered to metric 2mm dip
asciilifeform: nubbins`: the next necessary step is the complete excision of dns from bitcoind
asciilifeform used to do something quite like this with laser printer. it being, drill hole in cartridge, funnel, toner tanks from old xerox in office park dumpsters
asciilifeform: 'Good luck with that buckeroo. Looking forward to your complete rewrite of the Broadcom NetXtreme II 10/100/Gigabit firmware, by the way. There are about 25 versions of this product, and they have 4-6 MIPS 64-bit cpus running different firmwares on them. Total size, around 260K. It's like a bunch of independent operating systems running on propriety hardware!' << this is endemic and getting worse by the minute
asciilifeform: afaik there was never a compiler for it (you could trivially port sdcc etc. but... why)
asciilifeform: phun phakt: you can still buy a toy computer with it:
asciilifeform: iirc the sov. single-chip pdp11 (famous in 'bk-0010' microcomputer) appeared before there was such a thing in the west
asciilifeform: some were not even clones in the traditional sense, but legit reimplementations
asciilifeform: it is interesting to contemplate how many of the traditional nato stereotypes of soviet industry were not only false, but apply to nato wholly and not at all to sov
asciilifeform: for many years i have searched for a period example of 'voting circuit'
asciilifeform: it beat the shit out of its contemporaries (z80, 6502) for instruction-compactness
asciilifeform: decimation: << example circuit for it. (cdp1802)
asciilifeform: you can even get pin-compatible with the classical dip-40 package.
asciilifeform: (more complicated problem, but most can be transformed into something like a pre-1992 model)
ascii_field: jurov: i suggest hex dump of all of the small-factored moduli
ascii_modem: and dump results in turd?
ascii_modem: nohup igprof -d -mp -z -o ./bitcoind -profileheap >& &
ascii_modem: 2) you run 'bitcoind profileheapdump filename.txt'
ascii_modem: gotta ask it with rpc cmd to take each dumpshot
asciilifeform: (zilog is still making z80, nominally pin-compatible with the 1976 variant, yes.)
asciilifeform: 'Because release 0.10.0 and later makes use of headers-first synchronization and parallel block download (see further), the block files and databases are not backwards-compatible with pre-0.10 versions of Bitcoin Core or other software. Blocks will be stored on disk out of order (in the order they are received, really), which makes it incompatible with some tools or other programs... The block index database will now hold head
asciilifeform: and i have never seen anyone attempt to answer it.
asciilifeform: meanwhile looking at other manufacturing houses aiming to compete with mf.
asciilifeform: e.g., -imagine- i pull the trigger and am out of several 10e3 usd. i now have half a dozen complete units. none of them function. what have i learned? that i am retarded? or that there is a solder void beneath a different decoupling capacitor on each board, summing up to a dud in each case but indistinguishable with my instruments
asciilifeform: the defect rate is of concern because of the impossibility of -immediately and conclusively- establishing WHICH when i get the crate.
asciilifeform: if it is on account of some imperfection in the design, however minute - different matter
asciilifeform: i must point out, for what is probably the seventh or eighth time, that i have no safe means of selling any bitcoin whatsoever while i live in usa. (selling for paper money, theoretically possible and suicidally dangerous, does precisely nothing to offset ANY of my living OR engineering expenses.) THEREFORE entire operation is financed from my fiat salary. this imposes certain constraints, and a 'measure seven-thousand seven-h
asciilifeform wanders off to contemplate this
asciilifeform: likewise, each unknown is stamped with a date of last gcd-ing, as well as sha512 of the mass product at the time this was done.
asciilifeform: (if composite per rabin-miller)
asciilifeform just woke up to the fact that he was a fool when originally wrote phuctor. a phuctored modulus must fragment into factors, each of which is in turn subject to all future attempts at phuctoring
asciilifeform: it doesn't matter. just pointing out that the thing follows literally none of the prescribed assumptions
asciilifeform: hence why i attempted it
asciilifeform: so no sample of undiddled modulus for this key is known.
asciilifeform: imagine if computer worked like this.
asciilifeform: (there may exist an instrumented allocator which will actually complain about being unable to find an appropriately-sized free block, but i am unaware of it)
asciilifeform: the only conclusive test for fragging is manually sweating over a memory dump 'with magnifying glass'
asciilifeform: but elementarily, all of them are expected to appear prior to the end of the churn of the sks dump circa last month
asciilifeform: i will note that -not all- phuctored moduli to date are in 'magic98', nor have all of the 98 been (thus far) phuctored or even attempted
asciilifeform: the key unwritten truth here is that virtually all employed folks in usa are 'on welfare'
asciilifeform: better scam would result in what? more pumpkins ?
asciilifeform: as it is, half the planet toils so that u.s. schmucks can get tankers full of little orange plastic pumpkins every october to hang on their porch
asciilifeform: whereas today you can actually make a chump who insists on knowing precisely how he is being chumped be left with an np-complete problem!
asciilifeform: this is, for example, why 'coinbase' will happily sell u.s. folks btc
asciilifeform: decimation: it is interesting to consider the implications of mass 'awakening' to btc as an anti-divorcetheft instrument
asciilifeform: decimation: chumpers are to think, presumably, that if 'big bad fbi' 'hates crypto' therefore 'buy redphone!'
asciilifeform: the implications of requiring a tx to refer -only- to tx in blocks in order to be rebroadcastable can be described exhaustively
asciilifeform: an 'orphan tx' is simply one which references a tx which is not yet seen
ascii_field: and there are no 'small' but intolerable driver imperfections
ascii_field: (among things missing from 'gimp' is, at least last i saw, support for pressure-sensitive input gizmos like 'wacom')
ascii_field: 0.5.3 didn't have dumpprivkey
ascii_field: address imports ?
asciilifeform for the first time in his life, encountered a defective... jumper.
asciilifeform: anything short of this, is just switching the selection of imperial rapist
asciilifeform: when the ukrs came, changed the street signs, and forced their chimp dialect to be taught in schools, my folks packed up for usa.
asciilifeform: y'know, for all the things said about american prison, at least no one is compelled to be involved in the growing of food there.
asciilifeform: and send you a complimentary plane ticket back to gulag
asciilifeform: Landgull: other thing is, if you rely on electronic banks in any way whatsoever, they'll simply zero your accounts
asciilifeform: Landgull: culture of bending over and quietly taking arse rape is an improvement ?
asciilifeform: Landgull: presently i work on automation of reverse-engineering on x86. prior to that, as a reverse engineer. prior to that, high-performance computing for biotech, as sole programmer in entire outfit
asciilifeform: << aha, the 'xorg' thing. shitgnomatics pure & simple
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the basic concept that must be understood is that c/cpp are entirely impossible to 'reason' about mechanically
asciilifeform: alphonse23_: the idea is to find evidence of sabotaged implementations of rsa key generator.
asciilifeform: alphonse23_: rsa is not especially complicated. you can understand the basic idea after an hour's study
ascii_field: jurov: diff is of output of pgpdump -i
ascii_field: 'But instead of routinely feeding U.S. intelligence agencies such data, the companies would be required to turn it over only in response to a government request approved by the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.' << l0l, the same 'court' which consists of a remotely-operated rubber stamp for director of intel.
ascii_field: microshit attempted this with every single thing it ever touched
ascii_field: punkman: for reasons i cannot fathom, usg does not even exempt its own snoops from this.
asciilifeform: it very seldom gets simpler than what i had them make
ascii_field: mod6: i was simply pointing out that it is not, afaik, part of the official therealbitcoin tree as of yet.
asciilifeform: imho one of the most perplexing things about 'anti-bitcoin' agitators is how they all - to a man - miss the most cogent argument against bitcoin: it being, how it is implemented
asciilifeform: not impossible, but 'first rule out the usual suspects, then - miracles'
asciilifeform: <ben_vulpes> trinque and i were wondering about their CLIM implementations, and if documentation etc was better on the closed-source side of the world << i never had lispworks and can't comment about it, but franz 'allegro' does come with clim. iirc it only works in the non-smp version though, and depends on gtk
asciilifeform: 'the fraud could have been uncovered sooner, potentially forestalling a great deal of the disruption it inflicted on various careers and on social science as a whole.' << mega-l0l! as if any of the 'careers' built upon this or similar crocks of shit - other than the exemplary scapegoat's - will skip so much as one beat
asciilifeform: 'see, the crown cares! the rare irregularities are dealt with! watch this impalement and move along now'
asciilifeform: jurov: i suppose i will have to implement 'download key' button after all...
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu paused pump, resumed werker. we have around 1/4 of the total rsa keys available submitted (or processed) at this point.
asciilifeform presently contemplating the fact that sks appears to contain virtually no gurlz
asciilifeform: i thought of adding a download link on individual key pages, but then folks will be tempted to use phuctor as a key server
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: old mpex is an easy one - not all of the moduli changed
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu the next screamingly obvious step is to catalogue 'liar keys' - the most interesting species of which consists of keys where the claimed fingerprint stored with a modulus differs from the recomputed (by us) fingerprint. as per
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what "the thing is worth" is a complex issue << let's put it this way. my crops are worth more to me burned than given to kolhoz.
asciilifeform: see also the example of farmers who burned their crops and livestock rather than submit to 'collectivization'
asciilifeform: for example, anyone try a uclibc build yet ?
asciilifeform: trinque: as a rough guide, expect it to cost around what your computer cost.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the crapification of 'netbook' stands out in clear, cartoon colours when compared with something like the 1997-1999 toshiba 'libretto'
asciilifeform: afaik every attempt by intel to sell something other than x86 has tanked
asciilifeform: RUchimp:
asciilifeform: RUchimp: consider reading the log on www
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the ntsc trinitrons are not comparable
asciilifeform: (compass arrows)
asciilifeform: good for data-compact number crunching problems
asciilifeform: but in rom, you need a ram stack/heap and can't simply shit where you eat
asciilifeform: incidentally, long after connecting analogue tape decks to computer was a forgotten misery in the west, ru folks were connecting vcr and getting respectable (10-20G) backup
asciilifeform: 'the great soviet encyclopaedia' and the 'corrections' mailed to owners, complete with razor for slicing out 'unpersons', notwithstanding
asciilifeform: << this is beautifully and amply documented in 'the electronic privacy papers' by (yes) schneier (pre-lobotomy)
asciilifeform: this is -exactly- my complaint with valgrind.
asciilifeform: ^ both orphanage-destroyers applied for this example run
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: ^^^^ sample output
asciilifeform: btw, after dumping a heap profile snapshot,
asciilifeform: aaaaaand now for something completely different...
asciilifeform: imagine having a special door in your house through which perfect strangers are invited to dump in up to five thousand tonnes of gravel.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: incidentally, even though 'transaction orphanage amputator' may not be a magical pill against oom-on-pogo (my preliminary investigation suggests that it is -not-) it still rips out the idiotic ddos vector that every unbounded cache of anything whatsoever is.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: more seriously, the only kind of allocator that is a sure pill against fragging is a compacting one. which means -relocating- !! just picture this in a cpp proggy not originally designed for it
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: because the simplest way to get more space, so to speak, in one's house, is to -stop- bringing in and keeping driftwood, dead animals, neighbour's garbage
asciilifeform: << my first impression was that the instrument is a very long... spoon
asciilifeform: not sure if a complete list even exists
asciilifeform: decimation: more complicated than this. you couldn't spend dollars per se in there, had to use special 'funny money'
ascii_field: not only this, but the inevitable result would be a re-implementation of 'boost.'
ascii_field finds it an utterly incomprehensible taste, like the idea of fucking a garden hose
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: very much broken assumption here, though
ascii_field: complete with ancient versions of winblows, etc
ascii_field: i conjecture that the overlap of these and the folks using chump-pgp is a null set
ascii_field: this is not entirely impossible
ascii_field: unrelated: anybody locate the inevitable pgp client which only looks at bottom (or top) 32 bits of each 64-bit modulus chunk when computing fingerprint ?
asciilifeform: when i say 'pet' i mean very specific technical term, 'creature kept around for company that isn't required to produce milk, pull cart, turn millstone'
asciilifeform: btw a pet is not simply any sex partner, but one that you keep fed, combed, vet visits, ..., etc. and don't send out to work for pay
asciilifeform: in other news, pump is running:
asciilifeform: nothing - and i mean, -nothing- remotely comparable is available for any less than 6x the cost.
asciilifeform: costs like a real computer
asciilifeform: << thing is about 50/50 'best of ru' and imported things.
asciilifeform: << yeah, same. i nearly imploded upon seeing that.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu unrelated to anything, but for the classicz translation olympics: << this time, not mine. but obscure, and very l337
asciilifeform: rather, it is a u.s. aircraft carrier - which simply happens to be made of earth
asciilifeform: (implication was - that they died. unless i misread)
asciilifeform: possibly tonight will write a civilized loader which forgoes the idiocy of setting up http connection for each key submitted and pumps straight into the db
ascii_modem: rng sampling << shift register , external clock, optocouplers
asciilifeform: and that no one attempted to actually derive the corresponding privates
asciilifeform: (and they make pgpdump unhappy, in various ways, yes.)
asciilifeform: incidentally, now is a good time to mention the fact that sks also contains a great many keys which were too malformed to even attempt phuctoring
asciilifeform: (just getting atomic writes (sort-of) on such a box requires disk controller with battery compartment)
asciilifeform: jurov: and i will point out that it is quite impossible to build a guaranteed power-cycle-immune anything on a standard x86 pc, which doesn't even have a powerfail interrupt
asciilifeform: << iirc there was similar thing in maryland. the state gov. simply pissed on the court, andrewjackson-style.
asciilifeform recalls own implementation of it,
asciilifeform recalls mr mold's attempt at squaring zooko's tri. - speakable keys
asciilifeform: how he planned to turn it into food&rent, i have no clue, but he implied knowing of a way.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: all the 10-digiters i found so far were, iirc, composite
ascii_field: Hasimir: incidentally, zimmerman is not on the list because he is an nsa asset in good standing. the 'silent circle' and multi-coloured phones idiocies are more than ample proof of this
ascii_field: << koch claims that memory corruption can result in 1) corrupted key that is 2) has valid (!!!) signature. this is an insult to every intelligent reader and beneath contempt.
ascii_field: LinuxCon and he told me that some folks complained that they can't encrypt to him. For other this was no problem, though.' << this part should surprise no one. the boobytrap works on -someone-.
ascii_field: Hasimir: lie, and beneath contempt.
ascii_field: << they could've simply poisoned him then
ascii_field: point is, hard to compare it with project that requires quite possibly more than one lifetime's worth of ab initio research
ascii_field: trinque: laugh if you like, but my issue with gabriel_laddel is precisely that he is willing to compromise -too much- rather than not enough.
asciilifeform: wyrdmantis: about as interesting as a burglar getting out of jail to work at an alarm company
asciilifeform: hence how the '90s 'crypto wars' ended with 'crypto is usg-legal but you can't buy an actual computer' thing
asciilifeform: << what they actually did. think 'deedbot' but since bitcoin never existed on their planet, they demand crippled computers with super seekrit drm cpu.
asciilifeform: in large groups in the middle of the enclosure, their listless withdrawal occasionally interrupted by spasms and waves of pointless violence. The victims of these random attacks became attackers. Left on their own in nests subject to invasion, nursing females attacked their own young. Procreation slumped, infant abandonment and mortality soared. Lone females retreated to isolated nesting boxes on penthouse levels. Other males,
asciilifeform: gender is something allocated to one << sure. declare a lump of earth 'fork'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: sjws, actually masturbate, at least mentally, to the idea of them being blind from birth street urchin... pet sayeth - summarized: 'more complicated than this. by and large, they diagnose themselves with imagined disabilities and enjoy wearing magic disability mantle.'
asciilifeform: and designed the particular example they happen to inhabit.
ascii_field: << example of someone for whom only breakable key is on sks
ascii_field: trinque: was going for 'simple' rather than 'fast'
ascii_field: very simple, but works.
ascii_field: given as the bulk of the samples consist of the owner's own moduli with every other 32-bit word doubled (overwriting its neighbour) - the amount of 'crafting' appears to be minimal. in this particular case (there were other breakable keys.)
ascii_field: and see what happens when one actually tries to verify the signature with 'magic' key (and its bizarre composite mega-exponent) as reference
ascii_field: at the moment, i would like to collect a sample of material signed with one of the -legit- keys for which a 'magic' key exists
ascii_field: (these are rampant, >1300 instances alone)
ascii_field: violates every assumption behind hardness of rsa, yes
ascii_field: 'no real world impact'
ascii_field: ^ does not mean that such is impossible
ascii_field: the attempts to do away with it - make sense
ascii_field: anyone know a winblowistic implementation of pgp ? as in, actually using microshit's api
asciilifeform: but 'unfrags' to keep pace if you're on a real computer
asciilifeform: until i saw the auto-updater crud, my most parsimonious hypothesis re: the matter treated in last section of mircea_popescu's article was that the buggers built a straight chumpmagnet, where lusers would search sks for email addr. of someone or other, and end up with latest key (try it) displayed being one of the 'magic' ones
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: so i walk into $redacted on monday and folks compare me to pons & fleischmann. so there'll be teasing, yes.
ascii_field: decimation: some years ago, i purchased a 'fanless' ps and discovered, to my grief, that a number of misc. components on the (cpu water-cooled) mb relied on having -some- airflow
asciilifeform: <mats> fun fact: there is a Turing-complete printer control VM in the winders kernel << the contents of winblows kernel are - imho - approximately as interesting as buruli ulcer. and for the same reason.
ascii_field: justJanne: traditionally copy protection is implemented, where the rubber hits the road, by poor schmucks who aren't dumb enough to believe that it 'works' but still gotta collect that salary, and so 'are only following orderz'
ascii_field: 'The yeasts could be locked in secure laboratories, worked on by screened employees. Sharing them with other scientists without government permission could be outlawed.' << what even.
ascii_field: it is a comparative, rather than absolute measure
ascii_field: and what i meant was that one must demonstrate that one could import the pubkey, somewhere, and verify material that was signed with it
ascii_field: thus i conjecture that full factorization can be had, at reasonable cost, if there is a reason to attempt it
ascii_field: the remainder lack any self-sigs and -will- import
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: presently the samples of interest fall into several categories
ascii_field: we should like to harness this engine of undiscovered computronic might
ascii_field: trinque: enjoy the rare experience of encountering one's first non-retarded example of something (in this case, gui programming) for the first time.
asciilifeform: they must employ the residents of a home for the profoundly retarded
asciilifeform: 'During that time, attackers were able to monitor the activities of anyone using the servers known as Hera and Odin1, as well as personal computers belonging to senior Linux developer H. Peter Anvin. The self-injecting rootkit known as Phalanx had access to a wealth of sensitive data, possibly including private keys used to sign and decrypt e-mails and remotely log in to servers. A follow-up advisory a few weeks lat
asciilifeform: compartment used to control the launch of the nuclear missiles. It can only be accessed by people
asciilifeform: but if we say 'use a tool' then 'pgpdump'.
asciilifeform: 'everything can be as simple as possible, but not simpler' (TM) (R)
asciilifeform: mats: jumping into the middle of an instruction is as old as time
asciilifeform: '04-06-2014 00:08:26 <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened.'
asciilifeform: jurov: i'm waiting for the apocalyptic 'omg1111111111!!!111 pgp broken, seppuku now' stampede
asciilifeform: the thing that does the gruntwork is in c, uses gmp (as gpg uses)
asciilifeform: for the record, since folks were asking, much simpler than i thought,
asciilifeform: we haven't really discussed it, but there are interesting implications in breaking a fella's pgp key.
asciilifeform: decimation: the correct way to sample is at (within feasible limits) random intervals.
asciilifeform: decimation: at any rate, the -correct- way to sample these for experimental purposes is with either parallel port or a generic i/o gadget (e.g., 'ftdi')
asciilifeform: indiancandy1: and the item we were talking about, was this:
asciilifeform: now, if you have a -very- well-behaved os, you could sample it as rs232 anyway. but then you discover (see old mircea_popescu article where we stepped on this caltrop!) that you end up losing bytes that match 'control' section of ascii table
asciilifeform: jurov: if going to tubes, one ought to stop thinking in terms of gates and start considering how much computation can be carried out by one flying electron...
asciilifeform: ogy had not advanced as quickly as it did in the first half of the 1960s, the Compactron idea might have been developed further, with even more tubes in a single envelope...'
asciilifeform: potentially, one could create a sequential circuit of arbitrary complexity using laser-cut metallic baffles in a long glass vacuum flask.
asciilifeform: it was used in certain '80s supercomputers.
asciilifeform: davout: (not hard, because 1st ed. is virtually impossible to find. i actually preferred it, though, had better paper. and the differences are negligible)
asciilifeform: (mine had a set of led lamps which toggled number, supposedly cpu clock, from '40' to '10')
asciilifeform: decimation: 'turbo' on my old boxes, it turned out, just disabled l2 cache. the lamps lied to us.
asciilifeform: not impossible
asciilifeform: i emphatically disagree with anything which allows unsigned crud from unknowns
asciilifeform: they oughta have bought mpoe & dice
asciilifeform: the collapse of ai ('ai winter') quite arguably created a black hole with sufficient suction to take -all- of computing with it
asciilifeform: mpoe & dice
asciilifeform: williamdunne: component costs are denominated in usd and will likely be long after i'm dead
asciilifeform: which can turn into 0 when mircea_popescu resets the price of mpex ticket to equal 663.1905
asciilifeform: regardless of what is bought and sold by s.nsa, i can't eat any of it unless i buy mpex ticket.
asciilifeform is wondering what mpex seat will cost by the time he actually needs it
asciilifeform: local l0ltr0n: last week, university of maryland proclaimed that it will charge higher tuition price to students majoring in business, engineering, and comp. sci.
asciilifeform: << interestingly, they stopped holding this conference in '87. which closely, if approximately, lines up with 'when computers stopped being interesting'
asciilifeform: 'deposited magnetic films as logic elements.' (proceedings of the eastern joint computer conference, 1959. franck, marette, & parsegyan.)
ascii_field: i'm kinda curious why mircea_popescu considers a new key signed with a previous key to not be a logical continuation of the same identity. (is it because of the impossibility of hard-guaranteed revocation, as discussed in previous thread?)
ascii_field: or some competition, l0l
ascii_field: this is... 7th time? we had the 'mpex discourages key upgrade' thread ?
ascii_field: just as digital computer, theoretically, does not exist. but the approximation we use is 'almost same'
ascii_field: pegging temporality requires some kind of agreement on mechanism
ascii_field: they cannot be undiscovered, yes. and don't have a baked-in temporal peg
