999600;1564347120;shrysr;diana_coman: ok > how do I make the selection to URL thingy work for my blog ?? 999601;1564347360;diana_coman;shrysr: note that there is some trouble in that the original thing (which is working on younghands.club too) relies on the structure that apparently is sometimes different on different browsers; so there is the original thing described at http://trilema.com/2015/that-spiffy-selection-thing/ AND the latest find of the idiotic browser behaviour + a solution for it http://trilema.com/2019/proper-html-linking-the-crisis-the-solution-the-resolution-conclusion/ 999602;1564347480;shrysr;okies.. I will go through that. 999603;1564347720;diana_coman;shrysr: btw, comment on http://younghands.club/2019/07/28/week-2-progress-summary-3/ 999604;1564348080;shrysr;ok i revise my statement to I 'think' that is acceptable. But I don't see the process as external -- I understand that each person has his own process and comes up with a number. But the processes could be totally irrelevant to the other, and I could be potentially blind to this fact despite thorough investigation. If we consider my earlier example, then can the whole process still be considered universal 999605;1564348080;shrysr;as per http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/#selection-215.0-217.125 ? Z need not know Why WoT failed. 999606;1564348140;shrysr;i.e why the whole process failed 999607;1564348140;diana_coman;shrysr: you are still confusing 2 processes there: 1 is "how do I give whatever ratings I give"; 2 is "how do I find out useful information about an unknown party from the wot" 999608;1564348500;diana_coman;both 1 and 2 are universal in the sense that they *apply* to all possible cases (i.e. they cover them) but not in the sense that they consist of predefined steps/recipe 999609;1564348620;diana_coman;the easy analogy is sex - it's universal aka can be done between any 2 people but not in the sense that it's predefined or with the same meaning or whatever other fixed quantity you try to attach to it 999610;1564348680;diana_coman;shrysr: makes sense? 999611;1564349220;shrysr;Ok - yes. you are saying that there are no pre-defined steps for both 1 and 2, and it will vary from person to person, depending on how they use their WoT. Ok. I'm good with that. But - I'm not yet good with the definition of universal in the canonical article selection. 999612;1564349220;shrysr;because it also goes forward to say "...If it worked you know it worked, and of what quality its results are. If it failed you know it failed, and why and how come. " 999613;1564349340;diana_coman;what's your trouble there? 999614;1564349400;diana_coman;"if the sex was satisfactory, you know it was and just *how* satisfactory; if it wasn't, you know it wasn't and why and how come" 999615;1564349520;diana_coman;the point there is: you have the means to *also* evaluate an outcome (yet another process!) 999616;1564349580;diana_coman;or in other words, the *absence* of information is some information in itself in the WoT context 999617;1564349640;diana_coman;at one extreme - if P is not in the WoT, that tells you something about them already 999618;1564349760;shrysr;So in my example, Z would know AFTER his inteaction with P that P does not rock. and does not house exotic whores. But can it be entirely Z's fault that he could not know this before hand via some custom complex procedure in WoT? Can any procedure no matter how complex (connected to data from the WoT) insure him from failure? Can the system Ensure that he will find out WHY it happened? how does it help 999619;1564349760;shrysr;him know that X preferred blondes and Y did not give a shit who/what he fucks - 999620;1564349820;diana_coman;shrysr: ah, so that's your "not fair", the failure-insurance; the world never hands a failure-insurance, there is no such thing 999621;1564350180;diana_coman;the trouble with your Z is that he doesn't have a clear understanding of what "a pimp that rocks" means basically; that's his failure and nothing to do with the WoT; I suppose at one extreme you can think of the WoT as a sort of Oracle - if you ask stupid questions, you'll get useless answers 999622;1564350240;shrysr;oh lol! I did say that Z prepared a questionnaire 999623;1564350240;shrysr;lol 999624;1564350240;diana_coman;but from all your "counterexamples" , he had no idea how to interpret the data basically 999625;1564350360;diana_coman;it's not even that he needs a questionnaire; he just needs to A. clearly define what HE means by "pimp that rocks" B. look for the data that either supports or rejects the hypothesis "P rocks" 999626;1564350420;diana_coman;absence of some required bit of data for "pimp that rocks" is automatically supporting "P does not rock" (some parts may directly imply it even, not just supporting) 999627;1564350480;diana_coman;possibly the usual "exceptionalism" trips you over as in "oh, he IS actually a great pimp, just it so happens he's new and so nobody yet knows him in the WoT" 999628;1564350540;shrysr;yes that too 999629;1564350540;diana_coman;there is no such thing; by the definition of terms, if nobody yet knows him then and THEREFORE he is NOT actually a great pimp 999630;1564350540;diana_coman;he might become one *in the future* 999631;1564350540;diana_coman;but he's not, NOW 999632;1564350540;shrysr;right.. 999633;1564350600;shrysr;ok 999634;1564350840;diana_coman;shrysr: you all right there? lol 999635;1564350900;shrysr;:) yes. 999636;1564350960;diana_coman;good then :) 999637;1564381980;diana_coman;hello tanami , what brings you here? 999638;1564382220;tanami;asciilifeform told me to come here 999639;1564382340;diana_coman;tanami: and you didn't ask why? lol 999640;1564382400;tanami;[11:25] <+asciilifeform> tanami: if you read and find interesting, please join #ossasepia / #asciilifeform and 999641;1564382400;tanami;introduce self there. 999642;1564382400;diana_coman;ok, so introduce yourself 999643;1564382400;tanami;well, it's me -- Tanami 999644;1564382400;diana_coman;a name is not who you are... 999645;1564382400;tanami;I am the chief technology officer of an optoelectronics company and the same for a mobile app startup 999646;1564382460;tanami;and I like to talk on irc 999647;1564382460;diana_coman;sounds busy; what is it you want to get out of the "talk on irc"? 999648;1564382520;tanami;I wouldn't say that I have any particular aim when it comes to chatting on irc 999649;1564382520;tanami;I just like to see what's happening 999650;1564382520;tanami;what is Eulora? 999651;1564382520;diana_coman;well, for "see what's happening" you can simply read the logs e.g. http://btcbase.org/log 999652;1564382580;diana_coman;tanami: mmorpg with actual economy with currency tied to BTC 999653;1564382580;tanami;ah ok, so that is it then 999654;1564382580;tanami;I thought it might be a company with the same name 999655;1564382640;tanami;I like the declension domain name (eulora -> eulorum), very clever 999656;1564382640;diana_coman;the company producing eulora is Minigame; the eulorum wiki is community-made 999657;1564382700;tanami;indeed 999658;1564382820;tanami;anyway, I mostly just joined because I was interested in seeing a cleaner codebase for btc 999659;1564382880;tanami;I don't use cryptocurrency at all, and part of the reason why is because of the bloated and difficult-to-audit codebases running most currencies 999660;1564382940;diana_coman;the thing is that "seeing" as in not doing is not going to get you far around here; there's plenty of spectators and they are worth in the best case ~0 999661;1564383060;tanami;there seems to be a bit of a paranoid vibe going on around here, what's up with that? 999662;1564383060;tanami;I don't think there's anything wrong with people just watching something progress.. 999663;1564384980;diana_coman;tanami: that is probably your own bias so not something I have to answer for; re "just watching" - sure, go read the logs. 999664;1564385040;diana_coman;don't expect people to entertain you on their own time and at their own expense though; watchers have nothing to talk about. 999665;1564385160;diana_coman;and because this is a learning place, I'll add this time for free that "just watching something progress" is pretty much the equivalent of "oh, how nice to watch you work guise, don't mind me, I'm waiting here for you to finish so I can then claim I've been along all the while and we are friends nao, right?" 999666;1564385220;diana_coman;the log is full of more detailed explanations on this and why it won't work so go read it, I won't spend any more time on it; talk back when you are ready to start doing something. 999667;1564412520;shrysr;diana_coman: well I just got mosh set up... lets see how the lag behaves henceforth. 999668;1564412580;shrysr;diana_coman: hey I've learnt a lot observing people do stuff and then imitating + improvising when I do it.. 999669;1564412580;shrysr;hehe I already see a good improvement in typing speed ! I am pleased. 999670;1564412880;diana_coman;shrysr: "and then imitating + improvising" i.e. doing. 999671;1564445280;shrysr;diana_coman: how did you 'find' TMRS, and was game dev something that you were always interested in? 999672;1564445400;shrysr;*TMSR* ... i seem to get it wrong all the time. 999673;1564467600;diana_coman;shrysr: perhaps remember it's a republic, hence R at the end, lolz. 999674;1564468140;diana_coman;as for the rest, there's a long history of my interaction with MP first, before there even was any sort of TMSR (it starts here: http://ossasepia.com/2009/12/18/despre-fantasme/ ) so I suppose you can say I was there from before the beginning. 999675;1564468260;diana_coman;shrysr: re game dev no; the history is in the #eulora logs (logs.minigame.biz) and as a summary to start with http://ossasepia.com/2018/03/30/my-first-2-years-as-cto-for-minigame/ 999676;1564495560;shrysr;okay that was intriguing. In general > is it good to follow the links in the article before reading all of it? I think that I should follow the links, as I read. i.e click on the link, read and then get back to the original. This is to understand the article better. However - it's not working as well as I want it to, especially the topics are entirely new. 999677;1564495560;shrysr;diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2019/07/03/growing-young-hands/#selection-81.325-81.534 > how was this done step by step? Do you write notes as you read or after? 999678;1564496700;shrysr;diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2018/03/30/my-first-2-years-as-cto-for-minigame/#selection-25.2-25.65 how did this 'pop up' and how does your time-log work ? 999679;1564496940;diana_coman;shrysr: eh, that's a bit too intricate to extract it publicly really; let's say it's not all automated though, humans are involved! 999680;1564497000;diana_coman;shrysr: as a rule, whenever you meet something you don't know, you *should* stop and look it up/read it so yes, follow the links 999681;1564497060;diana_coman;it IS true that especially at first this can easily grow into reading 10 days from 1 single post 999682;1564497060;diana_coman;(as a side note, do you see how lulzy the 5 minutes read! thingie on dev.to or whatever other similar nonsense actually is, if one really want to learn something?) 999683;1564497120;diana_coman;but on the other hand, it's the only way to truly gain knowledge as opposed to skimming the surface 999684;1564497120;diana_coman;as a starting compromise, you can basically make your tree of "must read this" and then work on it 999685;1564497120;diana_coman;it will probably first grow more than it shrinks but keep at it and it *will* gradually start decreasing too 999686;1564497240;diana_coman;re http://ossasepia.com/2019/07/03/growing-young-hands/#selection-81.325-81.534 the algorithm is always the very simple and same: make a written (this is mandatory, it HAS TO BE written) plan; start implementing it; review periodically how it's going (and/or change the plan accordingly) 999687;1564497240;diana_coman;hence you know, http://younghands.club/2019/07/28/week-2-progress-summary-3/#comment-4 999688;1564497300;diana_coman;shrysr: by the way, you haven't actually answered ^ 999689;1564497840;shrysr;diana_coman: that comment sort of led me into a tangent.... reviewing the way I 'do things'. 999690;1564497840;diana_coman;re notes, it depends a lot on what I'm reading but in general I tend to take them as I read, yes. 999691;1564498080;diana_coman;shrysr: there are some parts that are universal aka same for everyone: you NEED to look up stuff you don't know rather than skip it; you NEED to write in your own words as it helps you structure and go deeper; you NEED to plan in writing and in concrete steps as otherwise inevitably it will "slide" (aka you'll lie to yourself one way or another); 999692;1564498200;diana_coman;then again there are some parts that in time you'll cut out the way that works for you: e.g. physically write notes or not; what tools to use. 999693;1564498320;diana_coman;shrysr: the core of it is simple really (and TOO much focus on tools and structuring and whatnot is quite often a way to avoid the work) - concrete steps (e.g. "I'll write 500 words daily", "I'll read all about and related to the WoT on TMSR blogs"; do without fail what you set out in your plan; compare results with expected results and feed that back into "making a plan" for next item 999694;1564498380;diana_coman;shrysr: from your work so far I'd say you are still jumping about a bit too much; I let it be for now as it's all the excitment of new and there's a lot to get in but soon you'll have to settle down a bit for the longer term 999695;1564498440;diana_coman;because you risk burning out as it were, if you keep going on in this butterfly-mode 999696;1564498440;diana_coman;if you need to, maintain also the tree of what you want to add in as soon as there is some opening for it, sure 999697;1564498500;diana_coman;but do get some focus and stick with it. 999698;1564498620;diana_coman;shrysr: understand that there's no rush; as you can see, I've been around for a while and TMSR has been around for a while so it's not one of those "get it now, latest buzz" thing 999699;1564498680;shrysr;exactly.... i was just typing about burn out. I follow a rigorous time chunking schedule with 'control' and then after some time.. its depressing to think abt control and I slip. Sometimes I slip such that I forget most of what I've (ever) done, before 'bouncing back', but its pointless because I've lost the flow and thought process. 999700;1564498740;diana_coman;shrysr: so you know, leave that part to me since you want to learn with me: stick to what I set for you to do and only that; write anything "new and shiny" in the "I might be interested in this" but do NOT just follow it blindly