Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2015-01-22 | 2015-01-24 →
scoopbot: Yeah, I don't like pete_dushenski much.
mircea_popescu: he's a poopyhead eh scoopbot ?
pete_dushenski: he's a bit of a fucker for sure
assbot: How the adage “time is money” and the existence of Google+ prove that Facebook is worth less than dust. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
assbot: Pogoplug Safeplug review – anonymous browsing instantly | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation ... ( )
pete_dushenski: alrighty then, off the go be fit and whatnot. later assets!
asciilifeform: not enough uptake on their 'cloud storage' sc4m, so they tried another angle.
mod6: 117k
asciilifeform: (the way the device is priced, it is almost certainly a loss-leader)
mircea_popescu: not for long.
mircea_popescu: no srsly, the way computiong works, no loss leader stays a loss leader for long.
mircea_popescu: how do you think moore's law even came to be ?
asciilifeform: well yes. eventually - splat.
scoopbot: Yeah, I don't like pete_dushenski much.
asciilifeform: (cost of production drops, sure, but eventually hits barriers that have nothing much to do with semiconductors)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the xbox was a loss leader. heck, the 94 playstation was a loss leader
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: probably among the most famous examples thereof
scoopbot: Yeah, I don't like pete_dushenski much.
scoopbot: Yeah, I don't like pete_dushenski much.
mod6: haha wat
mircea_popescu: pete revenge-hacked scoopbot
asciilifeform: mod6: a few days ago, I had been looking mapOrphanBlocks as a possible reason that it runs itself out << see my earlier 'valgrind' experiments.
asciilifeform: !s valgrind
assbot: 26 results for 'valgrind' :
mod6: i'll have to look back. i spent a bunch of time running gdb & valgrind earlier in the month.
scoopbot: Yeah, I don't like pete_dushenski much.
mod6: i'll hvae to take a look at your results.
asciilifeform: mod6: linked somewhere in there.
mod6: thx ascii
mircea_popescu: mod6 do you know right off what's the logic that deems an orphan chain no longer worth tracking ?
mircea_popescu: "another chain at least 120 blocks longer" or something sane like that ?
scoopbot: Yeah, I don't like pete_dushenski much.
mod6 slaps scoopbot
mircea_popescu: !down scoopbot
mod6: I don't have a good answer for that atm.
mod6 looks
decimation: re: midwestern blandness < yes, it's a weird phenomenon. try going to an indian restaurant in say, chicago, and have them give you an average level of spice
decimation: and washington dc is definitely a midwestern city - where else are people going to get jobs? ohio?
mircea_popescu: ah, spice is a different story tho. they can eat pretty hot, especially in the se.
mircea_popescu: but! flavour and hotness are different. flavour's a billion different sulphides, alcohols, aromatics etc
mircea_popescu: hotness is half a dozen capseins.
decimation: yeah that's true
mod6: in v0.5.3, afaik, it looks for dups, then (with checkpoints) it checks to see if the block has a timestamp previous to the last checkpoint, then if it can't find a prev block it puts it in a holding area until one is found.
mircea_popescu: checkpoint only ?
mircea_popescu: that's pretty dumb.
mod6: Lastly, it recursively processes any orphan blocks that are depended on it, and deletes them from the map.
mod6: In later versions, they have a cap of 750 blocks max for the orphan map iirc.
asciilifeform: SetBestChain(....)
asciilifeform: main.cpp
asciilifeform: and its call graph.
mod6 looks
decimation: re: winklevoss exchange << << well, I guess that explains what they are going to do
assbot: Logged on 07-08-2014 19:08:21; decimation: the question is: if this isn't a scam, where are they going to trade bitcoin?
asciilifeform: bool CBlock::SetBestChain(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockIndex* pindexNew)
assbot: bitcoin/main.cpp at v0.5.3 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( )
mod6: 122k
mod6: so if the new block is not the genesis block, and the new blocks prev hash != best chain hash, run Reorganize
mod6: which is worth a look
assbot: bitcoin/main.cpp at v0.5.3 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( )
asciilifeform: 88f6180 << see esp. pp. 290. unit can be force-fed firmware through uart during boot, whether board manufacturer wants it or not.
asciilifeform: trivial 'jailbreak'.
asciilifeform: not necessary as they are currently offered, but if they're a loss-leader and mircea_popescu buys 10,000 of them...
asciilifeform: pp. 297 has the actual magic string.
asciilifeform: 'If the bootROM detects the 64-bit UART boot pattern (0xBB 0x11 0x22 0x33 0x44 0x55 0x66 0x77) injected by the user, as an indication to start the Xmodem protocol and the UART boot process); it configures the appropriate MPPs to operate as UA0_RXD and UA0_TXD, as in the previous sub-section and starts the Xmodem protocol to load the image from UART to the DDR.'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: perhaps we have your new pc here.
mod6: @ block 1236XX i'll have to check back in on it in the am.
mod6: ill give another update on it then.
mod6: g'night Gentlemen.
mircea_popescu: <mod6> In later versions, they have a cap of 750 blocks max for the orphan map iirc. << yes, and it's idiotic.
mircea_popescu: a 900 block long orphan that's 5 blocks shorter than the main chai nshould not be discarded.
mircea_popescu: a 2 block orphan that's 122 blocks shorter than the main chain is never going to be main.
mircea_popescu: (never = not anymore, since gavin is no longer in a position to merge hearnidiocy in any significant manner)
mircea_popescu: <mod6> which is worth a look << that, it is.
mircea_popescu: << btw this is one hell of a film.
assbot: Oscar pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
mircea_popescu: !up cb_bitcoin
mircea_popescu: !up viic
mircea_popescu: "In the year of '61, we left our native land, 'cause we could not bend our spirits to the tyrant's stern command. So we rallied 'round our Buckner, while our hearts were sad and sore, to offer our blood for freedom as our fathers did before...."
mircea_popescu: check it out...
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29500 @ 0.00048563 = 14.3261 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00048563 = 7.3816 BTC [+]
davout: "Once we picked our name, a fun fact emerged."
davout: "We realized we were also twins"
mircea_popescu: "retards embarassing themselves" hour ?
mircea_popescu: What exactly do we mean by “next generation”? We mean a fully regulated, fully compliant, New York-based bitcoin exchange for both individuals and institutions alike.
mircea_popescu: mkay. shove your aml.
mircea_popescu: davout in other news, rewatching oscar i had the pleasure to expose anglophone ear to the delices of "ta maman / ton amant / demander ta main". no differences could be perceived.
davout: hh
mircea_popescu: "it's the same damned thing!"
davout: all the americans i know trying to learn french had a problem with "mon cul", "ma queue", "mon cou"
mircea_popescu: mon cul / mon cou is certainly in the same position :D
davout: my butt, my dick, my neck
davout: they just can't say the sounds, sounds all the same to them
mircea_popescu: i think queue has a sharper k which is actually perceptible
mircea_popescu: maybe you're saying it wrong :D
davout: no i think there's something to this
mircea_popescu: meanwhile at the other end of the spectrum, argentine spanish spekers can not actually distinguish b, p v and f
mircea_popescu: on a conceptual basis, this.
mircea_popescu: fanfare could just as well be panvare
mircea_popescu: i think they work on the basis of about five consonants and that's it
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17750 @ 0.00048563 = 8.6199 BTC [+]
davout: the b == v is pretty interesting
davout: makes spanish sound like the php of languages
mircea_popescu: lol i guess it may well be
punkman: b==v confuses me a lot
punkman: s==es is kinda fun, do the argentines do that?
mircea_popescu: uh which one is that ?
punkman: like they can't say spain, stella, etc
mircea_popescu: nah, the dropped e is a french specialty.
punkman: I mean they add a vowel in front of words starting with s
mircea_popescu: salud is salud.
punkman: hmm indeed
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28500 @ 0.00048034 = 13.6897 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: heh, there's actually a us felony charge of "maintaining a dwelling."
punkman: as in stash house?
mircea_popescu: apparently.
mircea_popescu: dude the argentina drama...
davout: what's a 'stash house' ?
mircea_popescu: so now the president is claiming that the evil guys (unspecified) that made the da guy falsely claim she's involved in destrtoying the trial of the iranian terrorists that blew up the jews, also killed him, to make her look even worse!
mircea_popescu: this could be in a book.
mircea_popescu: davout the usians are insane. it is apparently a crime to have a house where there are drugs.
mircea_popescu: except it's a meaningless ofence nobody prosecutes seriously, because it can get the jury to waste time / negotiate a conviction down, and the punishments are minor anyway.
mircea_popescu: ie, you won't get a conviction on it straight ; if you're also prosecuting other indictments it can either blow up, ruin your other counts or at most succeed for no benefit, as it'll get rolled into the other counts.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in the other pole of insanity,
assbot: French court convicts three over homophobic tweets, in case hailed as a 'significant victory' by LGBT rights campaigners - Europe - World - The Independent ... ( )
davout: #twiterristasmustdie yo
davout: i'm so fucking cold
mircea_popescu: actually, no. just, the french civil service must die.
mircea_popescu: preferably, through slow anal bleeding.
davout: dudes changing windows in your living room means your windows remain open for a couple hours while it's freezing outside
davout: french civil service...
mircea_popescu: holy shit abdullah died.
davout: french civil service is this kind office where the late-comers greet the early-leavers in the stairwell
mircea_popescu: davout hang the lot.
mircea_popescu: anyway, enough excitement for one night.
davout: that's too sweet a punishment
davout: getting them to find jobs will be much more painful
davout: good night!
davout: it occurs to me it would be really nice to have a way to easily dice-generate an rsa keypair as to not rely on whatever prng
davout: would probably require a ton of rolls for a strong key tho
davout: interesting
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10997 @ 0.00047913 = 5.269 BTC [-] {2}
punkman: !up muXne
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31700 @ 0.00047867 = 15.1738 BTC [-]
assbot: Big Data - "Dangerous (feat. Joywave)" [Official Music Video] - YouTube ... ( )
fluffypony: lolwut
muXne: you herd me
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: perhaps we have your new pc here. << very interesting
assbot: I paid $25 for an Invisible Boyfriend, and I think I might be in love. - The Washington Post ... ( )
punkman: !up muXne
muXne: i havent read it, but is it lights off?
muXne: oh i see, he doesnt exist
muXne: grndmothers must lov eit
punkman: not like male escorts are hard to find
punkman: but they prefer the invisible ones I guess
punkman: "there's an app for that"
muXne: most girls might pick a 'george; type
muXne: as you say strippers are available
muXne: actuallt hey prolly wanna pretend they have a sucessful bitcoin boyfriend
muXne: is this japan
punkman: pretty big in asia
punkman: fake boyfriends that is
muXne: no doubt
muXne: hey you're greek and sucessful
muXne: ouch
muXne: like back foor ouch, in the seat
punkman: "Patience, please — ‘legal’ Bitcoin is actually only one year old! That is, even though the Bitcoin source code was posted to the Internet in 2009, it was only clearly legal for American institutions to get involved with it after the IRS tax guidance was published in March 2014"
assbot: Bitcoin (and Blockchain) | Andreessen Horowitz ... ( )
muXne: when was it ever illegal?
punkman: you need the preet license to disrupt things
muXne: is that an indian thing?
punkman: "Apple has agreed to accept the Chinese government’s demands to run network safety evaluations on all Apple products before they can be imported into the country."
punkman: imported? don't they make them?
muXne: well theyll start using the name now jobs is sead
muXne: and done
mats: on the subject of .cn
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer ... ( )
mats: !up muXne
muXne: china; it's prolly not shopped
mats: im seeing a lot of sinophobia lately
mats: dey took our jerbs n homes, etc
muXne: chinas awesomely cool
muXne: they pretty much invented australia
muXne: well they extracted a hell of a lot of gole when it was too hard for other proplr
mats: ?
muXne: 1840ish
mats: in .au?
muXne: they were trekign around on foot
muXne: yah
mats: they paid for it in metric tons of dead chinese
muXne: well most did okay
muXne: broom has japanese blood like hawaii re:pearls too
muXne: now we make oil and iron and steal gas from png
muXne: possesion is nine tenths of th elaw
mats: they're not using it anyway
mats: indigenous peoples are useless
muXne: noone is
muXne: using it
muXne: byr weve got a pipe going in
muXne: agip it to nowhere
muXne: this us what opec says
muXne: you just gotta pump that shit
muXne: !up felipelalli
punkman: !up muXne
punkman: !up felipelalli1
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 5000 @ 0.00089993 = 4.4997 BTC [+] {6}
punkman: !up pactr
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 9972 @ 0.00089996 = 8.9744 BTC [+] {10}
davout: muXne: your sentences are hard to parse
muXne: yes, it's dark, and i can'y see they kb, i imagine most can see the querty
muXne: check thi shut, gluffypony massive
assbot: Jack Parow - Afrikaans is Dood - YouTube ... ( )
fluffypony: my homeboy
davout: afrikaans is zeker leuk
fluffypony: don't come all up in here with your Dutchness :-P
danielpbarron: i know a little dutch, but i have no idea how to spell it
muXne: i think afrikaan might ne a little diff
davout: no shit
assbot: Jack Parow - Cooler as Ekke - YouTube ... ( )
davout: such landing, very wow
assbot: Vol découverte Fouga Magister "Myriam" Cervolix 2011 - YouTube ... ( )
davout: i'm totally buying a mig or an f18 in a few years
mod6: holy schnikies, it's still going: 134,865
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 234.01, Best ask: 234.49, Bid-ask spread: 0.48000, Last trade: 234.0, 24 hour volume: 16656.61923710, 24 hour low: 225.55, 24 hour high: 240.0, 24 hour vwap: 232.110882254
davout: so TIL that coindesk belongs to shakil kan, investor in bitpay and kraken, and that bitcoinmagazine now belongs to bitpay (through some entity of which galippi has a stake in)
punkman: davout, no gallipi's entity sold the magazine
davout: punkman: to whom?
assbot: BTC Media Acquires Bitcoin Magazine – Bitcoin Magazine ... ( )
davout: punkman: ok, ty for correcting my mistake!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5500 @ 0.00047867 = 2.6327 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: oh they finally sold it
thestringpuller: haha took them long enough
thestringpuller: now bitpay won't lose so much money
thestringpuller: davout: bitpay was trying to sell bitcoin magazine for some time, it's really unprofitable, most profit was on appreciation in value of the bitcoin they swindled from people paying 5-6 btc per issue back in 2011
fluffypony: nubbins`: there
fluffypony: you can tahnk me later
punkman: wtf was this thing "Coin Publishing LLC is collectively owned by individuals owning or working at BitPay, Butterfly Labs, Google, Casascius, 20 Mission, and Virtual Processing Solutions."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1166 @ 0.00089981 = 1.0492 BTC [-] {7}
ben_vulpes: buenos dias mis pirómanos
mircea_popescu: and well shaved.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67000 @ 0.000473 = 31.691 BTC [-] {3}
ben_vulpes: whoa nijotz dropped by?
ben_vulpes: nijotz: you know this place is full of women hate and racism right?
ben_vulpes: exploitation, objectification, the whole lot
ben_vulpes: you'll tar your good name in here
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> no wallet at all. << precisely this.
mircea_popescu: who's he ?
mircea_popescu: !up nijotz
nijotz: ah ty
nijotz: was trying to preach about niggercunts
ben_vulpes: oh no voice yet?
mircea_popescu: the who ?
ben_vulpes: !rate nijotz 1 dis guy i know
assbot: nijotz is not registered in WoT.
mircea_popescu: ;;seen petterl
nijotz: >you'll tar your good name
gribble: I have not seen petterl.
mircea_popescu: ;;seen peterl
gribble: peterl was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 14 hours, 54 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: <PeterL> oh, that was me restarting it again, be back up in a sec
nijotz: It's a good thing I don't have one
ben_vulpes: make a new one
ben_vulpes: keys are cheap
davout: punkman: re bitcoinmagazine, this galippi quote is slightly confusing then: "We’re extremely proud of Bitcoin Magazine’s accomplishments, but know that we’ve only scratched the surface. The opportunity to join forces with BTC Media’s extremely capable and visionary team was the strategic move we needed to fully realize our potential."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 30 @ 0.10000815 = 3.0002 BTC [+] {7}
mircea_popescu: lmao srsly ? re-re-re starting that dead fish ?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bingoboingo now that pair is actually trying to resurect bitcoin magazine again, a blow by blow history of exactly how bitpay & the scam foundation stole that magazine from its owners a coupla years ago would be quite topical. the forum's got a pile of posts, see vladimir's stuff, maybe even interview him.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: valdimir?
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: pair was never in charage of btcmagazine iirc it was all tony
mircea_popescu: pair is the bitpay ceo. vladimir is, as far as i know, the owner of btc magazine
mircea_popescu: notwithstanding pretenses to the contrary.
davout: wasn't he the guy that actually started it ?
mircea_popescu: (mihai alisie being teh turning stone on that bi of theft)
assbot: Ciuciu Bond pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
mircea_popescu: davout yeah.
assbot: Oz father and son team plan suborbital spaceplane • The Register ... ( )
mircea_popescu: he started it, then the office gofer ran off with the keys,.
thestringpuller: it was always a scam tho
mircea_popescu: !up saifedean
ben_vulpes: << probably just pornography, a la the logs for this place
assbot: Major breakthrough in reading ancient scrolls -- ScienceDaily ... ( )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17200 @ 0.00048532 = 8.3475 BTC [+] {2}
ben_vulpes: also not really a breakthrough until the text's been parsed, but whaddaya want from "science" these days.
assbot: The godfather pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell pete_dushenski << i still don't see why you need that boat when you could have something pretty looking and leggy
assbot: 1958 Mercedes-Benz SL 190 - 190 SL Roadster | Classic Driver Market ... ( )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: boat better for fucking in.
ben_vulpes: !v assbot:ben_vulpes.rate.nijotz.1:2d059de0adbebaa481f0efb6ce77cf7ff0034a39cd7cc5f8051ee8d4f8654833
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for nijotz with note: dis guy i know
ben_vulpes: you and your car fetish
ben_vulpes: gearshift can be a fun toy
assbot: Tailgating - Lost Highway (Lynch) - YouTube ... ( )
mircea_popescu: it's not a car fetish if you're not fucking the car@
TomServo: (front passenger is named Pete, coincidentally)
ben_vulpes: excuses excuses
mircea_popescu: great TomServo :D
punkman: mircea_popescu: bring in the hate. << lol "Deux Ex Fucking Puzzina"
assbot: The godfather pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
punkman: I watched it recently, didn't care for it
mircea_popescu: it's incredible what people end up having their careers built on.
mircea_popescu: without that, neither al nor francis'd hjave been heard of, perhaps. and yet...
punkman: made me realize how retarded IMDB ratings are actually
mircea_popescu: what's this, 10 ?
punkman: I think it was #1
mircea_popescu: i meant 11/10
assbot: IMDb Top 250 - IMDb ... ( )
mircea_popescu: punkman: fake boyfriends that is << the trouble with an actual boyfriend is that he just might make you a woman
mircea_popescu: and girls generally dun wanna be women anymore than boys actually wanna be men.
mircea_popescu: assbot: Bitcoin (and Blockchain) | Andreessen Horowitz ... << lmao horowitz ALSO wishes to be first best biggest ?
mircea_popescu: these idiots just won't read, will they.
mircea_popescu: "why should i figure out how actual history flowed when i can just make up an imaginary history for myself! not like the same exact processes are going to repeat themselves or anything.... I CAN DO WHAT I WANT! The world outside my head doesn't really exist! "
mircea_popescu: "so what if mp said in 2012 that we have a littlew time left and in 2013 that our time ran out. WE ARE STARTING THE COUNT IN 2014! So there!"
mircea_popescu: davout: so TIL that coindesk belongs to shakil kan, investor in bitpay and kraken, and that bitcoinmagazine now belongs to bitpay (through some entity of which galippi has a stake in) << lawl.
mircea_popescu: yes, they been working butt off to buy relevancy in the space. modest results.
assbot: What to expect from Bitcoin Magazine ... ( )
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> punkman: fake boyfriends that is << the trouble with an actual boyfriend is that he just might make you a woman << just what distinguishes women from girls?
punkman: "He also started to charge BitTalk Media at a rate of 80 GBP per hour for the time required to respond to messages and emails that asked for clarifications and actions regarding these company assets.  Even more, he was paying himself for the time that was required to pay himself. All these actions lead towards considering him as a rogue/hostile shareholder."
mircea_popescu: punkman actual term of law, "rogue/hostile shareholder" dontchaknow.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes do you know what's the difference between a useful employee and a dweeb with no understanding of anything that's going to "totally revolutionize the way you do business" ?
ben_vulpes: myeah i can smell that.
mircea_popescu: okay. it's a similar thing for women. a girl "thinks she migh have been raped". a woman is slightly bemused at your apparent expectation that taking her clothes off puts HER at a disadvantage.
punkman: mircea_popescu: punkman actual term of law, "rogue/hostile shareholder" dontchaknow. < it is?
mircea_popescu: punkman no, i'm mocking the dweebs
mircea_popescu: the entire nonsense shows a ridoinculous unfamiliarity with what isbeingdiscussed and what the forms involved are.
mircea_popescu: like fifteen year old "businessmen" in the ghetto.
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> okay. it's a similar thing for women. a girl "thinks she migh have been raped". a woman is slightly bemused at your apparent expectation that taking her clothes off puts HER at a disadvantage. << huh.
mircea_popescu: punkman: wtf was this thing "Coin Publishing LLC is collectively owned by individuals owning or working at BitPay, Butterfly Labs, Google, Casascius, 20 Mission, and Virtual Processing Solutions." << this thing was the cartel.
mircea_popescu: back when we arrayed forces, in 2012, there were a lot more of them.
mircea_popescu: not so many left, and i'm not done.
assbot: The Age of Unicorns - Fortune ... ( )
jurov: "the startup world, a valuation of $1 billion says that you’re no longer a fly-by-night startup with plans to quickly sell out to Google."
ben_vulpes: quick poll: stehpinklers or sitzpinklers?
ben_vulpes: Kushed: you're flapping.
assbot: /cryptsy DRK/XRP market shows the top bid higher than the top ask. How/why is that happening?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44200 @ 0.00049077 = 21.692 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: EUR/USD Technical Analysis: Passing on Short for Now | DailyFX
mats: idk why i keep reading HN comments about BTC related things
mats: i am massively disappointed every time
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: your cloak doesn't work.
mats: too late, drone is en route
assbot: Warren Buffett said Bitcoins are a mirage and I agree. They are worthless hashe... | Hacker News ... ( )
asciilifeform: trololol
mats: "cash is a mirage and i agree. they are worthless cotton"
mats: b-brilliant.
mod6: it died finally.
mats: block?
mats: *block number?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32400 @ 0.00047122 = 15.2675 BTC [-]
mod6: it easily lasted 12-14 hours. made it up to height=136572
mod6: im not going to continue this sync, unless requested. i think that's a decent demonstration
mod6: with 128mb ram
assbot: Thousands of U.S. gas stations exposed to Internet attacks | CSO Online ... ( )
TomServo: Not sure why an ATG would have it's own internet facing connection, rather than ride on the gas stations' network.
assbot: gsuberland comments on The Internet of Gas Station Tank Gauges - thousands of tank gauges on open Internet ... ( )
mats: >found a couple of air purifiers on Shodan ... Turns out they were biochem air purifiers that provided negative pressure in a BSL3 lab ... Turning them off or reversing their direction ... was possible, according to a manual I found
mats: >> "BSL-3 is suitable for work with infectious agents which may cause serious or potentially lethal diseases as a result of exposure by the inhalation route... Examples of agents that should be manipulated at BSL-3 are M. tuberculosis St. Louis
mats: encephalitis virus, and Coxiella burnetii"
mats: brilliant.
danielpbarron: I picked up some funny negative ratings in the tardstalk WoT over the woodcollector scam
danielpbarron: So obvious he is a sock puppet. i would highly advise against not only doing business with this account, but engaging in any kind of conversation with this weirdo.
danielpbarron: Another sock puppet possible purchased account of Nubbins / Paul Revere. Also a ranting and raving Jesus humping Bible thumping verifiable crazy person it appears. Stay clear of this one for sure.
asciilifeform: sc4mz0rz in 'tilt mode' are so very entertaining.
assbot: This, no joke, is the coffee shop where a bunch of reporters have been hanging out during Ross Ulbricht's trial
TomServo: It's called "Silkroad Place", HA!
asciilifeform: mats: net-connected air filters, etc. << the 'hammurabic' punishment for having built such a thing ought to be, perhaps, to be placed in a net-connected electric chair for a few days. can be turned on by, e.g., an snmp packet.
davout: ping
asciilifeform: kbzzzzz.
kakobrekla: now it doesnt resolve anymore
davout: you used too painful command line options
davout: til the meninist movement is a thing
davout: !up cazalla
assbot: Amid Domain Name Hijacking, CoinFire's Alleged SEC Source Is Revealed | ... ( )
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform net-connected electric chair for << haha!
pete_dushenski: davout meninist = menonite feminists ?
davout: what's menonite?
pete_dushenski: it's a anti-tech christian
pete_dushenski: small rural clans, farmers mostly
davout: today i keep learning
mats: the claim re: SEC source seems dubious on its face
pete_dushenski: a new group splits off as soon as population >150
kakobrekla: i thought menonite is amish
kakobrekla: or relative to.
pete_dushenski: pretty much
pete_dushenski: oh, it's two n's --> mennonite
pete_dushenski: well, 3 total
TomServo: So what's a meninist then?
cazalla: mats, well, i included alleged but if the attacker managed to take their domain and twitter account from them, it wouldn't surprise me if sec source name is true, i'm not claiming that anyway, just reporting on what was said
davout: i understand as the same thing as a feminist but for men
davout: *understand it
mats: cazalla: ic
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell ben_vulpes i'm not really a convertible guy. if i was going to one-up myself, i'd go for the bulletproof 560 sel
assbot: MERCEDES-BENZ 560 Saloon for sale in Marylebone | Auto Trader ... ( )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: 'Currently, an individual's cyber behavior is not checked during the security clearance investigative and adjudicative process because legal and privacy limits have not been clearly defined... ... Because the Army's demographic includes many young Soldiers, security clearance investigations often cover a shorter period of time... ... While this poses some risks, the overwhelming majority of these Soldiers have proven that they
asciilifeform: are not a security risk.' << mega-lol << (pp. 31)
pete_dushenski: i mean, who doesn't want 3" thick windows on their car?
mats: shipping container on wheels
pete_dushenski: precious cargo
davout: lol
asciilifeform: the fastest, thickest, most luxurious car is --- not having to go places.
davout: asciilifeform: you meant the bestestest
ben_vulpes: man you are *lazy*
ben_vulpes: allergic to the outdoors or something?
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform that lack of cloak ealier would explain why my internet went down 3! times this morning, oh so conveniently every time i tried to log on.
asciilifeform: love the outdoors.
asciilifeform: how much outdoors does one get inside car.
ben_vulpes: one must get to the place one wants to be, though.
asciilifeform: not if you live there?
TomServo: pete_dushenski: is your client auto-joining #b-a?
pete_dushenski: you can't live everywhere you want to be...
pete_dushenski: TomServo yes.
davout: i love the outdoors, as long as it stays outdoors
asciilifeform: some folks do live where they want to be.
asciilifeform: iirc, mircea_popescu doesn't drive.
davout: he cheats, he gets driven around
pete_dushenski: mp still takes taxis
TomServo: pete_dushenski: Likely the cause of the failed cloak.. it doesn't activate until you've authed with services.
pete_dushenski: TomServo aha well that'd do it.
asciilifeform: and now we know that ddosbot is still here.
pete_dushenski: i was trying a client called scam or something... ah snak, that was it
pete_dushenski: great layout and big fonts but it doesn't store the nickserv info
davout: asciilifeform: my connection pretty much *always* gets beaten to a pulp when i touch #b-a uncloaked
pete_dushenski: ddosbot is as fiery as ever.
davout: it's actually pretty lame that people *must* be cloaked to come here, even for the first time
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform and living where you want to live =! not needed to drive de temps a temps
pete_dushenski: needing*
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i admit that i'd still keep a car even if did not need to drive to work sites
pete_dushenski: davout yet another barrier to entry
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: but can't say i'd use it particularly often then
pete_dushenski: this is north america after all. not having a car is like not having a temperature controlled home
davout: pete_dushenski: some interesting people we'd like to have around could very well not be so technically proficient
pete_dushenski: i completely agree
pete_dushenski: herr taleb, for one.
davout: exactly him i was talking about
pete_dushenski: but what we'd like and what is do not meet here
davout: if it keeps taleb out and lets taaki in it's probably the wrong kind of barrier to entry :D
pete_dushenski: this brings up the old idea of hiring someone to hand the man a logged in laptop
asciilifeform: if he wanted in, he'd be here.
pete_dushenski: maybe the next time taleb and saifedean cross paths ?
TomServo: I'd probably take steps to avoid this place if my first taste was the sexyginger video.
TomServo shudders.
thestringpuller: TomServo: sexyginger video?
mats: humorless, you are
asciilifeform: TomServo: my working hypothesis is that, for a figure like taleb, the whole net smells a little too much of taaki and sexyginger et al
pete_dushenski: thestringpuller did you see the "same damn time" video in my last article ? i thought you might get a kick out of it
TomServo: thestringpuller: joking, sexysaffron
pete_dushenski: TomServo lol you're assuming he even saw it
TomServo: pete_dushenski: no, simply stating what my reaction would be
pete_dushenski: well it's not like this place is hard to avoid
pete_dushenski: even those "in bitcoin" seem pretty adept at this task
TomServo: asciilifeform: I'd say you're likely to be correct on that.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform taleb also seems to genuinely enjoy facebook and twitter
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: does he actually do two-way traffic in those, or does he simply have a perl script to broadcast his utterances every which way.
TomServo: I seem to recall him in at least 1 twitter argument.
pete_dushenski: he's constantly in twitter arguments
pete_dushenski: mostly gmo these days
pete_dushenski: skewering journalists and pseudoscientists who don't understand what a fat tail is
ben_vulpes: ;;tslb
gribble: Time since last block: 37 minutes and 4 seconds
mats: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 340222 | Current Difficulty: 4.397166205608958E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 340703 | Next Difficulty In: 481 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 20 hours, 21 minutes, and 7 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 42039814636.8 | Estimated Percent Change: -4.39339
pete_dushenski: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: December 29, 2014 at 7:45pm: "With the information age the world looks uglier, dirtier, more corrupt, scheming, mostly because the malicious was hidden from us before."
pete_dushenski: ^this explains why he sticks to the "cleanliness" of sm
pete_dushenski: who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men!
mats: that last part doesn't look well written
xanthyos: sunlight is the best disinfectant
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2313 @ 0.00092784 = 2.1461 BTC [+] {10}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3694 @ 0.00092986 = 3.4349 BTC [+] {8}
jurov: <davout> it occurs to me it would be really nice to have a way to easily dice-generate an rsa keypair << needs just some 1585 dice throws to get two 2048bit seeds (from them prime search is sequential)
fluffypony: I found old Karpeles wisdom
assbot: PHP: fputcsv - Manual ... ( )
davout: jurov: à coeur vaillant, rien d'impossible
jurov: why? once per second, in half hour you're done
davout: ;;dice 20d20
gribble: 8, 7, 14, 7, 11, 9, 1, 11, 11, 1, 1, 14, 5, 2, 13, 5, 19, 9, 13, and 18
jurov: not much of a bravery
davout: wai, you didn't hear of the actual dice-launching leprechauns powering gribble?
jurov: mircea has actual trained woman not some pesky creatures. throw, mash key 1-6, repeat all day
jurov: *women
jurov: no wonder gribble isn't working every now and then
jurov: kakobrekla: and what does assbot use?
jurov: pulls the numbers out of its ass, i suppose
pete_dushenski: it's not called trainedwomenthrowingdicebot
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, jurov: anybody ever try bitcoind (any ver.) on 'minix' ?
pete_dushenski: "The stock—which trades under the symbol BOX—opened at $20.20 on the New York Stock Exchange, rose as high as $24.73 and closed at $23.23, up 66% from its initial public offering price of $14."
jurov: i had a thought about djgpp but minix? never
thestringpuller: roll d20 to see if you don't get molested at catholic school. hit 15 to evade
thestringpuller: ;;dice 1d20
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu: incidentally, the 'pogo' i bought just showed up. will test 0.5.3 there.
kakobrekla: jurov for otp? sha256 of a paragraph i made up from non-dict words plus some pseudo random bs that changes each run
kakobrekla: i dont have a better idea atm
kakobrekla: it does contain a lot of irony though if that helps
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu: << basics work.
assbot: root on $18 arm box - ... ( )
danielpbarron: !up Bagels7
assbot: Winkelvii Intend New York Based Exchanged | ... ( )
jurov: and isn't winklevii?
ben_vulpes: minix, eh?
ben_vulpes: not i.
xanthyos: !up Bagels7
ben_vulpes: nOgAnOo: you're cloaking tardily.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform o hey nice
mircea_popescu: !up rdymac
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there's a 128mB eeprom. about to write freebsd there.
mircea_popescu: how hard would it be to replace ?
rdymac: Yep?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: why replace it? the thing has three usb3, one sd, and one sata jack.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: can likewise boot from these.
mircea_popescu: 25 bux ? srsly ?
mircea_popescu: rdymac nothin in particular.
asciilifeform: not incl. mail.
asciilifeform: (i had it overnighted, because i could.)
mircea_popescu: nubbins` say, would you wish to act as distribution agent for the serenissima full node box ?
rdymac: :) I though you were talking about Venezuela again :)
asciilifeform: there is, for the record, an identical (but for lack of sata and one of the usb jacks) device which retails for 12 usd.
mircea_popescu: sata is worth the 6 bux tho
asciilifeform also thought this.
mircea_popescu: rdymac haha nope. but i did note the evo morales cartoon character proposes a seafaring bolivia of the future.
rdymac: All oficialismo crooks smoke the same shit
mircea_popescu: << part one of the bitcoin-assets guide to perfect waitressing. today, the smile.
Bagels7: WOAH
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the logical way to set these up, i think, is to boot from attached disk if one is found; otherwise from internal eeprom, which ought to contain an automatic 'everything-installer' (of our distribution.)
rdymac: mircea_popescu: dude! I'm in a fucking public place xD
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that way, user can swap the disk at his pleasure
mircea_popescu: rdekley so are they.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i was thinking, supply unit + sada preimaged.
davout: mircea_popescu: a publick fucking place
asciilifeform: everyone already owns a bag of sata disks.
mircea_popescu: public place fucking!
asciilifeform: or large sd, or usb stick
asciilifeform: (all options)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah you're right.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform did you get it off amazon or actual supplier ?
asciilifeform is still waiting to hear the story of why anyone, other than us, would wish to buy one of these and plug it in
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: amazon
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there are a few sources for these. my understanding is that they are still in production.
mircea_popescu: yeah in point of fact, we don't need to clunk up distribution
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: Another sock puppet possible purchased account of Nubbins / Paul Revere. << i lolled
mircea_popescu: im so totally going to call nubsy peter minuit from now on.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: mats: net-connected air filters, etc. << the 'hammurabic' punishment <<
assbot: Sex Machines, Squirting and Extreme Orgasms - Updates ... ( )
mircea_popescu: im kind-of amazed there's not this thing already, girl tied to chair, insert coin to make the rabbit hop.
mircea_popescu: "Yes, the rumors are true. Our domain was stolen. Our registrar says we likely can't get it back." lmao
mircea_popescu: so how is it OUR registrar then
jurov: just a preview with 0.5.3 upstream, will be adding more versions
mircea_popescu: Update 2 – Mike from CoinFire has posted a response in which he denies that his source has been identified << that derp is so un-credible by now...
mircea_popescu: jurov cool!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8550 @ 0.00047132 = 4.0298 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: mats: shipping container on wheels << he has a point you know. armored cars are meh. better off just go shoot whoever is going to be shooting you and be done wit hit.
jurov: with a drone
mats: a ya. anyway whats bulletproof glass gonna do when i set a charge under a manhole cover?
mircea_popescu: keep the brains inside the car.
mats: kek.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: the fastest, thickest, most luxurious car is --- not having to go places. << i still go places, even tho i dun have to.
kakobrekla: but you are weird.
mircea_popescu: davout: it's actually pretty lame that people *must* be cloaked to come here, even for the first time << why ?
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla im not weird, i'm just differently normal.
mircea_popescu: don't opress me.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski: this is north america after all. not having a car is like not having a temperature controlled home << i didn;t know fish liked to drive up north.
assbot: A New Form of ID Allows You to Be a Citizen of the World | VICE | United Kingdom ... ( )
mircea_popescu: dude vice is almost as idiotic as twitter.
mircea_popescu: davout: pete_dushenski: some interesting people we'd like to have around could very well not be so technically proficient << sluts belong in the bedroom not in the public forum.
mircea_popescu: that's the only sort of technically inept interesting people that can be.
ben_vulpes: blech
ben_vulpes: that's pretty bad
mircea_popescu: i'm sure that upon invention of speech there were some pretty hott neanderthals that nevertheless couldn't make the cut.
mircea_popescu: and upon invention of writing there were tons of cool people that never caught the boat.
mircea_popescu: and so it goes. gotta keep with the times.
mircea_popescu: davout: if it keeps taleb out and lets taaki << doesn't seem to be doing that tho.
mircea_popescu: TomServo: I'd probably take steps to avoid this place if my first taste was the sexyginger video. << would you ? what wouldhave the contrary effect ?
kakobrekla: wait, there is a video?
davout: there is a video?
assbot: BITNATION Whitepaper - Google Documenten ... ( )
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla davout yes ? where've you been ?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron seems a completely spurious attempt by people who have failed to read
assbot: Why I nixed p2p, colored coins and all that jazz pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
mircea_popescu: one does not become bitcoin-assets by defecating in google docs.
mircea_popescu: but adding Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof to the list of blacklisted idiots is a useful result of the effort, i guess.
mircea_popescu: jurov: why? once per second, in half hour you're done << you can throw six at a time, be done in five minutes
mod6: asciilifeform: regarding 'pogo': Cool!
jurov: if you can key them in at once
jurov: um...theoretically possible to key in ten dice at once, one per finger
mircea_popescu: jurov two girl job but yes.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: what would have the contrary effect? << samples of many of the insightful conversation I've witnessed here over the years. Would do it for me at least.
jurov: one can throw dice using a foot mechanism, hands stay on keyboard
jurov: :D
mircea_popescu: TomServo conversation is meaningless outside context. how do you supply context ?
mircea_popescu: jurov or shoot dicelasers out of cunt ?
TomServo: mircea_popescu: link to logs? :)
kakobrekla: context is text made to con you.
mircea_popescu: jurov but realy, the correct way to do it is, make a 40x40 grid in a wooden box that's the size of the dice, buy 1600 dice, shake until they settle then photograph and read the thing.
mircea_popescu: takes 5 seconds.
mircea_popescu: lol kako
mircea_popescu: TomServo afaik that was tried multiple times.
jurov: nubbins`: suggest the woodscammer to make above dice contraptions?
mircea_popescu: it's really not hard to do. works best with good quality glass or ebonite dice best.
nubbins`: my cat is a carpet when she is on the way to the vet
jurov: she is? or you're on the way with her?
nubbins`: pet in car = carpet
nubbins`: ^ shag carpet
mircea_popescu: jurov: and isn't winklevii? << yeah it is, bingoboingo
jurov: yea. but you wrote as if the vet is the cat's initiative
nubbins`: o o o
nubbins`: i see
jurov: or is my engrish failing me?
nubbins`: and this is my first language ;/
jurov: :D
nubbins`: "my drink is on its way to me"
nubbins` places open mouth at bottom of slope
mircea_popescu: canadians have a first language ?!
jurov: yes, whatever the First Nations speak
mircea_popescu: wait, CROWD SALE ? it's not only stupid, it's also a scam ?
mircea_popescu: shocked, i am.
assbot: Ageing research: Blood to blood : Nature News & Comment ... ( )
ben_vulpes: “If two rats are not adjusted to each other, one will chew the head of the other until it is destroyed,” << yesssss
ben_vulpes: aw man now i gotta get my braindamaged clone to happen
ben_vulpes: so i can pump his blood through me
ben_vulpes: repeatedly too
mircea_popescu: so basically, teh lich/vampire mythology is all correct.
ben_vulpes: this would be a good story.
kakobrekla: we are onto mp
ben_vulpes: it works better with close genetic matches
mircea_popescu: better buy up all the cheap venezuelean consuelas before you geriatrics figure it out
danielpbarron: "Well, personally I would only marry on the blockchain. Traditional marriage is a big risk – it can destroy people's lives." --Janina Lowisz, AKA "Blockchain Girl"
ben_vulpes: mright
ben_vulpes: tell her to stick it deedbot
ben_vulpes elbows undata
mircea_popescu: << people that have no actual experience with the matter of women kneeling, and live on the fumes of the fantasy thereof are kinda funny.
assbot: The Intelligent Misogynist: This one kind of reminds me of a magazine cover. ... ... ( )
mircea_popescu: an enchanted land where bursitis isn't a thing and so on.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22917 @ 0.00047132 = 10.8012 BTC [+]
ben_vulpes: ain't nobody cooking on their knees, either.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2080 @ 0.00094671 = 1.9692 BTC [+] {10}
ben_vulpes: that's a demerit.
mircea_popescu: maybe, if they were 11 foot tall
mircea_popescu: then other problems
mircea_popescu: and besides... heels!
ben_vulpes: yeah fr srs
ben_vulpes: although wood floors and heels man
ben_vulpes: maybe i should caveat with american "wood" floors
mircea_popescu: what about em ?
davout: they're handlaser carver
jurov: no cuntlaser
mircea_popescu: pee pee pee
davout: ;;buttlasers
gribble: Error: "buttlasers" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: actually, thats an idea : have rails insalled in the flooring, as if for the doors of a walk-in closet, and make the girls wear high heels that are hooked in there
davout: you suck gribleh
mircea_popescu: so they got like a train range.
mircea_popescu: i suppose would work even better with neck chain.
undata is underwhelmed by the notion that a "wallet" should involve a websocket, is likely just going to encrypt a sqlite and do his thing that way
mircea_popescu: adjust length for crawl, knee crawl, walk...
undata: that's the last thing deedbot needs; I've got a free-ish weekend coming up too
undata really wants to just hand raw txns to a finished 0.5.3 fork
ben_vulpes: undata: all you need to do is cook up raw transactions and sign them
ben_vulpes: watch blocks coming in for transactions of relevance to your address, and then request them from btcd
undata: yeah, the thing's going to need to be funded time to time though; I could just hand it a private key and keep track of its balance myself
davout: undata: "is underwhelmed by the notion that a "wallet" should involve a websocket" <<< how do you mean?
undata: this though grows into wallet-y thing which would be nicely decoupled from the client
davout: wallets ought to be decoupled from the client
mircea_popescu: undata that's the idea, all payments leave from the same address.
davout: .bait
davout: does that thing not work anymore?
davout: ;;bait
gribble: Error: "bait" is not a valid command.
ben_vulpes: for like...
undata: davout: yeah, that is a jab at btcwallet
ben_vulpes: months
undata: mircea_popescu: open slot insert privkey should be simple enough
davout: ben_vulpes: a sad is me
ben_vulpes: a sad were we all
ben_vulpes: but now mircea_popescu does it by hand and with more variety
ben_vulpes: i'm looking forward to anal stretching tomorrow
ben_vulpes: and messy post-hummer faces on monday
ben_vulpes: there's a schedule and everything
ben_vulpes: the tail-buttplugs scheduled for saturday...meh
ben_vulpes: actually hilariously
ben_vulpes: i was at the nude beach this summer. scads of folks of all ages and sizes parading around, lady v and i stretched out with wine and sammiches on a blanket somewhat away from the hubub. hundred feet or so down the beach i hear this little kid:
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes no bitching at the nude fuck!
ben_vulpes: "EWWW!"
ben_vulpes: "THEY'RE KISSING!"
ben_vulpes: a real, as mircea_popescu sez, lolwut moment
ben_vulpes: (mind you, the girl in question was herself running around nekkid)
undata: she's right, rubbing food holes? ewwww!
nubbins`: word holes too
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes wait, this was a little girl ?
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla lol. no, fuck her.
undata: nubbins`: I've always thought it ample evidence of there being no god that food and air share one, refuse recreation and procreation another
mircea_popescu: !up psgs
mircea_popescu: undata how's that logic go ?
psgs: Thanks mircea_popescu :)
undata: mircea_popescu: separate hole for air; no choking on food
undata: etc
mircea_popescu: sure. who're you ?
undata: although he could just have a sense of humor
assbot: circular laser engraver engineering [ Bounty ] ... ( )
nubbins`: ^ for lulz
mircea_popescu: undata if the air and food weren't meeting you couldn't likely speak
mircea_popescu: "I would be willing to offer a negotiable fee or bounty to anyone who could solve this engineering problem."
mircea_popescu: shit, let's do a cold fusion and circle cvadrature bounty on tardstalk!
nubbins`: funny thing is, he was trying to solve this problem specifically for Blazedout419's $14,000 piece
nubbins` chuckles
undata: needing to make noise and generally not wanting to duplicate effort makes a fair amount of sense
undata: also helps to be able to blow blockage out
undata accepts there is a loving lord
mircea_popescu: just evolutionarily discovered good design
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26555 @ 0.00047552 = 12.6274 BTC [+] {2}
nubbins`: HEH yep
hanbot: is it really that hard a problem? what if you use a second laser to measure distance and focus the cutter?
danielpbarron: i bet he did the engraving on a disc and cut the B out after
punkman: you need a laser that doesn't just move in cartesian plane, solved problem but expensive
hanbot: it's always a polar "plane" anyway no?
punkman: what is?
hanbot: i imagine what you mean is that the cheapo laser has fixed distance focus. then it would cut on a spheric surface not really a cartesian plane.
hanbot: if it can actually adjust focus distance to make a real plane, then can adjust focus distance.
asciilifeform: jurov: << e.g., this, is probably not supposed to happen. (click on identified, finds nothing.)
assbot: HEAD identifier search: CMerkleBlock ... ( )
punkman: hanbot, oic what you mean. I don't know much about lasers, but I think focus adjustment wouldn't help for the vase example.
assbot: DigiRob Laser - The Ultimate 7Axis Robotic Laser Cutting Machine - YouTube ... ( )
hanbot: ianae either.
asciilifeform: laser << can get as many axes as you want to pay for. diametric, iirc, has a 3-axis.
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> ben_vulpes wait, this was a little girl ? << yeah
ben_vulpes: man i gotta get better at telling stories.
hanbot: maybe she just liked you
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18149 @ 0.00047436 = 8.6092 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: nubbins` you know in retrospect, i don't actually blame the woodcarver idiot. he's just some monkey doing what he should be doing : monkeying.
mircea_popescu: i blame undressen horowitz and paul graham and fucking bill gates. that's who i blame.
mircea_popescu: and a whole shitload of "charity" in africa isn't going towash this off of them. poor monkey is doing what they claiemd he should be doing. fucking frauds.
mircea_popescu: he's exactly their fucking poster child : politically aware, rhetorically prepared, ready to lie and fake it all the way.
mircea_popescu: lol totally ben_vulpes hanbot has it : the little nubbin was angling for your ass.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, jurov, mircea_popescu: << that thing.
assbot: test - Imgur ... ( )
mircea_popescu: all worx?
asciilifeform: object on right hand side of photograph is plastic lid (why??? ask them, not me. with it on, the device looks precisely like the non-sata version.)
asciilifeform: presently backing up the original contents, to restore later (why? so can test auto-diddler that pumps in everything in one go.)
asciilifeform: it still remains to be answered, what these are for.
asciilifeform: i.e. is user expecting an interface of some kind? or just running a node for the warm emotions
mircea_popescu: running node for the purpose of having nodes on the network.
asciilifeform: and how is he to know that the machine is working ?
mircea_popescu: he's not really to care.
asciilifeform: well, what if trivial malfunction (frayed cable, or he forgot to forward port 8333 or whatnot)
asciilifeform: recall that we snipped upnp.
asciilifeform: i'd suggest sticking a simple status display (blocks synched, connection count) on port 80.
asciilifeform: (on lan, naturally)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nah, because guy knows the ip and can just check if a node answers there
mircea_popescu: if not, throw out unit get new one.
asciilifeform: he may want to know if the disk has filled.
mircea_popescu: can pull it out.
asciilifeform: so we just want a simple brutal beast of 0.5.3-on-a-unix-box ?
mircea_popescu: pretty much.
jurov: asciilifeform: fixed, CMerkleBlock isn't supposed to be in 0.5.3 but i have put there newer cpp files by mistake
mircea_popescu: dude don't mix the shitstrands
asciilifeform: jurov: seems entirely dead now
jurov: O.o
asciilifeform: jurov: click on any of the sources.
jurov: irc.cpp does not exist but others work
asciilifeform: half what i'm seeing is a link to nowhere
asciilifeform: but yeah, main.cpp works
jurov: drat, i'll redo it anyway
jurov: this amazon caching really adds another dimension to everything
danielpbarron: !up B007
xanthyos: !up danielpbarron
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21889 @ 0.00046953 = 10.2775 BTC [-] {2}
danielpbarron stabs xanthyos
decimation: asciilifeform: what kind of buses are available on your pogo board? and is it the "pogoplug mobile"?
asciilifeform: decimation: pogo-v4-a3-01
asciilifeform: decimation: under top cover, usb port (usb2?) and sata (2.5 inch laptop drive.) on rear end, two usb3 ports and 1 Gbit ethernet, and dc in (12 volt.)
asciilifeform: decimation: this is not the cheapest (~$12) but second-cheapest (~$18) 'pogo.'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25030 @ 0.00047499 = 11.889 BTC [+] {3}
decimation: hmm interesting
decimation: so one could get a usb3 to ethernet and make a cheap router too
asciilifeform: decimation: slow and wasteful
decimation: albeit a reliable usb3 to ethernet dongle is probably more costly than the device
asciilifeform: decimation: for slightly more one can get an actual router with multiple gbit ethernet jacks.
decimation wonders if any of this consumer grade junk has ecc ram
danielpbarron: if you're gonna run buttcoin on something called a "pogo plug," you could call it a buttplug
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27968 @ 0.00047973 = 13.4171 BTC [+]
decimation: mthreat: are you getting ddos'ed? Your ip is showing.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo, cazalla, mircea_popescu, qntra folks: << today this fella went off to jail.
assbot: Barrett Brown's Prison Time Raises Cybersecurity, Journalism Concerns - US News ... ( )
asciilifeform: ^ sentenced for digging usg dirt without belonging to official mouthpiece media.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18375 @ 0.00046812 = 8.6017 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00046724 = 2.4296 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Indian Nipple Song - YouTube ... ( )
assbot: May He Poop? (an Indian music video translation) - YouTube ... ( )
asciilifeform: (yes, found this by pure accident. believe or not.)
undata: asciilifeform doth protest too much!
undata clicks
asciilifeform: << apparently an entire planet of this exists.
assbot: 12) Buffalaxed National Anthems_ Euro Edition - YouTube ... ( )
decimation: asciilifeform: lol that one has the Nazi german anthem
decimation: lol << dude who played hitler being 'parodied' is pissed about being parodied
assbot: Hitler actor Bruno Ganz interview about Youtube Downfall Parodies - YouTube ... ( )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.00048402 = 10.7452 BTC [+] {2}
decimation: << primary dealers of Treasury bills manipulate the market: news at 11
assbot: Is The US Treasury Market Rigged? Some Say Yes | Halbert Wealth Management | January 14, 2015 ... ( )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29001 @ 0.00049273 = 14.2897 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28950 @ 0.00049802 = 14.4177 BTC [+]
mats: ermagerd the harvard sluts around here...
mats: ive been here a while and i still can't get over the high class white pussy strolling the streets
thestringpuller: u go 2 harvard?
mats: na. i live in cambridge.
thestringpuller: sno sno snoooow bunnies
thestringpuller: am i rite mod6 ?
mats: bad auto complete or did i miss something
mats: its not the electric cars, the buttcoins, or the smartphones that make me marvel about living in 2015
mats: its this fucking tinder thing.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21100 @ 0.00049095 = 10.359 BTC [-]
mats: buncha swipes and a few messages and i can get nookie on my lunch break
decimation: mats: what's the diference between tinder and some frat party?
mats: getting vomit and beer on my oxfords.
TomServo: !b 5
assbot: Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
decimation: tinder argues for a return to 'women-as-property' matchmaking among elders
mats: did you grow up in a convent or something
mats: tinder is chicks looking for handsome cock and maybe a night out
mats: id imagine a feminist would approve of such female empowering tech
mats: paging hanbot for input
decimation: so submitting to the wisdom of a facebook-powered algorithm is empowering?
mats: thats loaded
mats: women are empowered bc its even easier now to meet a real man
thestringpuller: mats how drunk are you right now?
mats: like, sure, elders.
thestringpuller: I love when #b-a is drunk!
mats: on a scale of one to linus
mats: at least two linus
thestringpuller: im headed there myself :D
mats: pour one out for the niggas that we've lost
thestringpuller: my window is open I'll pour a sip of the beer out
mats: im doing post coital malware analysis and i dont think ive ever been more high on anything ever
mats: thanks, patron (you owe me residuals for this plug)
thestringpuller: i'm limited to post coital napping.
mats: tequila works like a stimulant for me
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21100 @ 0.0004753 = 10.0288 BTC [-]
assbot: Ransomware on Steroids: Cryptowall 2.0 ... ( )
mats: have a good night folks
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