1000000;1600536231;asciilifeform;cheers. 1000001;1600536272;thimbronion;nice! 1000002;1600538005;thimbronion;!ticker xbtusd 1000003;1600538005;lekythion;Kraken XBTUSD: 11075.70000 1000004;1600544059;thimbronion;asciilifeform: I'm running my indexer again - plz inform me if you get any more robots.txt spam - you should *not* see more than a couple recent robots.txt requests. 1000005;1600544110;asciilifeform;ok 1000006;1600570938;asciilifeform;thimbronion: generally i rec that folx set up loggers, cuz 'moar is merrier'; would be great, for instance, if there was someone other than me logging #therealbitcoin 1000007;1600575861;thimbronion;asciilifeform: 1000008;1600575867;thimbronion;asciilifeform: is there a guide? 1000009;1600615752;thimbronion;There is this: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3452 1000010;1600615933;asciilifeform;thimbronion: the included readme has instructions 1000011;1600616157;asciilifeform;thimbronion: don't overlook the recently included wsgi config. makes for faster operation and easier setup, simply needs the apache plugin 1000012;1600616203;asciilifeform;thimbronion: also you probably know that other folx published own loggers. can try these (i haven't, hate php) 1000013;1600616248;asciilifeform;fwiw mine displays chinesium correctly.. 1000014;1600616274;thimbronion;asciilifeform: I have my own logger as well - yours is better. 1000015;1600616354;thimbronion;!ticker xbtusd 1000016;1600616355;lekythion;Kraken XBTUSD: 10873.10000 1000017;1600626220;adlai;is the study of mandarin the sole and primary purpose of this channel? 1000018;1600626420;*;adlai would assume that the answer is affirmative, if the topic began with "Mandarin Chinese Study", although that being just another noun phrase leaves the ambiguities 1000019;1600626908;adlai;http://thimbron.com/category/alethepedia/ is woefully cryptic, and only evokes "My child, how have you come to be so lost?", a quote that naturally tells more of my contexts than yours. 1000020;1600627463;adlai;!s lekythion 1000021;1600627463;lekythion;9 results 1000022;1600627464;lekythion;http://thimbron.com/2020/06/lekythion-search-bot-source/ 1000023;1600627464;lekythion;Lekythion Search Bot Source �� Thimbron 1000024;1600627464;lekythion;I am publishing the current source for the *lekythion* search bot here for anyone who may be interested. If anyone should later be interested... 1000025;1600627464;lekythion;...happening, but the offer stands. Also, *lekythion* now gets an updated... 1000026;1600627465;lekythion;http://thimbron.com/2020/05/lekythion-search-update-additional-blogs-and-other-things/ 1000027;1600627467;lekythion;Lekythion search update: additional blogs and other things �� Thimbron 1000028;1600627468;lekythion;I���ve added several new blogs to *lekythion*���s search feature, including: trinque.org loper-os.org thimbron.com ossasepia.com fixpoint.welshcomputing.com billymg.com ztkfg.com qntra.net I intend to add... 1000029;1600627469;lekythion;All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=_4Co 1000030;1600627502;adlai;!s alethepedia 1000031;1600627502;lekythion;0 results 1000032;1600627563;*;adlai concludes, in answer to his own question, that #alethepedia isomorphs into #lekythion-meta 1000033;1600627688;asciilifeform;i see eggog glyphs btw, in the log www, in place of whatever was supposed to appear e.g. b/w 'Source' and 'Thimbron' & 3 other positions 1000034;1600627798;adlai;thimbronion's blog uses supraasciiial quote characters 1000035;1600627810;asciilifeform;adlai: right, but utf8 normally renders 1000036;1600627847;asciilifeform;see [http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2017-07-14#1683814][e.g.] 1000037;1600627847;snsabot;(trilema) 2017-07-14 asciilifeform: oblig: 'Штирлиц встал утром спозаранку и отодрал на окне занавеску. Он не знал, что Позаранку и Занавеску были румынскими разведчицами...' 1000038;1600627918;*;adlai is still an "ascii as single charset"-tard within IRC, fwiw; and almost always has been. 1000039;1600627982;adlai;iirc, didn't bother reconfiguring locales 1000040;1600628056;asciilifeform;chinesium, last i saw, [http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2017-07-15#1684293][also renders] , when properly utf8 1000041;1600628056;snsabot;(trilema) 2017-07-15 asciilifeform: they wanna say 妓 -- let'em be stuck saying 32 bytes (16x16 bit matrix, more than enough for any hierohorror) rather than 2 bytes !!! 1000042;1600628152;adlai;i'm fairly certain that the kolmogrov complexity of commands to the vocal apparatus, along with an interlaced tonal derivative, would be lower than "let's reimplement metafont" 1000043;1600628281;adlai;e.g., a recent IPA character set fit within a single A5 printout, that was the officially recommended 'cheat sheet' for the recent 'modern linguistics for non-liberal-arts students' class that I almost failed 1000044;1600628569;adlai;http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-09-19#1021962 << 1000045;1600628569;snsabot;(asciilifeform) 2020-09-19 snsabot: Logged on 2020-09-18 22:41:37 adlai: well there are always delusional interpretations, that often only strengthen a preexisting delusion; a sane interpretation is "ideas outlive people, similarly to how people outlive cells, provided that a process retains the structure" 1000046;1600628650;*;adlai precisely once ate enough psilocybin to get the orthogonality of stops and nonstops collided into the conscious part of the brain. this is beyond the recommended maximal dose, although nonlethal, and the idea does outlive the person. 1000047;1600628787;*;adlai wil lurk here for a while, primarily due to interest in the lekythion bot; babylon-samsara is already quite noisy, with studying arabic and russian simultaneously. 1000048;1600631420;thimbronion;adlai: This channel is mostly about lekythion, secondarily about alethepedia, and tertially about mandarin chinese study. If gregorynyssa ever joins, there will be many great discussions of Chinese languages to be had. 1000049;1600631727;thimbronion;lol tertiarily?? 1000050;1600639036;asciilifeform;http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-09-20#1000042 << cn hieroglyphs do not map 1:1 to sounds tho 1000051;1600639036;snsabot;Logged on 2020-09-20 14:55:52 adlai: i'm fairly certain that the kolmogrov complexity of commands to the vocal apparatus, along with an interlaced tonal derivative, would be lower than "let's reimplement metafont" 1000052;1600639062;asciilifeform;iirc not even within a particular given dialect. 1000053;1600644454;thimbronion;!s junger 1000054;1600644455;lekythion;0 results 1000055;1600654366;thimbronion;!s lekythion 1000056;1600654367;lekythion;9 results 1000057;1600654367;lekythion;http://thimbron.com/2020/06/lekythion-search-bot-source/ 1000058;1600654367;lekythion;Lekythion Search Bot Source « Thimbron 1000059;1600654367;lekythion;I am publishing the current source for the *lekythion* search bot here for anyone who may be interested. If anyone should later be interested... 1000060;1600654367;lekythion;...happening, but the offer stands. Also, *lekythion* now gets an updated... 1000061;1600654369;lekythion;http://thimbron.com/2020/05/lekythion-search-update-additional-blogs-and-other-things/ 1000062;1600654370;lekythion;Lekythion search update: additional blogs and other things « Thimbron 1000063;1600654371;lekythion;I’ve added several new blogs to *lekythion*’s search feature, including: trinque.org loper-os.org thimbron.com ossasepia.com fixpoint.welshcomputing.com billymg.com ztkfg.com qntra.net I intend to add... 1000064;1600654372;lekythion;All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=pfJE 1000065;1600654388;thimbronion;eggog fixed ^ 1000066;1600654430;thimbronion;The current index only has thimbron.com, the full index is still being built. 1000067;1600702679;asciilifeform;oh hey [http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-09-20#1000058][fixed the glyph] in the [http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-09-20#1000023][earlier] item ? what was the underlying bug ? 1000068;1600702679;snsabot;Logged on 2020-09-20 22:12:47 lekythion: Lekythion Search Bot Source « Thimbron 1000069;1600702679;snsabot;Logged on 2020-09-20 14:44:24 lekythion: Lekythion Search Bot Source �� Thimbron 1000070;1600704906;thimbronion;asciilifeform: My understanding of the issue is fuzzy, but I had to explicitly specify the encoding as UTF-8 when rendering strings, which I guess implies the default encoding is not that. 1000071;1600704930;asciilifeform;a. was curious what the default was. 1000072;1600705090;thimbronion;When I get the chance I will do a little debugging and see what the original encoding was. 1000073;1600705185;asciilifeform;thimbronion: ty. and lemme know if again notice unibarf artifacts in log. ( tho i'm quite certain all encodings that actually occur on reasonably-configured box in fact render properly -- could be wrong ) 1000074;1600705261;asciilifeform;thimbronion: is most chinesium utf8-compat.? (afaik -- is, all of the examples i've dug up from old logs appear to render) 1000075;1600705448;thimbronion;asciilifeform: Most of the chinesium I see is in either the browser or on a mobile device. I haven't ever had to select some weird encoding from the view menu (or wherever it was) in many years, so I suspect yes. 1000076;1600705487;asciilifeform;aite. 1000077;1600706516;thimbronion;adlai: this is the origin of http://alethepedia.com, which is still very much a work in progress: http://thimbron.com/2020/05/rule-britannica/ 1000078;1600710430;thimbronion;!s junger 1000079;1600710431;lekythion;8 results 1000080;1600710431;lekythion;https://cr.yp.to/export.html 1000081;1600710431;lekythion;Bernstein v. United States 1000082;1600710431;lekythion;D. J. Bernstein Bernstein v. United States Introduction Internet security Summary of the regulations Summary of the case status... 1000083;1600710432;lekythion;...includes information on Karn and *Junger*, two court cases similar... 1000084;1600710433;lekythion;http://ingeb.org/Lieder/werhatau.html 1000085;1600710434;lekythion;Das Lied vom Deutschen U-Boot Mann / Wer hat auf dieser Erde free midi mp3 download Strand Hotel Sechelt bed breakfast 1000086;1600710435;lekythion;...mit der Blockade an. Ja denkste *junger* Mann, wie man sich täuschen... 1000087;1600710436;lekythion;...einfach kaufen kann. Ja denkste *junger* Mann, wie man sich täuschen... 1000088;1600710437;lekythion;...ihn retten kann. Ja denkste *junger* Mann, wie man sich täuschen kann... 1000089;1600710438;lekythion;All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=IMil 1000090;1600710480;thimbronion;adlai: The index is fully built as of now. Still not sure how it was deleted last time, but I'll be making a backup. 1000091;1600710582;thimbronion;!s poettering 1000092;1600710583;lekythion;100 results 1000093;1600710583;lekythion;http://qntra.net/2019/09/systemds-poettering-wants-to-break-linux-user-management-to-suspend-his-laptop/ 1000094;1600710583;lekythion;SystemD's Poettering Wants To Break Linux User Management To Suspend His Laptop | Qntra 1000095;1600710583;lekythion;SystemD wrecking artist Lennart *Poettering* has proposed a substantial... 1000096;1600710583;lekythion;...ssh authentication. Typical of *Poettering* efforts this latest... 1000097;1600710584;lekythion;...purely constructed dilemmas, like *Poettering's* supposed aversion... 1000098;1600710585;lekythion;https://thenewstack.io/unix-greatest-inspiration-behind-systemd/ 1000099;1600710586;lekythion;Lennart Poettering on systemd’s Tumultuous Ascendancy – The New Stack 1000100;1600710587;lekythion;...Development / Open Source Lennart *Poettering* on systemd’s... 1000101;1600710588;lekythion;...sense to me.” — Lennart *Poettering* In part, *Poettering* wrote... 1000102;1600710590;lekythion;...bullshit thing.” — Lennart *Poettering* *Poettering*, as usual... 1000103;1600710590;lekythion;All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=yS7w 1000104;1600730782;adlai;!s aletheometry 1000105;1600730783;lekythion;0 results 1000106;1600730788;adlai;!s golden AND compass 1000107;1600730789;lekythion;22 results 1000108;1600730789;lekythion;https://www.kickstarter.com/blog/potato-salad-by-the-numbers 1000109;1600730789;lekythion;Potato Salad: By the Numbers — Kickstarter KickstarterLine iconalert iconArtboard Copy 8arrow-down iconarrow-downarrow-left iconarrow-leftarrow-point-left iconFill 1 Copy 5arrow-point-right iconFill 1arrow-right iconarrow-rightarrow-up-right iconicon--arrow-up-right copybanner iconRectangle 2bar-chart iconArtboard Copy 6bell iconCombined Shape Copy 5book iconArtboard Copy 3bookmark iconFill 1brand-assets iconArtboard Copy 13cart ... 1000110;1600730789;lekythion;... iconArtboard Copy 4chat iconchatcheck iconFill 1 Copy 6circle-back iconFill 1 Copy 13circle-forward iconFill 1 Copy 16circle-k iconcircle-kcircle-left iconcircle-leftcircle-right iconcircle-rightclipboard iconArtboard Copy 12clock iconCombined Shapeclose iconcloseclosed-caption iconFill 1compass iconCombined Shape Copy 2conversion iconconversiondelta-down iconFill 1delta-left icondelta-right iconFill 1delta-up iconFill 1duplicate ... 1000111;1600730789;lekythion;... iconduplicateembed iconCombined Shape Copy 6eye iconCombined Shape Copy 12facebook-contained iconFacebook Containedfacebook iconFacebook logoflag iconFill 1 Copy 3gear iconFill 1 Copy 14global-africa iconFill 1 Copy 9global-america iconFill 1 Copy 10global-asia ic 1000112;1600730790;lekythion;... iconicon--alerticon--arrow-down iconicon--arrow-downicon--arrow-left iconicon--arrow-lefticon--arrow-right iconicon--arrow-righticon--arrow-up-right iconicon--arrow-up-righticon--arrow-up iconicon--arrow-upicon--backer-badge iconicon--backer-badgeicon--bell iconicon--bellicon--bolt iconicon--bolticon--bookmark-outline iconicon--bookmark-outlineicon--bookmark iconicon--bookmarkicon--calculator iconicon--calculatoricon--calendar-check ... 1000113;1600730791;lekythion;... iconicon--calendar-checkicon--calendar iconicon--calendaricon--campaign-outline iconicon--campaign-outlineicon--check iconicon--checkicon--chevron-down iconicon--chevron-downicon--chevron-left iconicon--chevron-lefticon--chevron-right iconicon--chevron-righticon--chevron-up iconicon--chevron-upicon--circle-around iconicon--circle-aroundicon--circle-back iconicon--circle-backicon--circle-forward iconicon--circle-forwardicon--circle-loader ... 1000114;1600730792;lekythion;... iconPage 1icon--circle iconicon--clipboard iconicon--clipboardicon--clock iconicon--clockicon--closed-caption iconicon--closed-captionicon--code iconicon--codeicon--collapse iconicon--collapseicon--commissions iconicon--commissionsicon--compass iconicon--compassicon--confirmation iconicon--confirmationicon--conversion iconicon-conversionicon--cpu iconicon--curve-right iconicon--curve-righticon--cross iconicon--crossicon--delta-down ... 1000115;1600730793;lekythion;... iconicon--delta-downicon--delta-left iconicon--delta-lefticon--delta-right iconicon--delta-righticon--delta-up iconicon--delta-upicon--download iconicon--downloadicon--ellipsis iconicon--expand iconicon--expandicon--external iconicon--externalicon--eye iconicon--eyeicon--facebook iconicon--facebookicon--filter iconicon--filtericon--flag iconicon--flagicon--frown-filled iconicon--frown iconicon--gear iconicon--gearicon--globe-africa ... 1000116;1600730794;lekythion;... iconicon--globe-africaicon--globe-america iconicon--globe-americaicon--globe-asia iconicon--globe-asiaicon--graph-bar iconicon--graph-baricon--graph-line iconicon--graph-lineicon--happy-filled iconicon--happy iconicon--heart-outline iconicon--heart outlineicon--heart-thin-outline iconFill 1icon--heart iconicon--hearticon--home iconicon--homeicon--home-with-door iconicon--human iconicon--humanicon--humans iconicon--humansicon--image ... 1000117;1600730795;lekythion;... iconicon--imageicon--inbox iconicon--inboxicon--info iconicon--infoicon--instagram iconicon/instagramicon--lightbulb iconicon--lightbulbicon--link iconicon--linkicon--lock-black-bg iconlock-iconicon--lock iconicon--lockicon--mail iconicon--mailicon--meh-filled iconicon--meh iconicon--menu iconicon--menuicon--message iconicon--messageicon--mobile iconicon--mobileicon--overflow iconicon--overflowicon--pause iconicon--pauseicon--pencil ... 1000118;1600730796;lekythion;... iconicon--pencilicon--pin iconicon--pinicon--pinterest iconicon--pinteresticon--play iconicon--playicon--plus-human iconicon--plus-humanicon--plus iconicon--plusicon--prohibit iconicon--prohibiticon--project-budget iconicon--pull-quote iconicon--pull-quoteicon--question-filled iconicon--question-filledicon--question iconicon--questionicon--reorder iconicon-reordericon--reply iconicon--replyicon--save iconicon--saveicon--saved ... 1000119;1600730798;lekythion;... iconicon--savedicon--search iconicon--searchicon--section-break iconicon--section-breakicon--small-k iconicon--sound-hi iconicon--sound-hiicon--sound-lo iconicon--sound-loicon--sound-mute iconicon--sound-muteicon--star-outline iconStar Outlineicon--star iconicon--staricon--subtitles-captions iconicon--subtitles-captionsicon--text-bold iconicon--text-boldicon--text-bullet iconicon--text-bulleticon--text-italic ... 1000120;1600730799;lekythion;... iconicon--text-italicicon--textalign-centered iconicon--textalign-centeredicon--textalign-right iconicon--textalign-righticon--thumbs-down iconicon--thumbs-downicon--thumbs-up iconicon--thumbs-upicon--thumbsdown-outline iconicon--thumbsdown-outlineicon--thumbsup-outline iconicon--thumbsup-outlineicon--trash iconicon--trashicon--tumblr iconicon--tumblricon--twitter iconicon--twittericon--unlink iconArtboardicon--unlock ... 1000121;1600730800;lekythion;... iconicon--unlockicon--update-freeform-round iconicon--update-freeform-roundicon--update-freeform iconicon--update-freeformicon--update-pinned iconArtboardicon--update-qa-round iconicon--update-qa-roundicon--update-qa iconicon--update-qaicon--upload iconicon--uploadicon--video iconicon--videoicon--youtube iconicon--youtubeicon-imagealign-center iconicon-imagealign-centericon-imagealign-left iconicon-imagealign-lefticon-imagealign-right ... 1000122;1600730801;lekythion;... iconicon-imagealign-rightinfo iconCombined Shape Copyinstagram iconinstagram copykickstarter iconArtboard Copy 5leaf iconleaflightbulb iconicon--lightbulblink iconCombined Shape Copy 8loading-spin iconlock iconCombined Shape Copy 4mail iconCombined Shapemap-pin iconFill 1menu iconGroupmessage iconFill 1 Copy 12mobile iconPage 1 Copy 2pause iconpause copypencil iconCombined Shape Copy 3pin iconCombined Shape Copy 11pinterest ... 1000123;1600730802;lekythion;... iconpinterestplay iconplay copyplus-human iconicon--plus-humanplus iconFill 1 Copy 7question iconCombined Shape Copy 14search iconFill 1 Copy 11shapeshift iconshare iconFill 1 Copyslash iconsolid-arrow iconsolid-arrowsound-hi iconCombined Shapesound-lo iconCombined Shapesound-mute iconCombined Shapestar iconFill 1 Copy 2stopwatch iconGroup 2thumbs-up iconShapetools iconShapetrash iconCombined Shapetumblr icontumblr copytwitter icontwitter ... 1000124;1600730803;lekythion;... copyuser iconArtboard Copy 10volume-up iconArtboard Copy 9warning iconCombined Shape Copy 10write iconArtboard Copy 11x iconFill 1 Copy 4youtube iconCombined Shape 1000125;1600730804;lekythion;...keeps doing that, everything is *golden*. Besides, it was *my* $25... 1000126;1600730805;lekythion;...close closed-caption icon Fill 1 *compass* icon Combined Shape Copy 2... 1000127;1600730806;lekythion;...icon--commissions icon--*compass* icon icon--*compass* icon--confirmation... 1000128;1600730807;lekythion;https://grouponvouchersettlement.com/ 1000129;1600730808;lekythion;Group On Voucher Settlement - We set you thinking 1000130;1600730809;lekythion;...next project. The *Golden* *Compass* The *Golden* *Compass* is the latest... 1000131;1600730810;lekythion;...prominently in the story, The *Golden* *Compass* is a passable adventure... 1000132;1600730811;lekythion;...great future in film. The *Golden* *Compass* ends with an obvious intro... 1000133;1600730812;lekythion;All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=TWEI 1000134;1600730884;adlai;!s aletheometer 1000135;1600730885;lekythion;0 results 1000136;1600730904;adlai;!s "electric sheep" 1000137;1600730905;lekythion;4 results 1000138;1600730905;lekythion;https://archive.org/details/Mondo.2000.Issue.03.1991 1000139;1600730905;lekythion;Mondo 2000 - Issue 03 : Mondo 2000 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet ArchiveInternet Archive logoSearch iconSearch iconUpload iconUser iconWeb iconTexts iconVideo iconAudio iconSoftware iconImages iconDonate iconEllipses iconHamburger iconDonate icon 1000140;1600730905;lekythion;Skip to main content See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive Internet Archive logo A line drawing of the Internet Archive... 1000141;1600730905;lekythion;...Nick HerbertDo G-men Dream of *Electric Sheep*? - R. U. Sirius & George... 1000142;1600730906;lekythion;http://www.electricsheepcomix.com/almostguy/ 1000143;1600730907;lekythion;The Guy I Almost Was | Graphic Novel by Patrick Sean Farley 1000144;1600730908;lekythion;The Guy I Almost Was Loading images... Chapter 1: If This Van's a-Rockin' Don't Bother Knockin' Friday Night, October 1978 This much I knew... 1000145;1600730909;lekythion;...Farley First published in *Electric Sheep* Comix, October 1998. Revised... 1000146;1600730910;lekythion;All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=RY-V 1000147;1600730989;*;adlai wonders where, between 'one line of icon spam' and 'screenfull of wwwwhatthefuck', is a plausible cutoff 1000148;1600731053;adlai;!s sheeple 1000149;1600731055;lekythion;59 results 1000150;1600731055;lekythion;http://trilema.com/2011/sex-in-the-city-of-sheeple/ 1000151;1600731055;lekythion;Sex in the city of sheeple on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. 1000152;1600731055;lekythion;http://trilema.com/2012/idiots-and-socialists-kill-people-armed-citizens-save-lives/ 1000153;1600731055;lekythion;Idiots and socialists kill people. Armed citizens save lives. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. 1000154;1600731056;lekythion;Simple story : dumbass goes into movie theater looking for his girlfriend. He doesn't find her, so he pulls a gun and starts firing... 1000155;1600731057;lekythion;...no-gun place filled with no-gun *sheeple*, some other idiot butchered... 1000156;1600731058;lekythion;All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=seN0 1000157;1600731328;adlai;eh, I guess that one is a little unfair, since the software in question is nearly linkrot to death, and it is perhaps unreasonable to expect the crawler to detect that a redirect is not malicious. 1000158;1600732753;thimbronion;adlai: there is a huge amount of linkrot. 1000159;1600732851;thimbronion;and archive.is has blocked my crawler. 1000160;1600733173;adlai;after retrospect, I am mildly surprised that a github repository showed up so high for that query... although the precise mistake is quite amusing 1000161;1600733481;thimbronion;adlai: this is the query syntax: https://lucene.apache.org/core/2_9_4/queryparsersyntax.html 1000162;1600733566;thimbronion;The url field is called host, I think - don't remember atm 1000163;1600733645;adlai;for 'WoT search', that might be less relevant than 'boosting', or deprecating, the promoter 1000164;1600733723;thimbronion;adlai: hm yes - indeed. 1000165;1600735053;*;adlai is unsure how orthogonal that is, to http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-09-21#1022057 , and to the protocol context ( e.g. irc, blogs - posts and comments are different contexts, etc ) 1000166;1600735053;snsabot;(asciilifeform) 2020-09-21 thimbronion: asciilifeform: no frequency counting currently. Easy enough to ignore search urls though. 1000167;1600735224;thimbronion;adlai: I assume asciilifeform's search already allows some way to limit searches to a specific nick. lekythion could potentially improve results by associating the nick with the urls indexed in lines containing the nick. 1000168;1600735279;thimbronion;Could also associate identities with urls indexed from blogs belonging to said identities. 1000169;1600735319;thimbronion;As of now, only blogs themselves are indexed, not outgoing links, to be clear, but this is easy to change. 1000170;1600735426;adlai;since you already plan to index the irc channels at some frequency, I will stand by my [earlier decision][http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-05-29#1013432], and will only link to that site if I consider a specific page relevant. 1000171;1600735426;snsabot;(asciilifeform) 2020-05-29 adlai: seriously, read yourself to death in the the NYTimes tech blogs before you go looking for anything 'tech' in my site. it is, and always will be, almost entirely bounded by mathematics of no practical utility on one side, regrets from my own mistakes on a second side, and possibly a few different forms of fiction in the remaining hyperplanes 1000172;1600735789;adlai;the wot is currently quite small, and almost entirely devoid of schism ; judging from the past decade, although it is unlikely to grow rapidly, there could often be situations where distrust can lead to sharply differing results, when searching for concepts close to it 1000173;1600735904;*;adlai suspects that will not happen, as long as there is a common forum, even if that forum includes fueds of the 'vow to kill upon sight' variety 1000174;1600736112;adlai;thimbronion: there is http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log-search?q=guitar+from%3Awhaack&chan=all 1000175;1600739423;adlai;thimbronion: I am going to toss a few more search terms in #exusiae, intentionally outside the logged channel to reduce clutter 1000176;1600740383;thimbronion;adlai: you can directly message the bot 1000177;1600741663;adlai;good to know, thank you 1000178;1600741743;adlai;thimbronion: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=STQQ contains yet another example of headache due to the reduction of html to plain text, i.e. the list of channels becoming one word 1000179;1600741777;*;adlai has no good solution for this, other than "doctor doctor, it hurts everywhere I touch // yes, your finger is broken" 1000180;1600743657;thimbronion;adlai: I was able to customize the configurations for the blogs to only index articles, and not everything surrounding. I can likewise customize the indexer for logs.nosuchlabs.com. I am puzzled as to how those links got in the index though, since I'm not yet indexing logs.nosuchlabs.com. 1000181;1600743907;thimbronion;Oh - hm yeah those links must be from #trilema, makes sense - there must have been some links to logs.nosuchlabs.com before #trilema was closed. 1000182;1600744071;thimbronion;Anyway, for logs.nosuchlabs.com, or any log presented by the same underlying logger, this won't be a problem later on. I'm going to switch to those logs as a top level source and customize the indexer for them specifically. As far as rando sites go - that is tough. 1000183;1600744512;thimbronion;I suspect the readability can also be improved with better presentation via a custom website for displaying results. 1000184;1600755153;adlai;please don't build yet another custom website; the cognitive consonance of encountering your project, shortly after the copyright holder known as Prince Trippy states that source code modifications will be made available in port seventy, is almost enough to justify yet another variation on the corpus collostomy 1000185;1600755169;adlai;!s collostomy 1000186;1600755169;lekythion;0 results 1000187;1600755173;adlai;!s callosum 1000188;1600755174;lekythion;2 results 1000189;1600755174;lekythion;http://ossasepia.com/2015/01/22/balansoarul-stanga-dreapta/ 1000190;1600755174;lekythion;Balansoarul stanga-dreapta « Ossa Sepia 1000191;1600755174;lekythion;Aveam vreo 5 ani cand mi-am pus mana stanga la treaba fix ca pe dreapta pe motiv ca “ii dau sa manance la fel”. Motiv care a starnit... 1000192;1600755174;lekythion;...terminatii nervoase, manunchi numit Corpus *Callosum*. Acum in schimb... 1000193;1600755175;lekythion;http://trilema.com/2010/stiinta-si-pseudostiinta/ 1000194;1600755176;lekythion;Stiinta si pseudostiinta on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. 1000195;1600755177;lekythion;Aveti alaturi o imagine care reprezinta o domnisoara bine crescuta (in sensul fizic al termenului, ca social vorbind e cam prea nuda pentru... 1000196;1600755178;lekythion;...unite printr-o gatuitura (corpus *callosum*). De cand cu aparatele de... 1000197;1600755179;lekythion;All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=EK-z 1000198;1600755237;adlai;ah yes, the friendly neighborhood psychiatrist, and his doctorate-wielding she-pope 1000199;1600755261;adlai;!s bicameral 1000200;1600755262;lekythion;19 results 1000201;1600755262;lekythion;http://trilema.com/2014/the-bicameral-world-in-one-room-the-city-dump-in-the-other-room-the-starred-restaurant-do-these-talk-to-each-other-read-on-to-find-out/ 1000202;1600755262;lekythion;The bicameral world : in one room, the city dump. In the other room, the starred restaurant. Do these talk to each other ? Read on to find out! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. 1000203;1600755262;lekythion;Her Oh and re that *bicameral* mind thing - I remember you telling me about it before, tho I don't remember the context. Anyway it's a pretty intersting theory, but some of the guy's support for it doesn't make... 1000204;1600755262;lekythion;http://thimbron.com/2019/09/julian-jaynes/ 1000205;1600755263;lekythion;Julian Jaynes « Thimbron 1000206;1600755264;lekythion;Julian Jaynes had a very interesting theory concerning the *Bicameral* Mind. This theory is that in earlier pre-conscious ages, men literally... 1000207;1600755265;lekythion;...written more about the remnants of the *bicameral* mind in primitive... 1000208;1600755266;lekythion;All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=1QY7 1000209;1600755331;adlai;thimbronion: please consider linking to IRC logs, instead of that trilema article, from your blog post's anchor containing the text 'logs' 1000210;1600756242;adlai;whether to prefer links to specific log lines instead of linking to [perhaps an archived copy of the results of] one of the log searches, is left as an exercise for thimbronion :) 1000211;1600756454;adlai;my preference for policies that cultivate your tree of knowledge into the shape of a directed acyclic graph of conversational references, with longer articles on the leaves, is unlikely to require further justification 1000212;1600756543;adlai;'shape' is perhaps the wrong word, although it appears that the source of all words and their incontestable definitions has chased itself away! 1000213;1600756728;adlai;occasionally, the journey towards the trunk is interrupted by reminders that not every [digraph][https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/digraph] is an *acyclic* [directed graph][https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/digraph] 1000214;1600782559;thimbronion;http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-09-22#1000184 << I wish I knew what everything after the semicolon meant. 1000215;1600782559;snsabot;Logged on 2020-09-22 02:12:33 adlai: please don't build yet another custom website; the cognitive consonance of encountering your project, shortly after the copyright holder known as Prince Trippy states that source code modifications will be made available in port seventy, is almost enough to justify yet another variation on the corpus collostomy 1000216;1600791972;asciilifeform;http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-09-21#1000170 << adlai, the syntax (it hasn't changed since phf introduced it) for log links is [link][annotation] . 1000217;1600791972;snsabot;Logged on 2020-09-21 20:43:46 adlai: since you already plan to index the irc channels at some frequency, I will stand by my [earlier decision][http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-05-29#1013432], and will only link to that site if I consider a specific page relevant. 1000218;1600792024;asciilifeform;thimbronion: i've added lekythion to the bot colourization list. 1000219;1600792053;asciilifeform;http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-09-21#1000167 << syntax is f:anysubstringofnick (and worx in conjunction w/ any other search terms) 1000220;1600792053;snsabot;Logged on 2020-09-21 20:40:24 thimbronion: adlai: I assume asciilifeform's search already allows some way to limit searches to a specific nick. lekythion could potentially improve results by associating the nick with the urls indexed in lines containing the nick. 1000221;1600792107;asciilifeform;http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-09-21#1000182 << i'd really like folx to use the (hourly! updated! 24/7/365!) db dump 1000222;1600792107;snsabot;Logged on 2020-09-21 23:07:51 thimbronion: Anyway, for logs.nosuchlabs.com, or any log presented by the same underlying logger, this won't be a problem later on. I'm going to switch to those logs as a top level source and customize the indexer for them specifically. As far as rando sites go - that is tough. 1000223;1600792166;asciilifeform;( rather than html scrapism ) 1000224;1600794678;thimbronion;asciilifeform: can I get a copy of your log db? 1000225;1600794694;thimbronion;er, rather, how can I get a copy? 1000226;1600795205;asciilifeform;thimbronion: see center link at bottom of pg 1000227;1600795212;asciilifeform;'download hourly db..' 1000228;1600795285;asciilifeform;see [http://btcbase.org/patches/search_all_chans.kv/tree/logotron/nsalog_schem.sql][here] for schema. 1000229;1600795305;asciilifeform;'backlinks' col. is currently not used. 1000230;1600795526;asciilifeform;there's a real-time [http://btcbase.org/patches/raw_line_export.kv#L30]['raw lines'] knob also. it was used in the past for syncing multiple instances of asciilifeform's logger.