Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

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kloecat: πŸ˜€
kloecat: here for the tit pic
mircea_popescu: kloecat, 10b7f860. you got half hour.
mircea_popescu: !!up rittah
deedbot: rittah voiced for 30 minutes.
rittah: whats this link danielpbarron sent?
trinque: danielpbarron: are you picking on the women?
trinque: sad cranky man
mircea_popescu: rittah, he holds firm if peculiar religious beliefs.
trinque: I'm about to turn in; anybody that wants a !!withdraw tonight, do it nao
mircea_popescu confirmed the batch, so should be all good.
hanbot: mircea_popescu> ask hanbot she loved it lol << oh man visinata was great. and ckang no, not really --who gets drunk on cordials?!
mircea_popescu: hey, you can get stone drunk by just hanging about the cellar where the tuica still is running for a few hours.
mircea_popescu: i've seen it.
trinque: ahahaha bitches broke my shredder!
trinque: what a life
ben_vulpes: cot dayum
hanbot: poor trinque, pizarro box gets chewed on, deedbot takes various dings, then gets deluged by crackwhores!
ben_vulpes: trinque: tried to shred 20 at once or what
ckang: !!up kloecat
deedbot: kloecat voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: naw, crappy shredder, and was collecting bits in the crevices
trinque: hanbot: notbad.jpg stress test!
ckang: mircea_popescu: other girl when ghost so im re-using the account i made for her
ckang: if you have another #
mircea_popescu: because why, because i'd totally know it wasn't the original girl ?
ckang: no but im just being upfront
mircea_popescu: rittah, ima confirm your rating later ; if you want to hang around you'll be able to voice yourself tomorrow, say !!up to deedbot in pm then vertify the string it gives you.
kloecat: mircea_popescu: may I have a number?
ckang: rittah has irccloud on her phone btw so she can check it later
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 04:01 mircea_popescu: kloecat, 10b7f860. you got half hour.
phf: who is number one? -- you're number six. -- i'm not a number! i'm a free man!
ckang: lol danielpbarron I looked at the link you are sending, if you expect any of these girls to read all that...
ckang: you may want to condense it down a little
ben_vulpes: douchebag: pizarro board has serious reservations about your fucking up our honorsystem ip routing table and bringing dos/whatever hell down upon our little gated community, can i extract a commitment from you to not misbehave in my cab?
kloecat: ignore the tobacco pipe πŸ˜„
ben_vulpes: lol and the pothat?
kloecat: legal here πŸ˜‹
ben_vulpes: is the bong not? or why the concern
kloecat: some guys think girls that smoke are trashy, i didnt want to set that expectation because its not entirely true
ben_vulpes: yeah i don't really understand what you're trying to say. nice nips tho!
kloecat: thank you 🀣
kloecat: danielpbarron> Daniel P. Barron
ben_vulpes: full of questions this one
kloecat: I'll be quiet like a good girl then sorry :(
trinque: danielpbarron's doing that negging thing, but with christ
lobbes: lol. he's scaring away the cute ones but was silent for trucker hos
kloecat: its not working, btw
trinque: lobbes: telling eh?
trinque: wiener moves a little and he's gotta get mad at them for it
kloecat: I instantly closed it
ben_vulpes: kloecat: good girls ask good questions
ben_vulpes: how d'you know ckang?
kloecat: through a MMJ community
kloecat: Trying to decide on dinner, suggestions?
ben_vulpes: you gotta own that bong, girl.
ben_vulpes: kloecat: how about a big steak and salad
kloecat: ordering a steak on uber eats feels wrong
ben_vulpes: oh christ you're ordering it, why not just make it
kloecat: because I don't have a huge steak reserve lol
ben_vulpes: also what's so wrong about making the gig economy scum work for their food credits?
kloecat: and its 10pm
ben_vulpes: perhaps it is the perverse fun of telling folks to lick between your toes that you feel
trinque: house trinque *cooked* salmon, sprouts, and broccolini.
ben_vulpes: !!up kloecat
deedbot: kloecat voiced for 30 minutes.
kloecat: mmm that does sound good trinque
kloecat: ben_vulpes I try to cook, I really hate cleaning though
trinque: get some pesto in there, pine nuts, good stuff
kloecat: cooking is the fun part anyways
ben_vulpes: trinque: i've been waging battle on the brussel sprouts of late
trinque: one of my favorite veggies.
kloecat: I LOVE broccoli
trinque: ben_vulpes: I get 'em from the filthy farmer's market even
ben_vulpes: trinque: kiddo figured out burritos today
ben_vulpes: trinque: don't you know that vegetables that don't arrive perfect under florescent lights will kill you with shit particles?
trinque: haw, how'd he do keeping the food tube intact
ben_vulpes: well he wanted to flatten it at first, and then the week's struggle of "no eat it over your plate" commenced
mircea_popescu: phf, was that an old iron maiden album ?
mircea_popescu: ckang, link ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, you can just null root his ip if you get complaints you care about, what's the concern exactly ?
mircea_popescu: !!pay kloecat 0.02
kloecat: Ty mircea_popescu
kloecat: Any ideas for dinner?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i do not believe that we have that degree of control over the routing with the current switch, but i'll let asciilifeform/ascii_lander raise the objections
ben_vulpes: elaborate, i should say
ben_vulpes bbl, will attend to the rockchip-seeky later
mircea_popescu: kloecat, what do you mean, for dinner ?
kloecat: Trying to decide what to make or order and everything I think of sounds pretty meh
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, i dunno, in principle the idea was that pizarro also sells to the general public ; has this changed ? and if you want people to make specific representations, that's one thing, but ~vague~ representations ?
mircea_popescu: kloecat, lessee...
kloecat: So far, only suggestion is steak and salad
kloecat: You know, salmon was the other suggestion
mircea_popescu: ahaha "Bon Apres-Tit!" even
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 04:59 kloecat: some guys think girls that smoke are trashy, i didnt want to set that expectation because its not entirely true
mircea_popescu: !!rate kloecat 1 not entirely trashy.
trinque: I'm not a madadm; I'm a concierge!
mircea_popescu: trinque, i see your going to bed is not so different from your being awake. #trilema miracles.
trinque: suddenly there was another pizarro toy to investigate
trinque: also tits.
kloecat: wow mircea_popescu sounds like you eat well
mircea_popescu: kloecat, would you like me to teach you latin ?
kloecat: hmm, antiquated language outside of science? isn't it?
mircea_popescu: no, actually. it's the benchmark used to evaluate the earthly progress by the extraterrestrial intelligence in charge of the petri dish.
kloecat: Woosh, way over my head :)
deedbot: << Daniel P. Barron - Harlotry
mircea_popescu: it's a trilema reference ; mostly there to show the churchly folk that i can outquote them on scriptures!
mircea_popescu: anyway, so what do you do for a living kloecat ?
kloecat: I work at a MMJ coop
mircea_popescu: as a what ?
kloecat: you?
kloecat: medical marijuana cooperative
mircea_popescu: i'm a rich guy.
kloecat: Lucky lol
ckang: !!up xtina9
deedbot: xtina9 voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: yes, i get it, but "i work at a building" doesn't say much. do you clean the floors ? design the marketiung materials ? what.
mircea_popescu: kloecat, actually, wealth and luck are about as distant as health and beauty.
xtina9: πŸ“·
mircea_popescu: don't tell me there's an utf for tits.
kloecat: Some are blessed with it, others aren't as lucky I suppose :)
xtina9: Sry, camera
mircea_popescu: holy shit these useless fucktards, they got EVERYTHING in there, fifty billion codepoints, no tits ?!
mircea_popescu: usians should be shot already.
mircea_popescu: xtina9, 6d4c4c57. half hour.
mircea_popescu: kloecat, wealth is merely the measure of personal superiority. it has nothing to do with blessings, luck, bla bla. the poor suck and the rich don't, that's the whole story.
kloecat: What about those born in to wealth?
kloecat: Vs those who earned it themselves
mircea_popescu: well, for instance when i used to own horses, the foals of champions were better than the foals of roadkill.
mircea_popescu: same principle.
kloecat: What if someone is born in to money but has poor genes, thinking royal family, for example
mircea_popescu: though they don't usually live up to the legacy of their parents, nevertheless people born rich are actually better stock. though generally they manage to fuck themselves/get fucked over in the nurture side of things.
mircea_popescu: kloecat, royals aren't wealthy in this sense. a bunch of retards getting together and conventionally giving all their money to one retard however picked, be it bill gates or louis the locksmith don't count for much.
kloecat: That was the only example I could think of quickly
mircea_popescu: i suspect if i came from a long dynastic line, to the point of actual degeneracy, you'd not need to ask what i do.
kloecat: They do live a privileged lifestyle though compared to others, earn or not
mircea_popescu wonders if anyone asks say the shithead of wales. "so charles... what is it you do darling ?" "ummmm... charitywork"
kloecat: earned sorry
mircea_popescu: kloecat, whole fucking point of life, ain't it ? "priviledged as compared to the scum"
mircea_popescu: !!up kloecat
deedbot: kloecat voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: << no but see, certification problem. he can't alter it without breaking the seal.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 04:48 ckang: you may want to condense it down a little
kloecat: Oh thought I said something wrong :(
mircea_popescu: kloecat, it only voices you for half hour at a time. ima rate you in a moment then you can voice yourself, send !!up to it in pm.
kloecat: Oh cool ok, whew
mircea_popescu: anyway, #trilema is one of the few remaining free places, you can say pretty much whatever.
kloecat: I guess I can't understand the flip side of the coin regarding born wealthy and its genetic superiority
mircea_popescu: which flipside is that ?
kloecat: Most rich or well off guys I know haven't exactly been the best looking
mircea_popescu: not much of a criteria, is it ?
kloecat: What do you mean?
trinque: !!v C8DDC311D292D425F787BE9132525C18B196A093D1C0514C7228C79581D31FCE
deedbot: trinque paid ben_vulpes invoice 5
mircea_popescu: kloecat, i mean, what difference does it make if they're "good looking" ?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, are you seriously proposing the titscript defiles #trilema ?
mircea_popescu: kloecat, how about you read and then we continue this.
kloecat: May we later? I am going to run and get some food :)
kloecat: byebye thanks again
mircea_popescu: (lisp v implementation by esthlos )
mircea_popescu: xtina9, do one with your head actually in it ; and with all 8 digits not just 7.
xtina9: crap sorry let me remake must have copied down wrong
danielpbarron: is #trilema a nation?
mircea_popescu: as far as i can discern it's the only nation.
danielpbarron: harlotry defiles a nation
danielpbarron: the tit pics in and of themselves do not constitute harlotry, but probably tie into it in one way or another
ckang: kloecat seems like she has an ok head on her boobs
ckang: ive dated worse anyways
mircea_popescu: ckang, so far she's lively enough, but it's not clear whether substance behind it or not.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, how do you distinguish female submission from female prostitution ?
danielpbarron: a woman should only have one male sexual partner
mircea_popescu: (likbez : the "whores of babylon" that the period jews took exception to were in fact ~worshipful~. the way the middle kingdom did reproduction was ritual gangbangs.)
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, you know this female-mated-for-life paradigm is possibly the worst arrangement from a purely biologic perspective.
danielpbarron: no i do not
mircea_popescu: what'd illustrate it for you ?
danielpbarron: if your excellent works of fiction haven't, i don't know what could
mircea_popescu: well then i guess we shall table the matter.
mircea_popescu: !!up xtina9
deedbot: xtina9 voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !!pay xtina9 0.02
mircea_popescu: so what do you do for a living, xtina9 ? other than praising the lord, of course.
xtina9: ty, im friends with kloecat
mircea_popescu: oh, it pays that well ? :D\
xtina9: I wish
xtina9: I work at a golf course
mircea_popescu: what do you do there ?
xtina9: 'beer bitch'
xtina9: as some call me
xtina9: no, not at a golf course haha
xtina9: too distracting
mircea_popescu: it strikes me this'd be a great golf course. "we only hire girls with cheerleading past. they get you beers and w/e, and are not dressed above the ankles."
xtina9: I mostly deliver beverages and spare golf balls
xtina9: although I do meet many man, most married but all dogs
xtina9: men sorry
danielpbarron: so what if married?
xtina9: a band is the 1st thing a woman looks for danielpbarron
xtina9: why?
mircea_popescu: lol danielpbarron has an aggenda!
danielpbarron: it's not wrong for a man to have more than one wife
xtina9: o.o
mircea_popescu: how about a wife and a beer bitch ?
xtina9: this is not legal in the USA danielpbarron
mircea_popescu: xtina9, i believe the current workaround is to observe that ~registration~ is not legal.
danielpbarron: xtina9, that is a wicked law
mircea_popescu: legal to be "married" to as many women as you please as long as you don't attempt to register it with the usg.deedbot
xtina9: its doesn't work in utah 😎
danielpbarron: marraige before God does not require registration
mircea_popescu: btw danielpbarron are there any wicked places ?
xtina9: which you figure would be one place it did
mircea_popescu: like utah ? new york ? something ?
danielpbarron: places? what place isn't wicked?
mircea_popescu: well, so are all laws wicked ?
mircea_popescu: xtina9, you know, the mormons had their civilwar-lite over the matter. they lost.
danielpbarron: not all. law against murder is ok
danielpbarron: mormonism leads to hell btw
xtina9: I know they have tried before without luck, it's been in the news several times
danielpbarron: is it legal to fuck multiple girlfriends?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, so how can there be nonwicked laws if there can't be nonwicked places ?
mircea_popescu: kloecat, rittah i rated you dollies ; !!up to deedbot in pm to talk.
danielpbarron: God has put the governing authorities in place to be a terror for wicked men; that doesn't mean the governments themselves aren't also wicked
danielpbarron: this whole world is under the sway of the wicked one
xtina9: isn't there a clause about the law of the land?
danielpbarron: in what?
xtina9: idk, the bible
danielpbarron: please to show me which verse
xtina9: I couldn't tell you offhand, not studied
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, that's a point though, even the law against murder is bungled up. should take multiple witnesses, and then public execution; not circumstantial evidence and imprisonment
mircea_popescu: afaik you still can't get a murder conviction on circumstantial evidence.
mircea_popescu: but everyone is so keen to "plea bargain".
mircea_popescu: now that's an idea for the books.
mircea_popescu: check out the inquisitive golf girl
danielpbarron: ah, xtina9 that is the passage we are already discussing
xtina9: oh, sorry
danielpbarron: is it illegal for a married man to have sex with a woman who is not his wife?
xtina9: by the land, no
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, i thought you didn;'t even thinkl that is ~possible~. wasn't your standard for wifehood cocktaking ?
danielpbarron: so there you go!
xtina9: but under god, isn't that adultery ?
danielpbarron: yes, before God that constitutes marraige, but the "law of the land" .. it doesn't
danielpbarron: xtina9, not unless the other woman is married to another man
xtina9: hm
xtina9: how can you be confident that you are right?
danielpbarron: the Bible says so
mircea_popescu: she has a good point there... if you're right you're right, but if you overlooked something... look out below.\
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, doesn't the similarity to running bitcoin code strike you btw ?
mircea_popescu: "is this secure ?" "i fucking well hope so!"
danielpbarron: if the Bible is wrong, what's the harm to me? ever heard of pascal's wager?
mircea_popescu: maybe you read it wrong
danielpbarron: am i interpreting it right?
danielpbarron: the Bible that is, is that what you meant
mircea_popescu: you got a pile of code, bitcoinsource=bible, which translates an ideal, thewillofgod=functioningbitcoin, into a real, actionable, existent item.
mircea_popescu: right or wrong, you're eating the result.
mircea_popescu: so you'd better be right.
lobbes: danielpbarron, but how do you reconcile the question of: "how do I know that the bible is actually the word of god if the only sources saying it *is* are $not-god?"
mircea_popescu: lobbes, the latter's not the case.
danielpbarron: lobbesbot, the Bible is God and it says it is true
mircea_popescu: wait wait, hold up there. the bible is god now ?
mircea_popescu: "the father, the son, the holy spirit AND THE HOLY WRIT ? FOUR PERSONS ?"
danielpbarron: !~bible john 1:1
jhvh1: danielpbarron: [KJV] John 1:1 :: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
mircea_popescu: but logos is != bible.
danielpbarron: more than four, God s also the city of Jerusalem, the 7 spirits of God, the 4 horsemen of zechariah, the 3 men who visited abraham and the 2 that went away to destroy sodem, and there's more still
mircea_popescu: (this line, incidentally, is how various heretics end up trying to shove printed bibles up their butts / open randomly to divine future / kloink people over head with it to cure warts and so on)
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, so is this doctrine of textual divinity your own or darwin fish's too ?
danielpbarron: !~bible john 1:14
jhvh1: danielpbarron: [KJV] John 1:14 :: And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
mircea_popescu: i had nfi melchisedechianism actually survived into the 3rd millenium.
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, both. i was aware f this one befoe having found atruechurch
mircea_popescu: as far as anyone knew, it was extinct during the 1st.
danielpbarron: i had to repent on the multiple wives thing, and free will
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, your stronghold is tephrike :D (nowadays a small turkish town)
danielpbarron: i'm half armenian you know?
mircea_popescu: apparently it shows.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, if it's not prying, what % women compose those "approximately 50" atc believers ?
mircea_popescu: !!up xtina9,
deedbot: xtina9, voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !!up xtina9
deedbot: xtina9 voiced for 30 minutes.
xtina9: hi
danielpbarron: 50% or more
xtina9: sorry but reading above I dont really agree with you danielpbarron
danielpbarron: with what do you not agree?
mircea_popescu: !!rate xtina9 1 who knows, maybe she makes bishopress. NUDE bishopress
xtina9: seems like its made to suit you but not anyone else
mircea_popescu: xtina9, you think having a buncha cowives sucks ?
danielpbarron: because i'm a man? or something else?
xtina9: hmm, as long as it doesn't put one into legal risk
xtina9: freedom is to be valued
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, is manhood automatic btw ? how do you know you're a man as per atc definition of ~ ?
danielpbarron: i have zero wives for whatever that is worth
danielpbarron: i'm not effeminate
mircea_popescu: well what is this, 20 questions ? the box on my desk is not aeroplany, either, but this doesn't make it a computer.
danielpbarron: the effeminate males do not inherit the kingdom of God
danielpbarron: if a male is not a man, he goes to hell.
mircea_popescu: but how do you know ?
danielpbarron: can't be a coward
mircea_popescu: suppose as you age you get tits. i'm not talking little wasp bites, nice c-cups. it's not THAT rare in eastern fenotypes. is it hell for you ?
danielpbarron: not inherently
danielpbarron: effeminate is a way of acting and dressing
mircea_popescu: so could xtina9 be a man if she wasn't cowardly and took her dressing style off trilema headers ?
mircea_popescu: women are not innately cowardly in my experience. children are, yes, but past the age of about 6 or 7 it's pretty much all nurture.
danielpbarron: ma7be i mispoke, women should not be cowards either
mircea_popescu: well that kinda takes you back to square one in our game of "how do you know".
danielpbarron: a man should not behave like a woman, and a woman should not behave like a man. a woman should be submissive
mircea_popescu: so if i say "hey x, how about you do y" and x does y, x goes to hell ?
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, if x doesn't repent, yes
danielpbarron: and if y is a wicked thing to do
mircea_popescu: but i mean how the fuck are we supposed to get anything done like this ?
mircea_popescu: mmm. no, y is a perfectly fine thing to do.
danielpbarron: be what standard?
mircea_popescu: consider -- submission is an inescapable part of life. you go to park the car, the park attendant points one way, you steer that way. because wtf, of course you're gonna be submissive to the parkling attendant, what, pick parking lot fights over not going to hell ?
danielpbarron: ah. ook. woman was created to be a help for man. she should be subserviant to her husband. an effeminate man allows his wife to rule over him
mircea_popescu: well yes, but that's not very interesting for what we're discussing.
danielpbarron: believers are to be servents like Christ was a servant; it is not effeminate to folow direction or to help another. effeminate speaks more to the interplay between husband and wife
danielpbarron: but also mentioned in close context to homosexuality. it is not good for a man to behave like a woman sexually with another man
danielpbarron: am i having sex with the parking attendant? no.
mircea_popescu: so as long as you don't fuck dudes and aren't cowardly you know that a) you're a man and b) behaving manly ?
mircea_popescu: it's not a very high standard so far. my car, for isntance, meets it.
danielpbarron: woman came from man, and men come from women; your car does not
ckang: !!up clarissa1
deedbot: clarissa1 voiced for 30 minutes.
danielpbarron: have you come to explain it all, clarissa1 ?
clarissa1: Hi mircea_popescu im here for the picture :)
clarissa1: I can't i do remember that show though lol
danielpbarron: must be about my age then
clarissa1: had older siblings
lobbes: Lol, glad someone made that horrible joke
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, would you be happier if i had said my horse ? not like the car came from the sky, it came from man.
clarissa1: what an odd show though, an alligator?
mircea_popescu: clarissa1, 08ef3c6a. half hur.
mircea_popescu: lobbes, explain it to me ? i musta missed some shows!
lobbes: Nah, only a clarissa can explain.
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, came from as in flesh. the animals were created separately; woman was different in that she was made specifically from man's flesh
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, ok, but i think you see the broader point here.
danielpbarron: it's a nickelodian show from the 90s
danielpbarron: the rite of passage you are looking for is faith, without which you should do as you please
lobbes: (Not a particularly good show either, but.. good nostalgia item)
lobbes: danielpbarron, ok but say a male has faith, isn't a coward, doesn't fuck dudes, but his junk gets blown off in an explosion. Is he still a man?
danielpbarron: sure, he might even intentionally chop it off because it "offended him"
mircea_popescu: i suppose that ties it up then, you're a man because you have faith and follow the writ, which you do because you're a man and there's an end to it.
danielpbarron: i know, it's circular logic; you can only believe it if God wills it
mircea_popescu: at least it's a bounded system.
lobbes: And intentionally chop off?? Phew. Now that's what I call faith
ckang: !!up kathearin
deedbot: kathearin voiced for 30 minutes.
danielpbarron: !~bible mat 5:27-30
jhvh1: danielpbarron: [KJV] Matthew 5:27 :: Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
jhvh1: danielpbarron: [KJV] Matthew 5:28 :: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
jhvh1: danielpbarron: [KJV] Matthew 5:29 :: And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
jhvh1: danielpbarron: [KJV] Matthew 5:30 :: And if thy right hand offend thee, cut if off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
kathearin: Here for photo mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: kathearin, a92dad40. half hour.
ckang: helping clarissa1 get it uploaded now
ckang: timing out for some reason going to try email
lobbes: Anyways, damn #trilema vortex waylaid my own bed course. Enjoy the night all. Nice talkin' danielpbarron
danielpbarron: heh i'm past my bedtime too. goodnight lobbes
ckang: nn
mircea_popescu: !!pay kathearin 0.02
mircea_popescu: kathearin, check out the log, it's been discussed.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 04:10 mircea_popescu: rittah, he holds firm if peculiar religious beliefs.
danielpbarron: lol, i try to avoid spam by making it a pm..
kathearin: I was always told to avoid politics and religion
kathearin: it seems to make more enemies than friends
danielpbarron: you must hang out at bars
kathearin: sometimes, do you?
danielpbarron: ya, mostly for karaoke
kathearin: AH, like the Asian style places?
mircea_popescu: you know, that's a point. karaoke is huge in korea etc.
mircea_popescu: oh btw kathearin, forgot to ask you what do you do.
danielpbarron: i guess it originated there, but the places i go are mostly american. one was portugese
kathearin: Bartender lol, funny since daniels comment to me
danielpbarron: wait is mp the "bartender"?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, you asked her if she hangs out in bars. "alllll the time!"
danielpbarron: aha, nailed it.
kathearin: Is there any problem with bars daniel?
danielpbarron: i hear that same line all the time "don't talk about religion or politics"
danielpbarron: kathearin, nope
mircea_popescu: kathearin, do you get hit on a lot while working ?
kathearin: Yea, but mostly by sloppy drunks
kathearin: who I imagine would plug any hole
mircea_popescu: i imagine.
kathearin: Not exactly a discerning crowd lol
mircea_popescu: one of the lulziest things in a bar, is sit by the bartender and watch dudes hit on her.
mircea_popescu: !!up kanzure
deedbot: kanzure voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !!up kathearin
deedbot: kathearin voiced for 30 minutes.
kathearin: Its flattering, anyways
mircea_popescu is off to bed. take it easy all!
ckang: nn
ckang: !!up clarissa1
deedbot: clarissa1 voiced for 30 minutes.
clarissa1: sorry so late mircea_popescu - it couldn't upload over cellular so had to find open wifi
a111: Logged on 2018-04-17 23:06 ascii_lander: ACHTUNG, mircea_popescu , diana_coman :
diana_coman: !Q later tell ascii_lander fingerprint of server is not included; python is version 3.5.4, ugh
lobbesbot: diana_coman: The operation succeeded.
ascii_lander: << it is not currently known ( at least to ascii_lander ) how to produce a working gentoo box with portage from past 5y or so that doesnt have python3 on it physically at all. however eselect lets you set 2 as the default ( see )
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 09:02 diana_coman: !Q later tell ascii_lander fingerprint of server is not included; python is version 3.5.4, ugh
lobbesbot: ascii_lander: Sent 10 hours and 2 minutes ago: <mircea_popescu> ok.
lobbesbot: ascii_lander: Sent 2 hours and 22 minutes ago: <diana_coman> fingerprint of server is not included; python is version 3.5.4, ugh
diana_coman: ah, kk
ascii_lander: diana_coman: the ssh fp thing is serious oops tho, please give the signal and i reset the machine by hand in singleuser mode and grab the fp for you from the physical console
ascii_lander: as soon as i get into the dc today
ascii_lander: this is exactly the kind of thing i meant in 'ask asap for last-minute things'
ascii_lander: re python, possibly trinque made progress re a depython3ificated portage?
ascii_lander: ( gentoo portage is not the only necessary proggy mired in python3ism. the 'lattice ice' thing , for instance, also )
ascii_lander: << seems like he generates'em with js fauxpgp. classic symptom.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 02:49 trinque: both did this at import
ascii_lander: << aaand i betcha this is because they're camwhores, and have nfi what is pgp or even that d00d generated a key for'em at all , and he gave the magicstring over voicechat with the camgurls
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 03:00 mircea_popescu: driscole, but you do realise you wrote 1d8914a not 1b8914a1 ?
ascii_lander: the tits may be functional, but penny-ante scamchiseling is still imho loathesome.
diana_coman: ascii_lander, ok; when do you estimate getting to dc?
ascii_lander: diana_coman: about 2h from now
ascii_lander: i will reconnect from there
ascii_lander: << the current switch does not give the ability to enforce ip assignment; this will require a ~substantially~ more expensive iron
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 05:12 ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i do not believe that we have that degree of control over the routing with the current switch, but i'll let asciilifeform/ascii_lander raise the objections
ascii_lander: the only sensible policy is to proclaim, ahead of time, that any customer found monkeying with the lan , will be banished, with no refunds and no recourse;
ascii_lander: and it would appear that douchebag has already proclaimed ~in advance~ his intention to engage in hooliganisms, and therefore it is not clear to me that we want his business
ckang: can't you use tagged vlans and isolate that way ?
ascii_lander: ckang: it is my current understanding that the existing gear does not support this; will have to check with BingoBoingo, who installed it and tends it
ckang: you should atleast be able to do it by switchport and static routing ya
ascii_lander: even with 'tag' isolation, a hooligan can still soak up bw on the outgoing pipe, flood the lan, and similar
ckang: yea but thats easy enough to detect on the switch
ascii_lander: ( currently we do not use per-user bw caps -- everyone has access to the full pipe for if he needs to burst )
ckang: or implement QoS
ckang: but ugh QoS
ascii_lander: ckang: right , ugh, everything you mentioned is a SUBSTANTIAL growth in complexity
ckang: yeah but im not sure how else you would do it, short of a virtual stack
ckang: managed 1gbit switches with layer 3 arent too badly priced
ascii_lander: ckang: we won't use cisco
ckang: most consumer ones even that now
ckang: even do that now*
ckang: netgear?
ckang: vyos?
ascii_lander: i'ma have to discuss the switch in detail with BingoBoingo
ascii_lander: but my current understanding is that we do not yet have this .
ckang: its actually faster in some benchmarks (compared to pfsense)
ascii_lander: << it was never my impression that we would do business outside of wot. ( can be any depth of wot, but imho to do business entirely outside of wot, is a sin )
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 05:15 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, i dunno, in principle the idea was that pizarro also sells to the general public ; has this changed ? and if you want people to make specific representations, that's one thing, but ~vague~ representations ?
ckang: yall building out the routers too?
ascii_lander: ckang: on what physical router does 'vyos' run ?
ckang: chassis full of 4x 1gbE intel wouldnt cost much at all and could handle switching and routing
ckang: x86 :)
ckang: 64 etc
ckang: its basically a highly modified debian
ascii_lander: ckang: do you have any idea what a x86 chassis that can hold, e.g., 40 nics, costs ??
ckang: with a cisco like interface
ascii_lander: do you understand that if it doesn't hold 40 nics, you have no isolation, only pretense ?
ckang: well you would put 40 nics in 1 chassis, but quad port per NIC @ 35$ a card
ckang: if you consider the cost being router/switch and avoiding cisco
ckang: it may be worth it
ckang: firewall too
ascii_lander: and the bus of a single x86 box becomes a bottleneck
ckang: oh obv go 64bit
ascii_lander: and the fans of a fucking x86 box become a single point of failure
ascii_lander: this is riotously stupid.
ckang: what vendor is okay to go with?
ascii_lander: afaik nobody other than cisco and juniper, neither of which i will deal with, sells this item as a prepackaged product.
ascii_lander: so currently we do without.
ascii_lander: rather than buying usg-piercable pretense.
ascii_lander: 'we do not have isolation' is more honest than 'we have cisco-powered isolation'
ckang: yea im not like a vyos salesman or anything either, it just came to mind
ckang: ppl build 10gbit switches with it pretty regularly
ascii_lander: this being said, i am investigating the most economical way to cook up a switch with isolation : for the 'adult' rockchip cluster ( will hold N of'em, ps, switch , inside a 2U )
ascii_lander: but the currently-installed pilot plant , is on a conventional switch.
ckang: ah yea if you already have a bunch of network gear it wouldnt make sense
ascii_lander: ok i'ma get moving, diana_coman has been waiting.
lobbesbot: BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
phf: << an old british tv show, the prisoner. it's mildly influential, so bands like to sample dialogue from it
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 05:10 mircea_popescu: phf, was that an old iron maiden album ?
mod6: mornin' TMSR~
ascii_lander: ohai mod6
lobbesbot: ascii_lander: Sent 1 hour and 57 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo>
ben_vulpes: << i've never done it on a live system, but setting PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" and PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7", and rebuilding @world, deep with newuse and then emerge -cav python_3 (or whatever the exact version atom is this week) makes for py3-free gentoo in my limited experience
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:18 ascii_lander: ( gentoo portage is not the only necessary proggy mired in python3ism. the 'lattice ice' thing , for instance, also )
ascii_lander: ACHTUNG diana_coman , mircea_popescu !! >> <<
ben_vulpes: before doing aaaanything else
ben_vulpes: now if portage kiesters a py3 somewhere i don't know about, well, i don't know about it
ascii_lander: ben_vulpes: iirc portage insists on p3 somewhere
ascii_lander: but i hope to be proven wrong about this
ascii_lander: i'd like to be 100% rid of p3 on my boxen, if at all practical
trinque: ascii_lander: tried PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" ?
trinque: iirc it supports both
ascii_lander: trinque: can't recall
ascii_lander: trinque: will have to try this.
ascii_lander: to date i've simply relied on eselect.
trinque doesn't approve of this splintering of use flags into various vars, but they did it
ben_vulpes: ascii_lander: do check out UY1 at your leisure, i believe it purged of py3 by this method
trinque: for grub also, drivers, others
ascii_lander: oh btw i should note, i did not end up having to use grub
ascii_lander: box was delivered with lilo.
ben_vulpes: recipe for that would be neat
ascii_lander: ben_vulpes: it was a tarring up and untarring of dulap's gentoo, so not so usefully recipeable
ascii_lander: blew half a day on the following nonsense : excluded 'root' from tar, and this resulted in not only /root , but also /etc/init.d/root being excluded, which is the service that runs at boot to remount / as rw
ascii_lander: fought for hours with 'wtf does this box boot up with ro / '
ascii_lander bbl, buying cables, stickers, etc
ben_vulpes: dun forget cigarettes for after
phf: ascii is an americanized russian hacker, doesn't smoke. now neither do i, but i always feel like something's amiss unless server room is filled with a standing smoke cloud
ben_vulpes bbl, morning rituals
mircea_popescu: phf, terrible fucking habit, at that.
mircea_popescu: !!pay clarissa1 0.02
mircea_popescu: << i really don't see the problem with it being there per se ; the select-2 mechanism seems sufficient imo.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:28 ascii_lander: re python, possibly trinque made progress re a depython3ificated portage?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:34 ascii_lander: << aaand i betcha this is because they're camwhores, and have nfi what is pgp or even that d00d generated a key for'em at all , and he gave the magicstring over voicechat with the camgurls
mircea_popescu: << you'll have to explain to me the logic of this sometime. is there some expectation that all bipedals are human and made in the similitude of god or something ? animals are animals, whether superficially human or not, form does not trump structure. if they don't have the spark of humanity, which very much IS rsa key etc, then how's he remiss using them exactly as a chunk of wood, pi
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:34 ascii_lander: the tits may be functional, but penny-ante scamchiseling is still imho loathesome.
mircea_popescu: ece of fruit or lab reagent ?
mircea_popescu: they're there, he's harvesting them for a purpose. they will be forever harvested, for this purpose or some other purpose, because THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE. harvestables.
mircea_popescu: and they are that by personal, wholly owned choice. nobody asked them, or told them, or "made them" act in the specific manner of their subhuman nature, whereby "1. if it's not comfortable ~to me~ i'm 'not interested' because 2. i expect there's enough of us animals around so that 3. under the pressure of our wilful ignorance the republic will be forced to change and adapt."
mircea_popescu: now this IS loathsome, and i don't see any merit whatever in offering it any quarter. they find tmsr/eulora/trilema/thelog/whatever "too hard" ? that is ohohohohoh oh-so-fine. someone else, who isn't, will use them as things FOR tmsr/eulora/trilema/thelog/etc. because there's nothing ELSE other than an' besides tmsr/etc.
mircea_popescu: how's or more earned than the!!pay%22+%220.02%22 set ? to my eye the later seems infinitely more respectable than the former, because a) at least lively enough to be doing something and because b) the similarity between female whores doing bartending/prostitution and the "male" whores doing "computer science
a111: Logged on 2018-04-12 16:30 mircea_popescu: !!pay zx2c4 1
a111: Logged on 2017-10-11 20:43 BHopkins: I think I did it right: 12taDFRdimNTHx1xoUkUZWj3nrE4js6LM6
mircea_popescu: " and "gifting their valuable crypto contributions to the world" could not have possibly escaped your notice.
mircea_popescu: contrary to what the wankers tell themselves, there's exactly no difference, just, the loser girls of millenium 3 do the whole pot/ex/waitress/dancer schtick, whereas the loser boys of millenium 3 do the whole pot/ex/technology/computology schtick
mircea_popescu: at least the girls are honest about how they're doing nothing and their life is going nowhere (and for the record, this is as close as an invariant as social science ever produced -- females are way the fuck less inclined to lie to themselves. or to you, for that matter, unless they actually don't like you. but males lie to you BECAUSE they like you, and to themselves, too.)
mircea_popescu: << so the idea is that he's not supposed to log into the switch from his box and fuck with ips ? and there's no way to shut this down ?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:41 ascii_lander: << the current switch does not give the ability to enforce ip assignment; this will require a ~substantially~ more expensive iron
mircea_popescu: << if this is so, which doesn't meet my books, it nevertheless contradicts practice, where in fact dood's shown himself very willing to follow rules as long as they were explicitly stated.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:43 ascii_lander: and it would appear that douchebag has already proclaimed ~in advance~ his intention to engage in hooliganisms, and therefore it is not clear to me that we want his business
mircea_popescu: << i expect. if it's as terrible as to have utterly no way of enforcing any kind of priviledged downstream, "all boxes you connect to this will forever be able to admin it", then we'll have to make a tmsr switch fw ?! but really, even the cheapest nat router available for $15 from radio shack has the capacity to not permit random box plugged in to alter the settings.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:46 ckang: you should atleast be able to do it by switchport and static routing ya
mircea_popescu: << seems self-evident that'll just get one kicked.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:47 ascii_lander: even with 'tag' isolation, a hooligan can still soak up bw on the outgoing pipe, flood the lan, and similar
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:50 ckang: managed 1gbit switches with layer 3 arent too badly priced
trinque: yeah, I can vouch for douchebag having asked permission to test deedbot each time, and having committed to telling me what he found.
trinque: don't see the problem with that.
trinque: I'd have been happy if he found something, and fixed it
trinque: (slut onslaught meanwhile found things, so good enough)
mircea_popescu: moreover he seems extremely valuable, sadly in the "black sheep" sort of way, where he tends to collect first pass wrath. but this is because he actually finds unexpected edges, of the flavour of "unexpected" that really is "i dun wanna think about that", ie, "hey flying kid, don't use your wings"
mircea_popescu: but, most generally -- eh fuck it, i'm putting it in the aphorisms.
mircea_popescu: << not like he doesn't have ratings.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:52 ascii_lander: << it was never my impression that we would do business outside of wot. ( can be any depth of wot, but imho to do business entirely outside of wot, is a sin )
a111: Logged on 2018-04-16 14:19 mircea_popescu: incidentally trinque : i figure is ready for application.
mircea_popescu: !!ratings deedbot
mircea_popescu: there we go. mazel tov ; and spyked ave1 lobbes permit me to congratulate you an' to wish you long&happy tenure.
mircea_popescu: << have two at either side of the cabinet and route ambiguously through either. this is not even as bad a design as it strikes you, specifically because it can use "standard" parts. we can make a cuntoo vyos.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:56 ascii_lander: and the fans of a fucking x86 box become a single point of failure
mircea_popescu: and it'll be faster and cheaper to do that than to buy juniper, hang/fire/burn at the stake all ustards involved and have a fg-like line of products put out.
mircea_popescu: moreover, s.nsa could VERY sensibly sell a prepackaged in this manner cuntoo-based vyos replacement.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: boxes can bind to whichever IPs they want, not a matter of getting into the router and changing settings there.
mircea_popescu: then ? i don't have a good grasp of the problem here.\
ckang: most of the Ubiquiti routers use a form of VyOS (which is a forked version of vyatta)
ben_vulpes: at the risk of enumerating badness and a code of conduct, i'm going to work up a set of things that self-evidently will get one kicked
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, if it's self-evident why write it down then ?
ben_vulpes: self evident to you, not me.
mircea_popescu: your party.
diana_coman: <- ack; fp matches so that's good
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 14:51 ascii_lander: ACHTUNG diana_coman , mircea_popescu !! >> <<
ckang: ben_vulpes: changing an IP address wont matter much if they are zoned off in their own vlan and associated with a specific port. they simply wouldnt be able to reach their gateway after changing IPs, it cant circumvent the router/switch by doing just that anyways, not with proper ACLs in place
mircea_popescu: << had you excluded "root/" instead of "root"...
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 14:58 ascii_lander: blew half a day on the following nonsense : excluded 'root' from tar, and this resulted in not only /root , but also /etc/init.d/root being excluded, which is the service that runs at boot to remount / as rw
mircea_popescu: ckang, alright, it's time you tell us your life story. what did you do ?
ckang: im not a DC guy by any means, i work more with the software/services side of things
ckang: i just know enough to request what i need from our networking folks
ckang: but i wouldnt trust myself making changes on a production switch by any means
ckang: but its a research paper on pfsense vs vyos performance (from a university student)
mircea_popescu: jesus this guy. why so shy, yo!
ckang: but my life story isnt interesting by any means, not as much as others here anyway
mircea_popescu: how would you know ?
ckang: just going off what ive read
mircea_popescu: trinque, in today;s nitpicks : , grepping for douchebag produces a link to douchebag__ 's page.
mircea_popescu: !!key douchebag
ckang is currently deploying esxi 6.7 and a vcenter appliance to see if its worth ditching 6.0 for
mircea_popescu: the key is correct, yet behaves unexpectedly by showing no lines
trinque: hm weird. will look at it.
lobbes: It is an honor to receive this privilege. I will continue to position my feet to support well-placed strikes to the Inca with the katana the Republic has helped me to sharpen >>
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 17:10 mircea_popescu: there we go. mazel tov ; and spyked ave1 lobbes permit me to congratulate you an' to wish you long&happy tenure.
lobbes: Ftr, yours already sounds more interesting than mine! >>
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 17:10 mircea_popescu: there we go. mazel tov ; and spyked ave1 lobbes permit me to congratulate you an' to wish you long&happy tenure.
lobbes: Oops wrong log line
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 17:32 ckang: but my life story isnt interesting by any means, not as much as others here anyway
lobbes: Anyways, life story almost guaranteed to get more interesting sticking around these parts
douchebag: hello all
ascii_lander reporting live from the rack
ascii_lander bought a 2nd GB switch at the orcshop, installed
diana_coman: as far as I can tell the hardware including fgs seems to be as expected and working, hopefully all is fine
ascii_lander: diana_coman: yay
ascii_lander: btw the riddle of the power plugs, i solved
diana_coman: log is full of port scanning but that's kind of expected anyway
ascii_lander: ( answ was: BingoBoingo was a n00b when plugged'em in, did not know that it wants 50pounds of force , they all hung loose )
diana_coman: the classic solution of "use a bigger hammer"
ascii_lander: diana_coman: i dun think i ever had a box where the log were not eternally full of portscanola
trinque: straight to the fail2ban
ascii_lander: in other noose, i sorta tamed the dc cat
diana_coman surprisingly...did
ascii_lander: (photos later, promise)
ascii_lander: trinque: i used a little bag of animal 'candy' from local shop
ben_vulpes: there is a cat?!
ascii_lander: ben_vulpes: there is!
ascii_lander: little fella, lives in the tower parking lot
ascii_lander: << understand correctly, i dun give half a shit if he cleans the gurlz and eats'em. what i dun like is liars. why does the d00d have to pretend 'they are at my party'.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 16:32 mircea_popescu: << you'll have to explain to me the logic of this sometime. is there some expectation that all bipedals are human and made in the similitude of god or something ? animals are animals, whether superficially human or not, form does not trump structure. if they don't have the spark of humanity, which very much IS rsa key etc, then how's he remiss using them exactly as a chunk of wood, pi
mircea_popescu: ah, that.
mircea_popescu: i dunno. kids.
mircea_popescu: !!up LordMPofTMSR
deedbot: LordMPofTMSR voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: in expectation of alf eating through the log, im taking a laptop down to the pool, get best of both worlds : wet sluts and stuffs!
ascii_lander: funny place, this here, massive beach, 28c, and... 0 swimmers
ascii_lander: not today, not yesterday, not at all. nobody. swims.
ascii_lander brb, leaving dc, going to BingoBoingo's place
LordMPofTMSR: asciilifeform, about the same here, miles and miles of perfectly empty beach. not so much nudist bbeach as naturist, there's nobody fucking there except the fauna, and it dun care.
LordMPofTMSR: aaand the wireless reaches quite this far apparently. win.
douchebag: mircea_popescu: I have some girls who are possibly interested, are you around right now?
ckang: !!up LordMPofTMSR
deedbot: LordMPofTMSR voiced for 30 minutes.
ckang: ;p
LordMPofTMSR: lol im down here/
LordMPofTMSR: but sure.
douchebag: LordMPofTMSR: Can you verify your identity in any way?
LordMPofTMSR: well if you read up in the log you can see i upped myself first.
douchebag: Alright, you also said you're bringing the laptop down to the pool - so I guess that's good enough
LordMPofTMSR: can never be too careful with these things!
LordMPofTMSR: spyked, your filantropica review is terrible for failing to point out the ion susai - mihaita dragomirescu link, and general unawareness of the dramaz there.
LordMPofTMSR: i thought you were from the shithole anyway, never encountered the item ? town's legendaria, exactly sorta thing.
ascii_lander reporting live from a very spiffy rooftop lounge thing
ascii_lander: << the 'adult' form of rockchiptron ( what we installed presently, is a pilot plant ) will include, yes, a custom switch that properly isolates
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 17:13 mircea_popescu: and it'll be faster and cheaper to do that than to buy juniper, hang/fire/burn at the stake all ustards involved and have a fg-like line of products put out.
ascii_lander: and if i gotta make it from scratch, then i will
spyked: LordMPofTMSR, I had no idea. and looking for mihaita dragomirescu, all I found was news items a la and other cancans. if ye know for a fact this is not made-up scandal, then I believe, but otherwise... eh.
ascii_lander: ( idea being, picture a 2u chassis , from outside -- ordinary, inside -- double ps, proper switch, 32 rockchippen )
LordMPofTMSR: there factually was a creative busker hanging about piata romana, mid 90s. his self-stories are in fact lies, but the link is still there neh.
LordMPofTMSR: ascii_lander, something like that, for the rockchips. however, what i was talking about is a 1 or i guess 2u general purpose drop-in replacement switch.
spyked: thanks for the reference. will read up on it and find a way to add it to the review
LordMPofTMSR: anyway, laptop kbd is bs. bbs on actua machine.
ascii_lander: LordMPofTMSR: no reason why it cannot be used as general-purpose switchtron, once it exists
ascii_lander: << absolute last chance to request any work that requires ascii_lander's hands personally in the rack : next coupla hrs
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 17:26 diana_coman: <- ack; fp matches so that's good
ascii_lander: i blast off tomorrow at ~noon
ascii_lander: ( it is 17:22 here atm )
mircea_popescu: spyked, there was some dumb bitch whose name i forget "tryina make it in dis biznis" that fell for it and put him in studio for one of their inane talkshow as if genuine article. he certainly wasn't a "great director from braila" etc. however, he was in fact a) busking and b) coming up with lulzy shit, quite in the vein of "surisul fetei din tramvai". and the "you can't possibly know him" bit is asking for it -- i'd not have
mircea_popescu: said anything otherwise, but caranfil or no caranfil -- wantsome, getsome!
spyked was 'lil kid in the '90s anyway, didn't casually start exploring bucharest shithole until early 2000s. sure, heard stories of the usual ex-doctor/university professor bum/taxi driver and met a few weirdos, but otherwise neighbourhood consisted mostly of gypsies, while -- believe or not -- downtown filth was too varied to remember any specific face/case
mircea_popescu: (for the rotakus : the bit in question is "surisul fetei din tramvai m-a fermecat definitiv. am inc-o drama la activ, exact ca domnul ion susai." in romanian it's actually notbad poetry, to my exacting standards that somehow manage to exclude most of it. not actually translatable, sadly, in the sense that it's too dependent on language for its substance, if you translate it there's nothing left. but anyway..)
ascii_lander: ohlol neato
mircea_popescu: spyked, the advantage of a leisured life started somewhat later, i guess. i certainly had all the time in the world to hang out in bars with all the "inteligentsia" until i heard most of the stories.
spyked: the best story I have -- speaking of "interesting life stories" -- is that one of the "hired guards" ("paznic") at school, while a kid, was "first man accused of terrorism". bet guy did his field study on our (local) school before planting grenade at famous high school.
spyked: ohbutwait, this ain't about me. anyway.
ascii_lander: << if it wasn't clear : these are ~live~, and available immediately
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, it's not fucking clear because both you and ben_vulpes communicate weirdly. i was going to buy one! am i ?
ascii_lander: spyked: what was the story with grenade
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: they were racked yesterday and are up & running an' waiting for folx to live in'em
mircea_popescu: ok, so give douchebag his credentials ?
ascii_lander: is mircea_popescu buying the fella's subscription ?
mircea_popescu: yeah. that was the idea.
ascii_lander: ( contact ben_vulpes )
ascii_lander: ( see also article, there are 2 subscription variants )
spyked: ascii_lander, ; guy planted grenades in cismigiu park and at one of the highschools in town, I have no idea what he was going to do with them, whether there was any motive or whether the guy was sane. but he was recently bailed out.
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, you're ever the one that sold me on it in the firtst place! <<->> etc!
a111: Logged on 2018-04-03 18:23 mircea_popescu: douchebag i'll get you a sever once the pizarro folk unwrap their heads enough to actually have one on offer. so you can tinker on gentoo, trb etc and get out of the "vps" bs hell.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-03 18:25 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if all he needs is standard unix userland, no reason he couldn't arm.
spyked: but the (prolly not too important) fact that he was hired by private security firm to guard school never made the press. we just saw the news back then (was it 2001?) and luled.
ben_vulpes: i will point out that this rockchip will be a poor production trb host; but will be a fine trb experimentation platform for trinque's audit
douchebag: !!up brooklyn
deedbot: brooklyn voiced for 30 minutes.
deedbot: EE7CD6CC74BC755446E67A772F0265A9175DB8C4 registered as brooklyn.
brooklyn: tits
mircea_popescu: lol. brooklyn 5bc94d24. half hour.
mircea_popescu: brooklyn, take off all your clothes ; and that silly rainbow nonsense.
ascii_lander: ben_vulpes: absolutely unusable for trb, cannot (as presently configed) hold the bloxx
ascii_lander: unless you only want to build and smoketest etc
ascii_lander has maybe 20min of battery remaining
brooklyn: is this fine?
mircea_popescu: spyked, apparently you have no comments ? anyway, "the smiling girl i saw today bewitched my soul entirely ; another line goes in a diary that's read by me, and Mr. Sorrowly."
mircea_popescu: (and no, it's not good. it may shock in the sense of "omfg, i had no expectation anything can be done", but good it can't be, because romanian is a highly cultured language, and when you say "tramvai" ie "tramcar" you don't merely say that, but also include by reference "aiurea-n tramvai", which is a typically romanian construction, and susai-s not merely Sonchus arvensis but also all the references in all the "new realism" c
mircea_popescu: ommie novels as to the hardness of rural life, and so going forever, everything is a list of include-by-reference fifty items long.)
mircea_popescu: anyway ; translation is knowing when to take liberties. which is why it's exactly betrayal.
brooklyn: so can I re -do it?
mircea_popescu: brooklyn, yes.
mircea_popescu: !!up brooklyn
deedbot: brooklyn voiced for 30 minutes.
spyked: thetarpit comments are still wip. :( that functionality screams to be added, there are one or two things that I still need to figure out.
ben_vulpes: << updated with setup fee, consumable drive pricing
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, so then, invoice me for 75 * 4 + 50 an' send the boy his details ?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: will do
ben_vulpes: !~ticker --market all
mircea_popescu: incidentally ben_vulpes : the "The tangibles line looks healthier than it has any right to due to the deterioration of the USD/BTC price. " comment suggests a pretty fine price signal : when btc goes down, incentive to buy pizarro equity goes up. when it's eventually listed you can almost judge btc usd pair by its share price.
ben_vulpes: heh well the amount of usd involved is rather small, but i see the point
ben_vulpes: ah lost shinohai's bot because he wants to look at logs some more instead of providing a useful tool
ben_vulpes: i do not understand the behavior; he runs a perfectly fine bot for god only knows how long, gets threatened with defrocking, system loses all semblance of reliability in parallel with a few hissy fits
ben_vulpes: i would expect that if he valued his seat he'd make things work better, so i struggle to reconcile the demonstrated behavior with the implied desires of the complaints he voiced.
ben_vulpes: perhaps they fed him some Very Bad Drugs in the white building. how'd i know?
ben_vulpes: !!invoice mircea_popescu 0.04344809 1 rockchip @ pizarro, april 19 2018 -- april 19 2019
spyked: mircea_popescu, re poem, the enclosed rhyme and the meter dun make it any easier, but I fixated on them in my review. any further attempts at this might make my head explode, so I'll leave it to the ro-en professionals. ah, but perhaps I should add the poem title in there! ftr:
ben_vulpes: !!v F695C0C8522BAFCA448C6D4DE5882C91EE28E248FD337EAF25C34BDC539BB85D
deedbot: Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.04344809 << 1 rockchip @ pizarro, april 19 2018 -- april 19 2019
ben_vulpes: douchebag: pls to review, object if you're going to
douchebag: All good with me
douchebag: !!up Sandiiiiii
deedbot: Sandiiiiii voiced for 30 minutes.
Sandiiiiii: titties
douchebag: last bitch flaked because I was too mean
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, how long is it going to stay small.
mircea_popescu: !!received-invoices
trinque: ben_vulpes: hey even the antibiotics can be Very Bad Drugs; maybe he isn't pooping so well lately
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: left me crystal ball on the ghostly pirate ship
ben_vulpes: trinque: "you're so full of shit your eyes are brown!"
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, ok, but by its nature, it's one of the few republican concerns that naturally accumulates large piles of pricy and valuable capital goods.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: oh oh
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i thought you were talking about the "good neighbor policy"
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: it expands somewhat this month!
mircea_popescu: no, you said "oh, but pizarro book is small" in the sense of, "how much trading can it take". well...
Sandiiiiii: where do I get this code?
ben_vulpes: sorry, i don't follow
mircea_popescu: Sandiiiiii, 182a6c81. you got half hour.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 21:16 mircea_popescu: incidentally ben_vulpes : the "The tangibles line looks healthier than it has any right to due to the deterioration of the USD/BTC price. " comment suggests a pretty fine price signal : when btc goes down, incentive to buy pizarro equity goes up. when it's eventually listed you can almost judge btc usd pair by its share price.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 21:19 ben_vulpes: heh well the amount of usd involved is rather small, but i see the point
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 21:46 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, how long is it going to stay small.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 21:49 ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i thought you were talking about the "good neighbor policy"
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 21:51 mircea_popescu: no, you said "oh, but pizarro book is small" in the sense of, "how much trading can it take". well...
mircea_popescu: trinque, here's a thing : i have a list of invoices, and they're all "invoice #" 1. this is silly, could the # actually count them ?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: they're unique per invoicer
mircea_popescu: re the whole "policy" w/e, it's not somthing i'd have ever done myself, but you get to run your own ship, so.
mircea_popescu: !!pay-invoice ben_vulpes 1
ben_vulpes: yeah i may take it down, it's a bit silly.
mircea_popescu: how's polyamory Framedragger ?
trinque: mircea_popescu: the count is between you and ben_vulpes, so you could call it ben_vulpes-1
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i fat fingered that invoice, billed for 4 months instead of 12.
mircea_popescu: trinque, it's not practical to just have a count ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, no, that's what i asked for, a quarter.
ben_vulpes: quarter is 3 months, you bought 4
ben_vulpes: and i labeled it twelve!
trinque: mircea_popescu: that reveals your inbound invoice count to ben_vulpes
trinque: or otherwise you have two separate numbers to identify the invoice
mircea_popescu: trinque, ha, i see your point. ok, ima just make an index out of first two fields.
mircea_popescu: no changes on your end required.
ben_vulpes: anyways, have the fourth month at the quarterly rate or i'll refund a month. your option.
trinque: alrighty
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, so i guess i get 4 months at 75 each, what can i tell you.
mircea_popescu: !!pay brooklyn 0.02
ben_vulpes: ey trinque under what conditions will deedbot refuse a reg'd key wallet functions?
ben_vulpes: theoretical exercise, no fuzzing at work
ben_vulpes: do ratings factor at all?
mircea_popescu: going through my list here... sooo asciilifeform i don't see a phuctor up ? we get what, two boxes hosted ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, also, i take it from diana_coman smg box is all up, how did that go payment wise ?
trinque: ben_vulpes: no such rules exist today; you've got the key, you can move the money
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 22:11 ben_vulpes: ey trinque under what conditions will deedbot refuse a reg'd key wallet functions?
a111: Logged on 2018-02-17 19:01 asciilifeform: what will trinque do ?
trinque: aha, don't have any interest in the thing being a box that can snap shut on people. why'd they use it if so?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: hadn't yet, last discussion was re an entirely different box, but we settled on a 1.2x purchase price per annum (with guaranteed spare), or a tidy .48
ben_vulpes: trinque: ty
douchebag: !!up Sandiiiiii
deedbot: Sandiiiiii voiced for 30 minutes.
ben_vulpes: !!invoice adlai .03413779 RK @ P april 19 2018 - july 19 2018
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: if you're amenable i'll invoice
ben_vulpes: lol titception
trinque: ahahah check out brian mccuckles
diana_coman: !!pay-invoice lobbes 1
ben_vulpes: !!v 1C94FD901D6C3A87EC76B84A4EBFCA4E59C3DF12CD6F4B538F3E8265815E5BE8
deedbot: Invoiced adlai .03413779 << RK @ P april 19 2018 - july 19 2018
trinque: !!up ascii_lander
deedbot: ascii_lander voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, iirc was yeah, you get 20% margin, but the original figure didn't iirc include fgs.
ascii_lander: << box flew 'unarmed' (naked gentoo), will enphuctorate it when i get back to cockpit
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 22:13 mircea_popescu: going through my list here... sooo asciilifeform i don't see a phuctor up ? we get what, two boxes hosted ?
mircea_popescu: a cool. but we're paying them for hosting 2 items for us yes ?
diana_coman: ascii_lander, as far as I can see there is no support for iptables ? do I need to recompile the kernel?
ascii_lander: diana_coman: you may have to; it takes about 7min on this box to compile
ascii_lander: use the config from zcat /proc/config.gz
ascii_lander: and change as needed
mircea_popescu: << bwaahaha. there you go ascii_lander .
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 22:20 Sandiiiiii:
ascii_lander: make sure to mount /boot prior to using genkernel, if you use genkernel
ascii_lander: ( genkernel --menuconfig all and then load the above conf as starting point , say )
diana_coman: I'm sort of noob+ with gentoo, not more, so it will likely take *me* more than that, lol; but still need to figure it out anyway
mircea_popescu: !!pay Sandiiiiii 0.02
ascii_lander: diana_coman: lemme know if you need a hand , though i will have spotty connectivity for the next 2day
mircea_popescu: Sandiiiiii, sooo... what do you do, college ?
Sandiiiiii: im not smart enough for that
trinque: douchebag: so this girl has parallels open?
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: we under snsa banner, hosting 1 box plus its spare
ascii_lander: ( the spare lives in the rack solely because it is the convenient place to store it, currently, it does not consume current or use the net )
mircea_popescu: douchebag, is it actually ~you~ talking on irc under their silly names ?
trinque: it totally is.
ascii_lander: when/if rack fills up, spares will get either moved or converted to living boxen
ascii_lander: trinque: i suspected from beginning, recall, lol
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, so then i don't get it, am i paying for 1 slot ?
ascii_lander: ditto smg
trinque: that's also a visual studio icon at the bottom.
ascii_lander: ( smg's spare also is living inside the rack, but unpowered )
trinque: douchebag: first off, your choice of IDE is unimpressive.
ascii_lander: trinque: lol, vs for crapple!
douchebag: I don't use that I just tell them the link to send
trinque: so how'd she send a screenshot of your desktop
mircea_popescu: douchebag, why not just tell them to use either webirc or kiwi ?
douchebag: I sent them the wrong link
mircea_popescu: not like it dun work on brower/mobile etc.
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: lol, if he sends them a working chat link, they might find out about the bitcents
ascii_lander: whereas nao they're likely doing the job for the 10bux or whatever he offered'em
mircea_popescu: you think he cares THAT deeply ?
ascii_lander: presumably d00d cares re the 77 ( or how many nao ) * 0.02
mircea_popescu: yeah, because it's totally so likely esl females are autonomous enough they'd do something about it.
mircea_popescu: if you find one in 77 that does, you're ahead of the game because now you know someone worth dating.
ascii_lander: do what. they might start showing up properly, neh, and collect coin instead of him
ben_vulpes: i don't know why he's not asking for the tits under his own name
ben_vulpes: this is not allowed?
ascii_lander: my understanding is, d00d bamboozled mircea_popescu , but mircea_popescu is such good sport that he dun care
ben_vulpes: i personally admire the dedication to cranking the crank whore crank
trinque: eh I'm not even saying that; tits are tits, I'm just mocking douchebag's elaborate process
ckang: !!up candyas
deedbot: candyas voiced for 30 minutes.
ben_vulpes: in the way that i admire woodcutter ants dedication to the snipsnip
candyas: hi mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: ckang, is that you ?
ckang: who
mircea_popescu: ckang, candyas.
ckang: i brought her in not me tho
mircea_popescu: so candyas is this chick connecting to irc on her phone via your irccloud thing, rather than you yourself bridging over whatever nonsense skype into your own irccloud ?
ckang: nah i make them irccloud and gpg and send a link that takes them in
mircea_popescu: (because that's the other end of this, you folk live sheltered lives, have nfi how braidead the zombies are. THEY.WILL.NOT.USE.ANYTHING.BUT.X. where the x is whatever it is, skype.)
mircea_popescu: candyas, you here to show us your tits ?
ckang: because it lets lets them upload photos easily too
candyas: Yes
mircea_popescu: candyas, 80b874ec. you got half hour.
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, it can't be $10, either, since one of them is asking for remittance to another one of $30.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: 0.513333336 with fuckgoats
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, can i have a calculation rather than a figure ?
ckang: mircea_popescu: unsure about anythign else but i have a POST request i send to irccloud to make a new account
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: 0.51333334 i mean, and yes.
mircea_popescu: ckang, i don't follow ?
ckang: then i can link them with credentials in url
ckang: so its just clicking a link and it joins basically
mircea_popescu: ah ah. so you're not actually running around like a singapore coolie, trying to come up with strings imaginary girls "said" and so on.
Sandiiiiii: whats going on
mircea_popescu: Sandiiiiii, we're just lulzing at your pic. is that your desktop ?
douchebag: thats my desktop
ckang hasn't read the log so is a bit confused
ascii_lander bbl, walking to food
mircea_popescu: douchebag, so why is she posting your desktop ?
diana_coman: ascii_lander, will do; ftr I used make config/menuconfig etc on the few occasions I compiled gentoo kernels before so genkernel would be new anyway; will look at it all tomorrow morning with fresh eyes
douchebag: I sent her the wrong link to post
mircea_popescu: lol. so basically your process is she sends you the pic in chat and you upload it and send her the link ?
douchebag: she texts me the pic via text, and I send her the link the upload in chat
ben_vulpes: can't in2 imgur themselves even?
ben_vulpes: holy hell my dood
mircea_popescu: basically the evolutionary programming at work here is like so : his cost per unit of computer interaction is like 1/100 theirs. thus all tasks that can be outsourced from them to him WILL be
ckang: i think they force you to DL the app now
mircea_popescu: because otherwise they'd have to be paid trillions bezzlebucks to get off fat ass.
ckang: but you can request the desktop site
ckang: it behaves odd but sorta works
mircea_popescu: what's a desktop site ?
ckang: you know on mobile browsers
ckang: it request the mobile version by default
ben_vulpes: he's unsullied ckang
ben_vulpes: don't cut samson's hair!
mircea_popescu: heh. trilema doesn't EVEN HAVE a mobile version. because the "desktop" version looks perfect on mobile as it is.
ckang: but chrome has a 'desktop site' option which request the regular version
douchebag: !!up Sandiiiiii
deedbot: Sandiiiiii voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, ok, but whence the .4 ? also, 45/18 = 2.5.
douchebag: that's the link I was supposed to send her
mircea_popescu: Sandiiiiii, << you can only get it once.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 22:26 mircea_popescu: !!pay Sandiiiiii 0.02
mircea_popescu: or is this douchebag 's delicate way of asking me not to post his desktop lol.
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-03 19:33 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes cash or bonds, though for the latter no actual discount was discussed in teh nsa boardroom. but i guess i'll go with .4 off the cuff and hope nobody throws gavels at me.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: and 'twas 36 fg iirc
ben_vulpes: i'll rerun at the cash prices for both
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, yes, and there's 18 pairs in 36.
Sandiiiiii: !!balance
Sandiiiiii: !!key Sandiiiiii
deedbot: Not registered.
deedbot: 1DA4C7BDA1BC11211970D175D061AEC1EEBAE00C registered as Sandiiiiii.
douchebag: mircea_popescu: She wasn't registered when you did !!pay Sandiiiiii
mircea_popescu: !!pay candyas 0.02
mircea_popescu: douchebag, haven't confirmed the batch yet so should be ok anyway.
Sandiiiiii: !!balance
mircea_popescu: isn't it incredible how many chicks sport noserings btw ?
douchebag: yeah ikr
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, but i am getting TWO fgs yes ? and, same q, whence 3751 ?
mircea_popescu: oh, wait, you bought this from nsa didn't you ?
ben_vulpes: ding ding ding
ckang: god a nose ring would drive me nus
ckang: nuts*
mircea_popescu: yeah sorry. sometimes the percolator gets clogged. ok so the deal here is, 0.4752 buys me the box and its hosting till april 18th 2018 ?
mircea_popescu: ckang, i like ziptieing them to walls etc.
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-18 22:46 ben_vulpes:
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-03 19:33 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes cash or bonds, though for the latter no actual discount was discussed in teh nsa boardroom. but i guess i'll go with .4 off the cuff and hope nobody throws gavels at me.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: ever rip one out doing that?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: april 18 2019, with spare.
ben_vulpes: "hey, i guess you just bought negative one days!"
ckang: mircea_popescu: i just imagine sneezing
ckang: and ripping it out lol
mircea_popescu: nope. much liek the original nose ring patient (bulls), the girls with them are docile.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, aite, invoice plox.
mircea_popescu: pizarro is actually making some decent sales this month huh. will show green for once, if nominally.
ben_vulpes: VERY NOMINALLY
ckang: girls with gauges and piercings have never done me wrong
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, also invoice for snsa's colo, but plox do a special job for me : remainder of q2.
ben_vulpes: separate bills for separate corps or allinone
mircea_popescu: separate plox.
ben_vulpes: comin up
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, i know of virtually no start-ups that show green within first few quarters, howsoever nominally.
ckang: !!up sandi3
deedbot: sandi3 voiced for 30 minutes.
ben_vulpes: this is true enough
sandi3: Hey, here for picture
mircea_popescu: sandi3, 14754d23. half hour.
ben_vulpes: anyone else with outstanding pizarro biz, please to queue it up asap, i too will pumpkin shortly
ben_vulpes: !!invoice mircea_popescu .4752 1U april 18 2018 through april 18 2019
mircea_popescu: put a (s.x box) in there for future disentanglements.
mircea_popescu: (i don't mean redo this one. just, in general.)
ben_vulpes: yup yup
ben_vulpes: eh, a thing worth doing's worth doing correctly, i've not verified it yet
ben_vulpes: !!invoice mircea_popescu .4752 1U server for april 18 2018 through april 18 2019
ben_vulpes: !!v 734D2DF6E0F20C78099BE072879E91C8EEA599B21A098C4C0E44762E6443CA81
deedbot: Invoiced mircea_popescu .4752 << 1U server for april 18 2018 through april 18 2019
ckang: all this server talk has me wanting to build lol
ckang: i really dont need anything else, not at the house anyways
ckang: i built a storage server a while back, a 4u and 2u supermicro
ckang: 36 bays, should be good for a while
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, also, not to meddle, but you might consider saving on wu extortion by having BingoBoingo take trip to bsas, sell a coin or two, come back.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: been a backburner thought for a bit now; what's the ferry cost again?
mircea_popescu: eh, fiddy bux or something in that vein.
mircea_popescu: lemme fish it out.
ben_vulpes: 2 second fishing trip lol
mircea_popescu: hey, sometime google hits.
mircea_popescu: !!pay sandi3 0.02
mircea_popescu: sooo... what do you do for a living sandi3 ?
sandi3: Work at a bookstore
sandi3: Large chain one
mircea_popescu: i coulda swore. is it exciting, putting your tits out there ?
sandi3: But I don't read many books, before you ask πŸ˜€
mircea_popescu: lol. i bet you don't.
sandi3: I do have a bit of an adrenaline rush almost
mircea_popescu: is it your first time publicly exposed ?
sandi3: My heart is beating faster
sandi3: Infront of an audience, yes
mircea_popescu: sandi3, << there. you won't be able to read the text, but they say a reel's worth 1k words lol.
sandi3: LOL
sandi3: I can't read this
sandi3: What language is it in?
mircea_popescu: romanian.
sandi3: Oh, only thing I know about Romania is Gypsies, sorry if offends
mircea_popescu: the two are rather unrelated, but hey.
sandi3: I'm just not sure if thats a good or bad thing in the country
douchebag: !!up Cassidy_
deedbot: Cassidy_ voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: sandi3, what that and which country ? gypsies don't have a country.
sandi3: Oh, I thought Gypsies are roma
Cassidy_: im here fot tits
mircea_popescu: Cassidy_, 439073e1. half hour.
sandi3: Or a had some roots there at some point
mircea_popescu: sandi3, the two are entirely unrelated. ohio calls itself after some indians that used to live there.
mircea_popescu: a buncha brits got some gypsies together some time in the 60s and got them to declare "they are now called roma"
sandi3: AH, sorry, I've been wrong on this for a while then
mircea_popescu: i also got a bunch of brits together and got them to declare it's no longer the uk, it's "muslims rapeshack fuckface factory"
mircea_popescu: inexplicably, nobody goes around asking the idiots living onmthat island anything about their being MRFF.
sandi3: Sorry if I offended you
mircea_popescu: dun worry about it. i'm not an offendable sort.
sandi3: 😎
mircea_popescu: i'm just very expressive, which people tend to misinterpret as having been offended whenever "touch" subjects are involved.
sandi3: What goes on in here? Besides boobs
ben_vulpes: !!invoice mircea_popescu 0.04221665 s.nsa rackspace march 18 2018 - june 30 2018
mircea_popescu: sandi3, do you see the topic ?
ben_vulpes: !!v 293D3D4C538FBB855768677F272C3EFA1403C85A2DD629A7A7171AF0DD565869
deedbot: Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.04221665 << s.nsa rackspace march 18 2018 - june 30 2018
sandi3: Yeah but, elevator pitch, do you have a quickie?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, everything with you is 4cents!
deedbot: 9495BCC17499138FEEF725989A4E8742CB0A1195 registered as Cassidy_.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i'm barely worth doubledatits
mircea_popescu: sandi3, no, really, "You have reached the public forum of The Most Serene Republic, a terrorist organisation dedicated to the creation of a safe space for the elites to productively defect to, leaving the pantsuit stranded behind."
sandi3: OMG lol, I am going to be on some list now
mircea_popescu: sandi3, sure. topless entertainer of enemies of the state.
mircea_popescu: !!pay Cassidy_ 0.02
mircea_popescu: !!pay-invoice ben_vulpes 2
mircea_popescu: !!pay-invoice ben_vulpes 3
mircea_popescu: sandi3, anyway, you can read the logs, like
mircea_popescu: !!up sandi3
deedbot: sandi3 voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !!rate sandi3 undiscovered exhibitionist librarian.
mircea_popescu: !!rate sandi3 1 undiscovered exhibitionist librarian.
sandi3: Oh wow lots of text πŸ˜†
mircea_popescu: yes. you no longer need to read books, now.
sandi3: Probably more interesting anyways, at least its current
mircea_popescu: much more interesting.
mircea_popescu: !up brooklyn
mircea_popescu: !!up pheeby
deedbot: pheeby voiced for 30 minutes.
pheeby: tits for bits :)
mircea_popescu: lel. 45847c65.
douchebag: !!up trinque
deedbot: trinque voiced for 30 minutes.
douchebag: !!up twointhepink
deedbot: twointhepink voiced for 30 minutes.
douchebag: my bad
twointhepink: im here to show tits
deedbot: 2C0B3E389399B187B68758D19297713EA5C6C6C7 registered as twointhepink.
douchebag: !!up BlingQueen
deedbot: BlingQueen voiced for 30 minutes.
deedbot: 153D1A13AA91DB4AC7426578A70F80E6A659D276 registered as BlingQueen.
BlingQueen: tits 4 bits cx
douchebag: You have to wait for mircea_popescu to get back
ben_vulpes: douchebag: just make up your own numbers
douchebag: ill take the first four 8 digits of their PGP key
douchebag: mircea_popescu:
douchebag: is that fine?
douchebag: alright give me nums then
ben_vulpes: ahahaha you thought i was serious?!
mircea_popescu: twointhepink, 552252d9.
mircea_popescu: BlingQueen, df80889a
ben_vulpes: great self evidentiary
mircea_popescu: !!pay pheeby 0.02
mircea_popescu: !!up pheeby
deedbot: pheeby voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !!up missmoon
deedbot: missmoon voiced for 30 minutes.
missmoon: Here for tots
trinque: potato republic is down the hall
ben_vulpes: trinque: the pizarro website is entirely pretty howdareye
mircea_popescu: missmoon, 5150342d
mircea_popescu: !!pay twointhepink oneinthesink
mircea_popescu: o oops i mean
mircea_popescu: !!pay twointhepink 0.02
ben_vulpes: thewholekitchensinkinthepink
mircea_popescu: twointhepink, do you know who mireille mathieu was ?
twointhepink: no I do not
ben_vulpes: > All in all, the Mathieu household saw no more than 1,000 francs a month, and 190 francs had to be subtracted for the monthly rent
ben_vulpes: s/1,000/1,800
ben_vulpes: oh for rent of 1/10 pretax income
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, this ustard style of paying > 5-10% for real estate scam is unknown in history.
mircea_popescu: rent = 10% of income was huge, on account of "crazy paris expenses"
ben_vulpes: i am familiar with this, also the 'tax of peasants was hilariously low as far as usgstani inmate is concerned'
ben_vulpes: !!up ascii_lander
deedbot: ascii_lander voiced for 30 minutes.
ben_vulpes: ohey pizarro log cracked 1024 lines today
mircea_popescu: but on the other hand, peasant ACTUALLY HAD TO MAKE the dough in question. wasn't just passive recipient of imaginary govt printouts.
mircea_popescu: usg inmate, produces 0, eats epsilon, is taxed 0. french landslave produced epsilon, was taxed 10% epsilon, ate .9 epsilon.
mircea_popescu: in fact, the whole tits for bits thing is 100% equivalent to entirety of usg economy. "show up for work".
mircea_popescu: !!up BlingQueen
deedbot: BlingQueen voiced for 30 minutes.
ben_vulpes has only ever sought the right men to hump sacks of shit thither and yon for
ben_vulpes pounds table, toasts lords, humps moar shit
ckang: helping missmoon upload pic, something causes timeouts uploading, maybe QoS
mircea_popescu: !!up Lelllaa
deedbot: Lelllaa voiced for 30 minutes.
Lelllaa: tits!
mircea_popescu: Lelllaa, 77b3fe58. you got half hour.
mircea_popescu wonders how danielpbarron 's pministry is going.
deedbot: B1203DA4E0F55D1E0EE26B20E3A6AD3EA186FF4F registered as Lelllaa.
ben_vulpes: and a grade-a adlai thread in #pizarro
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-18 23:14 adlai: for the record: deedbot ate segwit dust.
ckang: !!up missmoon
deedbot: missmoon voiced for 30 minutes.
ben_vulpes: nice kerning missmoon
missmoon: What's that?
mircea_popescu: the adjustment of letterface
mircea_popescu: !!pay missmoon 0.02
mircea_popescu: missmoon, what do you do for a living btw ?
ben_vulpes: specifically the spacing
missmoon: Oh, that's just normal writing for me 😍
ben_vulpes: you'd be surprised at what comes through
ben_vulpes: just separating the string into two equal-length sets puts you tits and shoulders above the crowd
mircea_popescu: aaand in due time trilema produced titwrit coneisseurs, discerning and not easily satisfied.
missmoon: Ive always wished I could write pretty
mircea_popescu: as the guy said, aspects of civilisation require leisure.
mircea_popescu: do they even have caligraphy classes still ?
ben_vulpes: i enjoyed mine
missmoon: Cursive is one thing they forced into us as kids, never use it though
ben_vulpes: shit damn if i weren't running a radon test right now the whole neighborhood would be listening to mathieu
ben_vulpes: missmoon: how do you even write at speed without cursive?
mircea_popescu: by not writing at speed
missmoon: I type :)
ben_vulpes: quelle de luxe
mircea_popescu: missmoon, here's something that might interest you :
mircea_popescu: item even sold at auction!
missmoon: I can read it find but most things I write are documents which require printed writing
ckang: !!up debbydoesbits
deedbot: debbydoesbits voiced for 30 minutes.
debbydoesbits: Here for picture
ckang: just wait for mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: << da fuck, you're selling space to ~actually negrated people~ now ?!
a111: Logged on 2018-04-19 01:08 ben_vulpes: and a grade-a adlai thread in #pizarro
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-18 23:14 adlai: for the record: deedbot ate segwit dust.
mircea_popescu: debbydoesbits, cbe753f0. half hour.
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: iirc d00d was defrocked for being a bore, rather than for chicanery
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, you'll have to have some words in that board of yours ; on one hand this is outright offensive, and im quite considering unrating you for it ; on the other hand ascii_lander can't be hurring about what people ~might~ do while you folk are out there dealing with the declared enemy.
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, a negrate is a negrate.
mircea_popescu: if you're not going to enforce it we might just as well go home.
ascii_lander: i did say before, 'really oughta trade in wot'
ascii_lander: which imho mircea_popescu is right to say only includes folx with reasonably + , from our pov, rating
ascii_lander: we're not really equipped to digest arbitrary amounts of bozoitude from bozo subscribers
mircea_popescu: well i mean, you don't have a standard that's comprehensible from the oustide, as it stands now.
ascii_lander: this is tru!!
ascii_lander: ben_vulpes, mod6 ^
mircea_popescu: but in any possible read of this whole thing, it's ONE thing to say, "oh, you're new, here, register a key and i'll rate you 1 and now you're in the wot and all's well" amnd it's ANOTHER thing to say "well, someone negrated you but i think he's a moron anyway"
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: i gotta ask, why didja agree to sell the d00d his FGs then
ascii_lander: if mircea_popescu has a firm 'no trading with negged bozos' concept
douchebag: !!up Lelllaa
deedbot: Lelllaa voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, it's not a firm "no trading with bozos" ; seems to me you appreciate the distinction between selling an item and selling hosting in other contexts. people that are willing to take your cash payment upfront for a piece of hard candy might nevertheless not agree to rent you their garage.
mircea_popescu: this is self-evident neh ?
ascii_lander: oh yea
ascii_lander: i haven't anyffing to disagree with then
ascii_lander: ben_vulpes i must agree with mircea_popescu ; recommend to refund the d00d's fee
ascii_lander: let him disguise himself as a +1 camgurl, to buy.
ascii_lander: !!reputation adlai
mircea_popescu: then wait three weeks, "discover" he pretended and negrate, and so on.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 19:08 ascii_lander: << understand correctly, i dun give half a shit if he cleans the gurlz and eats'em. what i dun like is liars. why does the d00d have to pretend 'they are at my party'.
mod6: yeah, i had no clue adlai was negrated.
mircea_popescu: endless potential for lulz at idiots' expense with this wot thing. which is what it's for.
mod6: next!
BingoBoingo: ascii_lander: I think the leftover pizza is still at your place
mod6: There are 5 rockports still available (correct)? Laides and Lords of TMSR~: Reserve yours while they're still available!
mircea_popescu: !!pay debbydoesbits 0.02
mod6: Need to be in good WoT standing ofc.
ascii_lander: mod6: correct, 5
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, moving on to more interesting things, do we have any plans to put anything on the nsa spare ? or is it literally just to sit there unpowered indefinitely ?
ascii_lander: BingoBoingo: wanna come for it ?
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: point of a spare is to fall over into if main box fails (my box has 1 ps, for instance)
mircea_popescu: but then we keep it powered up ?
ascii_lander: we do not currently have disks for either spare to be converted into a live machine
ascii_lander: no it is not powered
BingoBoingo: ascii_lander: I'm good. You are the one about to return to the PetroCheese State
mircea_popescu: ah i see.
ascii_lander: neither is the smg spare
ascii_lander: they are simply stowed in the rack because the latter is nowhere near full, and is the most secure location to store'em in presently
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, the way i'm seeing it is, we can't really deny item to the pizarro folk, if indeed they sell out all the rest of their space and we're not using our box we'll kinda have to sell it to them. IF.
ascii_lander: right, i dun disagree
mircea_popescu: so i guess the good news is that there's an optionable machine if things get tight. esp we'll get a better idea later on how stable phuctor is etc.
mod6: Well, we want you to have a spare. This helps S.NSA. However, ya, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.
mircea_popescu: mod6, yeah. slack in the gears is good for all the gears.
mod6: Yes, Sir.
ascii_lander: we bought the smg spare as a guarantee that smg gets 24/365 service
ckang: if a person falls below 0, how are their links in the WoT effected ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, i must say your capacity has increased beautifully, you're one trip away from actually having enough gear to be able to cover costs, if it hasn'rt happened already, huh.
mircea_popescu: time to hire someone to troll the forums ?
mircea_popescu: ckang, depends "below zero from whom". it's a graph, you understand ?
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: if rockchip demand picks up, next load will be 100kg of rockchip
mircea_popescu: eg, if deedbot sees you < 1, you can't !!up anymore.
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, mod6 ben_vulpes the above q is serious, btw. have someone represent you on digitalpoint / whatever hosting forums ? or you deem it premature ?
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: i have a ~automated process for bringing those up
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: possibly want to tap out the waiting i-want-a-box-itude of L1
mircea_popescu: because either of these new fellows with ~proven~ godly patience dealing with whores could make a great asset for you.
ben_vulpes: well working in reverse, BingoBoingo is already on payroll and i intend to put him to work in teh forums
ascii_lander: i suspect that heathens will find our offering a bit on expensive side atm
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, also works.
mod6: mircea_popescu: From my perspective, things are starting to just come together, and agreed, nicely. Not premature, probably can discuss this over the weekend and see about starting in on such a thing next week.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, of course, it'll help if you have... a website :D
mod6: ben_vulpes, ascii_lander, thoughts?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: praytell what do we have now
mircea_popescu: but i guess hacking up some of the trip pics into a theme for pizarro mp-wp can be your pet project
ckang: !!up lilmzthang
deedbot: lilmzthang voiced for 30 minutes.
lilmzthang: πŸ˜›
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> but i guess hacking up some of the trip pics into a theme for pizarro mp-wp can be your pet project << ascii_lander has been gathering quite the collection
ascii_lander: i got some quite 'collectable' pics of various things being assembled
mircea_popescu: mod6, yeah, for the first time it's getting to the point where sales rather than gear are the bottleneck.
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, BingoBoingo cool deal!
mod6: I agree, we should get things into a bit of a landing page with availble products offered and some contact info, etc. The blog is great for announcements, statements, other effects tho.
ascii_lander: i'ma do a 'best of' and give for pizarroblog
lilmzthang: Came for picture
ascii_lander: ( and post a few myself )
mircea_popescu: mod6, i don't even think it can't be the blog. just you know, have buncha pics directly visible.
mircea_popescu: blog supports a landing page model anyway.
mircea_popescu: lilmzthang, 3af8cdbb.
mod6: Oh, yeah the pics. Am looking forward to some of these.
mod6: Speaking of which... did we resolve the camera issue?
ascii_lander: mod6: ?
BingoBoingo: Just keep the pics of the locals and their Mate Crackpipes off the site
mircea_popescu: i'm not saying, you know, "dump the thing you have", jesus christ. i am saying, use it. build on it. blog landing pages, why the hell not.
ben_vulpes: stepping further upstack, i of course will defer to the senior statesmen mircea_popescu and ascii_lander should they demand i return adlai's coin, but i am direly loath to forego revenue, and do not much care from whom they come lest like douchebag they exhibit utter ignorance of and disregard for the variety speak
mod6: BingoBoingo was in need of a camera so he could take better pics, etc.
ascii_lander: mod6: nah i used an ~ok camera in pnoje , in the end
BingoBoingo: mod6: There are still the same cameras here.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, your choice is between how much revenue you wanna forego.
ascii_lander: ben_vulpes: think re what mircea_popescu said, whole point of wot is to not do this
ben_vulpes: i of course defer.
ascii_lander: very modest amt of ecstacy, for a potentially unlimited pile of landry
ascii_lander: *laundry
mod6: I ruled already: <+mod6> DISQUALIFIED
douchebag: Alright mircea_popescu, I'm done with these girls for tonight
douchebag: not sure about ckang
mircea_popescu: in unrelated news : i can't recommend the dsc-rx100 quite warmly enough. it's a splendid sony compact with zeiss lenses that's easily the best camera i ever saw.
mircea_popescu: and they're neither heavy nor expensive. it's the first time i see a digicam that actually sees better than i do.
ascii_lander: lol that's the thing ascii_lander left at home
mircea_popescu: isn't it wonderful ?
ascii_lander: (it... weighed toomuch!11)
mircea_popescu: douchebag, cool.
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, i actually routinely use it to zoom in distant writing. nifty as fuck.
ascii_lander had cut erry possible gram from the crates, to maximize useful payload
ascii_lander has ~95% fill of max weight, for both trunks ~and~ 'carry on
ckang: mircea_popescu: oh sorry, but say a person gets added to the WoT, then they trust 3 people
ckang: if that person is 'downvoted' or untrusted by whoever trusted them initially
ckang: what happens to the 3 people
douchebag: mircea_popescu: In terms of my girls, the only one who needs to be proccessed is twointhepink
BingoBoingo: They have to have done something to get own ratings or they become islands
ckang: ohhh thats what i was wondering ;)
mod6: what a great name 'twointhepink'
douchebag: So if you wouldn't mind verifying her OTP
douchebag: I just want to get her all set before I get going to bed
BingoBoingo: << Nominally the main switch is capable of these things. I practice enabling these requires delicately ordered incantations I am hesistant to have executed on the production switch. It would require a second and someone with the hands to build a play network with with to test thoroughly before transplanting the config.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:50 ckang: managed 1gbit switches with layer 3 arent too badly priced
mod6: BingoBoingo: Yeah, indeed we'll want to set it up in a test network and ensure that it's 100% correct, then plan an outage. Whether we have alf build a thing, or we buy one or whatever. You're on the right track.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu, mod6, ascii_lander: lest it rest unclear, the key in question'll not be leased hardware on my watch.
ben_vulpes regrets the passive voice instantly
ckang: curious to see if yall try that VyOS
ckang: ive seen some neat stuff done with it
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: how's shutter lag and low-light performance on the RX100?
ben_vulpes: former is the greatest grit in my gears with nonslrs
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 03:51 ben_vulpes: jurov: mod6
jhvh1: mod6: The operation succeeded.
mod6: (In case you didn't already see ^)
BingoBoingo: mod6: If you want to pick up one to hack a test network together, my hands are rapidly filling and a physical backup for the thing is not a particularly high priority
ckang: i actually got a few i350's here to install tomorrow
mod6: BingoBoingo: We'll have to discuss. I could pick something up maybe... not sure about the config/testing myself. But next problem is, how to get it there.
BingoBoingo: mod6: It doesn't need to be here. Config can be loaded from here if we have a good one
mod6: Oh, I see.
ben_vulpes: holy crap lilmzthang those letters are downright legible
mod6: yeah, that's nice
lilmzthang: I used the auto adjust and they popped
lilmzthang: Ooo, just noticed my arm tat looks brand new too
ben_vulpes: imagine, if you lived online you could photoshop yourself into youth well into your thirties
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> imagine, if you lived online you could photoshop yourself into youth well into your thirties << As alf can attest there are specimines here who manage something similar to that by avoiding the mate crack pipe
ascii_lander: verily
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: i doubt the causative link you pustulate
lilmzthang: Oh I can't do all that, but I can move the sliders around and press auto adjust 😁
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Alf has seen the parkinsonian gait and supports the crack pipe hypothesis having had time to see the evidence
BingoBoingo: The young suck the crackpipes and turn into lead solder mote zombies
BingoBoingo: *mate zombies
ben_vulpes: not'te mate then
ben_vulpes: 'tis a fine caffeine vehicle on its own; heavy metal poisoning its own thing.
BingoBoingo: Actual sterling silver brazed bombilla pipes would likely be fine, if they could be found
ben_vulpes: or stainless, excuse me i have to go unstick my eyes from all the rolling back in my head i can't keep them from
BingoBoingo: Also the number of Mums cases in the cowork is now at 10
BingoBoingo: It's an acidic and astringent prison tea. Stainless is only stainless for so long.
mircea_popescu: ckang, as far as the people outside are concerned, they're no longer trusted.
ckang: so they need to make links with others
ckang: to stay in
mircea_popescu: pretty much yeah
mircea_popescu: douchebag, aite, a moment
BingoBoingo: ckang: Ideally they make the effort to do that before they get stranded
mircea_popescu: !!up sandi3
deedbot: sandi3 voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: you can self voice btw, say !!up to deedbot in pm
BingoBoingo: !!up trinax
deedbot: trinax voiced for 30 minutes.
trinax: 😊
BingoBoingo: trinax: Who is your daddy and what does he do?
trinax: I don't know but if you find him tell him I said hi
BingoBoingo: [emoji: Medium dark female jugde shitting in a bucket]
trinax: I am here for photograph
BingoBoingo: trinax: mircea_popescu should be awake eventually
trinax: Awesome
douchebag: mircea_popescu: thanks man
mircea_popescu: lol photograph.
mircea_popescu: trinax, ab9efd21. half hour.
mod6: Annnnd sold. mod6 is gonna get a rockport.
mod6: Down to 4 available folks.
mircea_popescu: << the good news is that the test doesn't have to be in uy.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-19 02:08 mod6: BingoBoingo: Yeah, indeed we'll want to set it up in a test network and ensure that it's 100% correct, then plan an outage. Whether we have alf build a thing, or we buy one or whatever. You're on the right track.
ascii_lander: iirc i recommended this : for rockchip users: buy 1 to test on at home, then upload yer image
ascii_lander: ( i'ma post the 'standard' image, when i get home )
mircea_popescu: << i don't usually do shutter-lag sorta stuff ; low light is fine, but then again im tolerant.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-19 02:10 ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: how's shutter lag and low-light performance on the RX100?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, anyway, my usercase is pocket camera. if one wants to shoot movement in a cubic foot on a table at home, that'd conceivably be a diff cam.
mircea_popescu: iirc spyked was getting one too
ascii_lander: ben_vulpes is now equipped with errything he needs to deliver the rockboxen to customers immediately.
ascii_lander: ( or whenever he wakes up )
mircea_popescu: !!u[ lilmzthang
mircea_popescu: !!up lilmzthang
deedbot: lilmzthang voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: doesn't she carry a frown worth a thousand bucks. what do you do for a living lilmzthang , accounts collecting ?
mircea_popescu: !!pau lilmzthang 0.02
mircea_popescu: !!pay lilmzthang 0.02
ckang: she might have stepped out i can try and get her back, give me a min
ascii_lander: phunphakt: rockboxen live in an iron micro-rack junkyard-machined by ascii_lander on the day prior to trip, bent in transit, then hammered back into shape by ascii_lander and BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: Turns out I packed the right hammer when I chase a 12 oz claw for my bag so many months ago
mod6: Get it bronzed.
BingoBoingo: I honestly don't think alf did a less than 15 km day here with yesterday being the short one. The others are all easily over 20 km
ckang: !!up trinax
deedbot: trinax voiced for 30 minutes.
trinax: Sorry marker didn't want to spit ink very well
a111: Logged on 2018-04-19 02:27 ben_vulpes: << turns out you can walk out of icelandic prison and onto a plane
hanbot: so, on this gentoo (4.9.76), i made a user, give it a homedir, it can happily ls files owned by root, checking out /etc like nobody's business, wtf.
mircea_popescu: the hope of "enforcement" by fiatdorks against bitcoin people just became ~0.
mircea_popescu: hanbot, ew.
mircea_popescu: is this your blog ?
hanbot: nop
mircea_popescu: !!pay trinax 0.02
trinax: Thnx luv
mod6: hanbot: typically things like /etc are chmod 755. "Others can read and execute" by default.
mircea_popescu: trinax, cheers.
mircea_popescu: hanbot, yeah, how about something like /proc or i guess /var /usr etc
BingoBoingo: My impressions of the gentoo thus far are that is very much a "some assembly required" product. This has up and down sides which is why eventually we will need to specify something narrower than Gentoo. I look forward to musl'd up cuntoo.
mod6: (which btw, I'm not saying the defaults are good, or bad, just typical across machines i've encountered)
ascii_lander: mod6: most of /etc is 755 on account of being quite often read from userland as part of normal libcism
mod6: (do a `ls -al <dir>` to see the perms on the left most column, e.x. `ls -al /`)
hanbot: everything, baby
mircea_popescu: hanbot, quick solution is to restrict (and immutable) the directory right above the intended home.
mircea_popescu: ie, chmod 700 chown root:user or somesuch.
mircea_popescu: but usually you'd do something like chroot / jailshell them.
mircea_popescu honestly thought this is the default, but apparently gentoo thinks /home should be 755.
BingoBoingo: * mircea_popescu honestly thought this is the default, but apparently gentoo thinks /home should be 755. << Gentoo defaults are a strong case for a cuntoo split, even before getting into V and other Republican causes
hanbot: <mircea_popescu> hanbot, quick solution is to restrict (and immutable) the directory right above the intended home. << actually, if i do that, it tells me permission's denied to land in homedir ("Could not chdir to home directory /home/username/: Permission denied") and dumps me in... /
ascii_lander: BingoBoingo: classical gentoo, with its reliance on maxint external repos , is not long for this world. it'll be cuntoo or nuffin
mircea_popescu: hanbot, well, don't go dropping credentials for "accounts" on that box lol.
BingoBoingo: ascii_lander: At least we still have our cat.
ascii_lander: verily
mircea_popescu: srsly, who the fuck thought this is the way to do things.
trinque: BingoBoingo: what cuntoo is there without v-portage
BingoBoingo: Still, the audacity of the motherfuckers. After being given a perfectly servicable location with a cat. "What street" Oh, their cat is grey how unfortunate for them.
trinque: v-portage is the whole thing.
BingoBoingo: trinque: V-portage is the beef of it yes. Saner defaults can be the cheese.
trinque: where are those sane defaults going to live?
trinque: portage isn't a proggy on gentoo; it is gentoo.
mod6: hanbot: I can help, what are you trying to achieve? Changing /home/username from chmod 755, to chmod 700?
BingoBoingo: !!up tidbitnipply
deedbot: tidbitnipply voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: tidbitnipply: Who is your daddy and what does he do? Also how is your cold tolerance?
tidbitnipply: πŸ™ƒ
trinque: default perms might be in baselayout, or might be in whatever dumps out useradd
tidbitnipply: He is retired
tidbitnipply: I was told to look for mp?
tidbitnipply: Is he around
BingoBoingo: tidbitnipply: He should wake up in the next 24 seconds or 24 hours
BingoBoingo: None may know the timing of the MP... except maybe hanbot... And the idaho girlie... And...
trinque: tell you what, this is why danielpbarron says no women talking in church.
tidbitnipply: Oh please, he wouldn't tell me that in person
trinque: because you're a woman right, and therefore.
ascii_lander: not only would say, but would gag
tidbitnipply: He would be weak at the knees 😍
BingoBoingo: I have yet to meet danielpbarron, but... Knees of iron
trinque already had his fuck for the night. knees are just fine.
tidbitnipply: What century is he stuck in?
BingoBoingo: tidbitnipply: The 23rd
BingoBoingo: Pure relic of the future
trinque: anyhow, we were discussing cuntoo?
trinque: much as being born with a pair of tits is astonishing
trinque: tidbitnipply: wait quietly and I'm sure he'll be around sometime
tidbitnipply: I will wait like a good girl not to disturb mr Daniel
BingoBoingo: trinque: Vortage is the big sell, but saner user toileting defaults could also make it in. Because ain't nobody got time fo dat.
trinque: BingoBoingo: once there's a decent thread on base packages, I'll have a target for minimal set of packages in cuntoo repo, and we can get rolling
BingoBoingo: trinque: Anyways shit like adduser defaults, why dhcpd started on default boot, etc
BingoBoingo: The systemd-isms poison the readability of a lot of useful gentoo problem solution flovored docs
trinque: lemme see what I already sawed off in a chroot on worldeater (plattered RAID box, to be cuntoo distfiles server)
ckang: uggh, systemd makes me sad
ckang: having to deal with systemd and initd just makes me angry
BingoBoingo: Stahp hitting yourself ckang
trinque is willing to go as far as busybox, with mdev, and if you need anything else, you slam down a chroot and do your dirties there
trinque: might be too far, and might severely break portage more than we want to fix at the moment
ckang: The editing of init scripts to change run levels, PITA
ckang: im not sure how to do it otherwise though
trinque: gentoo ships with openrc, and I have nothing bad to say about it
trinque: swapping init is gonna make porting over ebuilds a little harder, which isn't a reason to avoid it by itself, but is a cost.
ckang: not touched gentoo for some...hmmm...god probably 12 years?
ckang: we use RHEL at work and i use debian at home
trinque: k but this isn't a discussion of our favorite distros
ckang: true, but they are all broken thats for sure
ckang: my biggest but dumbest peeve about systemd is the order of the action command
ckang: systemctl stop <service>
ckang: then to start, have to jump over a word and edit, small but still sorta boils my blood every time
trinque: rest assured nobody's bringing systemd, dbus, pulseaudio, et al, alive
ckang: lol pulseaudio
BingoBoingo: OSS or nothing
ckang: i think the most hated driver back in the day when i was dealing with desktop linux was ATI
trinque: I mean alsa's got a mixer, "dmix"
trinque: it was never needed
BingoBoingo: Fuck alsa. OSS
ascii_lander mercilessly ripped audio & gpu out of the rockchip kernel build. because wai.
trinque: it's a kernel decision anyway, I don't care to make it in either direction. server doesn't need sound
trinque: aha
ckang: whats this rockchip yall keep speaking of?
ckang: context sounds like a CPU or a device
ckang: but cant tell
trinque: arm board
ckang: oh like a devkit?
BingoBoingo: * ascii_lander mercilessly ripped audio & gpu out of the rockchip kernel build. because wai. << I am going to have to introduce the word "flensing" to the venezolana en Viernes
BingoBoingo: To describe what kind on ingenero eres
ckang: heh, so many chinese SoC
ckang: how libre are they with documents?
BingoBoingo: ckang: They are the least closed of the candidates considered so far
ckang: ahh, im looking at you broadcom
BingoBoingo: Any deets on what put them in your niggers.txt file?
ckang: lol, they dont come off a lot of stuff, NDAs and such required
ckang: qualcomm is the same
ckang: and unless you are buying bulk, they wont pay attention
mircea_popescu: so she managed 500 lines but still no "hey, i'm here to show my tits" huh.
mircea_popescu: dat coy reflex.
BingoBoingo: Coy as a Koi
ckang: tidbitnipply: ^
ckang: lol
ckang: !!up tidbitnipply
deedbot: tidbitnipply voiced for 30 minutes.
tidbitnipply: Here to show my tits
mircea_popescu: tidbitnipply, 478b80dc.
ascii_lander: ckang: the full (by all indications) set of datashits for rockchip, is on their www. schem for the board is on board maker's www
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